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Genome-wide analysis of cis-regulatory changes underlying metabolic adaptation of cavefish

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Cis-regulatory changes are key drivers of adaptative evolution. However, their contribution to the metabolic adaptation of organisms is not well understood. Here, we used a unique vertebrate model, Astyanax mexicanus—different morphotypes of which survive in nutrient-rich surface and nutrient-deprived cave waters—to uncover gene regulatory networks underlying metabolic adaptation. We performed genome-wide epigenetic profiling in the liver tissues of Astyanax and found that many of the identified cis-regulatory elements (CREs) have genetically diverged and have differential chromatin features between surface and cave morphotypes, while retaining remarkably similar regulatory signatures between independently derived cave populations. One such CRE in the hpdb gene harbors a genomic deletion in cavefish that abolishes IRF2 repressor binding and derepresses enhancer activity in reporter assays. Selection of this mutation in multiple independent cave populations supports its importance in cave adaptation, and provides novel molecular insights into the evolutionary trade-off between loss of pigmentation and adaptation to food-deprived caves.

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Fig. 1: Analysis of morphotype-biased accessible chromatin regions.
Fig. 2: Morphotype-biased accessible chromatin regions associate with key metabolic pathway genes.
Fig. 3: Analysis of genetic changes underlying accessible chromatin regions.
Fig. 4: Functional validation of differentially accessible CREs.
Fig. 5: Detailed characterization of CRE-15.

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Data availability

Original data underlying this manuscript can be accessed from the Stowers Original Data Repository at The ATAC-seq, ChIP-seq and RNA-seq data can be found at GEO accession number GSE153052. Source data are provided with this paper.

Code availability

All of the code used for the analysis can be accessed from the Stowers Original Data Repository at


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We are grateful to the cavefish and aquatics core facilities at the Stowers Institute for Medical Research for the support and husbandry of the cavefish and zebrafish. DNA samples for wild-caught Tinaja, Yerbaniz, Piedras and Japonés cavefish were generously provided by R. Borowsky, and B. Jeffery provided Astyanax liver samples for preliminary ChIP experiments. We thank M. Cook for assistance with the motif analysis software, K. Weaver for assistance with high-throughput genotyping, and M. Miller for illustrations. We thank R. Krumlauf and J. Zeitlinger for useful input throughout the study and critical reading of the manuscript. N.R. is supported by institutional funding, National Institutes of Health (NIH) grants 1DP2AG071466-01 and R01 GM127872, and the National Science Foundation (NSF) EDGE award 1923372. R.P. was supported by a grant (no. PE 2807/1-1) from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.

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J.K. and N.R. designed the study. J.K. performed experiments with critical input from N.P.S. and J.W.C., and support from S.X. R.P. and A.K. collected wild Astyanax samples. J.K., C.W.S., N.Z. and J.V. performed the analyses with support from H.L. J.K. and N.R. wrote the manuscript. All authors read and approved of the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Nicolas Rohner.

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Krishnan, J., Seidel, C.W., Zhang, N. et al. Genome-wide analysis of cis-regulatory changes underlying metabolic adaptation of cavefish. Nat Genet 54, 684–693 (2022).

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