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Fibroblast and myofibroblast activation in normal tissue repair and fibrosis

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The term ‘fibroblast’ often serves as a catch-all for a diverse array of mesenchymal cells, including perivascular cells, stromal progenitor cells and bona fide fibroblasts. Although phenotypically similar, these subpopulations are functionally distinct, maintaining tissue integrity and serving as local progenitor reservoirs. In response to tissue injury, these cells undergo a dynamic fibroblast–myofibroblast transition, marked by extracellular matrix secretion and contraction of actomyosin-based stress fibres. Importantly, whereas transient activation into myofibroblasts aids in tissue repair, persistent activation triggers pathological fibrosis. In this Review, we discuss the roles of mechanical cues, such as tissue stiffness and strain, alongside cell signalling pathways and extracellular matrix ligands in modulating myofibroblast activation and survival. We also highlight the role of epigenetic modifications and myofibroblast memory in physiological and pathological processes. Finally, we discuss potential strategies for therapeutically interfering with these factors and the associated signal transduction pathways to improve the outcome of dysregulated healing.

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Fig. 1: Myofibroblast activation states in normal and pathological tissue repair.
Fig. 2: Signalling pathways regulating myofibroblast activation.
Fig. 3: Nuclear mechanotransduction and myofibroblast memory.

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The research of B.H. is supported by a foundation grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (#375597) and support from the John Evans Leadership funds (#36050 and #38861), as well as innovation funds (‘Fibrosis Network, #36349’) from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and the Ontario Research Fund (ORF). F.M.V.R. is supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (#38395). T.H.B. is supported by the National Institute of Health (NIH) funds NIH R01-HL130918 and NIH R01-HL155143. The original figures were generated with the assistance of BioRender.

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F.S.Y. and A.E.M. contributed equally to all aspects of the article. All authors contributed to discussion of the content and wrote sections of the article. All authors reviewed and/or edited the manuscript before submission.

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Arginine–glycine–aspartate (RGD) motif

The RGD amino acid sequence is a motif in the latent transforming growth factor-β1 complex and many proteins of the extracellular matrix, where it promotes specific binding of αv integrins; the presence of an adjacent ‘synergy sequence’ in fibronectin also allows integrins αIIbβ3 and α5β1 to bind to RGD.

Granulation tissue

This provisional tissue fills wounds during healing, is rich in various cells and small vessels, and appears in histological cross-sections as ‘granulose’.


Also referred to as perivascular cells, pericytes show fibroblast-like morphology, are closely associated with endothelial cells of the microvasculature and often have progenitor capacity, that is, the ability to differentiate into multiple cell types, including fibroblasts.


Most biological studies dealing with cell, extracellular matrix or tissue ‘stiffness’ refer to the elastic modulus (that is, stress over strain) in pascal, which is a relatively accurate parameter when measured at the length scale of cells and below.

Strain stiffening

In contrast to ideally elastic synthetic polymers, biological polymers such as collagen, fibrin and cytoskeletal filaments get stiffer when they are extended (that is, strained). Strain stiffening protects tissues from overstraining and enables the fibrous collagen around large blood vessels to undergo small peristaltic movements but to cuff the vessel under high blood pressure.

Stress fibres

Contractile bundles composed of actin and myosin filaments as part of the cytoskeleton that are typically formed in response to mechanical stress and often terminate in cell adhesions, which connect to the extracellular matrix or other cells.


Tropomyosins are filamentous (F-)actin-binding proteins that regulate actin–myosin interactions in adult striated and smooth muscle, as well as in non-muscle contractile cells such as myofibroblasts.

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Younesi, F.S., Miller, A.E., Barker, T.H. et al. Fibroblast and myofibroblast activation in normal tissue repair and fibrosis. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 25, 617–638 (2024).

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