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A guide to precise measurements of isotope abundance by ESI-Orbitrap MS

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Stable isotopes of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur are widespread in nature. Nevertheless, their relative abundance is not the same everywhere. This is due to kinetic isotope effects in enzymes and other physical principles such as equilibrium thermodynamics. Variations in isotope ratios offer unique insights into environmental pollution, trophic relationships in ecology, metabolic disorders and Earth history including climate history. Although classical isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) techniques still struggle to access intramolecular information like site-specific isotope abundance, electrospray ionization–Orbitrap mass spectrometry can be used to achieve precise and accurate intramolecular quantification of isotopically substituted molecules (‘isotopocules’). This protocol describes two procedures. In the first one, we provide a step-by-step beginner’s guide for performing multi-elemental, intramolecular and site-specific stable isotope analysis in unlabeled polar solutes by direct infusion. Using a widely available calibration solution, isotopocules of trifluoroacetic acid and immonium ions from the model peptide MRFA are quantified. In the second approach, nitrate is used as a simple model for a flow injection routine that enables access to a diverse range of naturally occurring isotopic signatures in inorganic oxyanions. Each procedure takes 2–3 h to complete and requires expertise only in general mass spectrometry. The workflows use optimized Orbitrap IRMS data-extraction and -processing software and are transferable to various analytes amenable to soft ionization, including metabolites, peptides, drugs and environmental pollutants. Optimized mass spectrometry systems will enable intramolecular isotope research in many areas of biology.

Key points

  • Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur have naturally occurring stable isotopes. Variations in their relative distribution within molecules can provide information relevant to environmental biology, metabolism, food and drug origins and climate history.

  • This protocol describes how to use electrospray ionization–Orbitrap mass spectrometry to achieve precise and accurate molecular quantification of isotopically substituted molecules (‘isotopocules’). It serves as a citable reference for optimized Orbitrap IRMS data-extraction and -processing software.

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Fig. 1: Like a keystone in a bridge, ESI-Orbitrap IRMS protocols connect MS techniques and instrumentation between the life sciences and geosciences.
Fig. 2: Basic measurement principles of ESI-Orbitrap IRMS.
Fig. 3: Workflow of isotope ratio data processing.
Fig. 4: Overview of presented procedures.
Fig. 5: Adapting the presented protocols to new analytes and research contexts.
Fig. 6: Proposed broad categories to assess the robustness of emerging ESI-Orbitrap IRMS workflows.
Fig. 7: Mass spectrum of TFA in the scan range specified in Procedure 1.
Fig. 8: Mass spectrum of immonium ions from amino acids in MRFA in the scan range specified in Procedure 1.
Fig. 9: Mass spectrum of nitrate in the scan range specified in Procedure 2.
Fig. 10: Shot-noise plots for the isotopocule ratios 13C/M0 (green) and 18O/M0 (orange) of TFA.
Fig. 11: Replicate analysis of isotopocule ratios from immonium ions created from the MRFA peptide.
Fig. 12: Results of nitrate isotopocule ratio analysis with non-optimal ion source settings.

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Data availability

The raw data supporting the findings of this study have been deposited to the MassIVE repositories with accession codes MSV000093222 (Procedure 1) and MSV000093223 (Procedure 2). Source data, data processing scripts and output plots and tables are available via a GitHub repository at Source data are provided with this paper.

Code availability

The isoorbi R package can be found at, and The IsoXL demo GUI can be found at


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K.K. was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (Project No. P500PN_206702). Parts of this protocol build on work enabled by a grant from the National Science Foundation (Award no. 2041539) to S.K. and C.N. We thank J. K. Böhlke for fruitful discussions about referencing of stable-isotope data and access to reference materials and K. Aizikov for guidance on programming IsoX. We also thank B. Davidheiser, A. Angert, N. Bernet, H. Hayen, R. Marks, S. Ono and L. Yu for their critical feedback on the draft manuscript and software.

Author information

Authors and Affiliations



All co-authors conceived, designed and developed the protocol. K.K., N.K. and C.N. performed the experiments, analyzed the data and wrote the manuscript. K.K., N.K., C.N. and S.K. prepared the data analysis scripts and software. D.J., A.H. and S.K. edited the manuscript. All co-authors read, commented on and accepted the final manuscript.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Cajetan Neubauer.

Ethics declarations

Competing interests

The authors declare the following competing financial interest(s). A.H. and D.J. are employees of Thermo Fisher Scientific GmbH, which manufactures Orbitrap mass spectrometers as well as gas-source isotope ratio mass spectrometers. N.K. is a PhD student at the University of Münster and is conducting his doctoral thesis employed as a PhD student/R&D scientist at Thermo Fisher Scientific GmbH on Orbitrap-based isotope ratio measurements. C.N. is a paid independent scientific consultant to Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. for ESI-Orbitrap mass spectrometer–based isotope ratio measurements.

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Nature Protocols thanks Amy Hofmann, Yongbo Peng, Matthias Pilecky and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Key references using this protocol

Eiler, J. et al. Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 422, 126–142 (2017):

Neubauer, C. et al. Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 434, 276–286 (2018):

Hilkert, A. et al. Anal. Chem. 93, 9139–9148 (2021):

Jang, C. et al. Cell 173, 822–837 (2018):

Neubauer, C. et al. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 34, 525–537 (2023):

Extended data

Extended Data Fig. 1 Screenshot of a sequence file.

This example shows the sequence to analyze nitrate by using the described flow injection method (USGS35: standard; USGS32: sample). Injections of USGS35 at the beginning of the sequence for equilibration are not shown.

Extended Data Fig. 2

Structure of the isotopologs.tsv file for TFA.

Extended Data Fig. 3

Structure of the isotopologs.tsv file for immonium ions from MRFA.

Extended Data Fig. 4 Screenshot of a RAW file.

The screenshot is from the FreeStyle software, showing the signal intensity (top) and the mass spectrum (bottom) for the flow injection analysis of nitrate during the stable signal plateau.

Extended Data Fig. 5

Structure of the isotopologs.tsv file for nitrate.

Extended Data Fig. 6 Shot-noise plots for TFA.

a and b, Data for the isotopocule ratios 13C/M0 (a) and 18O/M0 (b). The data were obtained with two AGC target settings that resulted in different ITs: AGC target of 104 with IT = 0.03 ms (green, suboptimal) and AGC target of 106 with IT = 0.75 ms (orange, optimal). The optimal settings result in better precision (relative standard error, data points) within the same time, compared to the suboptimal settings. The lines depict the theoretical shot-noise limit.

Source data

Extended Data Fig. 7 Shot-noise plots for TFA.

a and b, Data for the isotopocule ratios 13C/M0 (a) and 18O/M0 (b). The data were obtained with two Orbitrap resolution settings: 120,000 (green, suboptimal) and 15,000 (orange, optimal). The optimal settings result in better precision (relative standard error, data points) within the same time, compared to the suboptimal settings. The lines depict the theoretical shot-noise limit.

Source data

Extended Data Fig. 8 Shot-noise plots for isotopocule ratios of immonium ions created from the MRFA peptide.

a–d, Alanine (a), arginine (b), methionine (c) and phenylalanine (d). The plots show decreasing relative standard error (the points) during the analysis time, which follows the theoretical shot-noise limit (lines). The offset between the individual isotopocules is based on their relative abundance (13C/12C has the highest isotopic abundance ratio, whereas 2H/1H has the lowest).

Source data

Supplementary information

Supplementary Information

Supplementary Notes 1 and 2, Supplementary Tables 1–11, Supplementary Figs. 1–21 and Supplementary Data.

Reporting Summary

Supplementary Data

A spreadsheet showing the implementation of alternative ways to do the one-point calibration of δ values.

Source data

Source Data Fig. 10

Shot-noise data for 13C- and 18O-isotopocules of TFA.

Source Data Fig. 11

Extracted ion currents for four amino acid immonium ions and ratios of 13C/M0 for every replicate.

Source Data Fig. 12

Extracted ion currents for nitrate injections, ratios of 18O/M0 during the injections and ratios of 18O/M0 for every injection and d18O.

Source Data Extended Data Fig. 6

Shot-noise data for 13C- and 18O-isotopocules of TFA with different AGC target settings.

Source Data Extended Data Fig. 7

Shot-noise data for 13C- and 18O-isotopocules of TFA with different Orbitrap resolution settings.

Source Data Extended Data Fig. 8

Shot-noise data for immonium ions from the MRFA peptide.

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Kantnerová, K., Kuhlbusch, N., Juchelka, D. et al. A guide to precise measurements of isotope abundance by ESI-Orbitrap MS. Nat Protoc 19, 2435–2466 (2024).

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