Iron is one of the most abundant elements on the Earth. The fundamental electronic, magnetic, and structural properties of iron and its simple compounds are very important for understanding the structure of strongly correlated electron systems and for studying the properties of inner layers of the Earth. Iron polyhydrides are among possible materials in the mantle and the core of the Earth. Iron polyhydrides also allow the existence of superconducting phases belonging to the recently discovered new family of high-temperature superconductors—metal polyhydrides [13].

The discovery of superconductivity with the critical temperature Tc above 200 K in SH3 [1, 2], LaH10 [3], and YH6 [4] opened an era of high-temperature superconductors based on metal polyhydrides [5, 6]. From 2015 to date, the following metal polyhydrides with relatively high Tc values approaching room temperature have been synthesized (see reviews [5, 6]): PHx with Tc > 100 K at 207 GPa, YHx with Tc = 243 K above 200 GPa, ThHx with Tc = 161 K below 175 GPa, PrHx with Tc = 9 K below 130 GPa, LaYHx with Tc = 253 K below 183 GPa, CeHx with Tc = 115–120 K below 95 GPa, SnHx with Tc = 70 K below 200 GPa, BaHx with Tc ≈ 20 K below 140 GPa, CaHx with Tc = 215 K at 172 GPa, ScHx with Tc = 22.4 K at 156 GPa, and LuHx with Tc = 15 K at 128 GPa.

It is also noteworthy that the chemical composition, the structure, and the electronic and magnetic properties of materials in the upper and lower mantles and the core of the Earth are still incompletely known. Iron is one of the key elements in the mantle and the core of the Earth. It is accepted that the core of the Earth consists primarily of iron with a minor addition of nickel, other predominantly light elements S, Si, and C, and hydrogen [710]. Iron is present in the mantle layers in the form of complex oxide compounds. Consequently, the study of the structure and magnetic and electronic properties of iron compounds, in particular, iron–hydrogen compounds, at high pressures is of great importance for the reconstruction of the structure of the inner spheres of the Earth and for the understanding of their physical properties.

The most probable stable phases of iron hydrides were sought using ab initio density functional theory calculations with a plane wave basis and pseudopotentials [11, 12], USPEX evolutionary algorithm [13, 14], particle swarm optimization [1517], and random search with use of the lattice dynamic method in the quasiharmonic approximation [18]. The authors of the cited works described the structures of iron hydrides with different compositions and calculated regions of their thermodynamic stability. Cubic FeH can exist up to 400 GPa [14, 18]. Hydride Fe3H5 (space group \(P{{6}_{3}}{\text{/}}mmc\)) is stable in the range of 50–145 GPa [14, 17], FeH\(_{2}\) (space group \(I4{\text{/}}mmm\)) exists at 45–130 GPa [11, 14, 17], Fe3H8 (space group \(Pm\)-\(3m\)) is stable up to 75 GPa [14], and FeH3 (space group \(Pm\)-\(3m\)) exists above 65 GPa [11, 14] up to 400 GPa [13]. According to calculations, FeH4 can exist in the range of 100–240 GPa in the cubic (space group \(P{{2}_{1}}3\)), orthorhombic (space group \(Imma\)), and monoclinic (space group \(P{{2}_{1}}{\text{/}}m\)) modifications [13, 15, 17]. The tetragonal Fe3H13 and FeH5 (space group \(I4{\text{/}}mmm\)) phases are stable in the range of 75–150 GPa [14]. The orthorhombic FeH5 phase with the space group \(Cmca\) is possible above 200 GPa [18]. The monoclinic (space group \(C2{\text{/}}m\)) and orthorhombic (space group \(Cmmm\)) modifications [14, 16] in the range of 35–115 GPa, as well as the monoclinic phase with the space group \(C2{\text{/}}c\) above 200 GPa [16, 18], were predicted for FeH6. Metastable FeH7 and FeH8 hydrides can exist in the pressure range of 150–300 GPa [16].

Recent theoretical studies predict superconductivity in the FeH5 (space group \(I4{\text{/}}mmm\)) [12, 14, 19] and FeH6 (space group \(Cmmm\)) iron hydrides with Tc up to 50 K at 130–150 GPa. However, the calculations reported in [20] exclude superconductivity in the FeH5 phase and other iron hydrides.

The FeH iron hydride in the cubic [21] and hexagonal modifications [11, 2224] and the predicted FeH2, FeH3, and FeH5 phases have been experimentally obtained and examined [11, 12].

According to our recent nuclear forward scattering (NFS) studies of the Fe-57 isotope, pure iron is diamagnetic or paramagnetic with a very low magnetic moment in the pressure range of 13–241 GPa at temperatures of 4.2–300 K [25, 26]. Consequently, it can be assumed that the nonmagnetic FeHx phases at pressures above the \(\alpha \to \varepsilon \) transition (at a pressure of 13 GPa and room temperature) can be superconducting with a fairly high critical temperatures Tc.

According to theoretical predictions together with our preliminary results of NFS (Fe-57) experiments [25, 26], superconducting FeHx phases can possibly be synthesized at pressures of about and above 150 GPa. At high pressures, we can also study the electronic and magnetic properties of FeHx phases in NFS experiments, the crystal structure in X-ray diffraction (XRD) experiments, and the transport and magnetic properties in experiments on the measurement of the electrical resistance and the magnetic susceptibility.

In this work, iron polyhydrides are synthesized by the laser heating of samples in diamond anvil cells to temperatures of about 2000 K at pressures from 77 to 157 GPa. As a result, at least seven FeHx compounds with different electronic and magnetic properties are synthesized. It is established that one of the polyhydride phases, which is identified as FeH2, has the Néel temperature TN = 174 K at a pressure of 82 GPa. One of the surprising results of this work is the detection of the FeHx phase, which remains magnetically ordered at a pressure of 128 GPa in the temperature range of 4–300 K. Such a high pressure is characteristic of the boundary between the lower mantle and the outer core of the Earth.


To synthesize iron polyhydrides in our experiments, we used a metallic iron powder enriched in the Mössbauer Fe-57 isotope to a degree of ~96%. The initial iron powder was pressed into plates about 0.5–2 μm thick with typical dimensions of 10 × 5 μm to 20 × 10 μm. Such a sample was placed in the working volume of a high-pressure diamond anvil cell, which was then filled with sublimated borazane (ammonia borane BH3NH3). Borazane served as a pressure-transmitting medium and simultaneously was a source of hydrogen at the laser heating of the sample (details of the synthesis method see in [3]). After that, the pressure in the cell was increased to the expected pressure of synthesis and the sample was heated by a laser. Borazane at a high temperature is decomposed stage-by-stage with the emission of atomic hydrogen as NH3BH3 → (NH2BH2)n + H2 → (NHBH)n + H2c-BN + H2 [27]. This hydrogen reacts with a metal at a high temperature and a high pressure and, as a result, higher FeHx hydrides are synthesized.

The Mössbauer and X-ray diffraction measurements of iron hydrides at high pressures were performed in four diamond anvil cells (see Fig. 1) based on the ideas proposed in [28]. The working surface of diamond anvils 270–300 μm in diameter were beveled at an angle of 8.5° with the formation of a culet (flat area at the vertex of diamond) 40–55 μm in diameter.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

(a) (Color online) Micrographs of samples loaded in four diamond anvil cells taken immediately after the synthesis of FeHx polyhydride. The size of the working area of diamond anvils varies from 40 to 55 μm and the thickness of the FeHx sample is about 0.5–2 μm. (a) Cell 1 with a W gasket; synthesis at a pressure of P ~ 90 GPa provided the I, Ia, and II phases; nuclear forward scattering was measured at pressures P = 108157 GPa. (b) Cell 2 with a c-BN gasket, synthesis at a pressure of \(P \sim 68{\kern 1pt} \)GPa; diamond anvils were destroyed at a pressure of about 200 GPa. (с) Cell 3 with a c-BN gasket, synthesis at a pressure of P ~ 154 GPa gave the ε-Fe and III phases; nuclear forward scattering was measured at pressures P = 110156 GPa. (d) TD-3 cell with a Re gasket, synthesis at a pressure of P ~ 77 GPa yields the IV(FeH\(_{2}\)), V, and VI phases; nuclear forward scattering was measured at P = (82 ± 2) GPa.

Holes in the tungsten or rhenium gasket were laser drilled to approximately 35 and 400 µm in diameter. The c-BN powder mixed with a small amount of epoxy resin was pressed into a 400-µm hole in the metal gasket, and then the hole 35 µm in diameter was drilled in the c-BN gasket, which was the working volume. The inner c-BN gasket served as an insulating layer in the electrical resistance measurements.The pressure was determined using the diamond Raman scale [29]. Raman spectra were collected using a Raman spectrometer equipped with a 660-nm red laser, a Shamrock SR-500i-A monochromator, and a DU940N BV CCD detector.

It was found that the pressure gradient in the sample even at the maximum pressure in each cell was no higher than 5 GPa, which indicates a high degree of hydrostaticity of the borazane medium. Figure 1 shows micrographs of samples loaded in four DACs taken immediately after the synthesis of FeHx polyhydrides.

Nuclear forward scattering spectra from Fe-57 nuclei in the synthesized FeHx samples were recorded at the P01 beamline of the PETRA-III synchrotron (DESY, Hamburg, Germany) operating in the 40‑bunch mode. We used a helium cryomagnetic system, where the high-pressure cells were cooled to temperatures of 3.8–4.3 K. The external magnetic field applied to the sample could be varied within 0–6 T. The characteristic acquisition rate of NFS spectra was about 150 photons/s, which allowed one to record high-quality NFS spectra each in 15–20 min. The system of KB mirrors focused the synchrotron beam into a 4 × 7-μm spot on the sample at a Mössbauer resonance energy of 14.41 keV.

The pressure in the cell was changed outside the cryostat at room temperature. Further, the cell was placed in the cryostat and was cooled to ~4 K. After that, several measurements of NFS spectra were performed under heating at different temperatures and in different magnetic fields in the range of 0–5 T. The magnetic field was parallel to the synchrotron beam, i.e., perpendicular to the plane of the sample. The pressure in the cell after the end of the heating cycle was additionally controlled at room temperature. The stability of the pressure in the heating cycle was repeatedly tested and the deviations from the set value were no more than 5 GPa. The recorded NFS spectra were processed using the MOTIF library developed by Y.V. Shvyd’ko [30, 31].

Immediately after the NFS experiments, X-ray diffraction studies of the prepared samples were performed at the P02 beamline of the PETRA-III synchrotron (DESY, Hamburg, Germany) and at the ID27 beamline of the ESRF synchrotron (Grenoble, France). To determine the spatial distribution of phases in the sample, we used X-ray diffraction microscopy with a sharply focused intense X-ray beam with a diameter up to 3 μm at wavelengths of \(\lambda = 0.289{\kern 1pt} \) Å (P02, PETRA III) and \(\lambda = 0.3738{\kern 1pt} \) Å (ID27, ESRF). Two-dimensional scanning results in the recording of a set of X-ray diffraction patterns with a step of 2–5 μm, and after the X-ray diffraction analysis using the Dioptas [32] and XDI [33] programs, we reconstructed the two-dimensional distribution (map) of the identified microcrystalline phases.


3.1 Measurement of X-Ray Diffraction and the X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of FeHx Iron Polyhydrides at High Pressures

Figure 2 shows X-ray diffraction patterns recorded at the ID27 beamline of the ESRF synchrotron (\(\lambda = 0.3738\) Å) from the region near the Re gasket (in the TD-3 cell), where several phases of iron hydrides could be present. Since the sample initially prepared for NFS measurements was a very thin layer with a thickness of about 0.5 μm, reflections in X-ray diffraction patterns have a low intensity insufficient to reliably determine crystalline phases. Reflections of the FeH2 tetragonal hydride phase with the space group \(I4{\text{/}}mmm\) (IV phase according to NFS data) are certainly detected, and additional weak reflections that can be due to the theoretically calculated FeH3 (space group \(Pm\)-\(3m\)), FeH5 (space group \(C2{\text{/}}m\)), and Fe3H13 (space group \(I4{\text{/}}mmm)\) hydride phases are observed [11, 14]. Such a variety of different FeHx structural phases indicates that the energies of these systems are very close to each other and requires a careful detailed analysis, recording the conditions of the synthesis, and the development of the conditions of the synthesis to ensure the reproducibility of the result.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

(Color online) Synchrotron X-ray diffraction patterns recorded at 82 GPa during two-dimensional scanning of FeHx synthesized in a TD-3 cell by laser heating the Fe sample in NH3BH3 medium.

Figures 3а and 4а show micrographs of the samples loaded in two diamond anvil cells. Figures 3b and 4b present the maps of the distribution of the dominant FeH2 tetragonal phase. Figures 3c and 4c show the experimental X-ray diffraction pattern measured at the P02 beamline of the PETRA III synchrotron and the Le Bail full-profile refinement of the structural parameters of the FeH2 phase at pressures of 82 and 117 GPa; the insets of Figs. 3с and 4с show the crystal structure of FeH2. The unit cell parameters of the tetragonal \(I4{\text{/}}mmm\) FeH2 phase at 117 GPa are found to be \(a = 2.405(2){\kern 1pt} \) Å, \(c = 8.17(1){\kern 1pt} \) Å, and \(V = 47.3(1){\kern 1pt} \) Å3.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

(Color online) (а) Micrographs of the FeHx sample synthesized by the laser heating of the Fe–NH3BH3 system at a pressure of 77 GPa in the TD-3 cell. (b) Distribution map of the FeH2 phase in the sample at a pressure of 82 GPa. (с) X-ray diffraction pattern measured from the region marked in panel (b) and the Le Bail full-profile refinement of the structural parameters of FeH2 at 82 GPa. The inset shows the crystal structure of FeH2.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

(Color online) (а) Micrographs of the FeHx sample synthesized by the laser heating of the Fe–NH3BH3 system at a pressure of 90 GPa in cell 1. (b) Distribution map of the FeH2 phase in the sample at a pressure of 117 GPa. (с) X-ray diffraction pattern measured from the region marked in panel (b) and the Le Bail full-profile refinement of the structural parameters of FeH2 at 117 GPa. The inset shows the crystal structure of FeH2.

3.2 Synthesis and NFS Studies of FeHx Polyhydrides at Pressures of 77–157 GPa

Iron polyhydrides FeHx were synthesized at high pressures and high temperatures using a laser heating setup at the P02 beamline of the PETRA-III synchrotron (DESY, Hamburg, Germany). The magnetic and electronic properties of FeHx were studied by NFS (Fe-57) spectroscopy at high pressures at the beamline P01 of the PETRA-III synchrotron.

The time spectrum of nuclear resonance forward scattering from Fe-57 nuclei is the intensity of scattered synchrotron radiation as a function of the time after a synchrotron pulse. The decrease in nuclear excitation is modulated in time by quantum and dynamic beatings. Quantum beatings are due to the splitting of nuclear levels by the hyperfine interaction as a result of the interference between components of scattered radiation of sublevels with different frequencies. The period of quantum beatings is inversely proportional to the hyperfine splitting energy and, in our case, to the hyperfine magnetic field Bhf on iron nuclei (details see in [34]).

In the measured NFS spectra, we detected several different phases of FeHx iron polyhydrides, where seven phases were established reliably. In this case, the I, Ia, and II phases after synthesis in cell 1 at a pressure of P ~ 90 GPa were further separated and studied. The ε-Fe and III phases were detected in the cell-3 at a synthesis pressure of P ~ 154 GPa. The IV(FeH2), V, and VI phases were obtained in the TD-3 cell at a synthesis pressure of P ~ 77 GPa. Figure 5 shows seven NFS spectra characteristic of seven different FeHx phases detected at the lowest temperature ~4 K in our experiment and from spectra recorded in the external magnetic field.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

(Color online) Examples of various FeHx phases synthesized and studied at different pressures, temperatures, and magnetic fields: (a) at T = 4 K, (b) at room temperature and partially at temperatures much above 4 K, and (c) at T = 4 K in an external magnetic field of Hext = 3 T.

The analysis of the dependence of NFS spectra on the temperature and external magnetic field Hext indicates at least three antiferromagnetic phases (I, Ia, and IV, Figs. 5a–5c), two ferromagnetic phases (III and V) with a low magnetic moment (which is manifested in a low magnetic field on the iron nucleus Bhf), and two nonmagnetic phases (II and VI).

One of the surprising results of our experiment is the detection of the magnetic FeHx (I) phase at a pressure of about 128 GPa and that this phase remains magnetic up to room temperature (see Fig. 5). This record high pressure at which a magnetically ordered iron compound has been detected to date corresponds to the pressure at the boundary between the lower mantle and the outer core of the Earth.

According to Figs. 5a and 5b, the \({\text{I}} \to {\text{Ia}}\) magnetic phase transition occurs in the pressure range of 128–140 GPa with an abrupt decrease in the magnetic moment at both low (4 K) and room temperatures. This transition is manifested in the drop of the hyperfine magnetic field Bhf on the iron nucleus by almost a factor of 4 in the NFS spectra! However, the Ia phase still remains weakly magnetic throughout the entire temperature range (4–300 K) at pressures up to ~156 GPa. The inverse \({\text{Ia}} \to {\text{I}}\) magnetic phase transition is not observed under the reduction of the pressure from 156 to 110 GPa in the I phase.

Thus, the \({\text{I}} \to {\text{Ia}}\) magnetic phase transition with the drop of the magnetic moment is likely a first-order structural phase transition with a large jump in the volume of the crystal lattice and a large hysteresis in the inverse \({\text{Ia}} \to {\text{I}}\) magnetic phase transition.

The effect of the temperature and the external magnetic field Hext on the magnetic properties of the I phase was studied at a pressure of 128 GPa. Figure 6 shows the temperature evolution of NFS spectra of the I phase in an external magnetic field of Hext = (a) 0 and (b) 1 T. Unlike the IV (FeH2) phase, the I phase remains magnetic in the entire temperature range (4–300 K) at pressures at least up to 128 GPa with the average hyperfine magnetic field on the Fe-57 nucleus Bhf ~ 20 T.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

(Color online) Temperature evolution of NFS spectra of the I phase in an external magnetic field of Hext = (a) 0 and (b) 1 T at a pressure of 128 GPa.

The behavior of NFS spectra (Fig. 6) demonstrates that the hyperfine magnetic field Bhf in the I phase decreases slowly with increasing temperature from 4 to 300 K and decreases in the applied external magnetic field Hext. This indicates the antiferromagnetic order. Nevertheless, the magnetic moment on iron remains high up to room temperature. A further investigation of the I phase is very important for understanding processes occurring at the boundary between the lower mantle and the core of the Earth.

Figure 7а shows the temperature evolution of NFS spectra in the IV phase. Analyzing the distribution of the phases over the area of the samples in X-ray diffraction and NFS experiments, we attribute this phase to FeH2 polyhydride. The hyperfine magnetic field Bhf at a pressure of 82 GPa decreases with increasing temperature, and the IV phase is transferred to a nonmagnetic state in the temperature range of 170–200 K. The Néel temperature at a pressure of 82 GPa is estimated at TN ~ 174 K.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

(Color online) (a) Temperature evolution of NFS spectra in the IV phase at a pressure of \(P = 82{\kern 1pt} \) GPa; a transition to a nonmagnetic phase in the temperature range of ~172–200 K is established. (b) Nuclear forward scattering spectra in the IV phase at T = 4 K and a pressure of P = 82 GPa in an external magnetic field of Hext = 0, 1, 3, and 5 T.

Figure 7b shows NFS spectra in the IV phase at a temperature of 4 K in an external magnetic field of Hext = 0, 1, 3, and 5 T. It is established that the hyperfine magnetic field Bhf increases with the external magnetic field and jumps by a factor of almost 2 at Hext = 5 T possibly because of the suppression of thermal spin fluctuations owing to the stabilization of the magnetic moment by the external magnetic field.

Using NFS spectra, we also examine the effect of the external magnetic field Hext on the hyperfine magnetic field Bhf on the Fe-57 nucleus in pure iron prior to laser heating. Figure 8 presents NFS (Fe-57) spectra in pure iron at P = 110 GPa and T = 4 K in an external magnetic field of Hext = 0, 1, 3, and 5 T parallel to the synchrotron beam, i.e., perpendicular to the plane of the sample. The inset shows the hyperfine field Bhf on the Fe-57 nucleus versus the external magnetic field Hext. It is established that the magnetic field on iron nuclei at a temperature of 4 K coincides with the applied external magnetic field. This indicates that iron at a pressure of 110 GPa is nonmagnetic even at a temperature of 4 K (see the inset of Fig. 8).

Fig. 8.
figure 8

(Color online) Nuclear forward scattering spectra in the pure nonmagnetic \(\varepsilon \)-Fe phase in an external magnetic field of Hext = 0, 1, 3, and 5 T. The inset shows the hyperfine magnetic field Bhf on the Fe-57 nucleus versus the external magnetic field Hext according to the calculation with the MOTIF library. The fields Hext and Bhf are almost the same, indicating most probably that the \(\varepsilon \)-Fe phase is diamagnetic.

These results together with NFS experiments on pure iron at various pressures and temperatures [25] allow one to use pure (nonmagnetic) iron as a sensor of an external magnetic field in experiments on the displacement of the magnetic field from the superconductor at high pressures just as the use of the Sn-119 Mössbauer sensor in experiments with the SH3 superconductor in [2].

It is noteworthy that nonmagnetic FeHx phases are very important to search for possible high-temperature superconductivity in iron polyhydrides. The FeHx phase is very easily distinguished from pure iron in NFS spectra because they have strongly different isomer shifts. Figure 9 shows NFS spectra obtained at a pressure of 157 GPa from the nonmagnetic II phase synthesized in cell 1 at a pressure of P ~ 90 GPa in comparison with spectra from the ε-Fe phase. It is seen that measurements with an outer stainless steel (SS) reference make it possible to obtain different NFS spectra (see Fig. 9) and to study different phases independently. Furthermore, as discussed above, we analyzed the structures of these new phases with the X-ray diffraction of synchrotron radiation at the P02 beamline of the PETRA-III synchrotron (see Fig. 3) and at the ID-27 beamline of the ESRF synchrotron (see Fig. 2).

Fig. 9.
figure 9

(Color online) Example of the difference in the isomer shifts for pure iron and FeHx hydride. Nuclear forward scattering spectra for (a) the II phase and pure iron and (b) the II phase with the external stainless steel reference (SS) and Fe + SS at T = 300 K and P = 157 GPa. A significant difference in the NFS spectra and the isomer shift is obvious.


Our experiments showed that a FeHx polyhydride phase is very sensitive to the conditions of synthesis. Synthesis was initiated by heating of a part of the sample by 0.3-s intense laser pulses (wavelength of about 1 μm). The power of pulses was gradually increased until the appearance of visible luminescence of the sample. The estimated temperature of the heated sample is in the range of ~700–2000 K. Since the spot from the laser has a nonuniform intensity in the radial coordinate and it is smaller than the sample, heating leads to a large temperature gradient in the sample, which obviously results in the synthesis of different FeHx phases. The synthesized phase depends apparently on the local thickness of the sample, on the power and duration of laser irradiation, and on the local temperature in the synthesis region. As a result, the synthesis region of a certain phase is characterized by a certain temperature and a certain hydrogen concentration formed during the decomposition of ammonia borane. The high pressure value also has an effect.

Thus, the nonuniform heating of the sample is useful for the synthesis of different FeHx phases at the same pressure. If the sample is approximately twice as large as the laser spot, one phase is usually synthesized at a high temperature and the second phase is synthesized at a low temperature. This situation was, e.g., observed in cell 1, where the fundamentally different I, Ia, and II phases with strongly different magnetic properties were synthesized at a pressure of 90 GPa.

The performed experiments indicate that an entire sample should be uniformly heated with a small temperature gradient with the control of the maximum temperature of heating in order to obtain a uniform sample of one of several FeHx phases.

Some synthesized FeHx iron polyhydride phases were studied by synchrotron X-ray diffraction. The structural parameters of the tetragonal antiferromagnetic FeH2 phase were determined. In addition, low-intensity X-ray diffraction peaks may indicate the possible presence of FeH3, FeH5, and Fe3H13 hydrides.

According to NFS studies, there are several different FeHx compounds with strongly different electronic and magnetic properties. One of the FeHx phases is magnetic even at a high pressure up to at least 128 GPa, which is almost equal to the pressure at the boundary between the lower mantle and the outer core of the Earth. Several phases are antiferromagnetic (in particular, FeH2), and several phases are nonmagnetic. Such a variety of FeHx phases is due to very close energies of these systems and requires a careful detailed analysis and recording of the conditions of the synthesis.

Figure 10 shows the temperature dependence of the hyperfine magnetic field on the Fe-57 nucleus Bhf(T) for the IV phase at a pressure of 82 GPa (TD2 cell). The hyperfine magnetic field Bhf was calculated from NFS spectra (see Fig. 7a) using the MOTIF library [30, 31]. According to the X-ray diffraction analysis (see Fig. 4), this phase at P = 82 GPa has the composition FeH2 and a tetragonal structure with the space group \(I4{\text{/}}mmm\).

Fig. 10.
figure 10

(Color online) Temperature dependence of the hyperfine magnetic field Bhf on the Fe-57 nucleus for the FeH\(_{2}\) (IV) polyhydride phase of a tetragonal structure with the space group \(I4{\text{/}}mmm\) (TD2 cell) at a pressure of 82 GPa: experimental points fitted by (solid line) the function \({{B}_{{{\text{hf}}}}}(T) = {{B}_{0}}\exp ( - \alpha T{\text{/}}{{T}_{{\text{N}}}})(1 - T{\text{/}}{{T}_{{\text{N}}}}{{)}^{\beta }}\) with the parameters TN = 174 K, B0 = 14.6 T, α = 0.025, and β = 1/3, which provide the best fit.

The solid line in Fig. 10 is the approximation of the experimental points by the following empirical formula (critical coefficients), which we successfully used to describe the temperature dependence of the hyperfine magnetic field at various pressures [35, 36]:

$${{B}_{{{\text{hf}}}}}(T) = {{B}_{0}}\exp ( - \alpha T{\text{/}}{{T}_{{\text{N}}}})(1 - T{\text{/}}{{T}_{{\text{N}}}}{{)}^{\beta }}.$$

The best approximation is achieved with the parameters TN = 174 K, B0 = 14.6 T, \(\alpha = 0.025\), and \(\beta = 1{\text{/}}3\).

According to X-ray diffraction data, the II phase is also a tetragonal FeH2 phase with the space group \(I4{\text{/}}mmm\) (see Fig. 4), but it becomes nonmagnetic at pressures of 128 and 157 GPa throughout the entire temperature range of 4–300 K (see Fig. 5).

The I phase at a pressure of 128 GPa remains magnetic up to and possibly above room temperature (see Fig. 5). As mentioned above, this is of great geophysical interest because this pressure is close to that at the boundary between the lower mantle and the outer core of the Earth.

Using the data obtained (Fig. 6a), we plotted the temperature dependence of the hyperfine magnetic field Bhf(T) on the Fe-57 nucleus for the I phase at a pressure of 128 GPa (Fig. 11). The best approximation of the experimental points by the empirical formula (1) (solid line in Fig. 11) is achieved with the parameters TN = 2100 K, \({{B}_{0}} = 21.4{\kern 1pt} \) T, \(\alpha = 0.015\), and \(\beta = 1{\text{/}}3\). Thus, it can be expected that the FeHx polyhydride I phase will be magnetic up to ~2000 K at a pressure of about 128 GPa. Unfortunately, the crystal structure of the IV phase was not reliably determined.

Fig. 11.
figure 11

(Color online) Temperature dependence of the hyperfine magnetic field Bhf on the Fe-57 nucleus for the FeHx (I) phase at a pressure of 128 GPa: experimental points fitted by (solid line) the function \({{B}_{{{\text{hf}}}}}(T) = {{B}_{0}}\exp ( - \alpha T{\text{/}}{{T}_{{\text{N}}}})(1 - T{\text{/}}{{T}_{{\text{N}}}}{{)}^{\beta }}\) with the parameters TN = 2100 K, B0 = 21.4 T, α = 0.015, and β = 1/3. The inset shows experimental points fitted by the above function with the parameters (red line) TN = 2100 K, B0 = 21.4 T, α = 0.015, and β = 1/3 and (blue line) TN = 1000 K, B0 = 21.4 T, α = 0.015, and β = 0.15. It is seen that the former fit with TN = 2100 K is better than the latter one with TN = 1000 K.

It is noteworthy that nonmagnetic polyhydride phases (FeHx) are very important for the investigation of possible high-temperature superconductivity. These results are very important both fundamentally for the physics of metal polyhydrides and their magnetism and superconductivity and for the physics of the Earth and terrestrial magnetism.

We are planning further experiments in this field and theoretical analysis of the results.