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Genome-wide measurement of DNA replication fork directionality and quantification of DNA replication initiation and termination with Okazaki fragment sequencing

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Studying the dynamics of genome replication in mammalian cells has been historically challenging. To reveal the location of replication initiation and termination in the human genome, we developed Okazaki fragment sequencing (OK-seq), a quantitative approach based on the isolation and strand-specific sequencing of Okazaki fragments, the lagging strand replication intermediates. OK-seq quantitates the proportion of leftward- and rightward-oriented forks at every genomic locus and reveals the location and efficiency of replication initiation and termination events. Here we provide the detailed experimental procedures for performing OK-seq in unperturbed cultured human cells and budding yeast and the bioinformatics pipelines for data processing and computation of replication fork directionality. Furthermore, we present the analytical approach based on a hidden Markov model, which allows automated detection of ascending, descending and flat replication fork directionality segments revealing the zones of replication initiation, termination and unidirectional fork movement across the entire genome. These tools are essential for the accurate interpretation of human and yeast replication programs. The experiments and the data processing can be accomplished within six days. Besides revealing the genome replication program in fine detail, OK-seq has been instrumental in numerous studies unravelling mechanisms of genome stability, epigenome maintenance and genome evolution.

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Fig. 1: Detection of replication initiation and termination events by OK-seq.
Fig. 2: Experimental workflow and data processing pipelines of OK-seq.
Fig. 3: Representative results for OK-seq.

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Data availability

Published available OK-seq raw and processed datasets analyzed in this work are available in SRA: SRP065949 (HeLa cells)27 and ENA: PRJEB36782 (S. cerevisiae)30.

Code availability

The bioinformatics tool and all example datasets underlying this paper are available at the following GitHub page: with DOI number:


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X.W. is supported by The Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant no. 31900415). Y.L. thanks Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (ANR) for providing her PhD fellowship. C.T., Y.D.-C., C.-L.C., O.H. and N.P. thank the ANR grant BLAN2010–161501 (REFOPOL). Work in the O.H. laboratory is supported by the ANR grants 18-CE45-0002 (NanoPoRep) and 19-CE12-0028 (HUDROR). Work in the C.-L.C. laboratory is supported by the YPI program of I. Curie, the ATIP-Avenir program from Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) and Plan Cancer (grant number ATIP/AVENIR: N°18CT014-00); ANR grant 19-CE12-0016-02 (ReDeFINe) and 19-CE12-0020-02 (TELOCHROM); and Institut National du Cancer (INCa) grant PLBIO19-076. Work in the N.P. laboratory is supported by the ATIP-Avenir grant from CNRS and YPI funding from Institute Gustave Roussy; N.P. thanks the LabEx ‘Who Am I?’ ANR-11-LABX-0071; the Université de Paris IdEx ANR-18-IDEX-0001 and the ANR grant 19-CE12-0030-01 (INTEGER).

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Authors and Affiliations



O.H., C.-L.C. and N.P. conceived and supervised the project. N.P. developed the OK-seq method in mammalian cells; X.W. adapted the method for yeast cells. Y.L. Y.D.-C., C.T. and C.-L.C. developed the bioinformatics approach and built the analysis pipeline. X.W., Y.L., O.H., C.-L.C. and N.P. wrote the manuscript with input from all authors.

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Correspondence to Olivier Hyrien, Chun-Long Chen or Nataliya Petryk.

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Nature Protocols thanks Kuhulika Bhalla, Bruce Stillman and Zhiguo Zhang for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Liu, Y. et al. Nucleic Acids Res., (2022):

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Wu, X. et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 46, 10157–10172 (2018):

Hennion, M. et al. Genome Biol. 21, 125 (2020):

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Wu, X., Liu, Y., d’Aubenton-Carafa, Y. et al. Genome-wide measurement of DNA replication fork directionality and quantification of DNA replication initiation and termination with Okazaki fragment sequencing. Nat Protoc 18, 1260–1295 (2023).

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