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Extended reality for biomedicine

  • Primer
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Extended reality (XR) refers to an umbrella of methods that allows users to be immersed in a 3D or a 4D (spatial + temporal) virtual environment to various extents, including virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR). Whereas VR allows a user to be fully immersed in a virtual environment, AR and MR overlay virtual objects onto the real physical world. The immersion and interaction of XR provide unparalleled opportunities to extend our world beyond conventional lifestyles. Although XR has extensive applications in fields such as entertainment and education, its numerous applications in biomedicine create transformative opportunities in both fundamental research and health care. This Primer outlines XR technology from instrumentation to software computation methods, delineating the biomedical applications that have been advanced by state-of-the-art techniques. We further describe the technical advances overcoming current limitations in XR and its applications, providing an entry point for professionals and trainees to thrive in this emerging field.

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Fig. 1: Schematic of virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality.
Fig. 2: Instrumentation and optical structure of virtual reality and augmented reality head-mounted displays.
Fig. 3: Tracking and haptic feedback in extended reality applications.
Fig. 4: Biomedical applications of extended reality.

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The authors appreciate all lab members for constructive discussions. This work was supported by NIH R00HL148493 (Y.D.), R56HL158569 (R.R.S.P.), R01CA156775 (B.F.), R01CA204254 (B.F.), R01HL140325 (B.F.), R21CA231911 (B.F.), VA Merit BX004558 (R.R.S.P.), UCLA Cardiovascular Discovery Fund/Lauren B. Leichtman and Arthur E. Levine Investigator Award (R.R.S.P.), NIH NCATS UCLA CTSI UL1TR001881 (R.R.S.P.), the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) grant RP190588 (B.F.) and UT Dallas STARs program (Y.D.).

Author information

Authors and Affiliations



Introduction (J.Y., S.S.H. and Y.D.); Experimentation (J.Y. and S.S.H.); Results (J.Y., S.S.H., J.W., F.S. and Y.D.); Applications (J.Y., S.S.H., R.R.S.P. and Y.D.); Reproducibility and data deposition (S.S.H. and Y.D.); Limitations and optimizations (J.Y., C.R.K. and Y.D.); Outlook (J.Y., B.F. and Y.D.); Overview of the Primer (J.Y., S.S.H., J.W., C.R.K., R.R.S.P., F.S., B.F. and Y.D).

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Yichen Ding.

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Competing interests

J.W. and F.S. are employees of Shanghai United Imaging Intelligence Co., Ltd. The company has no role in designing and performing the surveillance and analysing and interpreting the results. The other authors declare no competing interests.

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Nature Reviews Methods Primers thanks Roger Dias, Mahdi Ebnali and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Supplementary information


Angular resolution

The ratio between the number of horizontal pixels and horizontal field of view.

Binocular disparity

The slight difference between left and right retinal images of the same object due to the location difference of the left and right eyes.

Field of view

(FOV). The visual field as one eye is stationary. In general, the monocular FOV of a human eye is about 160° × 130° (horizontal × vertical), and the combined binocular FOV is about 200° × 130°, with an overlapped region of 120° horizontally.

Foveated rendering

A rendering method designed to improve graphics performance by maintaining high visual detail near the fovea, while decreasing quality towards the eye’s periphery.

Frame rate

The number of consecutive images that are displayed and delivered to the user every second.


The posture or movement of the user’s upper limbs, including fingers, hands and arms, containing significant interactive intentions as the input for extended reality.

Haptic gloves

A type of wearable device that functions to provide realistic sensation and manipulation of virtual objects through hand motion tracking, force feedback and tactile feedback.

Inertial measurement unit

An electronic device that contains a gyroscope, an accelerometer and a magnetometer used to measure the specific force, angular rate and orientation of the body.

Optical combiner

The component of the augmented reality display that delivers images produced by the display engine to the user’s eye while also transmitting environmental light.

Vergence–accommodation conflict

A visual phenomenon that occurs when the brain receives mismatching cues between vergence and accommodation of the eye.

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Yuan, J., Hassan, S.S., Wu, J. et al. Extended reality for biomedicine. Nat Rev Methods Primers 3, 14 (2023).

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