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Learning as the unsupervised alignment of conceptual systems

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Concept induction requires the extraction and naming of concepts from noisy perceptual experience. For supervised approaches, as the number of concepts grows, so does the number of required training examples. Philosophers, psychologists and computer scientists have long recognized that children can learn to label objects without being explicitly taught. In a series of computational experiments, we highlight how information in the environment can be used to build and align conceptual systems. Unlike supervised learning, the learning problem becomes easier the more concepts and systems there are to master. The key insight is that each concept has a unique signature within one conceptual system (for example, images) that is recapitulated in other systems (for example, text or audio). As predicted, children’s early concepts form readily aligned systems.

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Fig. 1: Different modes of learning.
Fig. 2: Unsupervised linking of conceptual systems via conceptual alignment.
Fig. 3: Alignment correlation versus mapping accuracy for three real-world datasets.
Fig. 4: The impact of multiple conceptual systems on alignment strength.

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Data availability

The different source datasets used in this work are publicly available for download. The ImageNet images are available from The OpenImages V4 Boxes dataset is available from The AudioSet dataset is available from The pretrained GloVe embedding (Common Crawl 840B word tokens) is available from The age-of-acquisiton ratings are available from Finally, the concept intersections used in the analysis can be downloaded from

Code availability

The Python code used to perform the analysis in this work can be downloaded from and is licensed under Apache License 2.0. The code repository for computing image embeddings using the DeepCluster algorithm is located at DeepCluster is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public Licence.


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This work was supported by NIH grant no. 1P01HD080679, Wellcome Trust Investigator Award no. WT106931MA and a Royal Society Wolfson Fellowship 183029 to B.C.L.

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B.D.R. and B.C.L. conceived the study and analyses. B.D.R. implemented the computational workflow and analyses. B.D.R. and B.C.L. interpreted the results and wrote the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Brett D. Roads.

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Roads, B.D., Love, B.C. Learning as the unsupervised alignment of conceptual systems. Nat Mach Intell 2, 76–82 (2020).

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