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The macaque face patch system: a turtle’s underbelly for the brain

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Objects constitute the fundamental currency of our consciousness: they are the things that we perceive, remember and think about. One of the most important objects for a primate is a face. Research on the macaque face patch system in recent years has given us a remarkable window into the detailed processes underlying object recognition. Here, we review the macaque face patch system, including its anatomical organization, coding principles, role in behaviour and interactions with other brain regions. We highlight not only how it constitutes an archetypal object recognition system but also how it may provide a key to understanding mechanisms for higher cognitive function.

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Fig. 1: Face-selective patches in the macaque cortex.
Fig. 2: Anatomical connectivity of face patches.
Fig. 3: Probing feature selectivity of face cells.
Fig. 4: Increasing view invariance across the face patch hierarchy.
Fig. 5: The neural code for facial identity.
Fig. 6: The neural code for object identity in general.

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This work was supported by NIH (R01-EY030650), the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute for Neuroscience at Caltech. We thank M. Livingstone and A. Varshavsky and members of the Tsao lab for helpful comments.

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Correspondence to Doris Y. Tsao.

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Face patch

A cortical region in the macaque brain that responds selectively to viewed faces. Besides the six canonical face patches in each hemisphere that are found in the inferotemporal cortex, face patches have been reported outside of this cortical region such as in the upper bank of the superior temporal sulcus, the perirhinal cortex and the prefrontal cortex.


A cognitive disorder in which the ability to recognize faces is impaired while other forms of visual processing remain intact. Prosopagnosia, also called face blindness, may be present from birth or acquired as a result of brain damage.

Grandmother cells

Hypothetical cells that respond selectively to only one concept (such as one’s grandmother) and thus implement an extreme case of sparse coding.

Inferotemporal cortex

A cortical region in the inferior convexity of the temporal lobe of the macaque brain thought to be homologous to the human ventral temporal cortex. The inferotemporal cortex is part of the ventral visual stream and important for object recognition.

Fusiform face area

(FFA). A cortical region in the human lateral fusiform gyrus that responds selectively to viewed faces. The FFA has been suggested to be homologous to the macaque middle face patches.

Multi-voxel pattern analysis

An analysis method for fMRI data that tries to infer what a population of voxels encodes by decoding the stimuli or conditions on different trials from the population response vector.

Holistic processing

A mode of processing in which the brain obligatorily recognizes a face as whole, postulated to occur due to several psychophysical phenomena, including the inversion effect, the whole-part effect and the composite effect; in each case, the same set of parts is not identified appropriately unless arranged to form an upright face.

Ramp-shaped tuning

A coding scheme in which the response of a neuron increases monotonically as a feature is changed in one direction.

Binocular rivalry

The phenomenon that, if two incompatible inputs are presented to the left and right eyes, respectively, rather than seeing a superimposition of the two, one’s perception stochastically alternates between the two images.

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Hesse, J.K., Tsao, D.Y. The macaque face patch system: a turtle’s underbelly for the brain. Nat Rev Neurosci 21, 695–716 (2020).

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