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Integrating molecular nuclear imaging in clinical research to improve anticancer therapy

  • Perspective
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From Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology

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Effective patient selection before or early during treatment is important to increasing the therapeutic benefits of anticancer treatments. This selection process is often predicated on biomarkers, predominantly biospecimen biomarkers derived from blood or tumour tissue; however, such biomarkers provide limited information about the true extent of disease or about the characteristics of different, potentially heterogeneous tumours present in an individual patient. Molecular imaging can also produce quantitative outputs; such imaging biomarkers can help to fill these knowledge gaps by providing complementary information on tumour characteristics, including heterogeneity and the microenvironment, as well as on pharmacokinetic parameters, drug–target engagement and responses to treatment. This integrative approach could therefore streamline biomarker and drug development, although a range of issues need to be overcome in order to enable a broader use of molecular imaging in clinical trials. In this Perspective article, we outline the multistage process of developing novel molecular imaging biomarkers. We discuss the challenges that have restricted the use of molecular imaging in clinical oncology research to date and outline future opportunities in this area.

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Fig. 1: Involvement of various participants in the development of molecular imaging-based biomarkers.
Fig. 2: Example of multiplexed imaging with 89Zr-bevacizumab-PET, CT, and MRI.

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The work of the authors is supported by the European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant 2011 OnQView (293445), Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 (IMI2) TRISTAN grant 2016 (116106), and Dutch Cancer Society IMPACT (RUG 2012–5565) and POINTING (RUG 2016–10034) grants. The authors would like to thank C. Divgi and A. Glaudemans for their valuable input into this manuscript.

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Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology thanks J. O’Connor, N. Devoogdt, and other anonymous reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer-review of this work.

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Correspondence to Elisabeth G. E. de Vries.

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E.G.E.d.V. has served on data safety monitoring boards or advisory boards for Pfizer and Sanofi and has received research funding from Amgen, Chugai, CytomX, Genentech/Roche, Nordic Nanovector, and Regeneron, with all reimbursements and funding made available to her institution (University Medical Center Groningen). The other authors declare no competing interests.

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de Vries, E.G.E., Kist de Ruijter, L., Lub-de Hooge, M.N. et al. Integrating molecular nuclear imaging in clinical research to improve anticancer therapy. Nat Rev Clin Oncol 16, 241–255 (2019).

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