Physical processes related to changes in the micelle structure in ionic surfactant solutions mimic some hard to understand processes that occur in nanosystems (e.g., in biology and medicine) [1]. Among these processes are polymorphic intermicellar transitions. Our earlier studies focusing on the thermodynamics of polymorphic micellar transitions were conducted for diluted solutions of an anionic surfactant, sodium decyl sulfate (SDS), near critical micelle concentrations CMC1–2 (m = 0.12) and CMC2 (m = 0.22). These CMCs correspond to the transition that occurs upon the asymmetrization of spherical micelles (CMC1–2) and the transition of spheroidal micelles into cylindrical ones (CMC2) in aqueous SDS solutions [2, 3].

The heat-capacity properties of SDS solutions at higher concentrations (m = 0.28–0.42) and temperatures (275–363 K) were studied in [4] via adiabatic differential scanning calorimetry. Krafft point TKr was found to be 280 K. Analysis of typical changes in the abovementioned properties and partial molar heat capacities (PMHCs) in particular allowed identification of regions corresponding to a new micellar transition in SDS solutions that had never been studied before and followed CMC2 (i.e., at m = 0.30–0.38 and 293–343 K). Its equilibrium parameters were also identified: CMC3 (m = 0.33) and T0 = 323 K. In accordance with the models that were used, this new transition was interpreted as the shape of micells transforming from cylindrical to lamellar as concentration of the solution rose [5].

SDS is a mesogenic surfactant. According to the phase diagram of an SDS–water system, the nematic hexagonal lyomesophase is formed over a broad range of temperatures (283–353 K) starting with 40 wt % SDS. It is important that transition to the lamellar phase occurs at higher SDS concentrations (≈67 wt %); the lamellar phase is known to form from a micellar solution containing aggregates of bilayer lamellar micelles [6]. This is a strong argument in favor of the existence of cylindrical and lamellar micelles in more diluted SDS solutions and their transition occurring gradually as their concentration grows.

In this work, we use calculated PMHC values of SDS in these solutions [4] to determine the temperature dependences of thermodynamic functions of the polymorphic transition corresponding to CMC3 and the components of its Gibbs free energy, estimate the key parameters of micelles, and discuss correlations with structural changes that occur inside micelles.


The heat-capacity properties of SDS solutions with the specified concentrations and temperatures were determined and the respective calculations (including the PMHC values) made in [4]. Data on the substances that were used, how they were purified, the parameters of the SCAL-1 calorimeter that was employed, the experimental conditions and those of calibration, and results from calorimeter testing were also presented in [4].

The way of determining the thermodynamic functions of different transitions in solutions using data on heat capacity [7, 8] was applied earlier to polymorphic transitions in micellar systems [2, 3]. In this approach, the thermodynamic functions of intermicellar transition are calculated using the Kirchhoff, Clausius, and Gibbs–Helmholtz equations, the integral forms of which are written as

$$\Delta {H}(T) = {{\Delta }}{{H}_{{\text{0}}}} + \int\limits_{{{T}_{{\text{0}}}}}^T {{{\Delta }}\overline {C{{p}_{{\text{2}}}}} dT} {\text{,}}$$
$${{\Delta }}S(T) = {{\Delta }}{{H}_{{\text{0}}}}{\text{/}}{{T}_{{\text{0}}}} + \int\limits_{{{T}_{{\text{0}}}}}^T {{{(\Delta }}\overline {C{{p}_{{\text{2}}}}} {\text{/}}T)dT} ,$$
$$\begin{gathered} \Delta G(T) = \Delta {{H}_{0}} - T(\Delta {{H}_{0}}{\text{/}}{{T}_{0}}) + \int\limits_{{{T}_{{\text{0}}}}}^T {{\Delta}\overline {C{{p}_{{\text{2}}}}} dT} \\ - \;T\int\limits_{{{T}_{{\text{0}}}}}^T {{(\Delta }\overline {C{{p}_{{\text{2}}}}} {\text{/}}T)dT} , \\ \end{gathered} $$

where T0 is the temperature of the equilibrium transition; ΔH0 is the enthalpy of transition at temperature T0; ΔH(T), ΔS(T), ΔG(T) are the partial molar (PM) thermodynamic functions at temperature T; and \({\Delta }\overline {C{{p}_{{\text{2}}}}} \) is the difference between the PMHC of surfactant molecules in the solution that have aggregated to form micelles of lamellar and cylindrical shapes at identical T, P, and m parameters.

ΔH0 is calculated by comparing the response signals obtained during temperature scanning in the calibration and working experiments [3, 8]:

$$\Delta {{H}_{0}} = {{u}_{x}}{{\delta }_{k}}\Delta t{{\mu }_{2}}{\text{/}}M,$$

where δk = (Pc/uc) is sensitivity of the calorimeter; Pc is the power of the calibration current; uх and uc are response signals of the electric potential in the working and calibration experiments; Δt is the length of calibration; μ2 is the molar weight of the substance in solution in an operating cell; and M is the weight of the substance. The scan rate was \({v}\) = 0.5 K/min. Calibration at equilibrium transition temperature T0 = 323 K in particular was done with power Pc = 25 × 103 nW at Δt = 605.65 s. Sensitivity δk was 33.40279 nW/mV. The parameters of the experiment were SDS concentration m = 0.33 at 323 K, solution density ρ = 1.00098 g/cm3, and M = 0.02668 g. Response signal uх (recorded below the baseline) was −10 634.0 mV.

Under the equilibrium conditions of the polymorphic transition (m = 0.33 and 323 K),

$$\begin{gathered} \Delta {{H}_{0}} = - 2099.01\;{\text{kJ/mol}}{\text{,}} \\ \Delta {{S}_{0}} = \Delta {{H}_{0}}{\text{/}}{{T}_{0}} = - 6.498\;{\text{J/}}({\text{mol}}\;{\text{K}}), \\ \Delta {{G}_{0}} = 0. \\ \end{gathered} $$

The errors in determining ΔH0 were actually the instrument bias (identical to the bias in determining specific heat capacities Cp of solutions: \(C_{p}^{0}\) + δkux\({v}\)/M). It is well known that heat capacity can be determined with high accuracy via the high-precision scanning calorimetry of solutions (the error is no greater than several units to the fourth decimal place). We used specialized WScal software that considered the volume of solvents displaced from the solution. The errors grew substantially for calculations of the ΔH(T) values and were mainly due to errors in approximating the apparent molar heat capacity needed to calculate PMHC [4]. In this work, the total errors are estimated at 3–5%.


Thermodynamic Functions of the Transition and the Micelle Aggregation Number

From a thermodynamic viewpoint, the extrema on isotherms and isoconcentrates of the PMHC of surfactants \({{(\partial \overline {C{{p}_{{\text{2}}}}} {\text{/}}\partial m{\text{)}}}_{{{\text{p}},{T}}}} = {\text{0}}\) and \({{(\partial \overline {C{{p}_{{\text{2}}}}} {\text{/}}\partial T{\text{)}}}_{{p{\text{,}}m}}} = {\text{0}}{\text{.}}\) At concentrations greater than CMC1 (and especially CMC2), where the intermicellar space contains almost no surfactant ions, all changes that occur as the shape transforms are related to changes in the packing density and architecture of surfactant ions in the surface layer of micelles. When SDS concentration m grows from 0.30 to 0.38, cylindrical micelles can be rearranged into lamellar bilayer micelles with smaller specific surface area a and greater packing density q = Vc/(alc), where Vc and lc are the volume and length of the hydrocarbon substituent in the SDS molecule [5].

Figure 1 shows dependence \(\overline {C{{p}_{{\text{2}}}}} (T)\) of the PMHC of SDS in a solution with equilibrium concentration m = 0.33 of transition CMC3 throughout the considered temperature range, taken from [4]. It was noted earlier that the Krafft point corresponds to the minimum at 280 K.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Temperature dependence of partial molar heat capacity of SDS in a solution with equilibrium concentration CMC3 = 0.33 mol/kg.

If we analyze the process of micelle shape transformation at m = const in the context of elevated temperature, we would expect the packing of the surface layer of micelles to be loosened and a plate–cylinder transition to occur. However, Fig. 1 shows that PMHC \(\overline {{{C}_{p}}_{{\text{2}}}} \) falls at temperatures above 293 K (the onset of the transition), where 100% of the surface-active SDS ions aggregate into lamellar micelles. The nascent micelles with cylindrical surfaces are therefore more densely packed. At the end of the transition (343 K), all surface-active SDS ions have aggregated into cylindrical micelles. At the equilibrium point (T0 = 323 K), equal percentages of these ions aggregate into micelles of both shapes. The solution now contains, in addition to negatively charged micelles, only a small percentage of free Na+ ions: (1 − β) = (1 − N/n), where n is the aggregation number of surfactant ions in a micelle; N is the number of counterions; and β is the degree of counterion bonding.

The \({\Delta }\overline {C{{p}_{{\text{2}}}}} (T)\) values are determined from Fig. 1 according to the y-coordinates between experimental curve \(\overline {C{{p}_{{\text{2}}}}} (T)\) and the dashed line drawn from the point where the transition starts (293 K) to the point where it ends (343 K) [4, 5]. This extrapolation \({{{\text{(}}{{\overline {Cp} }_{{\text{2}}}}{\text{)}}}_{{\text{0}}}}\) = 6341.31 − 17.55T represents the hypothetical PMHC that SDS molecules aggregated into plate-like micelles would have if there were no transition-related processes. Of course, it is the additivity of PMHC that is meant.

The extrapolation is the baseline of PMHC scanning; it is in our case negatively sloped, as opposed to other studied intermicellar transitions in SDS solutions (CMC1–2 and CMC2) [2, 3]. As already noted, this means the PMHC of SDS molecules in cylindrical micelles at the margins of transition is almost 300% lower than in lamellar micelles: \(\overline {C{{p}_{{\text{2}}}}} \)(343 K)/\(\overline {C{{p}_{{\text{2}}}}} \)(293 K) = 0.27 (Fig. 1). This happens even though the landing area in a cylindrical micelle is twice that in a lamellar micelle (acyl > alam; ncyl < nlam), according to the packing equation in [9]. The surface architecture of micelles when their shape is rearranged presumably depends not only on surfactant ions but on the layer of counterions as well (the Stern layer). This layer must be dense and planar for lamellar micelles, and rarefied and uneven for the distorted cylindrical surface: Na+ ions can be partially incorporated into the voids between the head sulfate groups of surfactant ions, and thus sterically hinder ion mobility. This is accompanied by changes in the interionic distance, the thickness of the electrical double layer (EDL), and the number of water molecules; and thus the redistribution of the competing contributions of hydrophobic and electrostatic energies.

Figure 2 shows the temperature dependence of PMHC transition \({\Delta }\overline {C{{p}_{{\text{2}}}}} (T)\) at CMC3m = 0.33. The area under the curve is the characteristic heat effect of the process,

$$\int\limits_{{{T}_{{\text{f}}}}}^{{{T}_{{\text{i}}}}} {{{\Delta }}\overline {C{{p}_{{\text{2}}}}} {\text{(}}{T}{\text{)}}dT} = [{{\Delta }}{H}]_{{{{T}_{{\text{f}}}}}}^{{{{T}_{{\text{i}}}}}} = {{\Delta }}H{\text{(}}{{{T}}_{{\text{i}}}}{\text{)}} - {{\Delta }}{H}{\text{(}}{{T}_{{\text{f}}}}{\text{)}}$$

and is equal to 20.090 kJ/mol. Here, Тi = 293 K and Tf = 343 K are the temperatures of the initial and final transition. The area under curve \(\overline {C{{p}_{{\text{2}}}}} (T)~\) lies below the PMHC baseline (Fig. 1), \(~\overline {C{{p}_{{\text{2}}}}} ~\)(343 K) < \(~\overline {C{{p}_{{\text{2}}}}} ~\)(293 K), so the characteristic enthalpy of the process is negative.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Temperature dependence of partial molar heat capacity of intermicellar transition in an SDS solution at CMC3 = 0.33 mol/kg.

Integrals (1)–(3) were calculated without approximating the corresponding subintegral functions using the mean value theorem. The mean value of the subintegral function was calculated as that of a quadratic function on each integration interval. The superiority of this approach was demonstrated in [10].

Thermodynamic functions ΔH(T), ΔS(T), and ΔG(T) of the transition are shown in Fig. 3. The enthalpy and entropy of the transition behave symbatically. Exothermicity declines (energy is absorbed) and entropy grows along with temperature. The fraction of surface-active SDS ions aggregated into lamellar micelles predominates during the first part of the transition (293−323 K). These ions are more thermodynamically stable: more cylindrical micelles are destroyed, and the exothermicity of the process (ΔH = −14.92 kJ/mol; TΔS = −13.9 kJ/mol at 293 K) wins the competition for negative ΔG. In contrast, the entropy factor makes a slightly greater contribution to ΔG during the second part of the process (323−343 K), and ΔH and ΔS become positively charged (TΔS = 5.26 kJ/mol, ΔH = 5.10 kJ/mol at 343 K). We can see from Figs. 2 and 3 that at equilibrium temperature T0 = 323 K, \({{(\partial \Delta {{\overline {Cp} }_{2}}{\text{/}}\partial T)}_{{p,m}}}\) = \({{({{\partial }^{2}}\Delta H(T){\text{/}}\partial {{T}^{2}})}_{{p,m}}}\) = 0. At this point, there is a kink on isoconcentrate ΔH(T) (Fig. 3) and \(\partial \Delta G(T){\text{/}}\partial T{{)}_{{p,m}}} = 0\). However, the condition of equilibrium ΔS= 0 that is typical of isolated systems is in this case not met, though the entropy is low: ΔS(323 K) ≈ −6.5 J/(mol K). When temperature is varied from 293 to 343 K (using the denotation in formula (6)), the integral thermodynamic functions of transition are \([{{\Delta }}{H}]_{{{{T}_{{\text{f}}}}}}^{{{{T}_{{\text{i}}}}}}\) = −20.094 kJ/mol, \([T\Delta S]_{{{{T}_{{\text{f}}}}}}^{{{{T}_{{\text{i}}}}}}\) = −19.176 kJ/mol, \([{{\Delta }}S]_{{{{T}_{{\text{f}}}}}}^{{{{T}_{{\text{i}}}}}}\) = −0.0322 kJ/(mol K), and \([{{\Delta }}G]_{{{{{T}}_{{\text{f}}}}}}^{{{{{T}}_{{\text{i}}}}}}\) = −0.918 kJ/mol. In other words, the energy factor is only 5% greater than the decline in the entropy factor.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Temperature dependences of the thermodynamic functions of the intermicellar transition in an SDS solution at CMC3 = 0.33 mol/kg.

It has been repeatedly shown that in the quasi-chemical approach, a monomolecular reversible reaction can be used to model the rearrangement of micellar structure and shape [5, 11, 12]. When the corresponding standard state and near-unity degree of micellization of a micellar solution are chosen, equilibrium constant Kc depends only on the concentration of surfactant ions in a micelle: Kc = Ccyl/Clam, Ccyl + Clam = CMC3.

Since the work done to transfer surfactant ions from micelles with one shape to micelles of a different shape (P, T = const) is described by the isotherm equation, the correlation between the aggregation number n of surfactant ions in a micelle and Kc and ΔG can be established using the equation

$$n = - \ln {{K}_{c}}{\text{/}}(\Delta G{\text{/}}RT).$$

The varying intensity of the transfer of surfactant ions as the temperature rises suggests that the n values in formula (7) differ. As already noted, the transfer of surfactant ions from a cylindrical micelle to a lamellar one (n1) proceeds mostly at the first stage, while the opposite process occurs during the second stage (n2). The sum of these two values yields aggregation number nlam for a lamellar micelle; the difference between these values yields aggregation number ncyl for a cylindrical micelle.

Equilibrium constants Kc(T) were calculated in [4], so the mean values of the state function of the micellar systems (the aggregation numbers n) can be determined using Eq. (7) when the ΔG value is known. Analysis of these data shows the linearity of function lnKc((ΔG/RT)) is maintained with an error of ≤5%. It is therefore fair to say that n1 = 10 and n2 = 73. Then nlam = 83 and ncyl = 63.

Changes in Micelle Structure and the Degree of Counterion Bonding

In what follows, we use the familiar droplet model of a direct ionic micelle and the packing equations in [9, 11, 12]. The parameters of the linear hydrocarbon chain of an SDS molecule are well known [13]. Chain length and volume are lc = 14.15 Å and Vc = 296.40 Å3; the cross-section area of the substituent and its diameter are ac = (Vc/lc) = 20.95 Å2 and dc = 5.16 Å, respectively.

Specific (landing) surface area a = S/n (where S is the surface area of the micellar nucleus) is the key parameter in the packing of the head parts of surfactant ions in a micelle. According to the packing equation in [9], alam/ac = 1 for a lamellar micelle and acyl/ac = 2 for a cylindrical one. The volume of a micelle nucleus is Vlam = nlamVc, Vcyl = ncylVc, (Vlam/Vcyl) = (nlam/ncyl) = 1.32. The lateral surface area of micelle nuclei depends on the ratio between landing surface area a and cross-section area ahead of the head part of a surfactant ion. When aheada, S = na; when ahead > a,S = nahead. Since no data were available, the size of the head part of a surface-active ion of an SDS molecule was assumed to be equal to the size of a sulfate ion with radius rhead = 2.3 Å in solution [14]; ahead = 16.62 Å2 < ac. The areas of both lamellae of a micelle are then Slam = nlamac, Scyl = 2ncylac, and Slam/Scyl = nlam/2ncyl = 0.66. It is clear that Vlam/Vcyl = 2Slam/Scyl.

Diameter dlam of a lamellar micelle is \(\sqrt {{\text{2}}{{n}_{{{\text{lam}}}}}{{a}_{c}}{\text{/}}\pi } \) = 33.27 Å. The maximum thickness of the nucleus of a lamellar micelle is equal to the maximum diameter of the cross section of a cylindrical micelle: hlam max = dcyl max = 2lc. Length lcyl of a cylindrical micelle is Vcyl\(l_{c}^{2}\) = ncylaclc = 29.69 Å, which is close to the diameter of a lamellar micelle. Note that lc is the maximum radius of the base of the cylinder. If this radius is equal to 0.9lc, then lcyl=dlam. This is to be expected, according to the generally accepted concept of comparing the two micelle shapes.

In addition to aggregation numbers n and specific surface areas a, degree β of counterion bonding is also a variable of the state of a micellar system. The degree of counterion bonding depends on the concentration, temperature, and permittivity in the surface and diffuse parts of an EDL [15]. However, the maximum value of β for a lamellar micelle can be estimated by assuming that hydrated Na+ counterions form a dense layer on its surface. We assume the diameter of a hydrated Na+ ion dcounter to be 5.5 Å [11], and surface acounter of its central cross section to be 23.76 Å2. Number Nlam of the counterions is Slam/acounter = nlamac/acounter = 73. The degree βlam of counterion bonding is alam/acounter = ac/acounter = Nlam/nlam = 0.88. The minimum EDL density on the surface of a single lamella can be written as the sum of the hydrated radii of a counterion and the head part of a surfactant ion: δlam = rcounter + rhead = 5.05 Å.

It should be noted that the surface-active head parts on the surface of the nucleus of a lamellar micelle are distributed uniformly but still rather loosely. If dhead = 2rhead = 4.6 Å and dc = 5.16 Å, the average distance between the surface-active heads is (dcdhead) = 0.56 Å. Of course, neither counterions nor water molecules can penetrate into this void, but nothing prevents the sulfate heads from acquiring additional degrees of freedom. The free surface of the distorted surface of the nucleus of a cylindrical micelle between sulfate groups (acyl ≈ 2ac) allows counterions to be partially dragged into these free surface voids, due mainly to hydrophobic interactions. This approach can also be used here to estimate βcyl. Let us assume that Ccounter is the bulk concentration of counterions in the intermicellar space of a solution and C is the total concentration. At equilibrium concentration CMC3m = 0.33 = 11.4 CMC1, degree of micellization α tends to unity and Ccounter = (1 – β)C. It is clear that inequality [11] is a condition of there being no bonding between ion–micelle pairs in a solution of I–I surfactant electrolyte:

$$\begin{gathered} (1 - \beta )n{{e}^{{2 }}}{\text{/}}(4\pi {{\varepsilon }_{0}}\varepsilon \bar {r}kT) \leqslant 1\quad {\text{and at the limit}} \\ (1 - \beta ) \approx 4\pi {{\varepsilon }_{0}}\varepsilon \bar {r}kT{\text{/}}n{{e}^{2}}, \\ \end{gathered} $$

where ε0 is the vacuum permittivity; ε is the static permittivity of the solution; \(\bar {r} = {{({{C}_{{{\text{counter}}}}} + {{C}_{{\text{m}}}})}^{{ - 1/3}}}\) is the average distance between ions, including micelles; and Cm = C/n is the bulk concentration of micelles. When CMC3 = const, the \(\bar {r}\) value remains virtually the same. If Tmelt = 293 K and Tcyl = 343 K, allowance should also be made for function ε(T).

Formula (8) is, of course, not used for calculations, but the relation

$$\frac{{1 - {{\beta }_{{{\text{lam}}}}}}}{{1 - {{\beta }_{{{\text{cyl}}}}}}} \approx \frac{{{{T}_{{{\text{lam}}}}}{{\varepsilon }_{{{\text{lam}}}}}{{n}_{{{\text{cyl}}}}}}}{{{{T}_{{{\text{cyl}}}}}{{\varepsilon }_{{{\text{cyl}}}}}{{n}_{{{\text{lam}}}}}}}$$

should yield a reliable estimate.

For aqueous solutions, we use the familiar empirical equation [16]

$$\begin{gathered} \varepsilon (t) = 78.803[1-4.54 \times {{10}^{{-3}}}(t - 25) \\ + \;9.0 \times {{10}^{{-6}}}{{(t - 25)}^{2}}], \\ \end{gathered} $$

which yields εlam(293 K) = 80.08, εcyl(343 K) = 62.31. Assuming (1 − βlam) = 0.12, we find that (1 – βcyl) = 0.15 and βcyl = 0.85, while Ncyl = βcylncyl ≈ 54.

Let us estimate the density of ionic packing in the EDL on the surface of a cylindrical micelle. In the average parameters of the structure, the distances between the heads (2dcdhead) are greater than dcounter by only 0.2 Å, and free surface area (2acahead)ncyl/N = (2acahead)/βcyl of the nucleus per counterion (the void surface area) is greater than acounter by 6 Å2. Void volume (2acahead)dheadcyl is greater than Vcounter by 50 Å3, but dcounter > dhead, so the hydrated Na+ counterion is only partially dragged into the void with the calculated surface area, volume, and height dhead. Simple calculations show that the surface layer of a cylindrical micelle is most densely packed with polar heads, counterions, and water molecules if each void contains four water molecules and is filled by 89% of the volume of a hydrated Na+ ion. Segments of the Na+ ion’s sphere ∼1.1 Å high will lie below the layer of the head parts of surface-active ions and at least the diameter of water molecule will be added to the thickness of the EDL: δcyl = rcounterrhead + \({{d}_{{{{{\text{H}}}_{2}}{\text{O}}}}}\) = 3.5 Å.

Components of the Gibbs Free Energy of an Intermicellar Transition

The electrostatic energies of the EDL on the surface of a micelle with two different shapes can be compared (when β is near unity) using models of planar and cylindrical capacitors. Suitable models must be compared: only one EDL of a planar bilayer micelle whose diameter is equal to the length of a cylindrical micelle (dlamlcyl) should be used. The βlam and βcyl values are not equal to unity, so the half-sums of the energies of interaction generated by charges from each lamella must be added to determine the capacitor energy (when calculating the capacitor energy, we must use product q1q2 = n2e2β instead of squared charge) [17]. The expression for determining the energy of ions in a planar capacitor is well known [17]; for a lamellar micelle, it can be written as

$$\begin{gathered} {{W}_{{{\text{lam}}}}} \approx {{e}^{2}}{{({{n}_{{{\text{lam}}}}}{\text{/}}2)}^{2}}{{\beta }_{{{\text{lam}}}}}{{\delta }_{{{\text{lam}}}}}{\text{/}}2{{\varepsilon }_{0}}{\varepsilon }_{{{\text{lam}}}}^{'}{{S}_{{{\text{lam}}}}} \\ = - {{e}^{2}}n_{{{\text{lam}}}}^{2}{{\beta }_{{{\text{lam}}}}}{{\delta }_{{{\text{lam}}}}}{\text{/}}2{{\varepsilon }_{0}}{\varepsilon }_{{{\text{lam}}}}^{'}{{S}_{{{\text{lam}}}}} \\ = {{e}^{2}}n_{{{\text{lam}}}}^{2}{{\beta }_{{{\text{lam}}}}}{{\delta }_{{{\text{lam}}}}}{\text{/}}2{{\varepsilon }_{0}}{\varepsilon }_{{{\text{lam}}}}^{'}\pi l_{{{\text{cyl}}}}^{'}. \\ \end{gathered} $$

In light of the relations presented above, the capacity and energy of a cylindrical capacitor are

$$\begin{gathered} {{C}_{{{\text{cyl}}}}} = 2\pi {{\varepsilon }_{0}}{{\varepsilon }}_{{{\text{cyl}}}}^{'}{{l}_{{{\text{cyl}}}}}{\text{/}}\ln ({{l}_{1}}{\text{/}}{{l}_{2}}), \\ {{W}_{{{\text{cyl}}}}} = {{e}^{2}}n_{{{\text{cyl}}}}^{2}{{\beta }_{{{\text{cyl}}}}}\ln ({{l}_{1}}{\text{/}}{{l}_{2}}){\text{/}}4\pi {{\varepsilon }_{0}}{{\varepsilon }}_{{{\text{cyl}}}}^{'}{{l}_{{{\text{cyl}}}}}. \\ \end{gathered} $$

In formulas (11) and (12), \({\varepsilon }_{{{\text{lam}}}}^{'}\) and \({\varepsilon }_{{{\text{cyl}}}}^{'}\) are the permittivities in the respective EDLs. It is known that in the first (dense) layer of the hydration shell of an ion, where dielectric saturation is achieved, the value of ε' ≈ 2 and virtually independent of concentration and temperature [18]; l1 = lc + rhead and l2 = l1 + δcyl are the radii of the inner (l1) and outer (l2) cylinders of the capacitor. The formula

$${{W}_{{{\text{lam}}}}}{\text{/}}{{W}_{{{\text{cyl}}}}} = 2n_{{{\text{lam}}}}^{2}{{\beta }_{{{\text{lam}}}}}{{\delta }_{{{\text{lam}}}}}{\text{/}}(n_{{{\text{cyl}}}}^{2}{{\beta }_{{{\text{cyl}}}}}{{l}_{{{\text{cyl}}}}}\ln ({{l}_{1}}{\text{/}}{{l}_{2}}))$$

gives the ratio between the potentials in the EDLs of the corresponding micelles. This ratio is 3.02. When recalculated per mole of SDS in both micelles, the ratio is 1.74. When \({\varepsilon }_{{{\text{lam}}}}^{'}\)\({\varepsilon }_{{{\text{cyl}}}}^{'}\) ≈ 2, formulas (11) and (12), recalculated per mole of SDS and in reduced form, yield \(W_{{{\text{lam}}}}^{'}\) = 6.86 kJ/mol = 2.56RT0 and \(W_{{{\text{cyl}}}}^{'}\)= 3.94 kJ/mol = 1.47RT0. The electrostatic component of the Gibbs free energy thus falls by 174% and by ΔW ' = \(W_{{{\text{cyl}}}}^{'}\)\(W_{{{\text{lam}}}}^{'}\) = −2.92 kJ/mol = −1.09RT0.

Specific adsorption forces of the interaction between counterions and a micellar nucleus contribute substantially to the formation of EDLs on the surfaces of ionic micelles. Us’yarov [15] obtained an expression for adsorption potential φad, normalized to the Boltzmann factor and related to electrostatic potential φel of an EDL: φad = −φel − ln(β/V0Ccounter(1 – β)), where V0 is the molar volume of the solvent, and Ccounter is the molar concentration of counterions in the solution. The expression for changes ΔA in the potential energy of adsorption during the lamella–cylinder intermicellar transition is easily derived using the formula

$$\Delta A{\text{/}}R{{T}_{0}}\, = \,-{\kern 1pt} \Delta W{\kern 1pt}' {\text{/}}R{{T}_{0}}\, + \,\ln ({{\beta }_{{{\text{lam}}}}}(1\,-\,{{\beta }_{{{\text{cyl}}}}}){\text{/}}{{\beta }_{{{\text{cyl}}}}}(1\,-\,{{\beta }_{{{\text{lam}}}}})).$$

Calculations yield ΔA/RT0 = −0.82 kJ/mol, where ΔA = −2.21 kJ/mol.

If the changes in potential energy related to variation in the number of water molecules in an EDL are considered hydrophobic interactions, then ΔG0(323 K) = 0 = ΔW ' + ΔA + ΔE at the equilibrium point of the transition, where ΔЕ is the change in the hydrophobic component of the Gibbs free energy of the transition. It follows that ΔЕ/RT0 = 1.91 and ΔE = 5.13 kJ/mol. The ΔE : ΔW ' : ΔA ratio between changes in the hydrophobic, electrostatic, and adsorption components of the Gibbs free energy of the transition is 50 : 28.3  : 21.7%. The electrostatic and adsorption components of the Gibbs free energy diminish, while the hydrophobic component grows when the polymorphic transition is viewed in the context of increasing temperature.


The thermodynamic functions, the components of Gibbs free energy, and the micellar parameters and structural changes that occur in micelles during intermicellar polymorphic transition corresponding to CMC3 = m = 0.33 in aqueous SDS solutions were determined. Under conditions where the temperature is increased (293–343 K) with equilibrium temperature T0 = 323 K, this lamella–cylinder transition is characterized by denser packing of the surface of a cylindrical micelle, due to the incorporation of counterions; a drop in the β and n values; enhancement of hydrophobic bonding; and reduction of the electrostatic and adsorption energies in the EDL. These results are based on experimental thermodynamic studies (particularly high-precision scanning calorimetry).