
Espionage for national security purposes has long been widely practiced and tacitly tolerated, with countries largely escaping any accountability for their espionage activities under international law—although individual spies can be prosecuted under domestic laws if subject to the jurisdiction of that country’s judicial system (Blinderman and Din 2017; Lotrionte 2015; Pun 2017). Likewise, spying to gain economic advantage is certainly nothing new, despite various domestic laws which can be brought to bear to punish such conduct (Lotrionte 2015; Reid 2016). However, in recent years, technology has enabled economic espionage to be conducted on a massive scale, from afar without the need to physically cross national borders, relatively inexpensively, and often in relative anonymity (Crootof 2018; Rowe 2016). State sponsorship of cyber economic espionage has raised the stakes due to the organization and resources this provides to hackers, as well as the impact on national economies when wealth is systematically transferred from one country to another through theft of valuable information for the benefit of competing companies (Carlin 2016; Lotrionte 2015).

Transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage is a growing threat to developed economies which have robust industry largely reliant on the value of information—such as the United States economy (Lotrionte 2015; Reid 2016; Rowe 2016). Numerous high-profile hacking incidents by China, North Korea, and Russia perpetrated against companies based in the United States have raised public consciousness of the vulnerability of companies, and the United States economy more generally, to cyber espionage from abroad (Anderson 2017; Banks 2017b; Blinderman and Din 2017; Carlin 2016; Reid 2016). Policymakers are grappling with how to craft effective, lawful responses which deter such espionage while avoiding an escalation into an all-out cyberwar (Blinderman and Din 2017; Crootof 2018). These efforts are constrained by the lack of an effective legal framework for dealing with these incidents (Blinderman and Din 2017).

Although the Unites States has several domestic laws applicable to cyber economic espionage, using such laws to hold perpetrators accountable or achieve restitution is often not possible when the perpetrators commit offenses from abroad and with state backing (Blinderman and Din 2017; Perloff-Giles 2018; Rowe 2016). International law fails to specifically address transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage (Crootof 2018; Walton 2017). Despite efforts to reach consensus on how traditional international law principles apply to cyberspace, to date, there is little clarity with regard to cyber operations which occur in peacetime and do not constitute use of force (Crootof 2018; Walton 2017).

Unfortunately, the law has failed to keep pace with the breathtaking pace of technological development and thus is largely inadequate to effectively address transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage (Banks 2017a; Rowe 2016). Problematic issues include jurisdiction, sovereign immunity, attribution, the failure of international law to clearly address peacetime cyber espionage, and risks associated with available responses (Anderson 2017; Blinderman and Din 2017; Perloff-Giles 2018; Rowe 2016; Walton 2017). This article discusses the problem of transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage, analyzes how the current United States domestic legal framework applies to this phenomenon and what legal issues complicate the effective use of these laws, examines the ineffectiveness of the current state of international law in dealing with this problem, and discusses the implications of our failure to develop laws better suited to addressing this vexing problem.

The problem of transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage

Transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage is the unauthorized cross-border collection of information by foreign governments or state-sponsored actors via cyber means for the purpose of gaining an economic benefit (Lotrionte 2015; Reid 2016).Footnote 1 In recent years, cyber economic espionage has become a pressing concern, with technological developments enabling espionage to be conducted remotely on a massive scale and with relatively low barriers to entry in terms of both cost and technical expertise, resulting in estimated losses to the United States economy in the billions of dollars per year (Anderson 2017; Banks 2017b; Carlin 2016; Crootof 2018; Reid 2016; Rowe 2016). While cyber economic espionage committed by insiders or organized crime groups without state sponsorship is also a significant issue (Inserra 2017; Levandoski 2018), this article will focus on transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage due to the unique concerns raised by this type of espionage.

When cyber economic espionage is state sponsored and targets other nations’ private companies for the purpose of stealing intellectual property and trade secrets to benefit competitor companies, this poses a unique threat for several reasons (Lotrionte 2015). First, state backing provides a level of organization and funding to hackers which a typical individual hacker is unlikely to possess (Argento 2013). This creates a dynamic where individual private companies are trying to defend against cyber intrusions by a nation (Rowe 2016). Second, when conducted systematically or on a large scale, it can erode a country’s economy by removing the competitive edge of its private companies, undermining the return on those companies’ investments in research and development (which disincentivizes such investments in the future), and transferring large amounts of wealth (in the form of valuable information) to foreign competitor companies who have not made such investments, thereby allowing the sponsoring state to take a shortcut to grow its economy through cheating and outright theft (Carlin 2016; Lotrionte 2015). Third, the transnational nature of this espionage and the involvement of a state in perpetrating the offense make crafting an effective response within the existing legal framework extremely challenging (Blinderman and Din 2017; Rowe 2016). Thus, transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage is a uniquely intractable problem warranting a closer examination of the shortcomings of the current legal framework and the implications of our failure to develop laws capable of effectively combatting this threat.

Overview of relevant United States domestic laws

The current state of domestic law within the United States is inadequate to address transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage (Blinderman and Din 2017; Rowe 2016). In the United States, there are domestic laws at both the federal and state levels which can be used to address cyber economic espionage (Blinderman and Din 2017; Rowe 2016). At the state level, there are state trade secret theft statutes (providing a state civil private right of action for trade secret misappropriation; Beauchamp 2017). Relevant federal statutes include the Economic Espionage Act (providing criminal penalties for trade secret misappropriation), the Defend Trade Secrets Act (providing a federal civil private right of action for trade secret misappropriation), and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (providing criminal sanctions and a federal civil private right of action for unauthorized access of a computer; Blinderman and Din 2017; Levandoski 2018; Rowe 2016). Despite the existence of a number of applicable domestic laws, such laws fail to provide effective recourse in light of issues of jurisdiction, state sovereignty, and attribution (Anderson 2017; Blinderman and Din 2017; Perloff-Giles 2018).

United States domestic laws protecting trade secrets

The first category of United States domestic laws specifically protects trade secrets. Nearly all states have state trade secret theft statutes patterned after the Uniform Trade Secrets Act, which allow victimized companies to bring civil litigation against parties who misappropriate their trade secrets (Beauchamp 2017). However, reliance on a state law regime can be problematic for companies operating in multiple states since such laws, despite the “uniform” label, are not in fact uniform due to amendment of state laws over time and variation in state court interpretation of these laws (Beauchamp 2017).

At the federal level, the Economic Espionage Act provides criminal penalties for domestic trade secret theft (18 U.S.C. § 1832) and trade secret theft for the benefit of foreign governments (18 U.S.C. § 1831; Banks 2017a; Danielson 2009; Levandoski 2018; Rowe 2016). Although concern regarding foreign economic espionage was the primary motivator for passage of the Economic Espionage Act, federal prosecutors have brought far more prosecutions for domestic trade secret theft (§ 1832 violations) than for foreign economic espionage (§ 1831 violations; Levandoski 2018). Overall, the Economic Espionage Act has failed to live up to its promise, as there have been few prosecutions, even fewer convictions, and sentences have been relatively light (Levine and Seaman 2018; Reid 2016).

One complicating factor which prevents the Economic Espionage Act from being effective in combatting the problem of transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage is a lack of enforcement jurisdiction with regard to defendants who are not physically present within United States territory and have no assets within that territory (Perloff-Giles 2018). In such cases, unless the United States can secure the cooperation of the country where the defendant is currently located in extraditing the defendant to the United States to face the charges in court, the United States will be powerless to enforce any judgment—thus, sentences will not be served and fines will not be collected (Perloff-Giles 2018). In the case of state-sponsored transnational cyber economic espionage, such espionage can easily be conducted from abroad and, for obvious reasons, it is unlikely the country sponsoring the espionage is going to cooperate (Blinderman and Din 2017; Danielson 2009; Kosseff 2019; Rowe 2016). Furthermore, the United States does not have extradition treaties with many of the countries who are known to be prime offenders of transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage, such as China, Russia, and North Korea—all of whom have sponsored recent high-profile cyber economic espionage against companies in the United States (Carlin 2016; Levandoski 2018; Perloff-Giles 2018).

Even if there is an extradition treaty and the country where the defendant is currently located is willing to cooperate, there may be other obstacles to extradition—such as extradition treaties’ dual criminality requirement (Brenner and Koops 2004; Perloff-Giles 2018). If the alleged conduct is not a crime in the country where the defendant is located, the defendant will not be extradited to the prosecuting country (Perloff-Giles 2018). This is of particular concern with regard to cyber activities inflicting transboundary harms, as it is not uncommon for countries’ laws to fail to keep pace with technological developments facilitating relatively newer harmful acts (Marion 2010; Perloff-Giles 2018). Moreover, due to political, economic, and cultural differences between countries, not all countries share the United States’ view that intellectual property is a protected property right (Danielson 2009; Reid 2016). Thus, some countries may not criminalize trade secret misappropriation, in which case a defendant located in that country will not be extradited to the United States to face charges under the Economic Espionage Act, as the dual criminality requirement was not met (Perloff-Giles 2018; Reid 2016).

Thus, even though the Economic Espionage Act provides for extraterritorial application, extraterritorial enforcement can be challenging (Levandoski 2018). For example, in 2014, federal prosecutors initiated the first prosecution of state actors for hacking when a grand jury indicted five Chinese military officers for violating the Economic Espionage Act in connection with theft of trade secrets from power and metal industry companies in the United States (Carlin 2016; Levandoski 2018). However, because these Chinese military officers were not extradited to the United States, they never faced criminal punishment for these charges and thus the indictments were largely symbolic (Blinderman and Din 2017; Carlin 2016; Levandoski 2018).

While it could be hoped that indictments in absentia (without the defendant’s presence) may serve as a general deterrent, by sending a message to all who hear about the indictments, the impotence of such indictments may actually have the opposite impact—revealing the powerlessness of the United States to hold state-sponsored hackers accountable for stealing trade secrets from private companies in the United States (Lotrionte 2015). Another problem with this approach is that indicting individuals does nothing to hold the offending country itself accountable for sponsoring cyber economic espionage because domestic criminal law holds individuals, not countries, accountable (Crootof 2018).

Recently, Congress enacted another federal statute to protect trade secrets (Beauchamp 2017; Levandoski 2018). The Defend Trade Secrets Act (18 U.S.C. § 1836) amends the Economic Espionage Act to allow companies to bring private federal civil litigation against those who misappropriate their trade secrets, provided the trade secrets are related to foreign or interstate commerce (Beauchamp 2017; Levandoski 2018). This law is intended to make such civil litigation easier for companies than it would be when suing under the state trade secret theft statutes by providing uniformity, an obvious benefit to companies which operate in multiple states within the United States, and also provides for an ex parte seizure remedy (allowing the court to seize property containing trade secret information pending completion of the litigation to prevent irreparable damage) and fewer whistleblower protections than state trade secret theft statutes do (Levine and Seaman 2018).

Despite political rhetoric during the time leading up to the passage of the Defend Trade Secrets Act regarding this legislation being needed to combat state-sponsored cyber economic espionage, in practice the Defend Trade Secrets Act has primarily been used to address trade secret misappropriation by insiders (e.g., former employees), not transnational hacking (Levine and Seaman 2018). The Defend Trade Secrets Act, at least in its infancy, has not borne much fruit in fighting state-sponsored cyber economic espionage—with only 6% of federal court civil lawsuits brought under this law in its first year alleging trade secret misappropriation by a foreign defendant and only 9% alleging unauthorized access of a computer network (Levine and Seaman 2018). Thus, the early empirical evidence suggests there may be a need for further legislative action more tailored to addressing cyber economic espionage in order to adequately address this problem (Levine and Seaman 2018).

The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act

In addition to laws specifically protecting trade secrets, there is another United States domestic law at the federal level which can be used to address transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage: the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (Blinderman and Din 2017; Rowe 2016). The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act provides both criminal sanctions and a private right to bring a federal civil suit for unauthorized access of a computer or intentionally damaging an internet-connected computer via use of computer program or computer code (Argento 2013; Banks 2017a; Blinderman and Din 2017). This law can thus be used to prosecute hackers (Argento 2013; Banks 2017a).

The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act is plagued by a number of issues, including the enforcement jurisdiction issue discussed above in connection with the Economic Espionage Act (Blinderman and Din 2017; Perloff-Giles 2018). While the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act did not originally explicitly confer extraterritorial (legislative) jurisdiction, subsequent amendments changed the definition of a “protected computer” to clearly indicate this includes any computer affecting interstate or foreign communication or commerce of the United States, regardless of whether the computer is located within or outside of the United States, thus conferring on the United States jurisdiction to prosecute offenses impacting such computers (Brenner and Koops 2004). However, even though the United States may have extraterritorial jurisdiction to prosecute such transnational offenses, this will often be impractical due to the country where the offender is located refusing to extradite the offender (generally rendering the United States unable to enforce any judgment obtained), such as when the conduct is not illegal in the country of offender’s location (thus not satisfying the dual criminality requirement of extradition treaties) or when the United States does not have an extradition treaty with that country (Brenner and Koops 2004). Furthermore, due to the governmental involvement in the offense of transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage, if the perpetrator is currently located within the territory of the country which sponsored the act, it is exceedingly unlikely that country will agree to extradite the offender (Blinderman and Din 2017; Kosseff 2019; Lotrionte 2015; Rowe 2016). Furthermore, domestic criminal prosecution does nothing to hold the state sponsor itself accountable and any attempt to bring civil litigation against the state sponsor would be stymied by sovereign immunity (Anderson 2017; Blinderman and Din 2017; Crootof 2018; Yannakogeorgos 2013).

Legal issues complicating use of United States domestic law

A number of legal issues complicate efforts to deter transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage through the use of United States domestic law. First, jurisdictional issues plague attempts to use domestic law to deter transnational cyber offenses, and this is exacerbated by state sponsorship of such offenses (Perloff-Giles 2018). Although jurisdictional issues were briefly touched on in the discussion of specific statutes above, a more in depth discussion of these issues is warranted here due to their complexity and importance. Three dimensions of territorial jurisdiction can present issues when using domestic law to address transnational cyber offenses—legislative jurisdiction, judicial jurisdiction, and enforcement jurisdiction (Perloff-Giles 2018).

With regard to legislative jurisdiction, does the domestic statute have extraterritorial application (Perloff-Giles 2018)? In other words, does it apply to the cyber conduct simply because it has effects in the United States, regardless of where the offender was when he committed the offense (Perloff-Giles 2018)? Where a statute does not explicitly provide for extraterritorial application, courts are reluctant to find legislative intent for a law to apply extraterritorially (Blinderman and Din 2017; Perloff-Giles 2018). And with good reason, as extraterritorial application of domestic law to transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage entails a risk that a prosecutor’s decision to prosecute foreign actors may trigger retaliation by the other country, such as trade restrictions or ceasing cooperation in judicial matters or military operations (Blinderman and Din 2017). However, in the United States, there is a recent trend of broadening legislative and judicial jurisdiction to allow extraterritorial application of certain statutes and grant courts authority to hear certain cases against foreign defendants (Perloff-Giles 2018). For example, the Economic Espionage Act explicitly provides for extraterritorial application (Levandoski 2018). Likewise, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act was amended to allow for extraterritorial application (Brenner and Koops 2004).

Another jurisdictional issue is whether the court has jurisdiction to adjudicate the case (Perloff-Giles 2018). This requires that there be a sufficient connection between the offense and the geographic area over which the court has jurisdiction (Perloff-Giles 2018). This can often be satisfied based on the harmful effects occurring in that geographic area—e.g., the computer server that was hacked was located within the court’s jurisdiction (Rowe 2016).

A highly problematic jurisdictional issue is whether the United States has jurisdiction to enforce judgments (Perloff-Giles 2018). If neither the defendant nor the defendant’s assets are located within the United States’ territory, the defendant will never serve any sentence and no fines will be collected unless the country where the defendant is currently located extradites the defendant to the United States to face charges there (Perloff-Giles 2018). In contrast to the multinational corporations (with facilities and assets in numerous countries including the United States) successfully prosecuted by the United States for transnational bribery using a domestic extraterritorial enforcement approach (Hock 2017), typical offenders may be individual hackers located in other countries or government officials of other countries who have no ties to the United States thus making transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage less amenable to such an approach due to the enforcement jurisdiction obstacle.

State sponsorship of transnational cyber economic espionage greatly exacerbates the usual transnational crime enforcement jurisdiction issue because it is very unlikely that the country which sponsored the espionage will cooperate by extraditing its hackers to the United States to face charges under domestic law (Kosseff 2019; Lotrionte 2015). Even if the hacker is currently located in a different country than the country which sponsored the espionage, extradition may not be possible if the United States does not have an extradition treaty with that country or if the conduct at issue is not criminalized in that country (due to extradition treaties’ dual criminality requirement), as may be the case when that country’s laws have failed to keep up with technological advances facilitating new forms of harmful conduct or when a country does not protect intellectual property in the way the United States does (Perloff-Giles 2018; Reid 2016). And if digital evidence located in another country’s territory is needed to prove the case, can the United States secure that country’s cooperation in obtaining that evidence in a timely manner and with sufficient technical expertise (Perloff-Giles 2018)? Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties (MLATs), by which countries agree to assist each other in criminal cases, may not be of much help, as they only apply if the conduct is a crime in both of the countries involved and may be processed so slowly that digital evidence has disappeared (Perloff-Giles 2018).

Sovereign immunity is another legal issue complicating the use of domestic law to deter transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage (Anderson 2017; Blinderman and Din 2017). Recourse against the perpetrators of transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage through civil litigation is often elusive due to sovereign immunity (Anderson 2017). Creating an exception to the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (FSIA) allowing corporations to sue foreign governments for damages caused by state-sponsored cyber intrusions is a possible solution (Anderson 2017; Blinderman and Din 2017). Such an exception to sovereign immunity is not without precedent, as prior legislation has created an exception allowing civil suits against state sponsors of terrorism, and may change would-be hackers’ cost–benefit calculation and thus serve as a deterrent in addition to facilitating companies recouping their economic losses (Blinderman and Din 2017). However, passage of legislation creating a sovereign immunity exception for state-sponsored cyber intrusions may prompt other countries to enact similar laws, which could be used to address the United States’ cyber espionage operations (Blinderman and Din 2017).

Attribution is also a major obstacle to addressing transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage via domestic law. Identifying which individual or group perpetrated the acts constituting cyber economic espionage and where they are located is extremely challenging due to perpetrators’ use of anonymizing tools, spoofing, public Wi-Fi networks, and botnets spanning multiple countries (Finnemore and Hollis 2016; Schmitt and Vihul 2014; Tran 2018; Yannakogeorgos 2013). Even if authorities are able to identify the computer from which the cyber economic espionage operation originated, there remains the additional challenge of linking that computer to the individuals who committed the act (Tran 2018). This obstacle, however, is equally applicable to use of international law—and the difficulty is amplified in that context due to the need to further link the individuals involved to the state sponsor (Blinderman and Din 2017; Schmitt and Vihul 2014; Tran 2018); thus, the difficulties of attribution will be discussed in greater detail in a later section of this article.

Finally, the lack of sanctions on the state sponsor itself is another drawback to using an approach of extraterritorial application of domestic law instead of an international solution (Crootof 2018; Yannakogeorgos 2013). Thus, there is a need for an international approach that can specifically address transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage in a way that facilitates holding accountable the state sponsoring it (Crootof 2018; Yannakogeorgos 2013).

Application of international law to state-sponsored cyber economic espionage

The international legal community is grappling with how to apply international law, developed using terms and classifications better suited to the physical domain, to cyberspace (Crootof 2018). At the invitation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE), an International Group of Experts (IGE) wrote the Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare (Tallinn Manual) and the Tallinn Manual 2.0 on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Operations (Tallinn Manual 2.0), authoritative yet non-binding sources providing the experts’ views on how established international law norms apply to cyber attacks constituting use of force (Tallinn Manual) and cyber operations falling below the level of use of force (Tallinn Manual 2.0), respectively (Banks 2017b; Margulies 2013). Due to the unsettled nature of international law in the cyber realm, these restatement projects (intended to reflect the law as it currently exists) necessarily provide general applicable principles and often leave ambiguity or indicate the experts’ diverging views on applications of these principles to specific cyber scenarios (Banks 2017b). Efforts to clarify international law norms on cyber operations falling below the use of force threshold are impeded by a dearth of opinion jurio (state declarations that they are legally obligated to engage in or abstain from certain conduct), a result of states’ hesitancy to characterize cyber operations as international law violations, even when they are the victims, lest they limit their own options going forward (Schmitt and Vihul 2014).

Despite political rhetoric characterizing transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage as acts of cyberwar, the laws of war generally do not aid in combatting this problem since it rarely rises to the level of use of force (Crootof 2018; Walton 2017). The United Nations Charter restricts unilateral use of force to self-defense in case of armed attack (Crootof 2018; Schmitt and Vihul 2014). For a cyber action to constitute an armed attack, it must cause death or serious injury or physical damage (Schmitt 2013; Schmitt and Vihul 2014). While some scholars have attempted to stretch the meaning of terms in the laws of war (jus ad bellum, governing when a state may use force, and jus in bello, international humanitarian law governing the conduct of war) to cover lower level cyber intrusions, this is ill advised (Crootof 2018; Walton 2017). Because cyber economic espionage does not typically inflict any physical damage at all and certainly not physical damage equivalent to an armed attack, use of force in response to cyber economic espionage would not comply with the laws of war (Crootof 2018; Perloff-Giles 2018). Rather, the damage inflicted by cyber economic espionage is economic and thus the political rhetoric regarding cyberwar is misplaced (Crootof 2018).

The customary international law principles of state sovereignty and non-intervention likewise offer little respite (Walton 2017). There is no general consensus on how state sovereignty applies in cyberspace—or even whether sovereignty has the force of a rule of conduct versus whether it is more of an underlying (unenforceable) principle (Walton 2017). The interconnected nature of cyberspace makes it difficult to determine the boundaries of a state’s territory in this realm (Walton 2017). Moreover, states have been reluctant to pursue establishing an international legal framework addressing covert intrusions on state sovereignty or imposing an outright prohibition on cross-border cyber intrusions, lest such a framework impede states’ own espionage activities conducted for national security purposes or unduly interfere with routine telecommunications and commercial activities having extraterritorial effects (Walton 2017). The non-intervention principle is rarely implicated since routine transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage generally lacks the required element of coercion of another state’s governmental functions (Walton 2017).

International law is strangely silent as to how countries can respond to lower level cyber intrusions which cause massive economic damages, but do not constitute acts of war (Crootof 2018; Walton 2017). In fact, what little international law does say only serves to restrict targeted countries’ lawful options for engaging in self-help responses (Crootof 2018). This reflects a preference in international law for keeping the peace by avoiding retaliatory escalation cycles even if that comes at the expense of tolerating minor infringements (Crootof 2018).

The customary law of countermeasures permits temporary, proportional, non-violent countermeasures (responses that would violate international obligations, such as those created by treaty, if not undertaken as a response to an internationally wrongful act) when necessary to induce an international law violator to cease the violation and make reparation (Banks 2017b; Crootof 2018; Schmitt and Vihul 2014, 2017; Walton 2017). In the context of transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage, hacking back may be a useful countermeasure (Schmitt and Vihul 2014). However, the law of countermeasures does not allow countermeasures for the purpose of punishment (Banks 2017b; Crootof 2018; Schmitt and Vihul 2014, 2017). Often, cyber economic espionage is discovered and attributed to a country long after it occurred (Crootof 2018). In such cases, the targeted state cannot lawfully employ countermeasures because the wrongful act has already ceased and punitive countermeasures are not permitted under international law (Crootof 2018). Furthermore, use of countermeasures is fraught with risk—if the targeted state misattributes the cyber economic espionage to the wrong party, then the countermeasure will actually constitute a violation of the targeted state’s international obligations (Crootof 2018).

Thus, countries’ self-help options under international law are limited to retortions, which are lawful self-help measures constituting political retaliation such as expelling diplomats, imposing financial sanctions, ending economic aid, etc. (Crootof 2018; Schmitt and Vihul 2014). Unfortunately, retortions do not appear to be an effective deterrent to state-sponsored cyber economic espionage (Crootof 2018). The lack of a clear international legal framework well suited to dealing with cyber intrusions has led to minimalist state responses, which likely only emboldens hackers (Crootof 2018).

Affected states often have few effective responses available and may be reluctant to exercise certain options due to fear of escalation (Crootof 2018). States may also be reluctant to label cyber intrusions as violating international law lest those words be used against them when they engage in questionable cyber operations in the future (Crootof 2018; Watts and Richard 2018). The United States, for example, refrained from claiming North Korea’s Sony hack violated international law even though it arguably violated state sovereignty—although how the international law norm of territorial sovereignty applies in cyberspace is currently unsettled (Crootof 2018; Watts and Richard 2018). Given the United States’ aggressive cyber operations in pursuit of national security objectives, this restraint is perhaps unsurprising (Crootof 2018; Watts and Richard 2018).

Part of the problem in the international law arena is a lack of clarity with regard to where to draw the line between tolerable cyber espionage and unlawful cyber espionage under international law (Banks 2017a; Reid 2016). Espionage conducted by governments for national security purposes is a long-standing, widespread practice—typically addressed through domestic laws and diplomacy (Banks 2017a; Lotrionte 2015; Reid 2016). However, when espionage serves an economic purpose, the issue becomes murkier (Banks 2017a; Reid 2016). While government espionage conducted for the purpose of giving a country an advantage in trade negotiations is arguably acceptable, state-sponsored international espionage for the purpose of gaining an economic advantage for companies is generally considered beyond the pale (Banks 2017a; Reid 2016).

The United States takes the position that espionage for national security purposes is conducted by all countries and thus tolerated, but that conducting espionage for the purpose of stealing intellectual property and sharing that with private companies is unacceptable, criminal conduct (Lotrionte 2015; Reid 2016). However, critics have pushed back on this position, arguing that the United States also spies on economic institutions (Reid 2016). The United States does not accept this criticism, arguing that it only collects economic information for the purpose of informing trade negotiations, but does not share this information with private companies (Lotrionte 2015; Reid 2016). Countries’ differing political, social, and economic structures, as well as their strategic interests given differing statuses with regard to level of economic and technological development, contribute to differences in how they view intellectual property and the propriety of government espionage for the purpose of giving corporations a competitive advantage (Danielson 2009; Reid 2016).

There is a pressing need to develop clear international law prohibiting such cyber economic espionage and providing an effective enforcement framework (Banks 2017a). Possible ways to draw the line distinguishing between tolerable cyber espionage and unlawful cyber espionage under international law include prohibiting espionage for any purpose other than national security (although it may not always be easy to make this distinction) or prohibiting government espionage for the purpose of providing economic benefit to private companies (Banks 2017a)—although such a distinction can quickly become a gray area since some governments either own or exercise a high level of control over companies located within their borders (e.g., North Korea, China; Wu 2016). The U.S.–China Bilateral Security Agreement, which prohibits state-sponsored cyber economic espionage among the signatory countries for commercial advantage, is an example of the latter approach, but is ineffectual due to its lack of an enforcement mechanism, the difficulty of establishing the identity of cyber attack perpetrators, and its limited scope which fails to offer protection against the most common types of attacks such as intellectual property theft (Anderson 2017).

The Budapest Convention

Treaties hold promise as a potential solution for addressing transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage, yet have fallen short to date (Al Azzam 2019; Marion 2010). The Council of Europe’s 2001 Convention on Cybercrime (Budapest Convention) is the most significant multilateral treaty governing cybercrime (Al Azzam 2019; Broadhurst and Chang 2013; Cerezo et al. 2007; Eichensehr 2017a). The Budapest Convention calls for parties to enact domestic legislation criminalizing certain conduct constituting cybercrimes—including illegally accessing computer systems (hacking), illegally intercepting computer data, interfering with stored data, interfering with computer systems, and misusing devices (Bande 2018; Broadhurst and Chang 2013; Cerezo et al. 2007). It also calls for parties to establish procedures to facilitate domestic investigation and prosecution of those offenses (subject to parties’ existing domestic laws protecting individual rights) and seeks to establish a framework for cooperation among parties to better facilitate prosecution of cybercrimes (Al Azzam 2019; Bande 2018; Broadhurst and Chang 2013; Cerezo et al. 2007; Clough 2014). International cooperation among parties takes the form of mutual assistance, extradition, and established points of contact available around the clock (Broadhurst and Chang 2013; Cerezo et al. 2007; Clough 2014).

The Budapest Convention’s effectiveness in dealing with transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage is lacking for several reasons. First and foremost, by taking a domestic law enforcement approach, it does not provide a method for sanctioning the state sponsor—at most, the individuals involved may be prosecuted (Crootof 2018; Yannakogeorgos 2013).

Second, if the individuals involved are located within the territory of the state which sponsored the cyber economic espionage, it is exceedingly unlikely that state will cooperate with extradition and thus the victimized state will not have enforcement jurisdiction over those individuals (Blinderman and Din 2017; Kosseff 2019; Lotrionte 2015; Rowe 2016). Parties to the Budapest Convention are not obligated to extradite unless there is an existing extradition treaty with the requesting party and both parties’ laws provide a maximum punishment of at least 1-year imprisonment for the offense (Cerezo et al. 2007; Clough 2014). The United States does not have extradition treaties with many of the states known to be prime offenders (Carlin 2016; Levandoski 2018; Perloff-Giles 2018). While the Budapest Convention sought to overcome the obstacle to extradition presented by the dual criminality requirement in calling for harmonization of domestic criminal laws related to cybercrime, in practice parties’ establishment of domestic criminal laws adequately governing cybercrimes has been inconsistent and there is no effective enforcement mechanism to force parties to expeditiously pass domestic laws adequately addressing the problem (Ajayi 2016; Al Azzam 2019; Marion 2010). Thus, even if there is a relevant extradition treaty, the party in whose territory the individual offenders are located may not have a law criminalizing the conduct or its laws may not punish that conduct with a maximum punishment of at least 1 year in prison (Ajayi 2016; Al Azzam 2019; Cerezo et al. 2007; Clough 2014; Marion 2010). Even if the dual criminality requirement is not an issue, the decision whether to extradite is up to the party of which extradition is requested and may be refused on various grounds, such as when extradition is requested for prosecuting what is viewed as a political offense or when the person may be subjected to inhumane punishments (Clough 2014). Thus, there are loopholes which could be exploited by a party which does not want to cooperate with extradition.

Finally, the Budapest Convention is inapplicable to nations which are not parties to the treaty—including China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran, states known as primary threats due to their history of perpetrating state-sponsored cyber economic espionage (Bande 2018; Broadhurst and Chang 2013; Carlin 2016; Inserra 2017; Kosseff 2019; Levandoski 2018; Lotrionte 2015; Perloff-Giles 2018; Reid 2016; Rowe 2016). The vast majority of parties to the Budapest Convention are European and Western and many countries have refused to join the Budapest Convention due to concerns regarding their lack of input into its development, concerns that its transborder data access provision violates state sovereignty, and privacy concerns (Bande 2018; Cerezo et al. 2007; Clough 2014; Eichensehr 2017a; Inserra 2017).

The challenge of attribution

Attribution issues are a major obstacle which often hinder efforts to use either domestic or international law to combat transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage (Blinderman and Din 2017). The challenge of attributing transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage is twofold (Schmitt and Vihul 2014; Tran 2018). First, there is the often difficult task of technical attribution, identifying which individual or group perpetrated the acts constituting cyber economic espionage and where that perpetrator is located (Schmitt and Vihul 2014; Tran 2018; Yannakogeorgos 2013). Once this is accomplished, another challenge awaits—attributing the espionage to a state (Schmitt and Vihul 2014; Tran 2018).

Technical attribution can be difficult due to the anonymity afforded by the internet (Yannakogeorgos 2013). Due to vulnerabilities in the standardized internet protocol used for transmitting information among computers, perpetrators can easily hide their location by using anonymizing tools, such as the use of proxy servers or onion routing (Tran 2018; Yannakogeorgos 2013). Sophisticated perpetrators can implicate innocent computer users as the originators of the hacking incident by spoofing internet protocol (IP) addresses (Finnemore and Hollis 2016; Yannakogeorgos 2013). This not only complicates technical attribution, but also may undermine confidence in attribution when those accused predictably claim they have been set up by the true perpetrators (Finnemore and Hollis 2016). Furthermore, identifying the computer from which a cyber economic espionage operation originated is only one hurdle, as it is also necessary to determine the individuals who committed the act and this is not always a straightforward determination, given that perpetrators may use public Wi-Fi networks or covertly control others’ devices to employ them in their schemes (Tran 2018).

Technical attribution may also be challenging due to perpetrators’ use of elaborate means to commit cyber economic espionage—such as botnets, networks of remotely controlled computers that may be located in multiple countries, some of which may have been selected by the perpetrator specifically for their qualities which maximize the difficulty of attribution, such as lack of technical capacity necessary for effective investigations or being on unfriendly terms with the country in which the victimized corporation is located (Yannakogeorgos 2013). Even when cyber economic espionage is accomplished by simpler means, in this era of cloud computing—where data may be located in multiple countries and it can even be difficult to determine the location of the necessary data—collecting the data needed to ascertain the identity of the perpetrator may involve making requests for assistance from multiple countries pursuant to mutual legal assistance treaties (MLATs), which can be problematic as the slow pace at which such assistance requests are processed tends to be ill suited to obtaining digital evidence before it disappears (Eichensehr 2017a).

Even if the individual or group who perpetrated the acts constituting transnational cyber economic espionage is identified, attributing the espionage to a state can be extremely challenging (Schmitt and Vihul 2014). State sponsors may use independent hackers acting on the state’s behalf, which allows these foreign governments to deny responsibility with some degree of believability (Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive 2011; Yannakogeorgos 2013). State involvement may be suspected when the cyber economic espionage aligns with a state’s interests, but presuming state involvement is hazardous given the relatively low cost and technical expertise barriers to conducting cyber espionage, as it is not unfeasible for cyber espionage to be conducted by non-governmental individuals or groups (Schmitt and Vihul 2014). Is the non-state actor simply a patriot acting on its own accord in a manner that aligns with the state’s interests, a non-state actor pursuing its own interests in a manner which happens to also support the state’s interests, or a non-state actor committing cyber economic espionage at the state’s urging or with state support (Schmitt and Vihul 2014)?

Under customary international law’s state responsibility doctrine, transnational cyber economic espionage can be attributed to a state when conducted by (1) an organ of the state (exercising governmental functions)—such as an intelligence agency—regardless of whether the espionage was authorized; or (2) a non-state actor (e.g., private individuals, groups, corporations) acting upon the state’s instructions or under its direction or control with regard to the cyber economic espionage operation (Banks 2017b; Schmitt and Vihul 2014, 2017; Tran 2018). Transnational cyber economic espionage will not be attributed to a state merely because it provided funding to the non-state actor that committed the espionage, nor is mere encouragement by the state enough for such attribution (Banks 2017b; Margulies 2013; Schmitt 2013; Schmitt and Vihul 2014). When technical attribution identifies a group of private individual hackers as the culprit, it can be difficult to prove with reasonable certainty that the state had the requisite level of control over their actions which constituted cyber economic espionage (Schmitt and Vihul 2014; Tran 2018).

There is also an additional hurdle—a state can only be held responsible, thus warranting countermeasures, if the action attributed to the state actually violates an international legal obligation, which are generally established by either treaties or customary international law (Banks 2017b; Schmitt and Vihul 2014). In the absence of a treaty prohibiting transnational cyber economic espionage (e.g., the U.S.–China Bilateral Security Agreement), it is debatable whether such activity violates an international legal obligation—arguably, it could be construed as a violation of state sovereignty, but this is far from settled international law (Anderson 2017; Walton 2017). Note that a state cannot he held responsible under customary international law for violation of a domestic law (Banks 2017b).

Even if the cyber economic espionage violates an international legal obligation, it is likely that attribution to a state will occur too late for countermeasures to be an option, as states may hesitate to make such an accusation until they arrive at a high level of confidence in their assessment—an often lengthy process since it relies on considering a combination of digital forensics, signals intelligence, human intelligence, and circumstantial evidence based on context (Banks 2017b). If the violation is no longer ongoing (and thus any countermeasures employed may be viewed as punitive), a state’s only available response may be retortions, which pale in comparison to the seriousness of the losses caused by the cyber espionage (Banks 2017b).

While state sponsorship of transnational cyber economic espionage may often be suspected, the bar for establishing state responsibility is set high in light of the potential consequences of misattribution—or even correct attribution without convincing evidence—and restraint is typically the order of the day (Blinderman and Din 2017). Any efforts to hold the perpetrators to account, whether that be through criminal prosecution, civil litigation, diplomacy, other governmental response, targets’ self-help measures, or other means, are fraught with risk of international diplomatic ramifications, public relations disaster, retaliation, and escalation (Blinderman and Din 2017; Crootof 2018). Attribution of cyber espionage to a country has foreign policy impacts, as it may lead to suspension of important diplomatic negotiations, tensions in diplomatic relations, and even retaliatory hacking (Blinderman and Din 2017). Thus, a targeted state may be reluctant to attribute transnational cyber economic espionage to a state in light of the aforementioned risks and the fact that available legal responses often end up being symbolic due to lack of jurisdiction or sovereign immunity and likely governmental responses, owing to reticence to start an escalating cyber war, may be extremely weak in comparison to the gravity of the offense (Blinderman and Din 2017).


In recent years, transnational cyber economic espionage has become a growing threat due to technological advances facilitating espionage from afar and the vulnerabilities associated with mass digital storage of information and the interconnectedness of people and companies across borders in a globalized information economy (Argento 2013; Crootof 2018; Rowe 2016). Technological advancement combined with state sponsoring of economic espionage has raised the stakes for finding a way to deter cyber economic espionage, prompting policymakers to pass domestic legislation seeking to address this problem and the international law community to grapple with formulating an understanding of how existing international law applies in the cyber context (Blinderman and Din 2017; Carlin 2016; Crootof 2018; Lotrionte 2015; Walton 2017).

The United States has several domestic laws applicable to cyber economic espionage (Blinderman and Din 2017; Rowe 2016). However, when the perpetrators are foreign governments or private actors located abroad and acting under the direction of those governments, these laws are largely ineffective due to issues such as difficulty in attributing the bad acts to the perpetrators with sufficient certainty, inability to extradite the perpetrators to the United States to face prosecution and punishment, and sovereign immunity (Anderson 2017; Blinderman and Din 2017; Perloff-Giles 2018). The relatively few attempts to use domestic laws to address transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage have had little more than symbolic value, which only serves to reveal the shortcomings of such an approach (Blinderman and Din 2017; Carlin 2016; Levandoski 2018; Lotrionte 2015).

International law does no better a job at addressing this pressing problem, offering little clarity regarding the regulation of transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage during peacetime (Walton 2017). Despite rhetoric characterizing cyber attacks as acts of war, countries have not in practice retaliated as they would to acts of war due to the difficulties inherent in applying the law of armed conflict international legal framework, developed with reference to the physical realm, to actions occurring in the information realm (Beard 2014). Neither the laws of war nor the customary international law principles of state sovereignty and non-intervention provide an effective legal framework for addressing transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage (Walton 2017). As it currently stands, international law mainly functions only to limit a country’s self-help options and offers little help in formulating effective responses to transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage (Crootof 2018). Because countermeasures cannot lawfully be employed for purposes of punishment, targeted countries are often limited in their self-help response to retortions, a relatively weak response which allows states to escape any meaningful accountability for sponsoring transnational cyber economic espionage (Crootof 2018).

A lack of clarity regarding how existing international law applies in the cyber context, compounded by difficulties in reaching the consensus necessary to formulate new international norms governing peacetime cyber espionage, leaves targeted countries with few effective options for combatting transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage without risking an escalating cyber war (Crootof 2018; Reid 2016). As it stands, we lack an adequate legal framework for effectively responding to the threat of transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage. Despite numerous legislative attempts to remedy this state of affairs, domestic law in the United States falls short due to the challenges of combatting a harm perpetrated from afar with the support of a foreign power using technology which readily obscures responsibility for such conduct (Blinderman and Din 2017; Perloff-Giles 2018). Given the massive scope of the problem, international law is astoundingly silent, by and large, on how nations can address peacetime transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage (Walton 2017). Further complicating matters, nations with advanced cyber capabilities, such as the United States, have incentives to not push for clarification of international law as it applies to cyberspace through norm building, lest they restrict their own options in dealing with national security threats (Crootof 2018; Watts and Richard 2018).

Treaties hold promise for addressing the problem, but have fallen short to date (Al Azzam 2019; Marion 2010). The Budapest Convention does not effectively address transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage because (1) it does not provide a way to sanction the state sponsor itself since it takes a domestic law enforcement approach; (2) it relies on existing extradition treaties and does nothing to close loopholes which may allow the requested party to refuse extradition; and (3) its reach falls short of being truly global and does not bind non-parties—including states with a serious track record of transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage (Bande 2018; Broadhurst and Chang 2013; Carlin 2016; Cerezo et al. 2007; Clough 2014; Crootof 2018; Inserra 2017). The U.S.–China Bilateral Security Agreement attempts to directly address the problem of transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage, but is ineffective due to its lack of an enforcement mechanism (Anderson 2017).

While certainly not an easy task, the most promising way forward is to develop a multilateral treaty under the auspices of the United Nations which specifically prohibits transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage, with provisions for an international tribunal to adjudicate attribution and impose sanctions on states which engage in transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage (Clough 2014; Perloff-Giles 2018; Tran 2018). This solution provides the prospect of setting norms with a global reach—which is essential to effectively addressing transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage (Finnemore and Hollis 2016). It also has the virtue of providing a mechanism for holding states accountable for state sponsorship of transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage through multilateral action, thus avoiding the escalation risks posed by a victimized state’s use of a unilateral response pursuant to customary international law in the absence of clarity regarding how international law norms developed for the physical realm apply in the cyber realm (Blinderman and Din 2017; Crootof 2018). Availability of sanctions may serve as a deterrent to stem the tide of transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage once states realize they can no longer engage in such conduct with impunity (Crootof 2018; Inserra 2017; Lotrionte 2015). It certainly has the potential for improved deterrence compared to reliance on symbolic indictments under domestic law where the individuals involved receive no punishment due to lack of enforcement jurisdiction (Crootof 2018; Lotrionte 2015). Unlike countermeasures under customary international law, the availability of these sanctions would not be contingent on being able to attribute transnational cyber economic espionage to a state with reasonable certainty before the espionage has ceased—rather, the sanctions can provide an after-the-fact remedy that is punitive and intended as a deterrent for future similar transgressions (Banks 2017b). While attribution will still be a challenging endeavor, such a treaty can at least provide a remedy in those cases where there is sufficient evidence to attribute transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage and can accommodate the reality that attribution may often come only after a lengthy investigation (Banks 2017b).

Developing treaty provisions specifically addressing transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage will be extremely challenging, given countries’ differing views regarding where to draw the line for what constitutes impermissible espionage (Banks 2017a; Reid 2016). However, the U.S.–China Bilateral Security Agreement, followed by the G-20 countries subsequently embracing the norm against cyber espionage for commercial advantage, gives some hope that perhaps achieving consensus on an agreement narrowly addressing transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage, as opposed to cybercrime more generally, may have a shot at being successful (Finnemore and Hollis 2016). Given the high economic stakes (Carlin 2016; Reid 2016) and potential for international conflict inherent in unilateral enforcement (Blinderman and Din 2017), we cannot afford to shy away from doing the difficult work necessary to reach agreement on such treaty provisions.

Until such an agreement is reached, we are in a legal quagmire, with little in the way of effective options for deterring a growing economic threat (Crootof 2018). Until the legal system develops a more effective legal framework for combatting transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage, private companies are left to play continual defense against cyber intrusions by well-organized, state-supported hackers (Crootof 2018). However, the absence of effective legal recourse poses the risk that companies may choose to pursue vigilante justice by hacking back, which is fraught with perils in terms of foreign policy implications (Eichensehr 2017b; Perloff-Giles 2018). Hacking back poses a risk of harm to innocent parties due to misattribution, excessively punitive responses, and potential violations of domestic or international laws (Rowe 2016). The time is long past for developing a multilateral global treaty specifically addressing transnational state-sponsored cyber economic espionage and providing an effective enforcement mechanism. Hopefully, it does not take a cataclysmic event to motivate countries to look beyond their own parochial interests in order to come to a consensus on a legal framework which can protect the long-term economic prosperity that comes with economic security.