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Water at charged interfaces

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The ubiquity of aqueous solutions in contact with charged surfaces and the realization that the molecular-level details of water–surface interactions often determine interfacial functions and properties relevant in many natural processes have led to intensive research. Even so, many open questions remain regarding the molecular picture of the interfacial organization and preferential alignment of water molecules, as well as the structure of water molecules and ion distributions at different charged interfaces. While water, solutes and charge are present in each of these systems, the substrate can range from living tissues to metals. This diversity in substrates has led to different communities considering each of these types of aqueous interface. In this Review, by considering water in contact with metals, oxides and biomembranes, we show the essential similarity of these disparate systems. While in each case the classical mean-field theories can explain many macroscopic and mesoscopic observations, it soon becomes apparent that such theories fail to explain phenomena for which molecular properties are relevant, such as interfacial chemical conversion. We highlight the current knowledge and limitations in our understanding and end with a view towards future opportunities in the field.

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Fig. 1: Classical mean-field description of the electrical double layer.
Fig. 2: Timeline.
Fig. 3: Possible sources of surface charge.
Fig. 4: Water at charged biomembranes.
Fig. 5: Water at a charged electrode interface.
Fig. 6: Layering of water at biomembranes and mineral surfaces.
Fig. 7: Molecular dynamics simulations of water at charged interfaces.

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The authors thank Katrin F. Domke, Daria Maltseva, Takakatsu Seki and Chun-Chieh Yu for their careful reading and Hagen Sögen for providing Fig. 6d,e. R.R.N. acknowledges support from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) via grant SFB 1078. They are grateful to the MaxWater initiative of the Max Planck Society for support.

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M.B., G.G., Y.N., R.K.C., E.H.G.B. and R.R.N. conceived the manuscript. M.B. and G.G. wrote it together with Y.N., R.K.C., E.H.G.B., R.R.N., A.K., I.T.M., M.T.M.K. and B.W. All authors contributed to the discussions, revisions and editing of the article.

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Correspondence to Mischa Bonn.

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Gonella, G., Backus, E.H.G., Nagata, Y. et al. Water at charged interfaces. Nat Rev Chem 5, 466–485 (2021).

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