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Nutrition as a driver and outcome of agroecology

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The principles of agroecology do not explicitly state a link with nutrition. Yet, we argue that among them, input reduction, biodiversity, economic diversification, social values and diets, fairness, connectivity and participation are directly linked to nutrition. Nutrition can serve as a critical outcome and driver of agroecological practices and can drive transformative change across the food system.

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Fig. 1: The 13 principles of agroecology and their links with nutrition.
Fig. 2: Core and advanced criteria of performance in agroecology.
Fig. 3: Nutrition across TAPE.
Fig. 4: A systemic approach to transform agroecology for improved nutrition.

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We would like to thank C. Chigemezu Nwokoro, Scientific Officer at the Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture and at ETH Zürich, for comments that greatly improved the manuscript.

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E.I., M.P. and S.W. are employed by The Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture, which is a separate legal entity from the company that provides its core funding. Apart from its Board Chair, the rest of its nine-person board are all independent of the company. All other authors declare no competing interests.

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van Zutphen, K.G., van den Berg, S., Gavin-Smith, B. et al. Nutrition as a driver and outcome of agroecology. Nat Food 3, 990–996 (2022).

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