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Force spectroscopy of single cells using atomic force microscopy

  • Primer
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Physical forces and mechanical properties have critical roles in cellular function, physiology and disease. Over the past decade, atomic force microscopy (AFM) techniques have enabled substantial advances in our understanding of the tight relationship between force, mechanics and function in living cells and contributed to the growth of mechanobiology. In this Primer, we provide a comprehensive overview of the use of AFM-based force spectroscopy (AFM-FS) to study the strength and dynamics of cell adhesion from the cellular to the single-molecule level, spatially map cell surface receptors and quantify how cells dynamically regulate their mechanical and adhesive properties. We first introduce the importance of force and mechanics in cell biology and the general principles of AFM-FS methods. We describe procedures for sample and AFM probe preparations, the various AFM-FS modalities currently available and their respective advantages and limitations. We also provide details and recommendations for best usage practices, and discuss data analysis, statistics and reproducibility. We then exemplify the potential of AFM-FS in cellular and molecular biology with a series of recent successful applications focusing on viruses, bacteria, yeasts and mammalian cells. Finally, we speculate on the grand challenges in the area for the next decade.

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Fig. 1: General principles of AFM-FS.
Fig. 2: Schematic representation of various surface functionalization strategies to anchor biomolecules on inorganic surfaces for single-molecule force spectroscopy.
Fig. 3: Multiparametric AFM-FS and confocal imaging as a platform for probing the properties and interactions of living animal cells.
Fig. 4: Force–distance curve analysis.
Fig. 5: Single-molecule Dbp–ECM bond analysis reveals force-tuned dissociation paths.
Fig. 6: Ultra-strong binding forces of staphylococcal adhesins.
Fig. 7: Characterizing mammalian cell adhesion and mechanics using AFM-FS.
Fig. 8: Correlated AFM multiparametric and confocal imaging of single-virus binding interactions with living host cells.

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Work at the Université Catholique de Louvain was supported by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 693630), the National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS) and the Research Department of the Communauté française de Belgique (Concerted Research Action). Work at the Johannes Kepler University Linz was supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) projects I 3173 (P.H. and Y.J.O.) and V584-BBL (Y.J.O.), and the Austrian National Foundation for Research, Technology, and Development and Research Department of the State of Upper Austria (Y.J.O.). D.A. and Y.F.D. are Research Associate and Research Director at the FNRS, respectively. The work at ETH Zurich was supported by the ETH Zurich (grant no. ETH-20 17-2), the Swiss National Science Foundation (grant no. 31003A_182587/1) and the NCCR Molecular Systems Engineering.

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Introduction (A.V., M.M.-G., A.R., N.S., Y.J.O., P.H., D.J.M., D.A. and Y.F.D.); Experimentation (A.V., M.M.-G., A.R., N.S., Y.J.O., P.H., D.J.M., D.A. and Y.F.D.); Results (A.V., M.M.-G., A.R., N.S., Y.J.O., P.H., D.J.M., D.A. and Y.F.D.); Applications (A.V., M.M.-G., A.R., N.S., Y.J.O., P.H., D.J.M., D.A. and Y.F.D.); Reproducibility and data deposition (A.V., M.M.-G., A.R., N.S., Y.J.O., P.H., D.J.M., D.A. and Y.F.D.); Limitations and optimizations (A.V., M.M.-G., A.R., N.S., Y.J.O., P.H., D.J.M., D.A. and Y.F.D.); Outlook (A.V., M.M.-G., A.R., N.S., Y.J.O., P.H., D.J.M., D.A. and Y.F.D.); Overview of the Primer (Y.F.D.).

Corresponding authors

Correspondence to Peter Hinterdorfer, Daniel J. Müller, David Alsteens or Yves F. Dufrêne.

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Nature Reviews Methods Primers thanks C. Heu, S. Kasas, O. Sahin and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Energy landscape

A description in two or three dimensions of the energetic and kinetic properties of a specific bond, for example, receptor–ligand bonds

Cellular adhesion force

The force cells withstand before detaching from surfaces, for example, from extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, other cells or substrates.

Cortical elasticity

The elasticity of the actomyosin cortex of a mammalian cell.

Cantilever deflection

Bending of the cantilever in response to forces applied to the cantilever.

Cognate ligands

Ligands specifically binding to a receptor.


Waves of frequency that are a positive integer multiple of the frequency of the original wave.

Wave shapes

Oscillations of the cantilever.

Phase shift

A shift in the phase of an oscillation’s sin wavefunction.

Binding probability of the molecular interaction

The ratio between the number of force–distance curves displaying a specific rupture event (or events) and the total number of force–distance curves recorded.

Measurement frequency range

The range of resonance frequency operation.

Dynamic force spectroscopy

(DFS). An experiment where arrays of force–distance curves are recorded at varying pulling speeds.

Catch bonds

Specific bonds that increase lifetime with increasing force stressing them.

Contour length

(Lc). The length of the linearly extended molecule without stretching the polymer backbone.

Persistence length

(lp). A quantitative measure of a polymer’s elasticity.


Adhesion proteins on bacterial cell surfaces.

Slip bonds

Specific bonds that decrease lifetime with increasing force stressing them.


A family of cell eukaryotic surface adhesion receptors that bind mainly to extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins.

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Viljoen, A., Mathelié-Guinlet, M., Ray, A. et al. Force spectroscopy of single cells using atomic force microscopy. Nat Rev Methods Primers 1, 63 (2021).

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