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DeepCell Kiosk: scaling deep learning–enabled cellular image analysis with Kubernetes

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Deep learning is transforming the analysis of biological images, but applying these models to large datasets remains challenging. Here we describe the DeepCell Kiosk, cloud-native software that dynamically scales deep learning workflows to accommodate large imaging datasets. To demonstrate the scalability and affordability of this software, we identified cell nuclei in 106 1-megapixel images in ~5.5 h for ~US$250, with a cost below US$100 achievable depending on cluster configuration. The DeepCell Kiosk can be downloaded at; a persistent deployment is available at

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Fig. 1: Architecture and performance of the DeepCell Kiosk.

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Data availability

All data that were used to generate the figures in this paper are available at and at under the deepcell.datasets module.

Code availability

We used Kubernetes and TensorFlow, along with the scientific computing stack for Python. A persistent deployment of the software described can be accessed at All source code, including version requirements and explicit usage, is under a modified Apache license and is available at Detailed instructions are available at

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We thank numerous colleagues including A. Anandkumar, M. Angelo, J. Bois, I. Brown, A. Butkovic, L. Cai, I. Camplisson, M. Covert, M. Elowitz, J. Freeman, C. Frick, L. Geontoro, A. Ho, K. Huang, K. C. Huang, G. Johnson, L. Keren, D. Litovitz, D. Macklin, U. Manor, S. Patel, A. Raj, N. Pelaez Restrepo, C. Pavelchek, S. Shah and M. Thomson for helpful discussions and contributing data. We gratefully acknowledge support from the Shurl and Kay Curci Foundation, the Rita Allen Foundation, the Paul Allen Family Foundation through the Allen Discovery Center at Stanford University, the Rosen Center for Bioengineering at Caltech, Google Research Cloud, Figure 8’s AI For Everyone award, and a subaward from NIH U24-CA224309-01.

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Authors and Affiliations



D.B., W.G. and D.V.V. conceived the project; D.B., W.G., E.O. and D.V.V. designed the software architecture; D.B., E.O. and W.G. wrote the core components of the software; D.B., E.M., M.S., E.B., V.V., B.C., E.O., W.G. and D.V.V. contributed to the code base; T.K. and E.P. collected data for annotation; E.M., M.S., N.G., D.B., W.G. and D.V.V. wrote documentation; D.B., E.M., W.G. and D.V.V. wrote the paper; D.V.V. supervised the project.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to David Van Valen.

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The authors have filed a provisional patent for the described work; the software described here is available under a modified Apache license and is free for non-commercial uses.

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Peer review information Nature Methods thanks Ola Spjuth and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work. Rita Strack was the primary editor on this article and managed its editorial process and peer review in collaboration with the rest of the editorial team.

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Supplementary information

Supplementary Information

Supplementary Notes 1–8. This Supplemental Information describes in further detail the software architecture of the DeepCell Kiosk, presents all our benchmarking data, and outlines the reasoning behind several of our design choices. Because we use terminology that is common in the cloud computing literature but may be unfamiliar to readers, we have included a glossary of common terms.

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Bannon, D., Moen, E., Schwartz, M. et al. DeepCell Kiosk: scaling deep learning–enabled cellular image analysis with Kubernetes. Nat Methods 18, 43–45 (2021).

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