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Artificial intelligence in histopathology: enhancing cancer research and clinical oncology

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Artificial intelligence (AI) methods have multiplied our capabilities to extract quantitative information from digital histopathology images. AI is expected to reduce workload for human experts, improve the objectivity and consistency of pathology reports, and have a clinical impact by extracting hidden information from routinely available data. Here, we describe how AI can be used to predict cancer outcome, treatment response, genetic alterations and gene expression from digitized histopathology slides. We summarize the underlying technologies and emerging approaches, noting limitations, including the need for data sharing and standards. Finally, we discuss the broader implications of AI in cancer research and oncology.

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Fig. 1: Clinical applications of AI-based computational pathology.
Fig. 2: A CNN.
Fig. 3: Implications of computational pathology for research and diagnostics.
Fig. 4: Types of AI applications and pitfalls in histopathology.
Fig. 5: Principles of end-to-end weakly supervised prediction workflows.
Fig. 6: Robust computational pathology with focus on privacy-preserving deep learning.

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J.N.K. is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Health (DEEP LIVER, ZMVI1-2520DAT111) and the Max-Eder-Programme of the German Cancer Aid (grant 70113864). No other specific funding for this work is declared by any of the authors.

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All authors jointly designed the outline, wrote the article and agreed to submit the manuscript for publication.

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Correspondence to Moritz Gerstung or Jakob Nikolas Kather.

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J.N.K. declares consulting services for Owkin, France, as well as honoraria from Roche, Eisai and MSD. The other authors declare no competing interests.

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Shmatko, A., Ghaffari Laleh, N., Gerstung, M. et al. Artificial intelligence in histopathology: enhancing cancer research and clinical oncology. Nat Cancer 3, 1026–1038 (2022).

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