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The complexity of immune evasion mechanisms throughout the metastatic cascade

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Metastasis, the spread of cancer from a primary site to distant organs, is an important challenge in oncology. This Review explores the complexities of immune escape mechanisms used throughout the metastatic cascade to promote tumor cell dissemination and affect organotropism. Specifically, we focus on adaptive plasticity of disseminated epithelial tumor cells to understand how they undergo phenotypic transitions to survive microenvironmental conditions encountered during metastasis. The interaction of tumor cells and their microenvironment is analyzed, highlighting the local and systemic effects that innate and adaptive immune systems have in shaping an immunosuppressive milieu to foster aggressive metastatic tumors. Effectively managing metastatic disease demands a multipronged approach to target the parallel and sequential mechanisms that suppress anti-tumor immunity. This management necessitates a deep understanding of the complex interplay between tumor cells, their microenvironment and immune responses that we provide with this Review.

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Fig. 1: Immune evasion mechanisms used by circulating tumor cells.
Fig. 2: Inflammatory mediators of metastatic colonization.
Fig. 3: Tumor-extrinsic and tumor-intrinsic regulation of dormancy.
Fig. 4: The pros and cons of tumor-intrinsic type 1 IFN signaling.

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This work was supported by National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) investigator and ideas grants to B.S.P. (2018167, 2012943), and grant funding from the National Breast Cancer Foundation (IIRS-23-021).

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N.M.H. and B.S.P. conceptualized the manuscript. N.M.H. wrote the manuscript and contributed to the generation of the figures. T.B.C. conceptualized and generated the figures. B.S.P. supervised and contributed to the writing of the manuscript and the preparation of the figures. All authors edited and approved the final version of the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Belinda S. Parker.

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Haynes, N.M., Chadwick, T.B. & Parker, B.S. The complexity of immune evasion mechanisms throughout the metastatic cascade. Nat Immunol (2024).

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