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Network geometry

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Networks are finite metric spaces, with distances defined by the shortest paths between nodes. However, this is not the only form of network geometry: two others are the geometry of latent spaces underlying many networks and the effective geometry induced by dynamical processes in networks. These three approaches to network geometry are intimately related, and all three of them have been found to be exceptionally efficient in discovering fractality, scale invariance, self-similarity and other forms of fundamental symmetries in networks. Network geometry is also of great use in a variety of practical applications, from understanding how the brain works to routing in the Internet. We review the most important theoretical and practical developments dealing with these approaches to network geometry and offer perspectives on future research directions and challenges in this frontier in the study of complexity.

Key points

  • The fractal geometry of networks enables casting the self-similar symmetries underlying the organization of complex systems under the three pillars of scaling, universality and renormalization.

  • Latent metric spaces with hyperbolic geometry provide a natural explanation for the architecture of real complex networks, including small-worldness, degree heterogeneity, clustering, community structure, symmetries and navigability.

  • Multiscale unfolding of complex networks is possible by means of a geometric renormalization technique that uncovers self-similarity at different scales.

  • Network dynamical processes induce kinematic distances that characterize an effective geometry of a system’s function, which cannot be obtained by purely topological latent geometry.

  • Network geometry enhances our understanding of complex systems across their multiple scales of organization and of collective phenomena emerging from their information exchange.

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Fig. 1: Structural self-similarity, renormalization-group flow and universality.
Fig. 2: Network evolution and transport theory.
Fig. 3: Networks in latent geometry.
Fig. 4: Multiscale unfolding of network structure and function by geometric renormalization.
Fig. 5: Geometry induced by spreading dynamics and universal temporal distance.
Fig. 6: Diffusion geometry of complex networks and multilayer networks.

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S.H. thanks the Israel Science Foundation, ONR, the BIU Center for Research in Applied Cryptography and Cyber Security, NSF-BSF grant number 2019740, and DTRA grant number HDTRA-1-19-1-0016 for financial support. M.B. and M.A.S. acknowledge support from: a James S. McDonnell Foundation Scholar Award in Complex Systems; the ICREA Academia award, funded by the Generalitat de Catalunya; Agencia estatal de investigación project number PID2019-106290GB-C22/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades project number FIS2016-76830-C2-2-P (AEI/FEDER, UE); project Mapping Big Data Systems: embedding large complex networks in low-dimensional hidden metric spaces, Ayudas Fundación BBVA a Equipos de Investigación Científica 2017, and Generalitat de Catalunya grant number 2017SGR1064. D.K. acknowledges support from the NSF grant number IIS-1741355, and the ARO grant numbers W911NF-16-1-0391 and W911NF-17-1-0491.

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Boguñá, M., Bonamassa, I., De Domenico, M. et al. Network geometry. Nat Rev Phys 3, 114–135 (2021).

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