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Containers for computational reproducibility

  • Primer
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The fast-paced development of computational tools has enabled tremendous scientific progress in recent years. However, this rapid surge of technological capability also comes at a cost, as it leads to an increase in the complexity of software environments and potential compatibility issues across systems. Advanced workflows in processing or analysis often require specific software versions and operating systems to run smoothly, and discrepancies across machines and researchers can impede reproducibility and efficient collaboration. As a result, scientific teams are increasingly relying on containers to implement robust, dependable research ecosystems. Originally popularized in software engineering, containers have become common in scientific projects, particularly in large collaborative efforts. In this Primer, we describe what containers are, how they work and the rationale for their use in scientific projects. We review state-of-the-art implementations in diverse contexts and fields, with examples in various scientific fields. Finally, we discuss the possibilities enabled by the widespread adoption of containerization, especially in the context of open and reproducible research, and propose recommendations to facilitate seamless implementation across platforms and domains, including within high-performance computing clusters such as those typically available at universities and research institutes.

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Fig. 1: Docker architecture.

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D.M. and K.W. are supported by a Marsden grant from the Royal Society of New Zealand and a University of Auckland Early Career Research Excellence Award awarded to D.M.

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Introduction (D.M., K.W. and C.B.); Experimentation (D.M., K.W. and C.B.); Results (D.M., K.W. and C.B.); Applications (D.M., K.W. and C.B.); Reproducibility and data deposition (D.M., K.W. and C.B.); Limitations and optimizations (D.M., K.W. and C.B.); Outlook (D.M., K.W. and C.B.).

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Correspondence to David Moreau.

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Nature Reviews Methods Primers thanks Beth Ciimini, Stephen Piccolo and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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BCI2000 project:






CERN Container Registry:




Docker Hub:


EcoData Retriever:

Ecological Niche Modelling on Docker:



Environmental Data Commons:

Experiment Factory:

F1000Research guidelines:


FSL project:





GitHub Actions:

GitHub Container Registry:

Google Cloud Platform:




LIGO Open Science Centre:


Marble Station:






Planet Research Data Commons:





Rocker project:








Supplementary information



Groups of machines that work together to run containerized applications.

Compute resources

The resources required by a container to run, including central processing units, memory and storage.

Containerization platform

A complete system for building, deploying and managing containerized applications, typically including a container runtime, and additional tools and services for things such as container orchestration, networking, storage and security.

Container runtime

The software responsible for running and managing containers on a host machine, involving tasks such as starting and stopping containers, allocating resources to them and providing an isolated environment for them to run in.

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment

(CI/CD). A software development practice that involves continuously integrating code changes into a shared repository and continuously deploying changes to a production environment.


Software components that a particular application relies on to run properly, including libraries, tools and frameworks.

Distributed-control model

A deployment model in which control is distributed among multiple independent nodes, rather than being centralized in a single control node.

Docker engine

The containerization technology that Docker uses, consisting of the Docker daemon running on the computer and the Docker client that communicates with the daemon to execute commands.


A script that contains instructions for building a Docker image.

Environment variables

A variable that is passed to a container at runtime, allowing the container to configure itself on the basis of the value of the variable.

High-performance computing

The use of supercomputers and parallel processing techniques to solve complex computational problems that require a large amount of processing power, memory and storage capacity.

Host operating system

Primary operating system running on the physical computer or server in which virtual machines or containers are created and managed.


A preconfigured package that contains all the necessary files and dependencies for running a piece of software in a container.


Virtualization mechanisms for containers, which allow multiple containers to share the same system resources without interfering with each other.


The process of connecting multiple containers together and to external networks, allowing communication between containers and the outside world.


The process of automating the deployment, scaling and management of containerized applications in a cluster.

Orchestration platform

System for automating the deployment, scaling and management of containerized applications.

Port mapping

The process of exposing the network ports of a container to the host machine, allowing communication between the container and the host or other networked systems.

Production environment

Live, operational system in which software applications are deployed and used by end-users.

Runtime environment

Specific set of software and hardware configurations that are present and available for an application to run on, including the operating system, libraries, system tools and other dependencies.


The process of increasing or decreasing the number of running instances of a containerized application to meet changing demand.

Shared-control model

Deployment model in which a single central entity has control over multiple resources or nodes.


A storage mechanism for containers, which allows data to persist outside the file system of the container, including after a container has been deleted or replaced.

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Moreau, D., Wiebels, K. & Boettiger, C. Containers for computational reproducibility. Nat Rev Methods Primers 3, 50 (2023).

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