
Abiotic hydrocarbons (HCs) and ammonia have been important agents in the Earth’s carbon and nitrogen cycles. Their stability in different tectonic settings in the course of geodynamic evolution could control the habitability of the planet, the amounts of carbon and nitrogen migrating in fluids, the processes of redox melting and freezing, and the formation of diamonds1,2,3,4,5,6. There is a wealth of evidence for the existence of hydrocarbons in the mantle. Namely, Sugisaki and Mimura (ref. 7) studied a collection of 227 samples from fifty localities throughout the world and revealed heavy hydrocarbons (n-alkanes) in mantle-derived rocks, such as peridotites in ophiolite sequences or peridotite xenoliths in alkali basalts, but did not find any in gabbro and granite. HCs in inclusions hosted by diamond and other minerals in mantle xenoliths were reported from the Siberian craton8,9,10,11. As a recent find, we can cite a thin fluid jacket of CH4 around inclusions of solidified iron-nickel-carbon-sulfur melt in large, exceptional gem (like the Cullinan, Constellation, and Koh-i-Noor) sublithospheric diamonds reported by Smith et al. (ref. 12).

The genesis of hydrocarbons in the mantle remains unclear. They might be a mixture of HCs which were recycled or delivered by meteorites and comets to the early (primeval) Earth, or synthesised by the Fischer-Tropsch reaction7. The contribution of two former sources may be, however, limited: HCs may oxidise during subduction and can hardly survive the high impact temperatures. The composition of hydrocarbons may vary. For instance, HCs heavier than methane were inferred13,14,15,16,17 to be energetically favoured at the deep mantle P-T conditions. As for nitrogen in reduced mantle, there is a consensus that most of it resides in ammonia and NH4 + which substitutes for alkali cations in phengite, Cr-bearing clinopyroxene and other silicates2, 18, 19.

The behaviour of carbon and nitrogen species in mantle fluids depends on oxygen fugacity (fO2). Estimates for continental lithospheric mantle (CLM) within the Kaapvaal20, Slave21 and Siberian22, 23 cratons show that fO2 generally decreases depthward from +1 Δlog fO2 FMQ (Fayalite-Magnetite-Quartz oxygen buffer) at 100 km (~3.2 GPa) to -4 Δlog fO2 FMQ at a depth of 220 km (~7 GPa). The fO2 values at the CLM base about 200 km below the surface may vary from IW + 1 to IW + 3 log units1 and the temperatures at this depth may range within 1100–1400 °С20,21,22,23. According to thermodynamic calculations, lower alkanes (especially methane and ethane) and ammonia are expected to be stable under fO2 conditions of the CLM3, 24,25,26, but they almost disappear from fluids at fO2 reaching CW (the maximum H2O content in C-O-H fluids). Moreover, the silicate environment can influence the pH of deep H2O-bearing fluids and thus the carbon and nitrogen speciation6, 26, 27.

Recent decades have brought much progress in experimental techniques with fO2 and fH2 buffering used to predict potential compositions of hydrocarbon fluids at mantle pressures and temperatures. Carbon-saturated C-O-H fluids in reduced systems were studied by quenching experiments and chromatography at 2.0–3.5 GPa and 1000–1300 °С28, 29, as well as at 5.7–6.3 GPa and 1200–1600 °С30, 31. Carbon concentrations in strongly reduced fluids synthesised under these Р-Т-fO2 conditions are commonly related as CH4 > C2H6 > C3H8 (other HCs being ≪1%) and agree well with calculations20, 25, 28, 32. The concentrations of lower alkanes at pressures from 4 to 7 GPa and typical CLM temperatures25, 32, 33 vary only little, but the precise contents of other hydrocarbons remain unknown. Among nitrogen species, ammonia was reported3 to predominate in nitrogen rich N-O-H fluids entrapped in quartz and olivine at 0.2–3.5 GPa, 600–1400 °C and fO2 at the Fe-FeO equilibrium, as well as in ultra-reduced nitrogen-rich C-O-H-N fluids at 5.5–7.8 GPa and 1100–1500 °C, as shown by our recent experiments34. In upper mantle aqueous fluids under reducing conditions, nitrogen is expected to occur mainly as ammonium (NH4 +)26.

In this study we apply quenching experiments with buffered hydrogen fugacity to study (i) the stability of different carbon and nitrogen species in N-poor C-O-H-N fluids at 6.3 GPa, 1100–1400 °C and fO2 about or slightly below IW corresponding to the conditions at the СLM base (~200 km depth) near the boundary with the asthenosphere, and (ii) the relative stability of HCs and N-bearing compounds at fO2 IW +2.5 log units corresponding to reactions of reduced C-O-H-N fluids with oxidised lithosphere. The estimates25, 32, 33 that the fluid composition does not depend much on pressure within 4–7 GPa allows us to extrapolate the results onto the upper mantle pressure range.


Effect of cooling rate on behaviour of C-O-H-N fluids

Isobaric cooling can change the compositions of fluids as a result of back reactions. In this respect, it is critical for the fluids to cool down at rates sufficient for precluding back reactions and holding the equilibrium composition consistent with the target temperature and run duration. Changes in the species composition of fluids were studied previously in 2.4 GPa experiments in the C-O-H system synthesised at 1000 °C and cooling at rates from 0.3 to 120 deg/s at buffered fO2 29. The potential effect was monitored against concentration changes of species involved in the C2H6 + H2 → 2CH4 reaction, and back reactions were shown to stop completely only at relatively rapid cooling of 120 deg/s. The fluids cooling at slower rates contained less hydrogen (2 to 4 mol.%) and, correspondingly, more CH4. The closure temperature for the C-O-H system equilibration was suggested to be <800 °C29. Earlier we31 investigated the effect of cooling rates in the range of 1 to 200 deg/s on the composition of C-O-H fluids synthesised at 6.3 GPa and 1600 °C in 15 hr-long runs. Comparison of fluids generated from the same starting materials but cooled at different rates showed CH4 and C2H6 to increase from 2–3 to 9–10 mole % and from 1 to 3 mole %, respectively, as cooling slowed down from 200 to 27 deg/s. Further deceleration to 1 deg/s did not change the concentration of CH4, but led to C2H6 increase from 3 to 4–5 mol.%. Therefore, synthesis of hydrocarbons most likely was due to back reactions of hydrogen with graphite during slow cooling, as we suggested31. Meanwhile, the changes of nitrogen speciation in O-H-N fluids at cooling rates from 70 to 140 deg/s in the forward and reversal experiments of Li and Keppler (ref. 3) were negligible, if any.

In this study we have performed three 2-hr long runs at 1400 °C, with quenching at 200 deg/s and slow cooling at 1 deg/s (Tables 13). The normalised peak areas for particular species in GC-MS spectra showed slight variations in lower alkanes in slowly cooling fluids with similar amounts of water (24–31 rel.%). The CH4/C2H6 ratio was above and below 1 at rapid and slow cooling, respectively. Cooling at 200 times slower rates did not cause notable changes to CH4, C2H6, C3H8 and C4H10 concentrations (Table 2) but led to about ten-fold increase of C15 to C19 alkanes (from ~0.01 to ~0.1) and formation of minor amounts (within ~0.5 rel.%) of olefins, arenes, and oxygenated hydrocarbons: aldehydes, ketones, and carboxylic acids (specifically, 0.2 rel.% acetic acid and higher concentrations of acids with C10. C13 and C15). Note especially that slow cooling resulted in the formation of more methanimine (CH3N), at the same P-T-τ conditions as during quenching (Table 2).

Table 1 Starting compositions (mg). Microscopic amounts of nitrogen in the capsules came from air. 
Table 2 Experimental conditions and concentrations of main species (rel.%) in quenched C-O-H-N fluids synthesised at 6.3 GPa.
Table 3 Representative analyses of quenched and slow cooling C-O-H-N fluids (rel.%) obtained in 2-hr runs at 6.3 GPa and 1400 °C.

Therefore, back reactions in slowly cooling C-O-H-N fluids have different directions at the pressures 2.4 GPa and 6.3 GPa. Cooling leads mainly to synthesis of CH4 and consumption of alkanes by the reaction C2H6 + H2 = 2CH4 at the lower pressure29, but CH4 either increases31 or decreases (this study) slightly at 6.3 GPa, while the ratios of CH4 to C2H6, C3H8 and C4H10 at high and low cooling rates scatter within a reasonable error. However, slow cooling fluids obtained in this study are remarkable by higher concentrations of species that trace the back reactions (some olefins, arenes, aldehydes, ketones, and carboxylic acids). Thus, our and published data, including our previous results for 6.3 GPa and 1600 °C31, indicate that only cooling from 1100–1400 °C to room temperature at a rate of 200 deg/s can be interpreted as quenching. Note that only quenching can provide reliable molecular compositions of fluids at the P–T conditions of the experiments.

Kinetics of C-O-H-N fluid equilibration

The effect of kinetics on concentrations of species that form in the C-O-H-N system at 6.3 GPa and 1400 °С was studied in quenching experiments of different durations from 1 min to 10 hours (Fig. 1 and Table 2). The diversity of alkanes revealed by the GC-MS analysis after capsule opening showed almost no run duration dependence. Lower alkanes, which are the dominant carbon species in the C-O-H-N fluids at 1400 °С, did not change much the CH4/C2H6, CH4/C3H8 and CH4/C4H10 ratios of normalised peak areas at longer durations, irrespective of the starting charge composition (Fig. 2). They were slightly higher in fluids generated in longer runs from samples with docosane or stearic acid and remained almost the same in the case of the docosane + stearic acid mixture: the CH4/C2H6 ratio was about 1 in all cases and CH4/C3H8 varied from 1 to 10. Note that CH4/C4H10 reached or slightly exceeded 100 in fluids obtained in 2- and 7-hr long runs from samples with docosane at low H2O concentrations but remained below 10 in the case of relatively high H2O concentrations with docosane + stearic acid mixture and stearic acid as starting materials.

Figure 1
figure 1

Diversity of alkanes, alkenes, and oxygenated hydrocarbons revealed by GC-MS analysis in quenched C-O-H-N fluids at 6.3 GPa, 1400 °C, MMO-buffered fH2 and run durations from 0.017 to 10 hours. Symbols on top show starting compositions of charges for fluid generation: d = docosane; d + s = docosane + stearic acid mixture; s = stearic acid. White columns are unquenched samples cooled down at 1 deg/s. Grey and white bands show run groups.

Figure 2
figure 2

Normalised peak area ratios of CH4/C2H6, CH4/C3H8 and CH4/C4H10 as a function of duration, according to GC-MS analysis of quenched fluids synthesised at 6.3 GPa and 1400 °C from different starting compositions: a = docosane; b = docosane + stearic acid mixture; c = stearic acid.

Olefins, arenes, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, and carboxylic acids, as well as N-bearing spices, were more diverse in the shortest 1-min runs. Note that the species diversity of oxygenated hydrocarbons was notably smaller in 2-hr experiments but greater in the longest runs (10 hr), though remained below the level of the 1-min run (Fig. 1; 2-hr runs at slow cooling (white histograms) are shown for comparison). Thus the quenched non-equilibrium C-O-H-N fluids obtained in short runs had strongly variable concentrations and high diversity of olefins, arenes, alcohols and ethers, aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids, as well as nitrogen-bearing species. The behaviour of these components can be used as evidence of a non-equilibrium composition of reduced fluids.

At 1100 °C, the concentrations of main alkanes and the diversity of oxygenated hydrocarbons in C-O-H-N fluids differed notably in the shortest (1-min) and 7-hour long runs (Tables 24). Note that methane was very low while ethane was high (CH4/C2H6 = 0.14) in the shortest run, but their concentrations became similar (CH4/C2H6 = 1.14) and commensurate with those at 1400 °C at the 7 hr duration. The quenched fluids obtained in 7-hr runs at 1100 °C almost lacked oxygenated hydrocarbons, except for some alcohols and ethers and furans. This data shows that the C-O-H-N fluids resulting from thermal decomposition of higher alkanes at 6.3 GPa and 1400 °C can attain equilibrium already in 2-hr runs, while the attainment of equilibrium at 1100 °C most likely requires at least 7-hr durations. Interestingly, alkanes reached equilibrium concentrations in 1 min at 1400 °C, while fluids synthesised in 1-min long runs at 1100 °C were very rich in ethane.

Table 4 Representative analyses of quenched reduced C-O-H-N fluids (rel.%) obtained in runs at 6.3 GPa and 1100–1400 °C.

Speciation of fluids at fO2 near IW

We have compared the compositions of carbon and nitrogen species in equilibrated C-O-H-N fluids generated by thermal destruction of docosane in 7-hr long runs at 1100–1200 °C and in ≥ 2-hr runs at 1300–1400 °C (Tables 2 and 4; Figs 3 and 4a), at H2O from <1 to 11.2 rel.% (CO2 within 0.006 rel.%; CO not detected). Note that the chosen fH2 buffering technique provided Fe3+ to Fe0 reduction in a 10-hr test run (Supplementary materials, Figs 13). At a higher temperature of 1400 °C, the number of detected alkanes increased from 7–11 at 1200–1300 °C to 14 and even reached 29 in one run. The methane-to-ethane ratios (normalised peak areas) varied from slightly above to slightly below 1, while the CH4/C3H8 and CH4/C4H10 ratios were 1 to 30 and ~100, respectively, without any distinct trend (Fig. 4a). Other species were found in minor amounts of <1 rel.%, except for 0.2 rel.% C16-C17 alkanes and 0.4 rel.% C18 in one run at 1300 °C (Table 4, Supplementary Table 1) against ≤0.01 rel.% in all other runs. Aldehydes and ketones likewise were more diverse in higher-temperature runs at 1400 °C (Fig. 3; white histograms are species in Au capsules), while the number of alcohols and ethers remained approximately the same.

Figure 3
figure 3

Diversity of alkanes, alkenes, and oxygenated hydrocarbons revealed by GC-MS analysis in quenched C-O-H-N fluids at 6.3 GPa, 1100–1400 °C, MMO-buffered fH2 and run durations ≥ 2 hours. White columns are samples obtained in Au capsules. Letter symbols are same as in Fig. 2.

Figure 4
figure 4

Normalised peak area ratios of CH4/C2H6, CH4/C3H8 and CH4/C4H10 as a function of temperature, according to GC-MS analysis of quenched fluids synthesised at 6.3 GPa from different starting compositions: a = docosane; b = docosane + stearic acid mixture and stearic acid.

As for nitrogen speciation, the experimental results (Tables 2, 4, Supplementary Table 1) showed methanimine (CH3N, CAS # 2053-29-4) to be the predominant nitrogen host in N-poor C-O-H-N fluids. However, N2 was persistent, though minor (0.1 to 0.01 rel.%), even in ultra-reduced C-O-H-N fluids resulting from decomposition of docosane, with the CH3N/N2 > 2 ratio in all cases. Ammonia appeared in a single 1-min run at 1400 °С, with its concentration notably exceeding both N2 and CH3N. Other nitrogen species were detectable in trace amounts (Fig. 3 and Supplementary Table 1).

Speciation of fluids at fO2 slightly above IW

The normalised peak areas of water in the chromatograms of quenched equilibrium fluids generated by thermal decomposition of stearic acid or the stearic acid + docosane mixture varied from 16 to 55 rel.%. The concentration of CO2 reached 0.9 rel.% at 1100 °С but decreased to 0.01–0.1 rel.% at 1300–1400 °С. No CO was detectable at higher water contents, as in the case of more reduced fluids. C1-C4 alkanes in C-O-H-N fluids showed more prominent trends with increasing water contents (Figs 25). As the run temperature increased to 1400 °С instead of 1200 °С, the CH4/C2H6 ratio of normalised peak areas decreased only from slightly above 1 to slightly below 1, as at low H2O, but the CH4/C3H8 and CH4/C4H10 ratios became ten times smaller: from 10 to 1 and from 100 to 10, respectively. Note that CH4/C4H10 at 1400 °С were much lower at high than at low water contents.

Figure 5
figure 5

Diversity of alkanes, alkenes, and oxygenated hydrocarbons revealed by GC-MS analysis in quenched C-O-H-N fluids as a function of normalised areas of H2O at 6.3 GPa, 1400 °C, run duration ≥2 hours in MMO-buffered fH2 and in unbuffered experiments. Letter symbols are same as in Fig. 2.

Synthesis in Pt capsules at 1100  and 1300 °С gave fluids with C16-C19 alkanes from 0.2 to 0.9 rel.% and to 0.2 rel.%, respectively (Table 5). The respective alkane contents in fluids from Au capsules at 1200 °С were no higher than 0.06 rel.% and were still lower in Pt capsules at 1400 °С. Oxygenated hydrocarbons in the fluids were diverse in both Au and Pt capsules (Fig. 3). The contents of the detected species did not show marked variation trends. Among oxygenated hydrocarbons, alcohols and carboxylic acids had the largest contents. Note that a water-rich quenched fluid synthesised at 1300 °С in a 7-hr long run contained 0.1 rel.% methanol, ethanol, and benzoic acid (C7H6O2).

Table 5 Representative analyses of quenched H2O-rich C-O-H-N fluids (rel.%) obtained in runs at 6.3 GPa and 1100–1400 °C.

Methanimine (CH3N) was the main nitrogen species of C-O-H-N fluids at high-H2O as well (Table 2, Fig. 6 and Supplementary Table 1), but no ammonia was detected in any run. Persistent N2, from 0.02 to 0.4 rel.%, was observed in the fluids generated by decomposition of stearic acid or the stearic acid + docosane mixture, as in the case of reduced fluids. The normalised peak area ratios corresponding to CH3N/N2 in quenched fluids were A(17 + 29 m/z)/A(28 m/z) ≫ 1 in most of analysed spectra. Methanimine predominated in the fluids from both Au and Pt capsules. It was found in small amounts only in four runs with Pt capsules (out of those, fH2 was not buffered in two runs and little fluid was released upon capsule opening in one run). Note that the concentration of CH3N increased at slow cooling (Fig. 6a,b).

Figure 6
figure 6

Fragments of chromatograms of quenched fluids extracted from Pt capsules after runs 1019_7_3 (a) and 1898_2_3 (b). 1 = Total ion current (TIC) chromatograms; 2 = Reconstructed ion chromatograms (RIC) m/z 28 that characterise traces of molecular nitrogen, ethane, propane and butane; 3 = RIC m/z 16: methane; 4 = RIC m/z 17 + 29: methanimine; 5 = RIC m/z 44: traces of carbon dioxide, propane and butane; 6 = RIC m/z 30: ethane; 7 = RIC m/z 18: water.

Composition of fluids near CW

Oxygen fugacity of C-O-H-N fluids could reach the water maximum (CW) in two unbuffered runs at 1200 and 1400 °С (Table 6) because of hydrogen leakage30, 31. The loss of hydrogen from the fluid led to its water enrichment and oxidation of the hydrocarbons originally produced by thermal decomposition of the starting materials. Contrary to our expectations, HCs demonstrated different degrees of stability to oxidation. The concentrations of methane and ethane decreased dramatically from 20–30% to a few percent and even to fractions of percent (Table 6) while the C3, C4 and C5 alkanes remained almost invariable. Some higher alkanes, especially, C16, were present in notable amounts: 0.04 rel.% at 1200 °С to 0.2 rel.% at 1400 °С. In the lower-temperature runs phtalates were observed as the main species among oxygenated hydrocarbons, possibly as a result of capsule contamination. The detected species were markedly more diverse in higher-temperature runs, where acetic acid was predominant. The diversity of HC species in fluids with 1 to 96 rel.% H2O (normalised peak areas) exhibited no distinct trends (Fig. 5). The fluids near CW contained N2 as the predominant nitrogen species and trace amounts of nitriles and azines (Supplementary Table 1).

Table 6 Representative analyses of quenched H2O-rich C-O-H-N fluids (rel.%) obtained in unbuffered runs at 6.3 GPa.

Calculated fO2 and carbon contents

Oxygen fugacity (fO2) is the key parameter of fluid systems against which to compare the compositions of fluids synthesised in quenching experiments with data on natural mantle fluids. fO2 in the experimental samples was calculated by Gibbs energy minimisation at 6.3 GPa and 1100–1400 °C knowing the components of the obtained fluids. However, chromatography–mass spectrometry revealed more than 30 carbon and nitrogen species in the fluids, and the calculations required some assumptions. Primarily, the presence of nitrogen species found in very low concentrations was neglected, i.e., the C-O-H-N system was reduced to the C-O-H one. The contribution of alkanes higher than C5, as well as oxygenated hydrocarbons and CO2, all below 1 rel.%, into the fO2 of the system was likewise assumed negligible. With these assumptions, the system composition was simplified to H2O, CH4, C2H6, C3H8, and C4H10, and this limited number of main species was used in CG-MS calibrations (see Supplementary information). The normalised peak areas of particular components were converted to mole % only for a part of quenching experiments where equilibrium concentrations of the main components were obtained. They were further used to estimate C contents in the fluids as a function of temperature at constant fO2 and as a function of fO2 at a constant temperature of 1400 °C (Table 7 and Fig. 7). The results generally record markedly lower carbon contents at lower temperatures and higher fO2.

Table 7 Mole ratios of CH4, C2H6, C3H8 and C4H10, carbon content (mole %), and calculated fO2 in fluid phase, according to GC-MS calibration (see text for explanation).
Figure 7
figure 7

Composition of quenched fluids converted using GC-MS calibration with respect to main species: CH4, C2H6, C3H8, C4H10 and H2O. a: mole ratios CH4/C2H6, CH4/C3H8 and CH4/C4H10 in strongly reduced fluids at 6.3 GPa, 1100–1400 °C and constant fO2; b: same at 6.3 GPa, 1400 °C in a range of fO2; c: amount of carbon in fluids as a function of temperature; d: amount of carbon in fluids as a function of fO2.


Processes of fluid equilibration

According to the reported results, the fluids experimentally generated at 6.3 GPa and 1100–1400 °C attain equilibrium with respect to all C-O-H-N components for the time from 2 to 7 hours. The greatest diversity of carbon species observed in 1-min runs indicates that thermal decomposition of docosane and stearic acid produces numerous non-equilibrium components of the system which disappear in longer runs. GC-MS analysis reveals light alkanes as main run products, with predominant methane and ethane (Table 2). The changes the HCs experience at the experimental conditions can either lengthen or shorten the hydrocarbon chains. For higher hydrocarbons, decomposition most likely occurs as thermal cracking35 and appears to be the main process involving n-alkanes, including n-docosane and alkyl chains of fatty acids. In principle, the initial thermal formation of radical species from higher hydrocarbons in homolysis and rearrangement reactions leads to further β-scission into alkene and alkyl radicals with shorter chains (Fig. 8a). Ethene that forms in β-scission of terminal radicals in excess of H2 readily reduces to ethane. The radicals resulting from cracking can recombine or react with alkanes or alkenes to form alkanes and new radicals.

Figure 8
figure 8

Main chemical processes during formation of equilibrium fluids. (a) initial thermal formation of radical species from higher hydrocarbons in homolysis, rearrangement,  their further rearrangement and β-scission reactions; (b) thermal decarboxylation of carboxylic acids; (c) processes involving carboxyl acids; (d) hydrogen reduction of carbonyl compounds.

Thermal decarboxylation (Fig. 8b) of carboxylic acids (such as stearic acid) produces alkanes shorter for one carbon atom (e.g., relatively high amounts of heptadecane (Supplementary Table 1) in run #1016_7_2) which decompose in a regular way through dehydrogenation and β-scission (Fig. 8a). Catalytic reduction of fatty acids in excess of hydrogen yields primary alcohols. Further dehydration of alcohols to alkenes may be followed by catalytic hydrogenation on the Pt surface producing a mixture of alkanes and terminal alkenes (Fig. 8c).

However, radical reactions of intermediates are also possible at each step of reduction, and varieties of shortened primary alcohols were observed in the experiments. The reactions can be catalysed by Pt, judging by the presence of methanol and ethanol in the fluids from Pt capsules and their absence in the case of Au capsules in 1200 °C runs # 1315_3_5, 1751_2_2 and 1751_2_3 (Supplementary Table 1).

The fluids generated in Au and Pt capsules differ in carbon speciation irrespective of run duration and temperature: methane is one of major fluid components (along with water) in both cases but the methane/ethane ratios of normalised peak areas are, respectively, CH4/C2H6 > 1 and <0.8 in the Au and Pt capsules (Table 2). This difference may be due to catalytic processes that involve Pt, which may facilitate homolytic dissociation of methane to methyl radicals on the surface at temperatures over 1000 °C36. The process accelerates with heating, and the methane/ethane ratio may decrease at higher temperatures. Indeed, the CH4/C2H6, CH4/C3H8, and CH4/C4H10 mole ratios we obtained by calibration were the lowest at 1400 °C and at constant fO2 (Fig. 7a). The 7-hr run at 1100 °C gave a spike, possibly, because the system failed to attain equilibrium. Further recombination of the formed radicals produces a mixture of lower HCs: ethane, propane and n-butane. The reactivity of ethane is restricted to catalytic dehydrogenation on the Pt surface with formation of ethene, but the excess of hydrogen (fH2 buffered at MMO) impedes this process by shifting the equilibrium toward the reagents. For this reason, ethane does not contribute to the formation of methyl/ethyl radicals and, hence, methane and higher HCs, and tends to accumulate. Nevertheless, the catalytic fission of n-butane produces two ethyl radicals that recombine and react with alkenes with further formation of higher HCs.

The fluids generated in both Au and Pt capsules contained various oxygen-bearing compounds, mainly alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones and furans (Tables 4, 5, Supplementary Table 1 and Fig. 3). However, the contents of carbonyl compounds (aldehydes and ketones) were lower in less reduced fluids from Pt samples (Table 5), at comparable T-τ conditions, possibly, because of catalytic hydrogen reduction (Fig. 8d) on the Pt surface and subsequent dehydration of alcohols. The run duration dependence of carbon speciation patterns in Pt capsules (Fig. 1) shows that aldehydes and ketones are the least diverse in the case of 2-hr runs but more diverse in fluids generated in 10-hr runs, possibly, because the catalytical activity of Pt decreases with time.

Carbon speciation

Main carbon species in the synthesised equilibrium fluids are CH4, C2H6, C3H8 and C4H10, and their concentrations (according to GC-MS analysis) agree well with the calculated relations of CH4 > C2H6 > C3H8 > C4H10 20, 25, 28, 32, 33 almost in all cases (Fig. 7а,b and Table 7). The CH4/C2H6, CH4/C3H8, and CH4/C4H10 ratios are lower in the case of both higher temperature (1400 °С) and fO2 (2.5 log units above IW) at 6.3 GPa (Fig. 7а,b). Taking into account the H2O variations, this dependence is the reason why temperature and fO2 control the amount of carbon the hydrocarbon fluids can carry (Fig. 7c,d). Previous calculations by Huizenga et al. (ref. 25) for 5.0 GPa and 1227 °C gave a similar fO2 dependence of carbon contents in fluids synthesised in the C-O-H system. This similarity indicates that thermodynamic calculations provide a faithful idea of C behaviour in fluids subject to oxidation at CLM pressures. On the other hand, as we have demonstrated experimentally, the amount of carbon in the fluid phase can be notably lower at a lower temperature (1100 °C) at a constant oxygen fugacity of −log(fO2) = 11.

The equilibrium compositions of the GC-MS analysed C-O-H-N fluids count more than 30 carbon and nitrogen species and contain up to 1 rel.% С1518 alkanes, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxyl acids, and furans (Tables 46 and Figs 1, 3 and 5). In some cases, the contents of species in the obtained fluid vary largely even in runs of the same temperature and starting composition. This variation may result from the presence of moisture that adsorbs, in smaller or larger amounts, on graphite flakes during the capsule assembly. The reduced fluids at fO2 near IW generated by thermal decomposition of docosane are relatively rich only in alcohols, and their composition apparently corresponds to fO2 at which diamonds crystallise from metal melts (ref. 12). At higher H2O, the concentrations of С1518 alkanes increase slightly, while the diversity remains basically the same in alkanes and increases notably in oxygenated hydrocarbons (especially, ketones and carboxylic acids). The effect of lower temperature (1200 °C instead of 1400 °C) is to reduce the diversity of alkanes and oxygenated hydrocarbons in more reduced fluids. As H2O exceeds 90 mole % and fO2 reaches 2.5 log units above IW, methane in the fluid almost zeroes down, while higher alkanes do not change much (Tables 46 and Fig. 5). For instance, the fluids with fO2 near CW contain 1 rel.% C2H6, fractions of percent C3H8 and C4H10, and C15–19 alkanes, as well as quite large amounts of oxygenated hydrocarbons, especially alcohols and carboxylic acids.

The effect of Pt and Au capsules on the composition of equilibrium C-O-H-N fluids is seen in the results of 7-hr long runs at 1100–1300 °C (Table 2 and Fig. 3) where CH4/C2H6 in the fluids from Au capsules are higher than with Pt capsules (Table 2) which become involved in catalytic processes (see above). Fluids generated in the two types of capsules are similar in diversity of alkanes (Fig. 4), while H2O-rich fluids from Pt capsules have low or absent aldehydes and ketones, possibly, due to catalytic hydrogen reduction at the Pt surface, and subsequent dehydration of the formed alcohols. The composition similarity of the quenched fluids synthesised in Pt and Au capsules indicates that the Pt effect consists in faster attainment of equilibrium in the system and must be the smallest in 10-hr runs.

All detected carbon species, except alkanes, turn out to be very sensitive to cooling rates: they are much more diverse at slow (1 deg/s) cooling (Fig. 1). Therefore, back reactions upon cooling lead primarily to synthesis of oxygenated hydrocarbons.

Nitrogen speciation

Nitrogen in the studied C-O-H-N fluids is mainly air N2 entrapped by the capsule assembly, which reacts with hydrogen, hydrocarbons, and graphite at the experiment P-T conditions to form methanimine (Table 2, Figs 6 and 8): CH3N with the formula . The fluids also contain trace amounts of other nitrogen species, such as some nitriles, mainly at 1400 °C and high H2O contents. CH3N/N2 ratios estimated by GC-MS (Fig. 9) show that CH3N is the main nitrogen species in almost all equilibrium reduced fluids; CH3N/N2 < 1 only at 1100 °C and fO2 about −11 log units. However, CH3N disappears at 1400 °C when fO2 becomes four orders of magnitude higher and approaches CW. The temperature and redox dependence of CH3N stability (with regard to the slope of buffers in the T-fO2 diagram of Fig. 10) indicates that the formation of CH3N is possible at low fO2.

Figure 9
figure 9

Normalised peak area ratios of CH3N and N2 that characterise their role as nitrogen species in C-O-H-N fluids in a large range of T-fO2 parameters at 6.3 GPa. (a) 1100–1400 °C and constant fO2; (b) redox interval from strongly to moderately reduced conditions.

Figure 10
figure 10

Concentrations of carbon (mole %) in reduced C-O-H-N fluids at 6.3 GPa, according to GC-MS analysis. Red circles are GC-MS-measured values for experimental compositions; blue dash line is the carbon isopleth. Light-green field shows T-fO2 range for cratonic lithospheric mantle at a depth of ~200 km (see text for explanation). IW and CW curves are after refs 1, 24 and 56.

Thus, CH3N discovered in the C-O-H-N system at 6.3 GPa, 1100–1400 °C, and a fluid C/N ratio of ∼20 may be an important component in reduced mantle containing minor amounts of nitrogen. It may predominate as a nitrogen host already at fO2 near and below IW. A more detailed study is obviously required to constrain the stability of CH3N at the mantle P-T-fO2 conditions, with a special focus on nitrogen sources in the reactions that produce this species. Note that NH3 and N2 are stable in the N-rich C-O-H-N system generated by decomposition of melamine, as well as its mixture with stearic acid or docosane at C/N ratio in the fluid from 0.4 to 4.6, at similar P-T-fO2 34, while the redox stability of CH3N is comparable with that of ammonia3, 34. To sum up, the behaviour of CH3N may control the deep nitrogen cycle in N-poor reduced peridotitic mantle. Specifically, silicate phases capable of dissolving ammonia in the presence of NH3-bearing fluids2, 19, 37 hardly can host nitrogen in equilibrium with CH3N-bearing mantle fluids.

Carbon and nitrogen transport across redox and thermal barriers in the mantle

The most important carbon and nitrogen species of C-O-H-N fluids in the upper mantle revealed in this study of N-poor fluids, as well as in previous results for N-rich fluids34, are CH4 and CH3N in the depleted domains with ∼20 ppm C and ∼1 ppm N38, 39, and CH4 and NH3 in the enriched domains containing ∼250 ppm C and ∼100 ppm N38, 39 (Fig. 11). Note that this inference is based on experiments with a simplified C-O-H-N system limited to four components, whereas the speciation in the natural mantle fluids is much more complex. Namely, N-rich fluids derived from a subducting slab may be quite rich in chlorides40. The appearance of the Cl ion in the fluid may be coupled to NH4 + forming a stable ligand. Furthermore, the real fluid phase in the mantle occurs in the interstitial space of silicate rocks. As it was shown previously6, the pH values of the eclogitic fluids are strongly alkaline, which supports the model of ionic C-bearing species. At the same time, fluids in equilibrium with mantle peridotite minerals generally contain species in the molecular form6, which is consistent with the conventional fluid models.

Figure 11
figure 11

Schematic of the upper mantle volatile cycle and main carbon and nitrogen species of C-O-H-N fluids in depleted and enriched domains3839. Black arrows show paths and estimates of the relative magnitudes of carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen fluxes and blue arrow is mantle upwelling. Right panel: potential mantle fO2 as a function of depth. The Fe0-FeO and Fe3+/Fe2+ (equilibria involving the exchange of Fe3+ and Fe2+ between silicate minerals) curves are according to refs 1 and 56. Oxygen fugacity of CW (maximum H2O content in C-O-H fluids), EMOD/G (equilibria enstatite + magnesite = olivine + graphite/diamond) and MORB (mid-ocean ridge basalts) are according to refs 1 and 24. ‘Redox melting’ process at depths of 120–150 km is according to refs 1 and 24.

The ascent of N-bearing reduced fluids is an important element of the carbon and nitrogen cycles in the mantle2, 5. On their way to shallow mantle, these fluids can cross redox and/or temperature barriers, such as multiple redox fronts24 in the lithosphere or the boundary between hotter asthenosphere and colder lithosphere41. Our experiments and published calculation results20, 25, 28, 32, 33 have implications for the behaviour of fluids crossing such redox and thermal barriers. Carbon concentrations in reduced fluids within the T-fO2 range of CLM at a depth of ∼200 km vary as plotted in Fig. 10. The reduced fluids stable at ∼IW lose almost all carbon (about 18 mole % С, Figs 7e and 10) upon isothermal oxidation at 1400 °С to fO2 about CW. For the fluids with methane as a predominant carbon species, the experimentally obtained and calculated25 for 5.0 GPa and 1227 °C amounts of carbon released during oxidation are in good agreement. The novelty of the experimental results is that HCs show different degrees of stability to oxidation, and this difference can affect the carbon speciation in the fluid. Namely, oxidation can be expected to decrease the concentrations of methane and ethane (much more strongly for the former) but to cause almost no effect on C3, C4 and C5 alkanes (Table 2 and Fig. 7b), as well as on some C15-C19 alkanes which remain within fractions of percent (Table 6). Note also that H2O-rich fluids at 1400 °С contain diverse oxygenated hydrocarbons (Fig. 5), with predominant acetic acid. As for nitrogen species, we infer CH3N to become less important and the role of N2 to grow as oxidation progresses (Fig. 9b).

The question whether any hydrocarbons can survive transport across the mantle redox fronts is essential for understanding the deep carbon cycle. Neither the stability of higher alkanes at fO2 near CW nor the oxidation patterns of hydrocarbon fluids have been studied experimentally at mantle P-T conditions. In our previous quenching experiments with anthracene (C14H10), performed without external fH2 buffering31, oxidation of the C-O-H system produced an aqueous fluid with trace amounts of CH4 (0.5 to 0.7 mole%) and C2H6 (≤0.1 mol.%). According to the data of this study, hydrous silicate magmas generated within multiple redox fronts can entrap minor amounts of some higher alkanes and oxygenated hydrocarbons of mantle origin and carry them further to shallow mantle.

As modeling by Stachel and Luth (ref. 5) demonstrates, less than 50 ppm fluid are required to completely reset the redox state of depleted cratonic peridotite to that of the fluid. Taking into account the strongly reduced chemistry of most peridotites at the depths of diamond stability20,21,22,23, Stachel and Luth (ref. 5) conclude that redox fronts can be unstable to interaction with hydrocarbon fluids and that the last fluids to interact with the deep CLM are generally reducing. The fluids which penetrate into reduced but colder CLM domains and cool down from 1400 °С and fO2 ∼IW to 1100 °С at fO2 slightly above IW are inferred to loose carbon (decreasing from 18 to 3 mole %) but gain water (Figs 7a,c and 10). The cooled fluids contain more ethane, propane, and butane but much less diverse oxygenated hydrocarbons, mainly methanol and ethanol (Fig. 3 and Table 5, Supplementary Table 1). As for nitrogen speciation, N2 is expected to be predominant instead of CH3N (CH3N/N2 < 1) (Fig. 9a) in the cooled peridotitic fluid, which contains mainly molecular forms of species.

Diamond formation

Carbon-bearing fluids in CLM can act as both carbon carriers and diamond crystallisation environment5, 42,43,44,45. The reaction of hydrocarbons with O2 at multiple redox fronts24 stimulates the activity of H2O and causes drastic reduction of total carbon content in the fluids, as well as rapid drop in the solidus temperature of the ambient rocks. The redox melting is considered to be an important process in the cratonic mantle lithosphere24. As a result of oxidation, carbon of methane and other hydrocarbons is inferred to release in the form of C0 and to become consumed for saturation with the aqueous fluid. Experimental data show that this C0 could be involved in diamond crystallisation. The chemistry of mineral inclusions in diamond46, 47 and stable isotope data of carbon and nitrogen48 indicate distinct possibility of diamond precipitation from CH4. Higher alkanes and some oxygenated hydrocarbons have been shown experimentally to be stable against oxidation of hydrocarbon fluids till the water maximum (Table 6). Therefore, they should be present in the diamond crystallisation environment, along with water, and can be entrapped as inclusions. Recent studies8,9,10,11 confirm the presence of higher HCs in inclusions from diamond and its syngenetic mantle-derived minerals.

The available experimental data on crystallisation of diamond from the fluid phase49,50,51,52,53 indicate the existence of important, possibly, kinetic barriers impeding its spontaneous nucleation and further growth in the mantle fluid. Diamond has never been synthesised from strongly reduced fluids in the field of its thermodynamic stability, even in the presence of metastable graphite31, 52. Note that none of our experiments, from 1 minute to 10 hours long, led to spontaneous diamond nucleation, even near CW. As we showed earlier31, diamond can nucleate and grow at run duration at least 40 hours, at 1600 °C and at relatively high fO2 near CW, in H2O-rich fluids. At lower temperatures, diamond nucleation begins even in oxidised carbonatitic fluids after a much longer induction period44, 51, 54. Thus, only oxidation of fluids within redox fronts at temperatures approaching 1400 °С can maintain effective diamond formation. Fluids cooling in strongly reduced mantle can release excess carbon as metastable graphite. The fate of this graphite within CLM may be different: it may either remain in the metastable state for an infinitely long time or convert to diamond upon interaction with oxidised alkaline metasomatic fluids44, 51, 54. This mechanism is similar to the model suggested by Jablon and Navon (ref. 55) as universal for most diamonds from CLM.


Experiments at 6.3 GPa show that fluids generated by thermal decomposition of docosane and stearic acid can attain equilibrium for 2 and 7 hours at 1400 and 1100 °C, respectively. The shortest 1-min runs lead to the formation of numerous non-equilibrium components of the system, especially oxygenated hydrocarbons which disappear in longer runs. The processes leading to equilibrium are mainly radical and include thermal formation of radical species from higher hydrocarbons and carboxylic acids in homolysis, rearrangement reactions, and further β-scission into alkenes and alkyl radicals. Carboxylic acids additionally undergo thermal decarboxylation. Equilibrium fluids contain CH4, C2H6, C3H8 and C4H10 as main carbon species, which is consistent with previous experimental and theoretical results25, 28, 29, 31, 32. It has been demonstrated for the first time that equilibrium N-poor C-O-H-N fluids can contain more than 30 carbon and nitrogen species. Besides the main species, they include С1519 alkanes, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, and furans.

The carbon and nitrogen speciation in the equilibrium fluids depends on temperature and redox conditions. The CH4/C2H6, CH4/C3H8, and CH4/C4H10 ratios and C concentrations decrease both under isobaric cooling from 1400 to 1200 °С at constant fO2 and under oxygen fugacity increase from IW-2.5 to IW + 2.5 log units at 1400 °С. As the temperature and water content increase, the concentrations of С1518 alkanes increase slightly while oxygenated hydrocarbons become more diverse. In reduced fluids, only alcohols can reach notable amounts. The fluids with fO2 IW + 2.5 log units, almost lack methane and contain about 1 rel.% of C2H6, C3H8 and C4H10, as well as C15–19 alkanes, and relatively high oxygenated hydrocarbons, especially alcohols and carboxylic acids. The material of capsules causes a catalytic effect: CH4/C2H6 ratios are slightly higher in quenched fluids from Au capsules than in those from Pt capsules. Methanimine (CH3N) is the main nitrogen species in the studied fluids, but it loses importance (CH3N/N2 < 1) at a lower temperature of 1100 °C at constant fO2 in the system IW-2.5 log units; CH3N almost disappears while N2 becomes the predominant species as fO2 decreases to IW + 2.5 log units at 1400 °C.

The behaviour of the CH3N species can strongly control the mantle nitrogen cycle, especially in N-poor fluids equilibrated with peridotite. Specifically, silicate phases capable of dissolving ammonia in the presence of NH3-bearing fluids hardly can be nitrogen hosts in equilibrium with CH3N-bearing fluids. Oxidation of peridotitic fluids with small N contents upon interaction with multiple redox fronts is inferred to decrease strongly the concentrations of methane and methanimine and slightly reduce the amount of ethane, but it causes significant changes neither to C3, C4 and C5 alkanes nor to C15-C19 alkanes and oxygenated hyrocarbons. As a result, hydrous magma can capture species stable to oxidation, as well as N2, which can be involved in diamond formation and carried to shallow mantle.

Materials and Methods

Starting mixtures for generation of carbon- and nitrogen-bearing fluids consisted of chemical-grade docosane (C22H46) and stearic acid (С18Н36O2), and 99.9999% pure natural graphite (Table 1). The pre-dried graphite contained 700 ppm CO2 and 700 ppm H2O determined by chromatography of gases extracted during graphite annealing at 600 °С in a U-shaped quartz cell. Graphite with docosane and/or stearic acid, at a weight ratio of ~10/1, were placed into Pt or Au capsules (Supplementary Fig 1). The 10/1 ratio of graphite to fluid-generating material provided an amount of C-O-H-N fluid sufficient for GC/MS analysis but did not produce overpressure in the capsule after the runs and during drying before gas analysis. Microscopic amounts of nitrogen in the capsules came from air. The samples had different H2O concentrations changed by varying the aliquots of stearic acid. Capsules containing starting material for the generation of a C-O-H-N fluid were arc-welded using a Lampert Werktechnik GmbH PUK-4U impulse micro welding device. Experiments were carried out in a high-pressure split-sphere multi-anvil apparatus. Fluid was generated at buffered fH2 in 6.3 GPa runs in a cell with a large low-gradient zone and was analyzed using a Thermo Scientific DSQ II Series Dual Stage Quadrupole GC/MS 34. Analytical uncertainty for H2O, NH3, and CO2, expressed as precision, was less than 10% and in most cases less than 5% (determined in the range from 12.5 pptv to 12.5 ppbv). The efficiency of the chosen fH2 buffering technique has been proven in special tests (Supplementary Figs 13).