1. Introduction

In 1995, Chapuis [1] proved that the universal theory of a free metabelian group is solvable, and then in [2] he characterized the groups that possess the same universal theory as the free metabelian group of rank \( \geq 2 \). The author established in [3] that the universal theory of the free solvable group of class \( \geq 4 \) is algorithmically unsolvable. Recall also that more than ten years ago the author gave a definition of a rigid solvable group, and then, in his and joint works with Myasnikov, he studied the properties of rigid groups, the algebraic geometry over them, and the model-theoretical aspects of the theory of divisible rigid groups. Using the notion of rigid group, the assertion of the second result of Chapuis looks as follows: The groups that are universally equivalent to the free two-step solvable group are exactly the rigid two-step solvable groups.

A wider class \( \mathcal{R}_{2} \) of metabelian groups was defined in [4]. By definition, a two-step solvable group \( G \) belongs to \( \mathcal{R}_{2} \) provided that the following holds: There is a normal abelian subgroup \( \rho_{2}(G) \) of \( G \) such that \( G/\rho_{2}(G)=A \) is a nontrivial torsion-free abelian group. The action by conjugations of \( G \) on \( \rho_{2}(G) \) equips the last subgroup with the structure of a (right) module over the group ring \( 𝕑A \). Let \( R \) stand for the quotient ring of \( 𝕑A \) by the module annihilator. In these circumstances, \( \rho_{2}(G) \) may be considered as an \( R \)-module. It is required that \( \rho_{2}(G) \) has no module torsion, and \( A \) is embeddable into the group \( R^{\ast} \) of the invertible elements in \( R \).

It was noticed that \( \rho_{2}(G) \) is uniquely defined by these conditions, and the class \( \mathcal{R}_{2} \) is closed under the universal equivalence of groups. As above, the so-called \( r \)-pair \( (A,R) \) is put into correspondence with every group in \( \mathcal{R}_{2} \), where \( R \) is a commutative domain, and \( A \) is a nontrivial torsion-free subgroup of \( R^{\ast} \) which generates \( R \) as a ring. Conversely, given an \( r \)-pair \( (A,R) \), we may define the group of matrices

$$ M(A,R)=\begin{pmatrix}A&0\\ R&1\end{pmatrix} $$

in the class \( \mathcal{R}_{2} \) which may be considered as an extension of the additive group of \( R \) by \( A \). In [4], the notion of universal theory of an \( r \)-pair \( (A,R) \) was defined, and it was proved that the universal theories of an \( r \)-pair \( (A,R) \) and the group \( M(A,R) \) are equivalent (Theorem 1); i.e., each one of them is interpreted in the other.

It was established as well that the universal theories of two split groups \( G_{1},G_{2}\in\mathcal{R}_{2} \) coincide if and only if the universal theories of the corresponding \( r \)-pairs \( (A_{1},R_{1}) \) and \( (A_{2},R_{2}) \) coincide (Theorem 2).

Consider a solvable Baumslag–Soliter group with parameters \( (1,n) \), where \( |n|>1 \). It may be identified with the group

$$ BS(1,n)=M(C,𝕈_{n})=\begin{pmatrix}C&0\\ 𝕈_{n}&1\end{pmatrix}; $$

here \( 𝕈_{n}=𝕑[1/n]=𝕈_{-n} \) is the ring of rationals whose denominators are some powers of \( |n| \), and \( C \) is the multiplicative group generated by \( c=n \). Let us present the main results enabling us to obtain the description of the finitely generated groups with the same universal theory as \( BS(1,n) \).

Theorem 1

The universal theory of a group \( G \) coincides with that of \( BS(1,n) \) if and only if \( G\in\mathcal{R}_{2} \) and the universal theory of the \( r \)-pair \( (A,R) \), corresponding to \( G \), coincides with one of the \( r \)-pair \( (C,𝕈_{n}) \) that corresponds to \( BS(1,n) \).

Theorem 2

The universal theory of a finitely generated \( r \)-pair \( (A,R) \) coincides with one of the \( r \)-pair \( (C,𝕈_{n}) \) if and only if the abelian group \( A \) is freely generated by \( c,y_{1},\dots,y_{m} \), where \( y_{1},\dots,y_{m} \) are some algebraically independent over \( 𝕑 \) elements in \( R \). Furthermore, \( R \) is the ring of Laurent polynomials in \( y_{1},\dots,y_{m} \) over \( 𝕈_{n} \).

Note that the solvability of the universal theory of \( BS(1,n) \) follows from Theorem 8 of [5], where it is stated that a finitely generated metabelian split group possesses the solvable universal theory.

We now pose the following question: Is it possible to generalize our assertions and to characterize the groups universally equivalent to a given group in \( \mathcal{R}_{2} \) with a corresponding \( r \)-pair \( (A,R) \), where \( A \) is an (infinite) cyclic group?

In [4], there was also formulated the general problem of classification of the groups in the class \( \mathcal{R}_{2} \) by their universal theories.

2. Auxiliary Assertions and Proof of Theorem 1

2.1. Recall some definitions from [4].

An \( r \)-pair \( (A,R) \) is finitely generated if \( A \) is a finitely generated group.

A subpair of an \( r \)-pair \( (A,R) \) is an \( r \)-pair \( (A_{1},R_{1}) \) such that \( R_{1} \) is a subring of \( R \), and \( A_{1} \) is a subgroup of \( A \).

A morphism \( (A,R)\rightarrow(A_{1},R_{1}) \) of two \( r \)-pairs is a ring homomorphism \( R\rightarrow R_{1} \) which maps \( A \) into \( A_{1} \). We say that a morphism is essential if the image of \( A \) in \( A_{1} \) is a nontrivial subgroup.

A homomorphism \( G_{1}\rightarrow G_{2} \) of some groups in the class \( \mathcal{R}_{2} \) is essential provided that the image of \( G_{1} \) is a nonabelian group.

Let us recall a series of known facts:

Lemma 1 [6]

The universal theories or two equationally Noetherian groups coincide if and only if each of the groups is locally discriminated by the other.

Lemma 2 [7]

Every group in \( \mathcal{R}_{2} \) is an equationally Noetherian group.

Lemma 3 [4]

The universal theories of two \( r \)-pairs coincide if and only if each of the pairs is locally discriminated by the other by essential morphisms.

Lemma 4 [4]

Every essential homomorphism of groups in \( \mathcal{R}_{2} \) induces an essential morphism of the corresponding \( r \)-pairs.

We need two more lemmas.

Lemma 5

Let \( G_{1},G_{2}\in\mathcal{R}_{2} \). Assume that there exists a set of essential group homomorphisms \( G_{1}\rightarrow G_{2} \) which discriminate \( G_{1} \). Then the set of the induced essential morphisms of the \( r \)-pairs \( (A_{1},R_{1})\rightarrow(A_{2},R_{2}) \) discriminates \( (A_{1},R_{1}) \).


Consider a set \( \{u_{1},\dots,u_{s}\} \) of nonzero elements in \( R_{1} \) which we want to discriminate by a morphism \( (A_{1},R_{1})\rightarrow(A_{2},R_{2}) \) of \( r \)-pairs. Choose a nontrivial element \( t \) in \( \rho_{2}(G_{1}) \) and take a set \( \{tu_{1},\dots,tu_{s}\} \) of nontrivial elements in \( \rho_{2}(G_{1}) \). By hypothesis, there is an essential group homomorphism \( G_{1}\rightarrow G_{2} \) which discriminates this set. Let \( \overline{t} \) denote the image of \( t \). Note that \( \overline{t} \) is nontrivial. The images of \( tu_{1},\dots,tu_{s} \) are of the shape \( \overline{t}\overline{u}_{1},\dots,\overline{t}\overline{u}_{s} \), where \( \overline{u}_{1},\dots,\overline{u}_{s}\in R_{2} \) are some images of \( u_{1},\dots,u_{s} \) under the induced morphism of \( r \)-pairs \( (A_{1},R_{1})\rightarrow(A_{2},R_{2}) \). Obviously, they should be nonzero. The lemma is proved.

Lemma 6

Given an \( r \)-pair \( (A,R) \), consider an \( r \)-pair \( (B,R(y_{1},\dots,y_{m})) \), where \( R(y_{1},\dots,y_{m}) \) is the Laurent polynomial ring in \( y_{1},\dots,y_{m} \) over \( R \), and \( B=A\times\langle y_{1},\dots,y_{m}\rangle \). Then the universal theories of the \( r \)-pairs \( (A,R) \) and \( (B,R(y_{1},\dots,y_{m})) \) coincide.


The pair \( (A,R) \) is embedded into \( (B,R(y_{1},\dots,y_{m})) \). Hence, the first pair is discriminated by the second. Note that the second pair is discriminated by the first. Consider some set \( \{f_{1}(y_{1},\dots,y_{m}),\dots,f_{s}(y_{1},\dots,y_{m})\} \) of nonzero elements in \( R(y_{1},\dots,y_{m}) \), i.e., the Laurent polynomials, which we want to discriminate. Fix a nontrivial \( a\in A \). It is easy to understand that there is a set of values

$$ y_{1}=a^{k_{1}},\dots,y_{m}=a^{k_{m}}\quad(0\neq k_{i}\in 𝕑) $$

such that \( f_{j}(a^{k_{1}},\dots,a^{k_{m}})\neq 0 \). It means that the \( r \)-pair \( (B,R(y_{1},\dots,y_{m})) \) is discriminated by its subpair \( (A,R) \) by essential morphisms, and then the universal theories of \( (A,R) \) and \( (B,R(y_{1},\dots,y_{m})) \) coincide by Lemma 3. The lemma is proved.

2.2. We proceed now to the proof of Theorem 1. Let \( G \) possess the same universal theory as \( BS(1,n) \). Then \( G \) belongs to \( \mathcal{R}_{2} \), and let \( (A,R) \) be its corresponding \( r \)-pair. By Lemma 1 we may assert that each of the groups \( G \) and \( BS(1,n) \) is locally discriminated by the other, and the corresponding group homomorphisms are essential. By Lemma 5 each of the \( r \)-pairs \( (A,R) \) and \( (C,𝕈_{n}) \) is locally discriminated by the other by essential morphisms, whence the universal theories of these \( r \)-pairs coincide by Lemma 3.

Conversely, assume that \( G\in\mathcal{R}_{2} \) and the universal theory of the \( r \)-pair \( (A,R) \), which corresponds to \( G \), coincide with one of the \( r \)-pair \( (C,𝕈_{n}) \), corresponding to \( BS(1,n) \). By Lemma 3 each of these pairs is locally discriminated by the other by essential morphisms. In particular, there is an essential morphism of pairs \( (C,𝕈_{n})\rightarrow(A,R) \). Obviously, such morphism is an embedding, whence \( (C,𝕈_{n}) \) is a subpair of the \( r \)-pair \( (A,R) \). We need to prove that each of the groups \( G \) and \( BS(1,n) \) is locally discriminated by the other. It suffices to consider the case when \( G \) is a finitely generated group. By Theorem 2 of [8] \( G \) is embedded into a split finitely generated group \( H\in\mathcal{R}_{2} \), which has the same \( r \)-pair \( (A,R) \). By Theorem 2 of [4] \( H \) has the same universal theory as \( BS(1,n) \). Therefore, \( H \) and, hence, \( G \) are discriminated by \( BS(1,n) \). It remains to notice that \( BS(1,n) \) is discriminated by \( G \). There is \( a\in G \) such that the conjugation by \( a \) corresponds to the multiplication by \( n \) in the module \( \rho_{2}(G) \). Choose a nontrivial \( b\in\rho_{2}(G) \) as well. Then the subgroup of \( G \), generated by \( a \) and \( b \), is isomorphic to \( BS(1,n) \), which is sufficient. Theorem 1 is proved.

3. Proof of Theorem 2

In one direction, everything follows from Lemma 6: if \( R \) is the Laurent polynomial ring in \( y_{1},\dots,y_{m} \) over \( 𝕈_{n} \) then the universal theories of the \( r \)-pairs \( (C,𝕈_{n}) \) and \( (A,R) \) coincide.

Prove the converse statement. Assume that the universal theories of the \( r \)-pairs \( (A,R) \) and \( (C,𝕈_{n}) \) coincide. Since the \( r \)-pair \( (A,R) \) is discriminated by its subpair \( (C,𝕈_{n}) \) by essential morphisms. Therefore, there is a group epimorphism \( A\rightarrow C \), which is identical on \( C \), whence \( C \) is a direct factor of \( A \). Let \( A=C\times\langle y_{1},\dots,y_{m}\rangle \) be the free abelian group with the base \( \{c,y_{1},\dots,y_{m}\} \). Assume the contrary: There is an algebraic dependence among \( y_{1},\dots,y_{m} \), i.e., there is a nontrivial integer polynomial \( f(x_{1},\dots,x_{m}) \) such that \( f(y_{1},\dots,y_{m})=0 \). Given a set \( \varepsilon=(\varepsilon_{1},\dots,\varepsilon_{m}) \) with \( \varepsilon_{i}=\pm 1 \), we denote by \( f_{\varepsilon} \) the integer polynomial that results from \( f\bigl{(}x_{1}^{\varepsilon_{1}},\dots,x_{m}^{\varepsilon_{m}}\bigr{)} \) by multiplying by a proper denominator of the shape \( x_{1}^{k_{1}}\dots x_{m}^{k_{m}} \) \( (k_{i}\geq 0) \). We have \( f_{\varepsilon}\bigl{(}y_{1}^{\varepsilon_{1}},\dots,y_{m}^{\varepsilon_{m}}\bigr{)}=0 \).

First, we consider the case \( n>0 \). Distinguish the positive and negative parts of \( f \); i.e., consider a representation \( f=f^{\prime}-f^{\prime\prime} \), where \( f^{\prime} \) and \( f^{\prime\prime} \) are some linear combinations of distinct monomials with positive integer coefficients, and one of the parts may be trivial. From here we get the corresponding representation \( f_{\varepsilon}=f^{\prime}_{\varepsilon}-f^{\prime\prime}_{\varepsilon} \). Let a natural \( k \) bound from above the power of every variable \( x_{i} \) in all polynomials \( f_{\varepsilon} \). Furthermore, we assume that all coefficients in \( f^{\prime} \) and \( f^{\prime\prime} \) are less than \( n^{k+1} \). Write these coefficients in the \( n \)-adic representation, i.e., decompose them by powers of \( n \). As a result, we may assert that \( f^{\prime}_{\varepsilon} \) and \( f^{\prime\prime}_{\varepsilon} \) are some linear combinations of monomials of the shape \( n^{k_{0}}x_{1}^{k_{1}}\dots x_{m}^{k_{m}} \) \( (0\leq k_{i}\leq k) \) with the coefficients in \( \{0,\dots,n-1\} \). Under a fixed \( \varepsilon \) and distinct sets \( (k_{0},k_{1},\dots,k_{m}) \), all elements \( n^{k_{0}}y_{1}^{\varepsilon_{1}k_{1}}\dots y_{m}^{\varepsilon_{m}k_{m}} \) \( (0\leq k_{i}\leq k) \) in \( A \) are different. Form the set \( D_{\varepsilon} \) from these elements. By hypothesis, there is a morphism of the \( r \)-pairs \( \varphi:(A,R)\rightarrow(C,𝕈_{n}) \), for which the images of all elements in every \( D_{\varepsilon} \) remain distinct. Let \( y_{1}\varphi=n^{l_{1}},\dots,y_{m}\varphi=n^{l_{m}} \). We may assume that the set \( (l_{1},\dots,l_{m}) \) consists of nonzero integers. Let \( \varepsilon=(\varepsilon_{1},\dots,\varepsilon_{m}) \) be the corresponding set of the signs of these numbers. We have

$$ \begin{gathered}\displaystyle f_{\varepsilon}\bigl{(}y_{1}^{\varepsilon_{1}},\dots,y_{m}^{\varepsilon_{m}}\bigr{)}\varphi=f_{\varepsilon}(n^{\varepsilon_{1}l_{1}},\dots,n^{\varepsilon_{m}l_{m}})\\ \displaystyle=f^{\prime}_{\varepsilon}(n^{\varepsilon_{1}l_{1}},\dots,n^{\varepsilon_{m}l_{m}})-f^{\prime\prime}_{\varepsilon}(n^{\varepsilon_{1}l_{1}},\dots,n^{\varepsilon_{m}l_{m}}).\end{gathered} $$

By construction, the nonnegative integer \( f^{\prime}_{\varepsilon}(n^{\varepsilon_{1}l_{1}},\dots,n^{\varepsilon_{m}l_{m}}) \) is given by a decomposition by different powers of \( n \) (an analogous statement may be said about \( f^{\prime\prime}_{\varepsilon}(n^{\varepsilon_{1}l_{1}},\dots,n^{\varepsilon_{m}l_{m}}) \)), and distinct powers of \( n \) take part in both decompositions. Then the difference

$$ f^{\prime}_{\varepsilon}(n^{\varepsilon_{1}l_{1}},\dots,n^{\varepsilon_{m}l_{m}})-f^{\prime\prime}_{\varepsilon}(n^{\varepsilon_{1}l_{1}},\dots,n^{\varepsilon_{m}l_{m}}) $$

should be nonzero; a contradiction with the equality \( f_{\varepsilon}\bigl{(}y_{1}^{\varepsilon_{1}},\dots,y_{m}^{\varepsilon_{m}}\bigr{)}=0 \).

In the case \( n<0 \), we need to consider an algebraical dependence among \( y_{1}^{2},\dots,y_{m}^{2} \). Then changing \( n \) by \( n^{2} \), the proof, which was given above for the case \( n>0 \), is completely valid. Theorem 2 is proved.