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Scrambling the genome in cancer: causes and consequences of complex chromosome rearrangements

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Complex chromosome rearrangements, known as chromoanagenesis, are widespread in cancer. Based on large-scale DNA sequencing of human tumours, the most frequent type of complex chromosome rearrangement is chromothripsis, a massive, localized and clustered rearrangement of one (or a few) chromosomes seemingly acquired in a single event. Chromothripsis can be initiated by mitotic errors that produce a micronucleus encapsulating a single chromosome or chromosomal fragment. Rupture of the unstable micronuclear envelope exposes its chromatin to cytosolic nucleases and induces chromothriptic shattering. Found in up to half of tumours included in pan-cancer genomic analyses, chromothriptic rearrangements can contribute to tumorigenesis through inactivation of tumour suppressor genes, activation of proto-oncogenes, or gene amplification through the production of self-propagating extrachromosomal circular DNAs encoding oncogenes or genes conferring anticancer drug resistance. Here, we discuss what has been learned about the mechanisms that enable these complex genomic rearrangements and their consequences in cancer.

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Fig. 1: Methods to detect chromothripsis with different spatial and sequence resolution.
Fig. 2: Mechanisms of micronuclei and chromosome bridge formation and rupture.
Fig. 3: Molecular mechanisms initiating chromosome fragmentation.
Fig. 4: Molecular mechanisms for chromosome reassembly.
Fig. 5: Mechanisms through which chromothripsis drives tumorigenesis.
Fig. 6: Pan-cancer genome analysis reveals frequent co-occurrence of chromothripsis and ecDNA in 25 cancer types.

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Nature Reviews Genetics thanks Jan O. Korbel, who co-reviewed with Marco R. Cosenza, and David S. Pellman, who co-reviewed with Shangming Tang and Tajinder Ubhi, and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Krupina, K., Goginashvili, A. & Cleveland, D.W. Scrambling the genome in cancer: causes and consequences of complex chromosome rearrangements. Nat Rev Genet 25, 196–210 (2024).

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