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Allocation mechanisms, organizations, voting procedures, regulatory bodies, and many other institutions are designed to accomplish certain ends such as the Pareto- efficient allocation of resources or the equitable resolution of disputes. In many situations it is relatively easy to conceive of feasible processes; processes which will accomplish the goals if all participants follow the rules and are capable of handling the informational requirements. Examples of such mechanisms include marginal cost pricing, designed to attain efficiency, and equal division, designed to attain equity. Of course once a feasible mechanism is found, the important question then becomes whether such a mechanism is also informationally feasible and compatible with ‘natural’ incentives of the participants. Incentive compatibility is the concept introduced by Hurwicz (1972, p. 320) to characterize those mechanisms for which participants in the process would not find it advantageous to violate the rules of the process.

The historical roots of the idea of incentive compatibility are many and deep. As was pointed out in one of a number of recent surveys,

the concept of incentive compatibility may be traced to the ‘invisible hand’ of Adam Smith who claimed that in following individual self-interest the interests of society might be served. Related issues were a central concern in the ‘Socialist Controversy’ which arose over the viability of a decentralized socialist society. It was argued by some that such societies would have to rely on individuals to follow the rules of the system. Some believed this reliance was naive; others did not. (Groves and Ledyard 1986, p. 1)

Further, the same issues have arisen in the design of voting procedures. Concepts and problems related to incentives were already identified and documented in the 18th century in discussions of proposals by Borda to provide alternatives to majority rule committee decisions. (See Strategy-proof Allocation Mechanisms for further information on voting procedures.)

Incentive compatibility is both desirable and elusive. The desirability of incentive compatibility can be easily illustrated by considering public goods, goods such that one consumer’s consumption of them does not detract from another consumer’s simultaneous consumption of that good. The existence of these collective consumption commodities creates a classic situation of market failure; the inability of markets to arrive at a Pareto-optimal allocation. It was commonly believed, prior to Groves and Ledyard (1977), that in economies with public goods it would be impossible to devise a decentralized process that would allocate resources efficiently since agents would have an incentive to ‘free ride’ on others’ provision of those goods in order to reduce their own share of providing them. Of course Lindahl (1919) had proposed a feasible process which mimicked markets by creating a separate price for each individual’s consumption of the public good. This designed process was, however, rejected as unrealistic by those who recognized that these ‘synthetic markets’ would be shallow (essentially monopsonistic) and therefore buyers would have no incentive to treat prices as fixed and invariant to their demands. The classic quotation is ‘... it is in the selfish interest of each person to give false signals, to pretend to have less interest in a given collective consumption activity than he really has...’ (Samuelson 1954, pp. 388–9). Allocating public goods efficiently through Lindahl pricing would be feasible and successful if consumers followed the rules; but, it would not be successful since the mechanism is not incentive compatible. If buyers do not follow the rules, efficient resource allocation will not be achieved and the goals of the design will be subverted because of the motivations of the participants. Any institution or rule, designed to accomplish group goals, must be incentive compatible if it is to perform as desired.

The elusiveness of incentive compatibility can be most easily illustrated by considering a situation with only private goods. Economists generally model behaviour in private goods markets by assuming that buyers and sellers ‘follow the rules’ and take prices as given. It is now known, however, that as long as the number of agents is finite then any one of them can still gain by misbehaving and, furthermore, can do so in a way which can not be detected by anyone else. The explanation is provided in two steps. First, if there are a finite number of traders, and none have a perfectly elastic offer curve (which will be true if preferences are non- linear) then one trader can gain by being able to control prices. For example, a buyer would want to set price where his marginal benefit equalled his marginal outlay and thereby gain monopsonistic benefits. Of course, if the others know that buyer’s demand curve (either directly or through inferences based on revealed preference) then they would know that the buyer was not ‘taking prices as given’ and could respond with a suitable punishment against him. This brings us to our second step. Even though others can monitor and prohibit price setting behaviour, our benefit- seeking monopsonist has another strategy which can circumvent this supervision. He calculates a (false) demand curve which, when added to the others’ offer curves, produces an equilibrium price equal to that which he would have set if he had direct control. He then calculates a set of preferences which yields that demand curve and participates in the process as if he had these (false) preferences. Usually this involves simply acting as if one has a slightly lower demand curve than one really does. Since preferences are not able to be observed by others, he can follow this behaviour which looks like it is price-taking, and therefore ‘legal’, and can do individually better. The unfortunate implication of such concealed misbehaviour is that the mechanism performs other than as intended. In this case, resources are artificially limited and too little is traded to attain efficiency.

In 1972 Hurwicz established the validity of the above intuition. His theorem can be precisely stated after the introduction of some notation and a framework for further discussion.

The Impossibility Theorem

The key concepts include economic environments, allocation mechanisms, incentive compatibility, the no-trade option, and Pareto-efficiency. We take up each in turn.

An economic environment, those features of an economy which are to be taken as given throughout the analysis, includes a description of the agents, the feasible allocations they have available and their preferences for those allocations. While many variations are possible, I concentrate here on a simple model. Agents (consumers, producers, politicians, etc.) are indexed by i = 1, … , n. X is the set of feasible allocations where x = (xi, … , xn) is a typical element of X. (An exchange environment is one in which X is the set of all x = (x1, … , xn) such that xi ≥ 0 and ∑xi = ∑wi, where wi is i’s initial endowment of commodities.) Each agent has a selfish utility function ui(xi). The environment is e = [I, X, u1, … , un]. A crucial fact is that initially information is dispersed since i, and only i, knows ui. We identify the specific knowledge i initially has as i’s characteristic, ei. In our model, ei = ui.

Although there are many variations in models of allocation mechanisms, I begin with the one introduced by Hurwicz (1960). An allocation mechanism requests information from the agents and then computes a feasible allocation. It requests information in the form of messages mi from agent i through a response function fi(mi, … , mn). Agent i is told to report fi(m, ei) if others have reported m and i’s characteristic is ei. An equilibrium of these response rules, for the environment e, is a joint message m such that mi = fi(m, ei) for all i. Let μ(e, f) be the set of equilibrium messages for the response functions f in the environment e. The allocation mechanism computes a feasible allocation x by using an outcome function g(m) on equilibrium messages. The net result of all of this in the environment e is the allocation g[μ(e, f)] = x if all i follow the rules, f. Thus, for example, the competitive mechanism requests agents to send their demands as a function of prices which are in turn computed on the basis of the aggregate demands reported by the consumers. In equilibrium, each agent is simply allocated their stated demand. (An alternative mechanism, yielding exactly the same allocation in one iteration, would request the demand function and then compute the equilibrium price and allocation for the reported demand functions.) It is well known, for exchange economies with only private goods, that if agents report their true demands then the allocations computed by the competitive mechanism will be Pareto-optimal.

It is obviously important to be able to identify those mechanisms, those rules of communication, that have the property that they are self-enforcing. We do that by focusing on a class of mechanisms in which each agent gains nothing, and perhaps even loses, by misbehaving. While a multitude of misbehaviours could be considered it is sufficient for our purposes to consider a slightly restricted range. In particular we can concentrate on undetectable behaviour, behaviour which no outside agent can distinguish from that prescribed by the mechanism. We model this limitation on behaviour by requiring the agent to restrict his misrepresentations to those which are consistent with some characteristic he might have. An allocation mechanism is said to be incentive compatible for all environments in the class E if there is no agent i and no environment e in E and no characteristic e*i such that (e/e*i) is in E (where (e/e*i) is the environment derived from e by replacing ei with e*i) and such that

$$ {u}^i\left\{g\left[\mu \left(e,f\right)\right],{e}^i\right\}<{u}^i\left\{g\left[\mu \left(e/{e}^{\ast i},f\right)\right],{e}^i\right\} $$

where ui(x*, ei) is i’s utility function in the environment e. That is, no agent can manipulate the mechanism by pretending to have a characteristic different from the true one and do better than acting according to the truth. The agent has an incentive to follow the rules and the rules are compatible with his motivations.

Incentive compatibility is at the foundation of the modern theory of implementation. In that theory, one tries to identify conditions under which a particular social choice rule or performance standard, P : E → X , can be recreated by an allocation mechanism under the hypothesis that individuals will follow their self-interest when they participate in the implementation process. In our language, the rule P is implementable if and only if there is an incentive compatible mechanism (f, g) such that g[μ(e, f)] = P(e) for all e in E. The theory of implementation seeks to answer the question ‘which P are implementable?’ We will see some of the answers below for P which select from the set of Pareto-efficient allocations. Those interested in more general goals and performance standards should consult Dasgupta et al. (1979) or Postlewaite and Schmeidler (1986).

An allocation mechanism is said to have the no trade-option if there is an allocation θ at which each participant may remain. In exchange environments the initial endowment is usually such an allocation. Mechanisms with a no-trade option are non-coercive in a limited sense. If an allocation mechanism possesses the no- trade option then the allocation it computes for an environment e, if agents follow the rules, must leave everyone at least as well off, using the utility functions for e, as they are at θ. That is, for all i and all e in E

$$ {u}^i\left\{g\left[\mu \left(e,f\right)\right],{e}^i\right\}>{u}^i\left(\theta, {e}^i\right). $$

An allocation mechanism is said to be Pareto-efficient in E if the allocations selected by the mechanism, when agents follow the rules, are Pareto-optimal in e. That is, for each e in E, there is no allocation x* in X such that, for all i,

$$ {u}^i\left({x}^{\ast },{e}^i\right)\ge {u}^i\left\{g\left[\mu \left(e,f\right)\right],{e}^i\right\} $$

with strict inequality for some i.

With this language and notation, Hurwicz’s theorem on the elusive nature of incentive compatibility in private markets, subsequently expanded by Ledyard and Roberts (1974) to include public goods environments, can now be easily stated. Theorem: In classical (public or private) economic environments with a finite number of agents, there is no incentive compatible allocation mechanism which possesses the no-trade option and is Pareto-efficient. (Classical environments include pure exchange environments with Cobb–Douglas utility functions.)

A more general version of this theorem, in the context of social choice theory, has been proven by Gibbard (1973) and Satterthwaite (1975) with the concept of a ‘non-dictatorial social choice function’ replacing that of a ‘mechanism with the no- trade option’. (See Strategy-proof Allocation Mechanisms.)

There are a variety of possible reactions to this theorem. One is simply to give up the search for solutions to market failure since the theorem seems to imply that one should not waste any effort trying to create institutions to allocate resources efficiently. A second is to notice that, at least in private markets, if there are a very large number of individuals in each market then efficiency is ‘almost’ attainable (see Roberts and Postlewaite 1976). A third is to recognize that the behaviour of individuals will generally be different from that implicitly assumed in the definition of incentive compatibility. A fourth is to accept the inevitable, lower one’s sights, and look for the ‘most efficient’ mechanism among those which are incentive compatible and satisfy a voluntary participation constraint. We consider the last two options in more detail.

Other Behaviour: Nash Equilibrium

If a mechanism is incentive compatible, then each agent knows that his best strategy is to follow the rules according to his true characteristic, no matter what the other agents will do. Such a strategic structure is referred to as a dominant strategy game and has the property that no agent need know or predict anything about the others’ behaviour. In mechanisms which are not incentive compatible, each agent must predict what others are going to do in order to decide what is best. In this situation agents’ behaviour will not be as assumed in the definition of incentive compatibility. What it will be continues to be an active research topic and many models have been proposed. Since most of these are covered in Groves and Ledyard (1986), I will concentrate on the two which seem most sensible. Both rely on game-theoretic analyses of the strategic possibilities. The first concentrates on the outcome rule, g, and postulates that agents will not choose messages to follow the specifications of the response functions but to do the best they can against the messages sent by others. Implicitly this assumes that there is some type of iterative process (embodied in the response rules) which allows revision of one’s message in light of the responses of others. We can formalize this presumed strategic behaviour in a new concept of incentive compatibility. An allocation mechanism (f, g) is called Nash incentive compatible for all environments in E if there is no environment e, no agent i, and no message m*i which i can send such that

$$ {u}^i\left(g\left[\mu \left(e,f\right)/{m}^{\ast i},{e}^i\right]\right)>{u}^i\left(g\left[\mu \left(e,f\right),{e}^i\right]\right) $$

where μ(e, f) is the ‘equilibrium’ message of the response rules f in the environment e, g(m) is the outcome rule, and [m/m*i] is the vector m where m*i replaces mi. In effect this requires the equilibrium messages of the response rules to be Nash equilibria in the game in which messages are strategies and payoffs are given by u[g(m)]. It was shown in a sequence of papers written in the late 1970s, including those by Groves and Ledyard (1977), Hurwicz (1979), Schmeidler (1980), and Walker (1981), that Nash incentive compatibility is not elusive. The effective output of that work was to establish the following. Theorem: In classical (public or private) economic environments with a finite number of agents, there are many Nash incentive compatible mechanisms which possess the no-trade option and are Pareto-efficient.

With a change in the predicted behaviour of the participants in the mechanism, in recognition of the fact that in the absence of dominant strategies agents must follow some other self-interested strategies, the pessimism of the Hurwicz theorem is replaced by the optimistic prediction of a plethora of possibilities. (See Dasgupta et al. (1979), Postlewaite and Schmeidler (1986) and Groves and Ledyard (1986) for comprehensive surveys of these results including many for more general social choice environments.) Although it remains an unsettled empirical question whether participants will indeed behave this way, there is a growing body of experimental evidence that seems to me to support the behavioural hypotheses underpinning Nash incentive compatibility, especially in iterative tâtonnement processes.

Other Behaviour: Bayes’ Equilibrium

The second approach to modelling strategic behaviour of agents in mechanisms, when dominant strategies are not available, is based on Bayesian decision theory. These models, called games of incomplete information (see Myerson 1985), concentrate on the beliefs of the players about the situation in which they find themselves. In the simplest form, it is postulated that there is a common knowledge (everyone knows that everyone knows that…) probability function, π(e), which describes everyone’s prior beliefs. Each agent is then assumed to choose that message which is best against the expected behaviour of the other agents. The expected behaviour of the other agents is also constrained to be ‘rational’ in the sense that it should be best against the behaviour of others. This presumed strategic behaviour is embodied in a third type of incentive compatibility. (It could be argued that the concept of incentive compatibility remains the same, based on non- cooperative behaviour in the game induced by the mechanism, while only the presumed information structure and sequence of moves required to implement the allocation mechanism are changed. Such a view is not inconsistent with that which follows.) An allocation mechanism (f, g) is called Bayes incentive compatible for all environments in E given π on E if there is no environment e*, no agent i, and no message m*i which i can send such that

$$ \int {u}^i\left\{g\left[\mu \left(e,f\right)/{m}^{\ast i}\right],{e}^{\ast i}\right\}\mathrm{d}\pi \Big(e\mid {e}^{\ast i}\Big\}>\int {u}^i\left\{g\left[\mu \left(e,f\right),{e}^{\ast i}\right]\mathrm{d}\pi \left(e,|{e}^{\ast i}\right)\right\} $$

where, as before, μ is the equilibrium message vector and g is the outcome rule. Further, π(e/e*i) is the conditional probability measure on e given e*i, and ui is a von Neumann–Morgenstern utility function. In effect, this requires the equilibrium messages of the response rules to be Bayes equilibrium outcomes of the incomplete information game with messages as strategies, payoffs u[g(m)] and common knowledge prior π.

There are two types of results which deal with the possibilities for Bayes incentive compatible design of allocation mechanisms, neither of which is particularly encouraging. The first type deals with the possibilities for incentive compatible design which is independent of the beliefs. The typical theorem is illustrated by the following result proven by Ledyard (1978). Theorem: In classical economic environments with a finite number of agents, there is no Bayes incentive compatible mechanism which possesses the no-trade option and is Pareto-efficient for all π on E. Understanding this result is easy when one realizes that any mechanism (f, g) is Bayes incentive compatible for all π for all e in E if and only if it is (Hurwicz) incentive compatible for all e in E. Thus the Hurwicz impossibility theorem again applies.

The second type of result is directed towards the possibilities for a specific prior π; that is, towards what can be done if the mechanism can depend on the common knowledge beliefs. The most general characterizations of the possibilities for Bayes incentive compatible design can be found in Palfrey and Srivastava (1987) and Postlewaite and Schmeidler (1986). They have shown that two conditions, called monotonicity and self-selection, are necessary and sufficient for a social choice correspondence to be implementable in the sense that there is a Bayes incentive compatible mechanism that reproduces that correspondence. The details of these conditions are not important. What is important is that many correspondences do not satisfy them. In particular, there appear to be many priors π and many sets of environments E for which there is no mechanism which is Bayes incentive compatible, provides a no-trade option and is Pareto-efficient. Thus, impossibility still usually occurs even if one allows the mechanism to depend on the prior.

One recent avenue of research which promises some optimistic counterweight to these negative results can be found in Palfrey and Srivastava (1987). In much the same way that the natural move from Hurwicz incentive compatibility to Nash incentive compatibility created opportunities for incentive compatible design, these authors have shown that a move back towards dominant strategies may also open up possibilities. Refinements arise by varying the equilibrium concept in a way that reduces the number of (Bayes or Nash) equilibria for a given e or π. Moore and Repullo use subgame perfect Nash equilibria. Palfrey and Srivastava eliminate weakly dominated strategies from the set of Nash equilibria. They have discovered that, in pure exchange environments, virtually all performance correspondences are implementable if behaviour satisfies these refinements. In particular, any selection from the Pareto-correspondence is implementable for these refinements, and so there are many refined-Nash incentive compatible mechanisms which are Pareto-efficient and allow a no-trade option. It is believed that these results will transfer naturally to refinements of Bayes equilibria, but the research remains to be done.

Incentive Compatibility as a Constraint

Another of the reactions to the Hurwicz impossibility result is to accept the inevitable, to view incentive compatibility as a constraint, and to design mechanisms to attain the best level of efficiency one can. If full efficiency is possible, it will occur as the solution. If not, then one will at least find the second-best allocation mechanism. Examples of this rapidly expanding research literature include work on optimal auctions (Harris and Raviv 1981; Matthews 1983; Myerson 1981), the design of optimal contracts for the principle-agent problem, and the theory of optimal regulation (Baron and Myerson 1982). As originally posed by Hurwicz (1972, pp. 299–301), the idea is to adopt a social welfare function W(x, e), a measure of the social welfare attained from the allocation x if the environment is e and then to choose the mechanism (f, g) to maximize the (expected) value of W subject to the ‘incentive compatibility constraints’, the constraint that the rules (f, g) be consistent with the motivations of the participants. One chooses (f, g) to

$$ \mathrm{maximize}\int W\left\{g\left[\mu \left(e,f\right)\right],e\right\}\mathrm{d}\pi (e) $$

subject to, for every i, every e, and every e*i,

$$ \int {u}^i\left\{g\left[\mu \left(e/{e}^{\ast i},f\right)\right],{e}^i\right\}\mathrm{d}\pi \left(e|{e}^i\right)\le \int {u}^i\left(g\left[\mu \left(e,f\right),{e}^i\right]\right)\mathrm{d}\pi \left(e|{e}^i\right). $$

As formalized here the incentive compatibility constraints embody the concept of Bayes incentive compatibility. Of course, other behavioural models could be substituted as appropriate.

Sometimes a voluntary participation constraint, related to the no-trade option of Hurwicz, is added to the optimal design problem. One form of this constraint requires that (f, g) also satisfy, for every i and every e,

$$ \int {u}^i\left\{g\left[\mu (e)\right],{e}^i\right\}\mathrm{d}\pi \left(e|{e}^i\right)\ge \kern0.5em \int {u}^i\left(\theta \left[e\right],{e}^i\right)\mathrm{d}\pi \left(e|{e}^i\right). $$

In practice this optimization can be a difficult problem since there are a large number of possible mechanisms (f, g). However, an insight due to Gibbard (1973) can be employed to reduce the range of alternatives and simplify the analysis. Now called the revelation principle, the observation he made was that, to find the maximum, it is sufficient to consider only mechanisms, called direct revelation mechanisms, in which agents are asked to report their own characteristics. The reason is easy to see. Suppose that (f*, g*) solves the maximum problem. Let (F*, G*) be a new (direct revelation) mechanism defined by F*i(m, ei) = ei and G*(m) = g[μ(m, f)]. Each i is told to report his characteristic and then G* computes the allocation by computing that which would have been chosen if the original mechanism (f, G*) had been used honestly in the reported environment. (F*, G*) yields the same allocation as (f*, g*), if each agent reports the truth. But the incentive compatibility constraints, which (f*, g*) satisfied, ensure that each agent will want to report truthfully. Thus, whatever can be done, by any arbitrary mechanism subject to the Bayes incentive compatibility constraints, can be done with direct revelation mechanisms subject to the constraint that each agent wants to report their true characteristic. One need only choose a function G : E → X to

$$ maximize\int W\left\{G(e),e\right\} d\pi (e) $$

subject to, for every i, e and ei,

$$ \int {u}^i\left\{G\left(e/{e}^{\ast i}\right),{e}^i\right\}\mathrm{d}\pi \left(e|{e}^i\right)\le \kern0.5em \int {u}^i\left[G(e),{e}^i\right]\mathrm{d}\pi \left(e|{e}^i\right), $$


$$ \int {u}^i\left[G(e),{e}^i\right]\mathrm{d}\pi \left(e|e\right)\ge \kern0.5em \int {u}^i\left(\theta \left[e\right],{e}^i\right)\mathrm{d}\pi \left(e|{e}^i\right). $$

There are at least two problems with this approach to organizational design. The first is that the choice of mechanism depends crucially on the prior beliefs, π. This is a direct result of the use of Bayes incentive compatibility in the constraints. Since the debate is still open let me simply summarize some of the arguments. One is that if the mechanism chosen for a given situation does not depend on common knowledge beliefs then we would not be using all the information at our disposal to pursue the desired goals and would do less than is possible. Further, since the beliefs are common knowledge we can all agree as to their validity (misrepresentation is not an issue) and therefore to their legitimate inclusion in the calculations. An argument is made against this on the practical grounds that one need only consider actual situations, such as the introduction of new technology by a regulated utility or the acquisition of a major new weapons system by the government, to understand the difficulties involved in arriving at agreements about the particulars of common knowledge. Another argument against is based on the feeling that mechanisms should be robust. A ‘good’ mechanism should be able to be described in terms of its mechanics and, while it probably should have the capacity to incorporate the common knowledge relevant to the current situation, it should be capable of being used in many situations. How to capture these criteria in the constraints or the objective function of the designer remains an open research question.

The second problem with the optimal auction approach to organizational design is the reliance on the revelation principle. Restricting attention to direct revelation mechanisms, in which an agent reports his entire characteristic, is an efficient way to prove theorems, but it provides little guidance for those interested in actual organization design. For example it completely ignores the informational requirements of the process and any limitations, if any, in the information processing capabilities of the agents or the mechanism. Writing down one’s preferences for all possible consumption patterns is probably harder than writing down one’s entire demand surface which is certainly harder than simply reacting to a single price vector and reporting only the quantities demanded at that price. A failure to recognize the information processing constraints in the optimization problem is undoubtedly one of the reasons there has been limited success in using the theory of optimal auctions to explain the existence of pervasive institutions, such as the first- price sealed-bid auction used in competitive contracting or the posted price institution used in retailing.


Incentive compatibility captures the fundamental positivist notion of self-interested behaviour that underlies almost all economic theory and application. It has proven to be an organizing principle of great scope and power. Combined with the modern theory of mechanism design, it provides a framework in which to analyse such diverse topics as auctions, central planning, regulation of monopoly, transfer pricing, capital budgeting, and public enterprise management. Incentive compatibility provides a basic constraint on the possibilities for normative analysis. As such it serves as the fundamental interface between what is desirable and what is possible in a theory of organizations.

See Also