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Human-behaviour-based social locomotion model improves the humanization of social robots

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The widespread use of robots in service fields requires humanoid robots that mimic human social behaviour. Previous quantitative studies exist in human social behaviour, but engineering social robots requires translating these findings into algorithms to enable reliable and safe robot locomotion. To bridge this gap, we first quantitatively investigate the social rules that apply when people pass one another in social settings in laboratory and real-world experiments. We then developed a social locomotion model based on these observations to predict human path selections and walking trajectories in complex dynamic social scenes. The model was implemented into a socially aware navigation algorithm for a service robot. The robot navigating by the social locomotion algorithm behaved more like humans and received higher comfort ratings compared with previous social navigation algorithms tested. The model sheds new light on how to directly translate the findings of human behavioural experiments into robotic engineering.

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Fig. 1: Social influence on human path selections and walking trajectories.
Fig. 2: The social locomotion model.
Fig. 3: Social locomotion model predictions for human path selections and walking trajectories in virtual social scenes.
Fig. 4: Social locomotion model predictions for human walking trajectories in real-life social scenes.
Fig. 5: Human evaluations of robot navigation performance in a social scene.
Fig. 6: The impact of the scale factor of other people’s social influence field on robot navigation performance.

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Data availability

All data that support our findings are publicly available at

The data provided were raw data of human walking trajectories in (x, y) format or human behavioural judgments alongside experimental conditions in all experiments of the study.

Code availability

The code for data analysis and modelling is available at


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This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant no. 32022031) to S.-G.K., the Basic Research Project of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission (grant no. 19JC1410101) to S.-G.K. and the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (grant no. 2021M701227) to C.Z. We are grateful for the helpful comments on our manuscript from Q. Liang, H.-N. Wu, C.-L. Deng and X.-M. Wang for technical support from S.-Y. Chen and for help on data collection from T. Zhang and S.-L. Ni.

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Authors and Affiliations



S.-G.K., C.Z., M.-C.M., Y.-F.H., X.-R.C. and Q.C. developed the concept and conceived the design of the experiments. C.Z., M.-C.M., X.-R.C., Q.C., M.-Y.Y. and Y.-F.H. collected experimental data. C.Z., M.-C.M., X.-R.C., Q.C., Y.-F.H. and M.-Y.Y. derived the models and analysed data under the supervision of S.-G.K.; S.-G.K., C.Z., M.-C.M., Q.C., X.-R.C. and Y.-F.H. wrote and revised the paper.

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Correspondence to Shu-Guang Kuai.

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Nature Machine Intelligence thanks Tony Belpaeme, Henrik Iskov Christensen and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Extended data

Extended Data Fig. 1 Model prediction for participants’ walking trajectories in Experiment 4 (n = 24 human participants).

The green solid lines show human walking trajectories. The error bands represent the 95% confidence interval of the observed data. The centres of the error bands represent the means of the observed data. The cyan dashed lines represent the predicted trajectories of the social locomotion model, the pink dashed lines represent the prediction of the COMPANIAN model and the blue dashed lines represent the predicted trajectories of the n-Body model.

Extended Data Fig. 2 Model performance in predicting the walking trajectories and path selections in Experiment 6.

a, An illustration of the experimental conditions from a bird’s eye view. The virtual human appears in one of nine positions with one of four orientations. b, The path selections predicted by the social locomotion model (left panel), the COMPANIAN model (middle panel), and the n-Body model (right panel) (n = 25 human participants). c, Model prediction for participants’ walking trajectories (n = 25 human participants). The green solid lines show human walking trajectories. The error bands represent the 95% confidence interval for the observed data. The centres of the error bands represent the means of the observed data. The cyan dashed lines represent the predicted trajectories of the social locomotion model, the pink dashed lines represent the predicted trajectories of the COMPANIAN model and the blue dashed lines represent the predicted trajectories of the n-Body model.

Extended Data Fig. 3 Model performance in predicting the walking trajectories and path selections in Experiment 7.

a, Illustration of the experimental conditions from a bird’s eye view. The condition of lateral distance represents the distance from virtual human A to the line connecting the starting point and target. The condition of interpersonal distance represents the distance between virtual human A and B. b, The path selections predicted by the social locomotion model (left panel), the COMPANIAN model (middle panel), and the n-Body model (right panel) (n = 25 human participants). Solid lines represent the human path selections, dashed lines represent the path selections predicted by models. Green, pink, and cyan lines respectively represent the interpersonal distance of 2 m, 3 m, and 4 m. The error bars represent s.e.m. for each condition. c, Walking trajectories predicted by the social locomotion model, the COMPANIAN model, and the n-Body model (n = 25 human participants). The green solid lines represent human walking trajectories. The error bands represent the 95% confidence interval for the observed data. The centres of the error bands represent the means of the observed data. The cyan, pink and blue dashed lines respectively show the predicted trajectories of the social locomotion model, the COMPANIAN model, and the n-Body model.

Extended Data Fig. 4 Experimental procedure in Experiment 8.

a, An illustration of the procedure in Experiment 8 from a bird’s eye view. A participant stood at the starting point and walked towards the target position 13 m away. After walking for three meters, the participant entered a circular area (labelled by dashed lines), a virtual human appeared at one of five positions labelled on the circle and started walking. b, An example of a walking trajectory illustrating the participant avoiding a walking virtual human. The dashed line represents the walking trajectory of the participant. The solid line represents the walking trajectory of the virtual human.

Extended Data Fig. 5 Model performance in predicting the walking trajectories and path selections in Experiment 8.

a, The path selections predicted by the social locomotion model (left panel), the COMPANIAN model (middle panel), and the n-Body model (right panel) (n = 25 human participants). Solid lines represent the human path selections, dashed lines represent the path selections predicted by models. Lines in different colours represent the speeds of the virtual human, which are 0.8 (green), 1.0 (pink), and 1.2 (cyan) times the natural walking speed of each participant. The error bars represent s.e.m. for each condition. b, Walking trajectories of participants predicted by the social locomotion model, the COMPANIAN model, and the n-Body model (n = 25 human participants). The green solid lines represent human walking trajectories. The error bands represent the 95% confidence interval for the observed data. The centres of the error bands represent the means of the observed data. The cyan, pink and blue dashed lines respectively show the predicted trajectories of the social locomotion model, the COMPANIAN model, and the n-Body model.

Extended Data Fig. 6 Comparison between model predicted trajectories and human walking trajectories in Experiment 9.

The green solid lines show human walking trajectories. The cyan dashed lines represent the predicted trajectories of the social locomotion model, the pink dashed lines represent the prediction of the COMPANIAN model and the blue dashed lines represent the prediction of the n-Body model. The error bands represent the 95% confidence interval of the observed data. The centres of the error bands represent the means of the observed data.

Extended Data Fig. 7 Complete results of model predictions for walking trajectories in Experiment 10 (n = 5 human participants).

The green solid lines show human walking trajectories. The cyan dashed lines represent the predicted trajectories of the social locomotion model, the pink dashed lines represent the prediction of the COMPANIAN model and the blue dashed lines represent the prediction of the n-Body model.

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Zhou, C., Miao, MC., Chen, XR. et al. Human-behaviour-based social locomotion model improves the humanization of social robots. Nat Mach Intell 4, 1040–1052 (2022).

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