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Backpropagation and the brain

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During learning, the brain modifies synapses to improve behaviour. In the cortex, synapses are embedded within multilayered networks, making it difficult to determine the effect of an individual synaptic modification on the behaviour of the system. The backpropagation algorithm solves this problem in deep artificial neural networks, but historically it has been viewed as biologically problematic. Nonetheless, recent developments in neuroscience and the successes of artificial neural networks have reinvigorated interest in whether backpropagation offers insights for understanding learning in the cortex. The backpropagation algorithm learns quickly by computing synaptic updates using feedback connections to deliver error signals. Although feedback connections are ubiquitous in the cortex, it is difficult to see how they could deliver the error signals required by strict formulations of backpropagation. Here we build on past and recent developments to argue that feedback connections may instead induce neural activities whose differences can be used to locally approximate these signals and hence drive effective learning in deep networks in the brain.

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Fig. 1: A spectrum of learning algorithms.
Fig. 2: Comparison of backprop-trained networks with neural responses in visual ventral cortex.
Fig. 3: Target propagation algorithms.
Fig. 4: Empirical findings suggest new ideas for how backprop-like learning might be approximated by the brain.

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T.P.L. and A.S. contributed equally to this work. T.P.L., G.H. and A.S. researched data for the article, and T.P.L., G.H., C.J.A. and A.S. wrote the article. The authors all provided substantial contributions to discussion of the content and reviewed and edited the manuscript before submission. The authors contributed equally to all aspects of the article.

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Correspondence to Timothy P. Lillicrap or Geoffrey Hinton.

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Nature Reviews Neuroscience thanks Y. Amit, J. DiCarlo, W. Senn and T. Toyoizumi for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Networks showing unsupervised learning in which the target is the input itself. One application of auto-encoding is the training of feedback connections to coherently carry ‘targets’ to earlier layers.

Backpropagation of error (backprop)

An algorithm for explicitly computing the changes to prescribe to synapses in deep networks in order to improve performance. It involves the flow of error signals through feedback connections from the output of the network towards the input.

Credit assignment

Determination of the degree to which a particular parameter, such as a synaptic weight, contributes to the magnitude of the error signal.

Deep learning

Learning in networks that consist of hierarchical stacks, or layers, of neurons. Deep learning is especially difficult because of the difficulty inherent in assigning credit to a vast number of synapses situated deep within the network.

Error function

An explicit quantitative measure for determining the quality of a network’s output. It is also frequently called a loss or objective function.

Error signals

Contribution to the error by the activities of neurons situated closer to the output. In backpropagation, these signals are sent backward through the network in order to inform learning.


A large dataset of images with their corresponding word labels. The task associated with the dataset is to guess the correct label for each image. ImageNet has become a de facto standard for measuring the strength of deep-learning algorithms and architectures.

Internal representations

Hidden activity of a network that represents the network’s input data. ‘Useful’ representations tend to be those that efficiently code for redundant features of the input data and lead to good generalization, such as the existence of oriented edges in handwritten digits.


The modification of network parameters, such as synaptic weights, to enable better performance according to some measure, such as an error function.

Reinforcement learning

Learning in an interactive trial-and-error loop, whereby an agent acts stochastically in an environment and uses the correlations between actions and the accumulated scalar rewards to improve performance.

Supervised learning

Learning in which the error function involves an explicit target. The target tends to contain information that is unavailable to the network, such as ground truth labels.


The desired output of a network, given some input. Deviation from the target is quantified with an error function.

Unsupervised learning

Learning in which the error function does not involve a separate output target. Instead, errors are computed using other information readily available to the network, such as the input itself or the next observation in a sequence.


Network parameters that determine the strength of neuron–neuron connections. A presynaptic neuron connected to a postsynaptic neuron with a high weight will greatly influence the activity of the postsynaptic neurons, and vice versa.

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Lillicrap, T.P., Santoro, A., Marris, L. et al. Backpropagation and the brain. Nat Rev Neurosci 21, 335–346 (2020).

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