
The core promoter is generally considered to be the stretch of DNA that directs the initiation of transcription of a gene; it ranges from about −40 to +40 nucleotides (nt) relative to the +1 nt transcription start site (TSS)1,2,3,4,5. The core promoter comprises DNA sequence elements such as the TATA box, initiator (Inr), motif ten element (MTE), and downstream core promoter element (DPE) (Extended Data Fig. 1a). Each of these motifs is present only at a subset of core promoters. Hence, there are no universal core promoter elements. Moreover, specific core promoter motifs can be important for enhancer–promoter specificity6,7,8 and can be involved in gene networks7,9,10,11.

The key DNA sequence motifs of human core promoters remain to be clarified. In focused human promoters, in which transcription initiates at a single site or a narrow cluster of sites, the TATA box is the best known core promoter element, but most human core promoters lack a TATA box12. In Drosophila, TATA-less transcription is frequently driven by the downstream MTE and DPE motifs13,14,15,16; however, these motifs have rarely been found in human promoters and have been thought perhaps not to exist in humans1,2,3.

HARPE analysis of the downstream promoter

To decipher the downstream core promoter in humans, we generated and analysed an extensive library of promoters that contain randomized sequences in the region from +17 to +35 nt relative to the +1 nt TSS. This stretch, which we term the DPR, comprises the positions that correspond to the MTE and DPE (Fig. 1a, Extended Data Fig. 1a), which are overlapping elements in the downstream core promoter region in Drosophila that span multiple contact points with the transcription factor TFIID16,17,18,19. In previous studies, libraries of entire core promoter regions have been screened and characterized by using cell-based systems20,21,22,23,24. By contrast, here we have analysed specific segments of the core promoter in vitro and in cells, with the strategy of obtaining high coverage and carrying out machine learning analysis of the data.

Fig. 1: HARPE comprehensively assesses the transcriptional effect of many different DNA sequences in a specific region of the promoter.
figure 1

a, Schematic of HARPE for the analysis of DNA sequence variants in the DPR. The randomized segment was generated by oligonucleotide synthesis with mixed nucleotides. ORF, open reading frame. b, Most sequence variants exhibit low transcriptional activity. The distribution of transcription strength for each of the approximately 500,000 core promoter variants is shown. c, A distinct DPR sequence motif can be seen in the nucleotide frequencies of the 0.1% most transcribed DPR sequences (top) as well as in the web logo for the top HOMER motif that is identified with these sequences (bottom). All panels show a representative experiment, n = 2 biologically independent samples.

Source data

In natural promoters, it can be difficult to elucidate the characteristics of a specific DNA element, such as the DPR, owing to the different promoter backgrounds in which the sequence motif is situated. To circumvent this problem, we adapted the survey of regulatory elements23 (SuRE) and developed the HARPE method. HARPE involves the generation of around 500,000 random DPR variants in an invariant promoter cassette followed by assessment of the transcription strength (defined as the RNA tag count divided by the DNA tag count; Methods) of each variant in vitro (Fig. 1a, Extended Data Fig. 1, Supplementary Table 1). This analysis showed that most DPR sequence variants support only a low level of transcription (Fig. 1b) and that the most active DPR sequences exhibit distinct nucleotide preferences (Extended Data Fig. 1d). Moreover, hypergeometric optimization of motif enrichment (HOMER) motif discovery analysis25 of the top 0.1% most-transcribed HARPE sequences identified a distinct motif that resembled the Drosophila DPE consensus sequence (RGWYGT from +28 to +32)14 (Fig. 1c, Extended Data Fig. 1e, f). The results of HARPE are reproducible (Extended Data Fig. 1g–i) in the absence or presence of sarkosyl, which limits transcription to a single round (Extended Data Fig. 2a–d, Supplementary Discussion 1).

HARPE is a robust and versatile method

To determine the versatility of the HARPE method, we tested the assay by varying different experimental parameters. First, we compared the results of HARPE assays that were performed with two different core promoter cassettes: SCP1m (as in Fig. 1), which is a version of the synthetic SCP1 promoter with a mutant TATA box (also known as SCP1mTATA26); and the human IRF1 core promoter, which lacks a TATA box and contains a DPE motif17. Both core promoters contain a consensus Inr sequence12, but otherwise they share no sequence similarity. With these two different core promoter cassettes, the HARPE results were nearly indistinguishable (Fig. 2a, Extended Data Figs. 1i, 2e). In addition, we observed nearly the same results with TATA-less versus TATA-box-containing promoters (Fig. 2b, Extended Data Figs. 1i, 2e). Thus, HARPE can function consistently in different core promoter backgrounds.

Fig. 2: HARPE yields consistent data under different conditions.
figure 2

The top HOMER motifs obtained from the 0.1% most active sequences are shown. a, HARPE of the DPR with two different promoter cassettes: SCP1 lacking a TATA box (SCP1m) and the human IRF1 core promoter (in vitro transcription). b, HARPE of the DPR with a TATA-less promoter (SCP1m) and a TATA-box-containing promoter (SCP1) in vitro. c, HARPE of the DPR (+17 to +35 nt), DPE (+23 to +34 nt), and MTE (+18 to +29 nt) motifs with the SCP1m promoter in vitro. d, HARPE of the DPR in the SCP1m promoter transcribed in vitro or in cells. All panels show a representative experiment, n = 2 biologically independent samples.

Second, we investigated whether we would obtain consistent HARPE data if we randomized only a subset of the DPR rather than the entire DPR. To this end, we performed HARPE by randomization of only the MTE region (+18 to +29 nt) or only an extended DPE region (+23 to +34 nt) (Fig. 2c, Extended Data Figs. 1i, 2f). These experiments showed that randomization of subregions of the DPR yielded nucleotide preferences similar to those obtained by randomization of the entire DPR.

Third, we tested whether transcription of the HARPE promoter libraries in cells would yield results similar to those seen in vitro (Fig. 2d, Extended Data Fig. 2g). To this end, we carried out HARPE by transfection of the promoter libraries into HeLa cells and observed nucleotide preferences in the DPR that were nearly identical to those seen in vitro. Furthermore, we found a strong resemblance between HARPE data generated in vitro and in cells with the DPR sequence in the human IRF1 and TATA-box-containing SCP1 core promoter cassettes, as well as with the MTE and DPE sequences (Extended Data Fig. 2h–j). Therefore, HARPE appears to be a robust method that provides consistent data under a variety of different conditions.

HARPE analysis of the upstream TATA box

To enable the use of HARPE for the analysis of upstream promoter elements, we developed a modified version that includes linkage of each of the upstream randomized motifs with a corresponding downstream barcode (Extended Data Fig. 2k–p). We performed this analysis with randomized sequences in the region of the TATA box. We tested a long TATA region (−32 to −21 nt relative to the +1 nt TSS) and a short TATA region (−30 to −23 nt) (Extended Data Figs. 1a, 2k–p). The long-TATA analysis yielded an A/T-rich stretch that resembled that seen in natural human promoters. The short-TATA construct contained a TA dinucleotide at positions −32 and −31 that served to fix the phasing of the TATA sequence. Hence, with the short TATA construct, we observed a more distinct TATA-box-like sequence in a single register. Thus, HARPE can be used to analyse upstream as well as downstream promoter sequences.

Machine learning analysis of the HARPE data

HARPE analysis of the DPR yielded hundreds of thousands of sequence variants (Supplementary Table 1), each of which was associated with a specific transcription strength, and the data were therefore well suited for machine learning analysis. There are many different methods for supervised learning, and we found SVR27,28 to be an effective and straightforward approach for the analysis of the HARPE data.

In the SVR analysis of the DPR, we started with 468,069 sequence variants, each of which had a known transcriptional strength (Fig. 3a). We set aside 7,500 sequences that represented the full range of observed transcription strengths (test sequences) for later testing of the SVR. Next, we trained the SVR with 200,000 sequences (Extended Data Fig. 3a) and performed grid search and cross validation to identify optimal hyperparameter values and to establish the stability of the model (Extended Data Fig. 3b–d). The resulting SVR model that was generated from the biochemical (in vitro transcription) data was termed SVRb.

Fig. 3: Machine learning analysis of the HARPE data yields an SVR model for the DPR.
figure 3

a, Summary of the SVR workflow. The HARPE dataset comprises about 500,000 DPR sequence variants, each with its associated transcription strength. A subset of these data (200,000 variants) was used to generate an SVR model for the DPR. The resulting SVR model was termed SVRb because it was trained with biochemical data. The SVR model provides a numerical score for the predicted transcription strength of any test sequence. bd, To test the effectiveness of SVRb, the experimentally observed transcription strengths of sequence variants were compared with their predicted SVRb scores. b, Analysis of 7,500 independent test sequences in the HARPE dataset that were not used in the training of SVRb. The light grey shading (SVRb score ≥ 2) indicates predicted DPR activity (representative experiment, n = 2 biologically independent samples). c, Analysis of an independently generated HARPE dataset of a low-complexity DPR library (8,431 sequence variants) with high-confidence transcription strengths (representative experiment, n = 2 biologically independent samples). For b, c, PCC, Pearson’s correlation coefficient with two-tailed P < 2.2 × 10−16; ρ, Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient with two-tailed P < 2.2 × 10−16. d, Analysis of 16 DPR sequence variants (not in the training set) that were each tested individually by in vitro transcription and primer extension methodology (representative experiment, n = 4 biologically independent samples). PCC, Pearson’s correlation coefficient with two-tailed P = 3.4 × 10−7; ρ, Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient with two-tailed P < 2.2 × 10−16. For gel source data, see Supplementary Fig. 1.

Source data

The SVRb model was then able to provide a numerical value for the predicted transcription strength of any DNA sequence. First, we found an excellent correlation (ρ = 0.90) between the predicted SVRb scores and the observed transcription strengths of independent test sequences (Fig. 3b, Extended Data Fig. 3e). Second, we generated and analysed a separate high-quality, low-complexity HARPE dataset of DPR variants (Extended Data Fig. 3f–i), and saw an excellent correlation (ρ = 0.96) between the predicted SVRb scores and the observed transcription strengths (Fig. 3c). Third, we individually transcribed 16 promoters with a range of SVRb scores (Extended Data Fig. 4). These experiments revealed an excellent correlation (ρ = 0.89–0.95) between the predicted SVRb scores and the transcriptional activities of the individual sequences tested in vitro and in cells (Fig. 3d, Extended Data Fig. 4). It is also important to note that sequence variants with an SVRb score of two or more typically have at least sixfold-higher activity than inactive sequences (comparison of median values in the two groups; Extended Data Fig. 5a–c). Thus, an SVRb score of two or more is likely to reflect an active DPR. Last, performance assessment of SVRb revealed that it reliably predicts active DPR sequences (Extended Data Fig. 5d–r).

The data thus indicate that SVRb provides an accurate model for the DPR. Furthermore, we observed that SVRb, which was created with the SCP1m promoter cassette, correlated well with an SVRirf1 model that was generated with HARPE data for the DPR with the human IRF1 promoter cassette (ρ = 0.87) (Extended Data Fig. 6a, b). We also saw a good correlation between SVRb (for the DPR in a TATA-less background) and SVRscp1, which was generated with HARPE data for the DPR with the SCP1 (TATA-containing) promoter cassette (ρ = 0.80) (Extended Data Fig. 6c–e). Hence, the combination of HARPE and SVR analysis yields similar SVR models with different promoter backgrounds.

SVR models versus consensus sequences

To test the utility of an SVR model relative to a consensus sequence, we compared DPR sequences that were obtained by a standard consensus approach to the scores predicted by SVRb. First, we identified the DPE-like RGWYGT consensus sequence (from +28 to +33 nt) in the top 0.1% most active HARPE variants (Fig. 1c, Extended Data Fig. 6f). We then examined the transcription strengths of the variants that contained a perfect match to the consensus, and saw a wide range that varied from highly active to inactive (Extended Data Fig. 6g). These findings indicate that a perfect match to the RGWYGT consensus does not accurately predict the strength of the DPR. By contrast, we compared the SVRb scores to the observed transcription strengths of the same variants and saw an excellent correlation (ρ = 0.95) (Extended Data Fig. 6h). Thus, an SVR model is more effective than a standard consensus approach for predicting the activity of a sequence motif.

We also compared SVRb scores to the HOMER motif scores, which are based on the position-weight matrix (PWM) associated with the top HOMER consensus sequence (Extended Data Fig. 6i). These results showed that the comprehensive computational SVR model (ρ = 0.90) more accurately describes the DPR than the traditional consensus-based method (ρ = 0.51). The effectiveness of the SVR approach may be due, at least in part, to the training of the SVR with the full range of DPR sequences (that is, strong, intermediate, and weak), which is in contrast to the use of only strong variants in the generation of a consensus sequence.

Unlike a consensus-based model, the SVRb model can accurately incorporate the influence of neighbouring sequences on DPR activity (Extended Data Fig. 6j, k, Supplementary Discussion 2). We also found that SVR models can detect the function of an important sequence motif, such as a DPE-like sequence or a TATA motif, that is located at different positions within a larger region of interest (Extended Data Fig. 7a–i, Supplementary Discussion 3). In addition, SVRb uses information from a broader region of the DPR than a consensus-based model (Extended Data Fig. 7j, k, Supplementary Discussion 4). These findings thus indicate that SVR models are more effective at predicting transcription activity than consensus-based models.

SVR models from cell-based data

To test the versatility of SVR in the description of core promoter motifs, we compared SVR models created with HARPE data generated in vitro and in cells. With the DPR, we made SVRc (SVR of the DPR with cell-based data; the performance assessment of SVRc is in Extended Data Fig. 5i–m), which correlated well (ρ = 0.71) with transcription strengths in cells and was reproducible (ρ = 0.85) (Extended Data Fig. 7l, m). Moreover, SVRc correlated well (ρ = 0.77) with SVRb in predicting the transcription strengths of DPR sequences (Fig. 4a).

Fig. 4: The DPR in human promoters.
figure 4

a, The SVR model from HARPE data in cells (SVRc) is similar to SVRb (biochemical). The SVRb and SVRc DPR scores of 7,500 test sequences (Fig. 3b) are compared. PCC, Pearson’s correlation coefficient with two-tailed P < 2.2 × 10−16; ρ, Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient with two-tailed P < 2.2 × 10−16. The light grey shading (SVRb and SVRc scores ≥ 2) indicates predicted DPR activity. b, Cumulative frequency of SVRc DPR scores in natural human promoters. Approximately 30% of 11,932 human promoters33, 17% of 100,000 random sequences (61% average G/C content, as in human core promoters), and 2.6% of 10,000 inactive sequences (randomly selected from the 50% least active sequences in the HARPE assay) have an SVRc score of at least 2 (green line), which corresponds to an active DPR (Extended Data Fig. 5b). c, Mutational analysis reveals DPR activity in different human promoters (for genes shown on x-axis) with SVRc DPR scores >2.5. In the mutant promoters, the wild-type DPR was substituted with a DNA sequence that has an SVRc DPR score of 0.3 (Extended Data Fig. 4a). The promoter sequences are shown in Extended Data Fig. 8h. Promoter activity was measured by transient transfection in cells followed by primer extension analysis of the TSSs (data shown as mean ± s.d., n = 3 or 4 biologically independent samples, indicated by points representing independent samples). All P < 0.05 (two-tailed paired Student’s t-test). For gel source data, see Supplementary Fig. 1. d, The SVRc DPR score correlates inversely with the presence of TATA-like sequences in human promoters in HeLa cells. The frequency of occurrence of Inr-like sequences, TATA-like sequences12, and TATA-box motifs (SVRtata ≥ 1) (Extended Data Fig. 5c) in human promoters that were binned according to their SVRc DPR scores (Extended Data Fig. 9a). Bins with fewer than 100 promoters are indicated with open circles and are connected by dashed lines (representative experiment, n = 2 biologically independent samples).

Source data

With the TATA box, we used HARPE data generated in vitro and in cells (Extended Data Figs. 2k–p, 8a, b) to create SVR models (with the long TATA sequence) termed SVRtata (in vitro) and SVRtata (in cells) (Extended Data Fig. 7d–f; performance assessment of SVRtata (in vitro) is shown in Extended Data Fig. 5n–r). SVRtata (in vitro) was found to correlate well (ρ = 0.86) with transcription strengths as well as with SVRtata (in cells) (ρ = 0.80) (Extended Data Fig. 7d, e). These results indicate that the use of HARPE in conjunction with SVR analysis is an effective method for the analysis of core promoter motifs. Furthermore, the extensive correlation between the in vitro and cell-based data (Figs. 2d, 4a, Extended Data Figs. 2g–j, 7d, 8a, b) provides comprehensive evidence that the mechanisms of transcription initiation in vitro are similar to those in cells.

The DPR is widely used in human promoters

To assess the role of the DPR in humans, we examined the relation between the HARPE-based DPR data and the corresponding sequences in natural human core promoters. First, we found that the relative nucleotide preferences in focused human core promoters12 are similar to those in the most active sequences in the HARPE assay in vitro and in cells (Extended Data Fig. 8c–e). It is therefore likely that data from the HARPE assay reflect the properties of the DPR in natural human promoters.

By using the SVR models, we were able to estimate the occurrence of core promoter motifs in natural human focused promoters. With SVR models for the DPR, we found that about 25–34% of human promoters in different cell lines (HeLa, MCF7 and GM12878) are predicted to have an active DPR (Fig. 4b, Extended Data Fig. 8f, g, Supplementary Discussion 5). Similarly, with the SVRtata models, we determined that about 15–23% of human promoters contain an active TATA box (Extended Data Fig. 7g–i, Supplementary Discussion 5). Thus, the DPR appears to be a widely used core promoter element. Moreover, the estimated occurrence of the DPR is comparable to that of the TATA box.

Notably, in sharp contrast to the DPR, a correctly positioned match to the RGWYGT DPE-like sequence14 (Fig. 1c) was found in only about 0.4–0.5% of human focused promoters (Supplementary Discussion 5). Therefore, in humans, a consensus DPE-like sequence is rare, as previously noted1,2,3, but the SVR-based DPR is relatively common. These findings further highlight the utility of machine learning relative to consensus approaches for the identification of core promoter sequence motifs.

We also tested the activities of individual DPR-like sequences in natural human promoters. To this end, we identified eight human promoters with an SVRc score of at least 2.5 and determined the activities of wild-type and mutant versions of the core promoters in cells (Fig. 4c, Extended Data Fig. 8h) and in vitro (Extended Data Fig. 8h, i). In all of the promoters that were tested, mutation of the DPR region resulted in a substantial decrease in transcriptional activity. These findings show that functionally active DPR motifs can be identified in natural promoters by using the SVR models.

Duality between the DPR and TATA box

To investigate the relation between the DPR, the TATA box, and the Inr, we examined the co-occurrence of these motifs in human promoters (Fig. 4d, Extended Data Fig. 9, Supplementary Discussion 6). We typically observed an increase in the occurrence of the Inr and Inr-like sequences with an increase in the SVR scores for the DPR. This effect is consistent with the cooperative function of the DPE and Inr motifs in Drosophila13. By contrast, the TATA motif is enriched in promoters lacking a DPR and depleted in promoters with high DPR scores. Similarly, but to a lesser extent, strong DPR motifs are more abundant in TATA-less promoters than in TATA-containing promoters (Extended Data Fig. 10). These findings suggest that some human core promoters depend predominantly on the DPR, whereas others depend mostly on the TATA box. This duality between the human DPR and TATA box suggests that they might have different biological functions and is consistent with the mutually exclusive properties of the DPE and TATA box in Drosophila7,29,30,31,32. Hence, the TATA–DPR duality is likely to reflect different mechanisms of transcription and potentially different modes of regulation of TATA-dependent versus DPR-dependent promoters in humans.

Here, we have used machine learning to decipher a promoter motif that could not be identified by the analysis of overrepresented sequences (Supplementary Discussion 7). Beyond the study of core promoters, this work describes a strategy for the machine learning analysis of functionally important DNA sequence motifs. In the future, it seems likely that machine learning models will continue to supersede consensus sequences in the characterization of DNA sequence motifs.


HARPE screening vector and promoter inserts

The HARPE screening vector (Extended Data Fig. 1b) was created by modification of the SuRE plasmid23 (a gift from J. van Arensbergen and B. van Steensel, Netherlands Cancer Institute). New features of the HARPE vector are as follows. First, to increase transcription levels, two GC-boxes (GGGGCGGGGC; binding sites for transcription factor Sp1) are located at positions −80 and −51 (the numbers indicate the positions of the upstream G of each GC-box) relative to the A+1 in the initiator (Inr) sequence of the core promoter that is to be inserted into the vector. Second, a TATA-like sequence (TTAACTATAA) upstream of the GC-boxes was mutated to CTGACTGGAC. Third, a KpnI restriction site is downstream of the −51 GC-box. Fourth, the KpnI site is followed by a spacer sequence and an AatII restriction site for insertion of core promoter sequences between the KpnI and AatII sites. Fifth, downstream of the AatII site, there is an RNA polymerase III (Pol III) terminator sequence (TTTTTTT) upstream of the transcribed sequence that is complementary to the reverse transcription primer. The Pol III terminator minimizes any potential background signal from Pol III transcription. For HARPE screening of randomized upstream sequences such as the TATA box, we used a slightly different screening vector in which the KpnI site is upstream of position −51. In this case, the downstream GC-box is included in the promoter insert rather than in the vector.

Randomized promoter inserts were generated by 5′ phosphorylation (T4 polynucleotide kinase; New England Biolabs) and annealing of partially complementary oligonucleotides (Extended Data Fig. 1c). The double-stranded DNA products were designed with 3′-overhangs for insertion between the KpnI and AatII sites of the HARPE vector. The SCP1m and human IRF1 core promoter sequences that were used are shown in Supplementary Table 2. In the analysis of the DPE region, the SCP1m region between +18 and +22 (CGAGC) was mutated to ATCCA (mutant MTE26). In the analysis of the TATA region, the SCP1m region between +28 and +34 (AGACGTG) was mutated to CTCATGT (mutant DPE6). In the IRF1 sequence, we introduced an A+11 to T substitution to eliminate a partial Pol III box A-like sequence.

HARPE library generation

The methodology for the preparation of the HARPE library was adapted from the SuRE procedure23. Annealed and phosphorylated promoter inserts were ligated into KpnI- and AatII-digested HARPE vector by using the TAKARA DNA Ligation Kit, Version 1 (Takara Bio). The resulting DNA was electroporated into DH5G CloneCatcher Gold (Genlantis) bacteria as recommended by the manufacturer, and the number of transformants was assessed by plating. Typically, a complexity of about  1,000,000 to 80,000,000 transformants was achieved. Next, a secondary downscaling step was performed to decrease the complexity of the library to about 100,000 or about 500,000 for shorter (8 to 12 bp) or longer (19 bp) randomized regions, respectively. Isolation of the DNA yielded the final HARPE DNA libraries, which were then transcribed in HeLa cells or in vitro.

Transcription of HARPE libraries in cells

HeLa cells (kind gift from the laboratory of A. Rao, La Jolla Institute for Immunology) were maintained at 37 °C under 5% CO2 in DMEM (Gibco) supplemented with 10% FBS (ATCC), 50 U/ml penicillin (Thermo Fisher Scientific), and 50 μg/ml streptomycin (Thermo Fisher Scientific). HeLa cells were not authenticated but were tested and found to be negative for mycoplasma contamination. Transfections were performed with Lipofectamine 3000 (Thermo Fisher Scientific) as recommended by the manufacturer. Typically, two 10-cm culture dishes were used per sample. During collection, one-third of the cell pellet was reserved for plasmid DNA extraction, whereas the rest of the cells were used for RNA extraction. RNA processing was then performed as described below. All HARPE experiments in cells were performed independently two times to ensure reproducibility of the data. Replicates originated from the same HARPE DNA libraries that underwent independent transfection and downstream processing.

Transcription of HARPE libraries in vitro

For each sample library, the products from 12 standard in vitro transcription reactions were combined. Standard reactions were performed as follows. DNA template (500 ng) was incubated with HeLa nuclear extract34 for preinitiation complex assembly at 30 °C for 1 h in 46 μl transcription buffer (20 mM HEPES-K+ (pH 7.6), 50 mM KCl, 6 mM MgCl2, 1.25% (w/v) polyvinyl alcohol, 1.25% (w/v) polyethylene glycol, 0.5 mM DTT, 3 mM ATP, 0.02 mM EDTA, and 2% (v/v) glycerol). rNTPs (4 μl; 0.4 mM final concentration of each rNTP) were added to initiate transcription. (Where indicated, sarkosyl was added to 0.2% (w/v) final concentration at 20 s after the addition of rNTPs.) The reaction was incubated at 30 °C for 20 min and terminated by the addition of 150 μl Stop Mix (20 mM EDTA, 200 mM NaCl, 1% (w/v) SDS, 0.3 mg/ml glycogen). Proteinase K (5 μl; 2.5 mg/ml) was added, and the mixture was incubated at 30 °C for 15 min. All in vitro transcription HARPE experiments were performed independently at least two times to ensure reproducibility of the data. Replicates originated from the same HARPE DNA libraries that underwent independent transcription and downstream processing.

RNA extraction and processing after transcription of HARPE libraries

RNA transcripts from cells or from in vitro transcription reactions were extracted with Trizol or Trizol LS (Thermo Fisher Scientific), respectively. Total RNA (40 μg for cell transfection experiments or the entire yield for in vitro experiments) was processed as follows. Contaminating plasmid DNA was removed with the TURBO DNA-free Kit—rigorous DNase treatment protocol (Thermo Fisher Scientific) as recommended by the manufacturer. The nucleic acids were precipitated with ethanol, and reverse transcription was performed with SuperScript III Reverse Transcriptase (Thermo Fisher Scientific) with the RT primer (5′- GTGACTGGAGTTCAGACGTGT; Supplementary Table 2) as recommended by the manufacturer. The reaction products were then treated with 30 U RNase H (New England Biolabs) for 20 min at 37 °C. The nucleic acids were extracted with phenol-chloroform-isoamyl alcohol and precipitated with ethanol. The resulting cDNAs were then size-selected on a 6% polyacrylamide-8M urea gel using radiolabelled size markers (Supplementary Table 2) that enable the purification of cDNAs corresponding to transcription that initiates in the region from −5 to +6 relative to the A+1 in the Inr sequence.

Size-selected cDNAs were used as templates to generate DNA amplicons for Illumina sequencing using custom forward oligonucleotides containing the Illumina P5 and Read1-primer sequences preceding the sequence corresponding to nucleotides +1 to +16 of the promoter analysed (Supplementary Table 2). Reverse primers were selected from the NEBNext Multiplex Oligos for Illumina kits (NEB). NGS PCR amplicons were then size-selected on native 6% polyacrylamide gels before Illumina sequencing.

Processing of plasmid DNA for Illumina sequencing

For in vitro experiments, the starting material used was the HARPE DNA libraries. For cell transfection experiments, post-transfection plasmid DNA extraction was performed as described23. In brief, cells were treated with trypsin, washed with PBS, and then incubated in 500 μl nuclear extraction buffer (10 mM NaCl, 2 mM MgCl2, 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.8), 5 mM DTT, 0.5% NP40) on ice for 5 min. Nuclei were pelleted at 7,000g and washed twice with 1 ml nuclear extraction buffer. DNA was then extracted with ZymoPURE Plasmid Miniprep Kit (Zymo Research). Plasmid DNA samples were used as a template for the generation of DNA amplicons for Illumina sequencing. The forward oligonucleotides contain the Illumina P5 and Read1-primer sequences followed by a promoter-specific sequence (Supplementary Table 2) that comprises nucleotides +1 through +16 (relative to the +1 TSS) for accurate DNA count assessment. Reverse primers were selected from the NEBNext Multiplex Oligos for Illumina kits (New England Biolabs), which match the Illumina Read2-primer sequence present on the HARPE plasmid. NGS PCR amplicons were then size-selected on native 6% polyacrylamide gels before Illumina sequencing.

Illumina sequencing

Illumina sequencing of NGS PCR amplicons was carried out on a HiSeq 4000 or Novaseq 6000 at the IGM Genomics Center, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA (Moores Cancer Center, supported by NIH grant P30 CA023100 and NIH SIG grant S10 OD026929).

Transcription of individual test sequences and candidate human promoters

The plasmids used for testing individual clones were constructed with the Q5 Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit (New England Biolabs) as recommended by the manufacturer. These constructs include core promoter sequences12 from −36 to +50 nt relative to the +1 TSS of the specified genes.

For testing transcription activity in vitro, nucleic acids resulting from single standard reactions were isolated by phenol-chloroform-isoamyl alcohol extraction and ethanol precipitation, and subjected to primer extension analysis with 5′-32P-labelled RT primer. For testing transcription activity in cells, HeLa cells were transfected, and RNA was extracted with Trizol (Thermo Fisher Scientific). Total RNA (15 μg) was subjected to primer extension analysis with 5′-32P-labelled RT primer.

Primer extension products were resolved on 6% polyacrylamide-8M urea gels and quantified by using a Typhoon imager (GE Health Sciences) and the associated Amersham Typhoon control software v1.1. Quantification of radiolabelled samples was measured with Fiji v1.52i. All experiments for individual clones were performed independently at least three times to ensure reproducibility of the data.

NGS data processing

Single-read sequences (SR75) were screened according to the following criteria: a perfect match to the 10 nt directly upstream of the randomized region followed by the exact nucleotide count within the randomized region and a perfect match to the 10 nt directly downstream of the randomized region. (For the analysis of the TATA box (long version), the SR75 sequencing reads only allowed for 8 nt following the barcode; thus, the criteria that we employed were as follows: perfect match to the 12 nt directly upstream of the barcode; exact size of randomized barcode; and perfect match to the 8 nt directly downstream of the barcode.) All reads containing a match to the selection pattern were deemed usable and trimmed for sequences outside the randomized region. When present, highly abundant reads in the randomized box that correspond to the original promoter sequence or to invariant sequences from other constructs were discarded, as they are likely to have originated from inaccurate indexing of other multiplexed samples. Read counts for each variant were then computed and yielded a plasmid DNA dataset (DNA dataset) and a cDNA dataset (RNA dataset) for each sample.

For each DNA dataset, we used only sequences with a minimum read count of 10 and a minimum relative count of 0.75 reads per million (RPM) so that low-confidence variants would not be included in the analysis. RNA dataset sequences were then matched to the corresponding DNA dataset, which was used as a reference. For each HARPE experiment, transcription strength was then defined as RNA tag count (in RPMs) divided by DNA tag count (in RPMs). Total read counts, number of variants, coverage values, and required DNA read counts are in Supplementary Table 1.

HARPE targeting the TATA box

HARPE libraries for the analysis of the TATA-box region were prepared using the same methodology as for the other HARPE libraries, except that a second randomized ‘barcode’ box was added between +53 and +63 nt (short TATA version) or +53 and +67 nt (long TATA version). The SCP1m region between +28 and +34 nt (AGACGTG) was also mutated to CTCATGT (mutant DPE13). Conversion tables from barcode to TATA-box variant were built by paired-end sequencing of amplicons from the starting plasmid libraries. Sequencing reads were screened as described above and clusters for which both read 1 and read 2 passed the screening criteria were used to compute read counts. A minimum read count threshold was set so that ≥98% of barcodes were associated with a single TATA-box variant. Pairs that did not reach the threshold and the remaining 2% of unassigned barcodes were discarded. DNA datasets and RNA datasets for all TATA-box HARPE experiments were matched to their corresponding barcode-to-TATA conversion tables. All non-matching barcodes were not included. TATA variants associated with multiple barcodes were combined, and their transcription strengths were computed as the average transcription strength across the multiple barcodes.

Low-complexity, high-confidence HARPE dataset

Low-complexity libraries were generated by limiting the randomization of the DPR (that is, setting nucleotides +17 to +35 to TCGKYYKSSYWKKRMRTGC, which yields a maximum complexity of 8,192) as well as by adding a randomized 3-nt tag from +55 to +57 nt. The final library contained about 130,000 DPR-tag pairs, which resulted in a median value of 13 out of 64 possible 3-nt tags per DPR variant. The transcription strength for each DPR variant was computed by determining the average of the RNA tag count/DNA tag count values for all of the DPR–tag pairs for that variant.

Motif discovery

Motif discovery was performed using HOMER25. was used to search the 0.1% most transcribed HARPE sequences in the region of interest. Variants randomly selected from all tested sequences were used as background. We looked for 19-nt motifs in the DPR datasets and 12-nt motifs in the DPE only and MTE only datasets. Because the TATA box is not constrained to a single position, we did not specify a motif length for the TATA-box datasets. The homer2 find tool was used to retrieve the sequences matching the top motif as well as to compute position-weight-matrix-based HOMER motif scores. These sequences were then used to generate the sequence logo using WebLogo 335,36.

Data processing, statistics and graphical displays

All calculations (including Pearson’s correlation coefficients, Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients, P values, means, and standard deviations) were performed in the R environment (version 3.6.1) in Rstudio v1.1.463 with R packages ggplot2 v3.2.1, tidyr v1.0.0, dplyr v0.8.3 and rlist v0.4.6.1, or with Microsoft Excel. All replicate measurements were taken from distinct samples. Adobe Illustrator CS v11.0.0 was used to build figures.

Training of SVR models

Machine learning analyses were performed using functions of the R package e1071 (D. Meyer, E. Dimitriadou, K. Hornik, A. Weingessel and F. Leisch (2019). e1071: Misc Functions of the Department of Statistics, Probability Theory Group (formerly: E1071), TU Wien. R package version 1.7-2. For SVR training, we used the default radial basis function (RBF) kernel, which yielded the best results among those tested. Grid search was performed for hyperparameters C (cost) and gamma, and cross validation was done by using two independent sets of sequences that were not used for the training (Extended Data Fig. 3b–d). Nucleotide variables for HARPE variants were computed as four categories (A, C, G and T), known as factors in R. To build the SVR model, we used the nucleotide variables as the input features and transcription strength as the output variable. For SVRb (or SVRc), we set aside 7,500 (or 6,500) test sequences (with the full range of transcription strengths) and trained the SVR with 200,000 of the remaining sequences (Extended Data Fig. 3a). For SVRtata, we set aside 5,000 test sequences (with the full range of transcription strengths) and trained the SVR with all remaining (232,713) sequence variants.

Use of the SVR models to predict transcription strength

The SVR models described in this study can be used to predict transcription strength with R by using the predict() function included in CRAN package e1071. Models are imported with readRDS(). Query sequence data must be formatted as follows. The variable names are V1 to V12 for SVRtata (corresponding to positions −32 to −21) and V1 to V19 for SVRc and SVRb (corresponding to positions from +17 to +35). Query sequences are split with one nucleotide per column and one sequence per row. Each column must have at least one A, one C, one G and one T to ensure that all variables are read as four categories (A, C, G, T). Prediction using an SVR model and a query sequence will return an output ‘SVR score’ that is related to the transcription strength and set on an arbitrary scale.

To streamline use of the models, we also provide an R script named SVRpredict.R (requires R with CRAN packages e1071 and docopt). SVRpredict.R inputs a model file as well as a sequence file (12- or 19-letter words/sequences, one sequence per line), and outputs a new file with each sequence and its associated predicted transcription strength in an added column (SVR_score).

Position index

To assess the effect of each sequence position on the SVR score, we used the position index (Extended Data Fig. 7j, k), which is the maximal SVR score increase that can be attained by a single nucleotide substitution at each position of the DPR. Because the positional contribution is affected by the sequence context (that is, the nucleotides at other positions within the DPR), the average positional contribution in 200 DPR contexts (that is, sequences in 200 different natural human promoters) was used to determine the position index.

Reporting summary

Further information on research design is available in the Nature Research Reporting Summary linked to this paper.