Studies of the energy exchange processes in inhomogeneous systems of interacting particles are of considerable interest in different fields of scientific and technological research (plasma physics, biology, polymer physics, etc.) [15]. A number of topical issues concerns the distinctive features of the physical characteristics of ensembles of non-identical particles with different types of pair interaction, as well as different charges, sizes, dielectric constants, etc. [18].

The dusty (complex) plasma is the ionized gas consisting of the micron-sized charged matter particles (dust). Such plasma is widespread in nature and is formed in a number of technological processes [13]. In most theoretical and numerical studies of the dusty plasma properties, the systems of identical dust particles are considered, since they are easier to be mathematically described and easier to be understood. However, under real conditions, the dust structures almost never consist of identical particles. Even in laboratory studies, the monodisperse dust particles can have the different charges and/or stochastic kinetic energies, depending on their spatial location [1, 2].

Most laboratory studies of dusty plasmas are carried out using gas discharges of various types [912]. Usually, in the centers of the gas discharge chambers, the ion density of plasma slightly exceeds its electron density [13]. Due to this fact, the efficient traps for the negatively charged dust particles form [1, 2]. Under such conditions, the stochastic kinetic energy of dust particles (their “kinetic temperature”) can reach the value of ~0.2–5 eV, which is much higher than the temperature of the surrounding gas. The mechanisms for such “anomalous heating” of dust particles are usually associated with the temporal and/or spatial changes in their charges or locations in the inhomogeneous plasma volume [1419]. Since the dust particle charge is determined by the local plasma parameters in its vicinity, the power of energy sources feeding dust particle (and, accordingly, its “kinetic temperature”) can considerably vary in space [1, 2]. The inhomogeneous temperature distribution of the surrounding gas, laser radiation used for plasma diagnosing, etc. can also cause inhomogeneous heating of the particle system.

Fluctuations of the dust particle charges, occurring due to the random nature of the ion and electron currents charging these particles, are inherent to plasmas of all types [1, 2]. For the laboratory gas-discharge plasma, the additional stochastic kinetic energy of any dust particle ΔТf associated with these fluctuations can be written in the following form [1, 1416]:

$$\Delta {{T}_{f}} \approx eQ{{\alpha }^{2}}{{E}^{2}}{\text{/}}(2M\nu \upsilon ).$$

Here Q, М, and ν are the particle charge, mass, and friction coefficient, α ≈ 0.5 is the parameter characterizing the amplitude of the particle charge fluctuations, υ ∝ аd is the characteristic frequency of these fluctuations for a particle with the radius аd, and E is the electric field strength in the system under consideration required for the particle to be in the equilibrium position in the fields of the acting forces. Under the microgravity conditions, the ΔТf value is determined by the charge fluctuations of the surrounding dust cloud particles, EEint ~ Q/d2, where d is the mean distance between the dust particles. For the ground-based laboratory experiments, for which the main external n-on‑electric force is the gravity, we can write as follows: E ≅ Eint + Eext, where EextgM/Q.

The absence of simple theoretical models for describing the energy balance in the systems of non-identical charged particles with the inhomogeneous distribution of heat sources (sources of their stochastic kinetic energy) makes it difficult to analyze the heat transport processes in real systems.

In this paper, we will focus on the heat transport mechanism, which is not associated with the mass transport processes and occurs due to the energy exchange during the stochastic vibrations of individual particles near their equilibrium positions that is impossible in the absence of interaction between the system particles. The distinctive features of energy exchange in the ensembles of non-identical particles are considered under conditions close to those of the laboratory experiments in the gas-discharge plasma. In the case of two interacting particles, the analytical relations are presented, which can be useful for the qualitative analysis of the particle energy exchange processes in the extended systems.

We considered the conditions for the stochastic kinetic energy redistribution in the two-dimensional ensembles with two separated fractions of non-identical particles with different sizes and temperatures. The reasons for the formation of separate fractions of different-sized particles are usually associated with the presence of the thermoforetic forces, \({{F}_{{\text{T}}}} = {{C}_{{\text{T}}}}a_{d}^{2}\nabla {{T}_{n}}\), or the ion drag forces, \({{F}_{{\text{I}}}} = {{C}_{{\text{I}}}}a_{d}^{2}{{u}_{i}}\). Here, ad is the particle radius, ∇Tn is the temperature gradient in the neutral gas (which is directed towards the decreasing temperature Tn), ui is the ion drift velocity (which is directed along the external electric field), and the CT and CI coefficients depend on the external conditions and parameters of the surrounding plasma [1, 2022]. The mentioned forces (FI, FТ) differently depend on the particle size, as compared to the size-dependence the electric field force acting on the charged dust particle, FЕQEad. Due to such directions of the electric fields and the gas temperature gradients, under routine conditions of the gas discharge chambers, both of the mentioned forces (FI, FТ) will additionally contribute to the balance of forces that will weaken the effect of the external electric fields FЕ on the dust particle [13]. The larger is the size of the dust particle, the greater will be this contribution. Thus, in the system consisting of two particle fractions, the larger-sized particles will be located at the periphery of the dust cloud.

In the present work, the external electric field was assumed to be linear. In the theoretical and numerical calculations presented in this work, we assumed that the material density ρ is the same for different fractions of particles, ρ1 = ρ2, i.e. their mass ratio can be written as follows: M1/M2 ∝ (ad1/ad2)3. The particle charges were set in accordance with the approximation of the limited orbit motion: Qiadi [1, 2]; and their friction coefficients were set in accordance with the molecular-free approximation: \({{\nu }_{i}} \propto a_{{di}}^{2}{\text{/}}{{M}_{i}}\) [23]. With allowance for the accepted approximations, the ratio of the additional energies (1) acquired by the dust particles with different sizes (ad1, ad2) due to charge fluctuations can be estimated as follows: \(\Delta T_{f}^{1}{\text{/}}\Delta T_{f}^{2}\) ~ (d2/d1)4 for EintEext; or \(\Delta T_{f}^{1}{\text{/}}\Delta T_{f}^{2}\) ~ (ad1/ad2)2 for Eint ≪ Eext. These estimates are valid, if the gravity is the main non-electric force in the system.


We consider the set of linearized equations of motion describing the deviations of two particles (with charges Q1(2), masses M1(2) and the pair interaction between them) from their equilibrium positions (ξ1, ξ2) in the field of external forces under the action of the random forces Fb1(2), which are the source of the stochastic (thermal) energy of particles:

$${{M}_{1}}\frac{{{{d}^{2}}{{\xi }_{1}}^{{}}}}{{d{{t}^{2}}}} = - v_{1}^{{}}{{M}_{1}}\frac{{d{{\xi }_{1}}}}{{dt}} + {{a}_{1}}{{\xi }_{1}}^{{}} + b{{\xi }_{2}} + F_{{b1}}^{{}},$$
$${{M}_{2}}\frac{{{{d}^{2}}{{\xi }_{2}}^{{}}}}{{d{{t}^{2}}}} = - {{v}_{2}}{{M}_{2}}\frac{{d{{\xi }_{2}}}}{{dt}} + {{a}_{2}}{{\xi }_{2}}^{{}} + b{{\xi }_{1}} + F_{{b2}}^{{}},$$

where ν1(2) are the particle friction coefficients due to their collisions with neutrals of the surrounding gas, and the a1(2) and b coefficients depend on the physics and degree of freedom of the problem under consideration.

Let us consider the vertical configuration of particles (see Fig. 1). Then, for their vertical displacements ξ1(2)= z1(2), the coefficients are as follows: a1(2) = ‒(Q1(2)βz – F ') and b = –F  '. For the radial displacements ξ1(2)= r1(2), the coefficients are as follows: a1(2) = (Q1(2)βr – F/d) and b = F/d. Here, βr and βz are the electric field gradients in the radial and vertical directions, respectively, d is the distance between particles, F is the force of interaction between particles, and F ' is its derivative in the z direction. For the Coulomb int-eraction, we can write: F = Q1Q2/d2; and F  ' = ‒2Q1Q2/d3.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Vertical configuration of two particles interacting in the cylindrically symmetric electric field of the trap E = E(z, r).

The problem of the stable configuration of two identical particles interacting with different types of potentials was considered in [2427]. It was shown that the stability of their vertical configuration is determined by the criterion βr > βz; in the opposite case (βr < βz), the horizontal particle configuration forms. For two particles with different masses, under conditions of the ground-based experiments (where the gravity cannot be neglected), from the conditions of the balance of forces, we obtain the following relation [8]

$$g({{M}_{1}}{{Q}_{2}}-{{M}_{2}}{{Q}_{1}}) + {{Q}_{1}}{{Q}_{2}}{{b}_{z}}d = {\text{ }}({{Q}_{1}} + {{Q}_{2}})F.$$

In this case, the condition for the instability development in such a system can be written as follows [8]:

$$\begin{gathered} {{Q}_{1}}{{Q}_{2}}{{\beta }_{r}} < ({{Q}_{1}} + {{Q}_{2}})F{\text{/}}d \\ = {{Q}_{1}}{{Q}_{2}}{{\beta }_{z}} + g({{M}_{1}}{{Q}_{2}}-{{M}_{2}}{{Q}_{1}}){\text{/}}d. \\ \end{gathered} $$

For M1(2)M and Q1(2)Q, in accordance with the above criterion, this condition takes the form of βr < βz. The studies of the conditions (4) for the development of instabilities at different problem parameters are presented in [8].

To find the correlators of the particle velocities and displacements in the set of Eqs. (2a)–(2b), we note that the correlators of the Fb1(2) random force obey the following equations: 〈Fb1〉 = 〈Fb2〉 ≡ 0, 〈Fb1Fb2〉 = 0, 〈Fb1V2〉 = 〈Fb2V1〉 ≡ 0, 〈Fb1ξ2〉 = 〈Fb2ξ1〉 ≡ 0, 〈Fb1ξ1〉 = 〈Fb2ξ2〉 ≡ 0, and 〈Fb1V2〉 = 〈Fb2V1〉 ≡ 0. Hereinafter, the angle brackets 〈 〉 denote time averaging at t → ∞. In  the case of particles’ movement along the limited orbits, we can write: 〈ξ1V1〉 = 〈ξ2V2〉 ≡ 0, and 〈V1(2)Fb1(2)〉 = \(\nu T_{{1\left( 2 \right)}}^{0}\), where \(T_{{1\left( 2 \right)}}^{0}\) is the temperature of the heat sources [2831]. Then the equations for the correlators can be represented in the following form [30, 31]

$${{a}_{{1\left( 2 \right)}}}\langle \xi _{{1(2)}}^{2}\rangle + b\left\langle {{{\xi }_{2}}{{\xi }_{1}}} \right\rangle + T_{{1\left( 2 \right)}}^{0} + \delta {{T}_{{1\left( 2 \right)}}} = 0,$$
$$\begin{gathered} - {{\nu }_{{1\left( 2 \right)}}}{{M}_{{1\left( 2 \right)}}}\langle {{\xi }_{{2\left( 1 \right)}}}{{V}_{{1\left( 2 \right)}}}\rangle + {{a}_{{1\left( 2 \right)}}}\langle {{\xi }_{2}}{{\xi }_{1}}\rangle \\ + \;b\langle \xi _{{2\left( 1 \right)}}^{2}\rangle + {{M}_{{1\left( 2 \right)}}}\langle {{V}_{1}}{{V}_{2}}\rangle = {\text{ }}0, \\ \end{gathered} $$
$${{\nu }_{{1\left( 2 \right)}}}\delta {{T}_{{1\left( 2 \right)}}} = b\langle {{\xi }_{{2\left( 1 \right)}}}{{V}_{{1\left( 2 \right)}}}\rangle ,$$
$$\begin{gathered} - {{\nu }_{1}}{{M}_{1}}\langle {{V}_{1}}{{V}_{2}}\rangle - {{\nu }_{2}}{{M}_{2}}\langle {{V}_{1}}{{V}_{2}}\rangle \\ + {\text{ }}{{a}_{1}}\langle {{\xi }_{1}}{{V}_{2}}\rangle + {{a}_{2}}\langle {{\xi }_{2}}{{V}_{1}}\rangle = 0, \\ \end{gathered} $$
$$\langle {{\xi }_{2}}{{V}_{1}}\rangle + \langle {{\xi }_{1}}{{V}_{2}}\rangle = 0.$$

Here, \({{T}_{1}} = T_{1}^{0} + \delta {{T}_{1}}\) and \({{T}_{2}} = T_{2}^{0} + \delta {{T}_{2}}\), where T1 and T2 are the particle temperatures in the equilibrium state of the system, \(T_{1}^{0}\) and \(T_{2}^{0}\) are the source energies (which, in the numerical simulations of the problem, correspond to their given/initial temperatures), and δT1 and δT2 are the temperature increments characterizing the process of establishing the equilibrium state.

We introduce the notation \(\Delta T = T_{2}^{0} - T_{1}^{0}\), and then obtain:

$$\delta {{T}_{1}} = {{b}^{2}}\Delta T{\text{/}}(C{{\nu }_{1}}),$$
$$\delta {{T}_{2}} = - {{b}^{2}}\Delta T{\text{/}}(C{{\nu }_{2}}),$$


$$\begin{gathered} C = {{\left( {{{a}_{2}}{{M}_{1}} - {\text{ }}{{a}_{1}}{{M}_{2}}} \right)}^{2}}{\text{/}}({{\nu }_{1}}{{M}_{1}}{{M}_{2}} + {{\nu }_{2}}{{M}_{2}}{{M}_{1}}){\text{ }} \\ + \;{{b}^{2}}({{\nu }_{1}} + {{\nu }_{2}}){\text{/}}({{\nu }_{1}}{{\nu }_{2}}) - ({{a}_{2}}{{\nu }_{1}}{{M}_{1}} + {\text{ }}{{a}_{1}}{{\nu }_{2}}{{M}_{2}}). \\ \end{gathered} $$

For two identical particles (Q1(2) = Q, M1(2)= M, ν1(2) = ν, and a1(2) = а), for the vertical configuration, the solution of set of Eqs. (5a)−(5e) can be written as follows [8]

$$\delta {{T}_{{1\left( 2 \right)}}} = \pm {{b}^{2}}\Delta T{\text{/}}(2\{ {{b}^{2}} - {{\nu }^{2}}Ma\} ).$$

In this case, δT1 = –δT2, and for b2 ≫ –ν2Мa, the relation |δT1(2)| → |ΔT|/2 is true, i.e. energy is uniformly distributed between the particles in the system, and at ν → ∞, we obtain |δT1(2)| → 0.

Figure 2 shows the δT1T and δT2T ratios as functions of ν1/ω, where \(\omega = {{(Q_{1}^{2}{\text{/}}{{d}^{3}}{{M}_{1}})}^{{1/2}}}\), which illustrate the energy redistributions between two particles with the Coulomb interaction in the vertical and radial directions at g = 0, βrz = 4, and \(T_{1}^{0} < T_{2}^{0}\).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Ratios δT1T and δT2T as functions of ν1/ω ratio, calculated for two particles with the Coulomb interaction. Black and grey lines correspond to the vertical and radial directions. The dependences were obtained at βrz = 4 and \(T_{1}^{0} < T_{2}^{0}\) for the following parameters: (1) М1 = М2 and d = 0.1 cm; (2) М2 = 2М1 and d ≅ 0.105 cm.

In conclusion of this section, we consider two special cases of interaction of the particles with equal masses M1(2) = M at \(T_{2}^{0} \ne T_{1}^{0}\): (i) ν1(2) = ν, a1a2; and (ii) ν1 ≠ ν2, a1(2) = а.

In the first case (ν1(2) = ν, a1a2), we obtain the following balance equation:

$$\begin{gathered} \delta {{T}_{{1\left( 2 \right)}}} = \pm {{b}^{2}}\Delta T{\text{/}}(2\{ {{b}^{2}} - {{\nu }^{2}}M({{a}_{1}} + {{a}_{2}}){\text{/}}2 \\ + \;{{({{a}_{1}} - {{a}_{2}})}^{2}}{\text{/}}4\} ). \\ \end{gathered} $$

In this case, the total energy of the system will be conserved (δT1 + δT2 = 0), and at b2 ≫ –ν2 М(a1 + a2), the following asymptotic relation will be true: |δT1(2)T | → (2 + (a1a2)2/2b2)–1.

We note that, for the dust particles in plasma, the condition a1a2 can be fulfilled even in the case of their pair interaction, for example, due to the difference in the particle charges, or the difference in the external field gradients at the point of their equilibrium position. Whether these conditions are met depends on the possible spatial changes in the parameters of the surrounding plasma (for example, the changes in the densities and temperature of ions/electrons).

We take into account the force balance equation (3) for two particles at Q1Q2 and M1(2) = M (for g = 0). Then |δT1(2)T  | → 0 at (Q1/Q2 – Q2/Q1)2→ ∞. This is due to the fact that, in the system under consideration, the interaction forces decrease with increasing difference between the Q1 and Q2 charges, that is a consequence of the force balance condition (3), which should be satisfied in the equilibrium state of the system. Figure 3 shows the δTzT and δTrT ratios as functions of the Q1/Q2 ratio, which describe the energy redistributions in the vertical and radial directions, respectively. The calculations were performed at βrz = 4 for the particles with the coulomb interaction spaced by a distance of d ≈ 0.1 cm.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Ratios |δTzT | and |δTrT | as functions of Q1/Q2 ratio, calculated for particles with the Coulomb interaction spaced by a distance of d ≈ 0.1 cm.

Now, we consider the second case: M1(2) = M, a1(2) = а, \(T_{2}^{0} \ne T_{1}^{0}\), and ν1 ≠ ν2. In this case, the friction coefficients can be unequal, ν1 ≠ ν2, for example, due to the presence of the temperature and/or pressure gradients in the surrounding buffer gas. Then, for the particles with equal charges Q1(2)Q, we obtain the balance equations in the following form:

$$\delta {{T}_{1}} = {{b}^{2}}{{\nu }_{2}}\Delta T{\text{/}}({{\nu }_{1}} + {{\nu }_{2}})\{ {{b}^{2}} - {{\nu }_{1}}{{\nu }_{2}}Ma\} {\text{ }},$$
$$\delta {{T}_{2}} = - {{b}^{2}}{{\nu }_{1}}\Delta T{\text{/}}({{\nu }_{1}} + {{\nu }_{2}})\{ {{b}^{2}} - {{\nu }_{1}}{{\nu }_{2}}Ma\} {\text{ }}{\text{.}}$$

The total energy of the system is not conserved: δT1 + δT2 ≠ 0. At b2 ≫ –ν1ν2 Мa, we obtain: δT1 + δT2 → ΔT2 ν1)/(ν1 + ν2). Since \(\Delta T = T_{2}^{0} - T_{1}^{0}\), this means that, at \(T_{2}^{0} > T_{1}^{0}\) and ν1 > ν2, the system will lose its energy, and in the case of \(T_{2}^{0} < T_{1}^{0}\) and ν1 > ν2, it will acquire it. This is due to the fact that, if the friction coefficient of one of the particles in the system under consideration is lesser than that of the other particle, the energy exchange between these particles will be not so active. It is easy to see that, for any friction coefficients ν1 and ν2, the kinetic temperature of the entire system will vary in the range from \(T_{2}^{0}\) to \(T_{1}^{0}\).

For the particles with the Coulomb interaction spaced by a distance of d ≈ 0.1 cm, the |δT1T | and |δT2T | ratios as functions of the ν12 ratio are shown in Fig. 4 for βrz = 4.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Ratios |δT1T | and |δT2T | as functions of ν12 ratio, calculated along the vertical direction for particles with the Coulomb interaction spaced by a distance of d ≈ 0.1 cm.

The limiting cases of the last two of the problems under consideration (Q1/Q2 ≫ 1 and ν12 ≫ 1) cannot be realized under the laboratory conditions. However, the illustrations shown in Figs. 3 and 4 qualitatively demonstrate how the amount of the redistributed energy depends on the different problem parameters.


Numerical simulations of the energy exchange processes were performed using the Langevin molecular dynamics method for the particles interacting in the anisotropic electric field of the cylindrically symmetric trap. It was assumed that their interaction can be described by the Coulomb potential. The simulation technique is described in detail in [1, 2].

The simulations were performed for two separate particles and for the two-dimensional ensembles with the separated fractions of particles with different sizes and temperatures (at g = 0). For the particles from different fractions, the M2/M1 mass ratios and the \(T_{2}^{0}{\text{/}}T_{1}^{0}\) (or \(T_{2}^{0}{\text{/}}T_{1}^{0}\)) temperature ratios of the heat sources ranged from one to ten. The charges and friction coefficients were set as Qiadi and \({{\nu }_{i}} \propto a_{{di}}^{{ - 1}}\), respectively; i = 1, 2. The ω1(2)1(2) ratio ranged from ~0.7 to ~7, where \({{\omega }_{{1\left( 2 \right)}}} = {\text{ }}{{(Q_{{1\left( 2 \right)}}^{2}{\text{/}}{{d}^{3}}{{M}_{{1\left( 2 \right)}}})}^{{1/2}}}\). Here, for the two-dimensional binary systems, d is the mean distance between particles of a separate fraction. The number of particles in each fraction (N1, N2) ranged from 50 to 400.

The temperatures of the heat sources \(T_{{1\left( 2 \right)}}^{0}\) ranged from ~0.2 to ~2 eV, and it was set to be equal for all degrees of freedom: \(T_{z}^{0} = T_{x}^{0} = T_{y}^{0}\). In the simulations, the initial stochastic kinetic energy (energy of the sources) was redistributed from the “hotter” particles to the “less hot” ones. In all cases, the observed particle velocity distributions were close to the Maxwellian functions. But, in the case of two particles, the particle energies were redistributed non-uniformly over the degrees of freedom: TzTx = Ty.

Some results of numerical simulations for the two-particle system performed at βrz = 4, ω11 ≈ 1.4 and d ≈ 0.1 cm are presented in Figs. 5–7 together with the analytical problem solutions. Figure 5 shows the velocity distribution functions f1(V1) and f2(V2) in the vertical and radial directions for two identical particles at \(T_{1}^{0}{\text{/}}T_{2}^{0}\) = 10. According to the results presented in Section 2, the total energy of the system under simulations did not change: (T2 + T1) = (\(T_{2}^{0} + T_{1}^{0}\)) and (δT1 + δT2) = 0.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Velocity distribution functions for the two-particle system, calculated at βrz = 4 and М1 = М2. (a) f1(V1), vertical direction, and (b) f2(V2), radial direction. Symbols and solid lines correspond to the results of numerical simulations and the Maxwellian functions with the following temperatures, respectively: (1) \(T_{1}^{0}\) = 2.08 eV; (2) \(T_{1}^{r}\) ≅ 1.87 eV; (3) \(T_{1}^{z}\) ≅ 1.46 eV; (4) \(T_{2}^{z}\) ≅ 0.83 eV; (5) \(T_{2}^{r}\) ≅ 0.416 eV; and (6) \(T_{2}^{0}\) = 0.208 eV.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Velocity distribution functions, calculated at βrz = 4 and М2 = 2М1. (a) f1(V1), vertical direction, and (b) f2(V2), radial direction. Symbols and solid lines correspond to the results of numerical simulations and the Maxwellian functions with the following temperatures, respectively: (1) \(T_{1}^{0}\) = 0.208 eV; (2) \(T_{1}^{r}\) ≅ 0.33 eV; (3) \(T_{1}^{z}\) ≅ 0.66 eV; (4) \(T_{2}^{z}\) ≅ 1.53 eV; (5) \(T_{2}^{r}\) ≅ 1.94 eV; and (6) \(T_{2}^{0}\) = 2.08 eV.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Velocity distribution functions, calculated at βrz = 4 and М2 =2М1. (a) f1(V1), vertical direction, and (b) f2(V2), radial direction. Symbols and solid lines correspond to the results of numerical simulations and the Maxwellian functions with the following temperatures, respectively: (1) \(T_{1}^{0}\) = 2.08 eV; (2) \(T_{1}^{r}\) ≅ 1.93 eV; (3) \(T_{1}^{z}\) ≅1.6 eV; (4) \(T_{2}^{z}\) ≅ 0.735 eV; (5) \(T_{2}^{r}\) ≅ 0.38 eV; and (6\(T_{2}^{0}\) = 0.208 eV.

The functions  f1(V1) and  f2(V2) are shown in Figs. 6 and 7 for М2 = 2М1, Q2/Q1 = 21/3, and ν12 = 21/3 at \(T_{2}^{0}{\text{/}}T_{1}^{0}\) = 10 and \(T_{1}^{0}{\text{/}}T_{2}^{0}\) = 10, respectively. In both cases, (δT1 + δT2) ≠ 0. But, in the case of \(T_{2}^{0}{\text{/}}T_{1}^{0}\) = 10 (see Fig. 6), the energy increment was negative (δT1 + δT2) < 0, and (T2 + T1)/(\(T_{2}^{0} + T_{1}^{0}\)) ≈ 0.97. While, in the case of \(T_{1}^{0}{\text{/}}T_{2}^{0}\) = 10 (see Fig. 7), the energy increment was positive (δT1 + δT2) > 0, and (T2 + T1)/(\(T_{2}^{0} + T_{1}^{0}\)) ≈ 1.02. We also see that |δT1T2| ≅ ν2/ν1 (according to formulas (10a) and (10b)).

Thus, the results of numerical simulations for two particles are consistent with the conclusions presented in Section 2. The  f1(V1) and  f2(V2) velocity distribution functions completely correspond to the temperatures calculated using the analytical expressions.

Now we consider the two-dimensional ensembles consisting of two separated fractions of particles with different sizes. In the systems under simulations, the particles were affected by the trap electric forces FЕ ∝ ad and the external forces \({{F}_{{{\text{T(I)}}}}} \propto a_{d}^{2}\) directed oppositely to the FЕ force. Here, we consider these forces only in the first (linear) approximation. Since the energy balance is the main subject of this study, the detailed analysis of the nature of forces acting on particles, as well as the mechanisms and conditions for the particle separation by size are beyond the scope of this work.

The calculations were performed for different ratios |FT(I)/FЕ|, which ranged from 5 to 25% for the small-sized particles, and from 10 to ~30% for the large-sized ones, respectively, depending on the ratio of sizes of the large and small particles. In this case, the ∇F1/∇F2 ratio of gradients of the F1(2) total forces acting on particles varied from ~1.05 to ~1.2. In all cases, the considerable separation of the system into the particle fractions was observed, and the large-sized particles occurred to be at the periphery of the two-dimensional cloud (see Fig. 8).

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Particle arrangement in the two-dimensional system at N = 600 (N1 = 200, N2 = 400). White and grey symbols correspond to the particles with masses М1 and М2 = 2М1, respectively.

The results of numerical simulations shown in Figs. 9 and 10 were obtained under conditions of the microgravity for the particles with the parameters close to the experimental ones [21, 22]: М2/М1 = 8, Q2/Q1 = 2, ν12 = 2, \(T_{1}^{0} + T_{2}^{0}\) = 4, and the ratio of the force gradients was ∇F1/∇F2 ~ 1.1. The mean distances between particles of the large-sized and small-sized fractions were d ≈ 0.07 cm and d ≈ 0.035 cm, respectively. We used the following numerical values of ratios: ω11 ~ 6.8 and ω22 ~ 3.4, where ω1(2) = \({{(Q_{{1\left( 2 \right)}}^{2}{\text{/}}{{d}^{3}}{{M}_{{1\left( 2 \right)}}})}^{{1/2}}}\). The probabilities f(r) of finding p-articles with different masses М1(2) at distances r from the trap center are shown in Fig. 9, and the radial dependences of their kinetic temperatures Т(r) are shown in Fig. 10.

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Probabilities f (r) of finding particles with different masses М1 (black line) и М2 (grey line) at different distances r from the trap center (М2/М1 = 8 and Т1/Т2 = 4).

Fig. 10.
figure 10

Ratios of the kinetic temperatures \(T(r){\text{/}}T_{2}^{0}\) as functions of the distance r from the trap center, calculated for two particles with different masses. White and grey symbols correspond to the particles with masses М1 (the \({{T}_{1}}(r){\text{/}}T_{2}^{0}\) ratio) and М2 (the \({{T}_{2}}(r){\text{/}}T_{2}^{0}\) ratio), respectively (М2/М1 = 8, \(T_{1}^{0}{\text{/}}T_{2}^{0}\) = 4, and ν12 = 2). Solid black line shows the set particle temperatures and the boundary between the fractions.

The results of studying the energy balance in the particle system consisting of two fractions are shown in Figs. 11–14 for the following parameters: М2/М1 = 2, Q2/Q1 = 21/3, ∇F1/∇F2 ~ 1.1, and ν12 = 21/3. The friction coefficients were: ν1 = 5 s–111 ~ 5.6, ω22 ~ 4.5) and ν1 = 10 s–111 ~ 2.8, ω22 ~ 2.25).

Fig. 11.
figure 11

The f(r) function for particles with different mas-ses М1 (black line) and М2 (grey line) at М2/М1 = 2 and Т1/Т2 = 10.

Fig. 12.
figure 12

The \(T(r){\text{/}}T_{2}^{0}\) functions for particles with different masses at М2/М1 = 2, \(T_{1}^{0}{\text{/}}T_{2}^{0}\) = 10, and ν12 = 21/3. White and grey symbols correspond to the \({{T}_{1}}(r){\text{/}}T_{2}^{0}\) and \({{T}_{2}}(r){\text{/}}T_{2}^{0}\) functions, respectively. (Circle and diamond symbols correspond to ν1 = 5 and 10 s–1, respectively.) Solid black line shows the set particle temperatures and the boundary between the fractions.

Fig. 13.
figure 13

The f(r) function for particles with different mas-ses М1 (black line) and М2 (grey line) at М2/М1 = 2 and Т2/Т1 = 10.

Fig. 14.
figure 14

The \(T(r){\text{/}}T_{1}^{0}\) function for particles with different masses at М2/М1 = 2, \(T_{2}^{0}{\text{/}}T_{1}^{0}\) = 10, and ν12 = 21/3. White and grey symbols correspond to the \({{T}_{1}}(r){\text{/}}T_{1}^{0}\) and \({{T}_{2}}(r){\text{/}}T_{1}^{0}\) functions, respectively. (Circle and diamond symbols correspond to ν1 = 5 and 10 s–1, respectively.) Solid black line shows the set particle temperatures and the boundary between the fractions.

Figures 11 and 12 show the probabilities f (r) of finding particles with different masses at distances r from the trap and the radial dependences of their kinetic temperatures Т(r) at \(T_{1}^{0}{\text{/}}T_{2}^{0}\) = 10. And Figs. 13 and 14 show the same dependences at \(T_{2}^{0}{\text{/}}T_{1}^{0}\) = 10.

The analysis of the results of numerical simulations of the two-dimensional particle ensembles showed that, along the boundary lines separating two fractions, if the relations |δT1(2)/T1(2)| > 3% are true (the energy increments exceed the accuracy of the numerical experiments), then the following relation will be also true: |δT1(r)/δT2(r)| = \({\text{|}}({{T}_{1}}(r) - T_{1}^{0}){\text{/}}({{T}_{2}}(r) - T_{2}^{0}){\text{|}}\) ≈ ν21 (see Figs. 10, 12, and 14); where r is the distance to the center of the trap. In this case, the additional energy satisfied the relation δT1(2) ∝ ΔT = \(T_{2}^{0} - T_{1}^{0}\) and decreased with growing friction coefficients ν1(2) (see Figs. 12 and 14).


The energy exchange processes were studied in the dissipative systems consisting of non-identical interacting particles (with different masses, sizes and charges) with inhomogeneous distributions of heat sources and/or any other sources of the stochastic kinetic energy. We considered the theoretical model for analyzing the energy balance, as well as the analytical relations describing the redistribution of the stochastic kinetic energy between two non-identical particles. The relations proposed were verified by performing numerical simulations of the problem for the two-particle systems with the Coulomb interaction.

The numerical analysis was performed of the energy redistribution processes in the two-dimensional ensembles of non-identical particles consisting of two separate fractions. Such ensembles can be formed in the trap electric fields (FЕad) under the effect of additional forces proportional to the square of the particle radius (\({{F}_{{{\text{T(I)}}}}} \propto a_{d}^{2}\)), such as, for example, the thermophoretic forces or the ion drag forces.

The results of this work are applicable to the systems with any type of pair (mutual) interactions, and they can be used to analyze the energy exchange processes in inhomogeneous systems that are of interest in plasma physics and in physics of polymers and colloidal systems.