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Organizational citizenship behavior and implementation of evidence-based practice: Moderating role of senior management’s support

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Health Systems


This study sought to empirically examine the link between OCB and EBP implementation, and tested senior management’s support as a moderator of this relationship. A cross-sectional survey design was used. Data were based on the survey of participants’ perceptions of the study variables. The participants were professionals involved in the treatment of acute myocardial infarction at five hospitals in Madrid Community of Spain. Hypothetico-deductive method was applied, and partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used for data analysis. The relationship between OCB and EBP implementation was supported. A significant moderating effect was also found, which indicates that with an increase in senior management’s support OCBs become more important for explaining their effect on EBP implementation. The findings of this research are promising to organizations and agencies that take into account the importance of implementing EBP. This research provides conditions valuable to successful use of EBP. Especially, where senior management interacts positively with other variables such as OCB, the likelihood of EBP implementation and its effectiveness may increase. An improvement in these factors and their interaction is liable to guide an improved continuity in healthcare resulting from positive organizational ethos.

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Haider, S., Fernandez-Ortiz, A. & de Pablos Heredero, C. Organizational citizenship behavior and implementation of evidence-based practice: Moderating role of senior management’s support. Health Syst 6, 226–241 (2017).

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