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Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for in vivo biosensing

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Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) is of interest for biomedical analysis and imaging because of its sensitivity, specificity and multiplexing capabilities. The successful application of SERS for in vivo biosensing requires probes to be biocompatible and procedures to be minimally invasive, challenges that have respectively been met by developing new nanoprobes and instrumentation. This Review presents recent developments in these areas, describing case studies in which sensors have been implemented, as well as outlining shortcomings that must be addressed before SERS sees clinical use.

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Figure 1: Some key developments in SERS research for in vivo applications.
Figure 2: Preparation and administration of in vivo SERS nanosensors.
Figure 3: State-of-the-art instrumentation and experimental configurations used to conduct in vivo SERS biosensing.
Figure 4: In vivo glucose monitoring using an implanted SERS probe and SESORS detection.
Figure 5: In vivo cancer detection using near-infrared optimized SERS probes.
Figure 6: Brain tumour imaging and guided tumour resection using triple-modality nanoparticles.
Figure 7: Nanoparticles and SERS for drug delivery and photothermal therapy in vivo.

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K.F. and S.L. thank the Leverhulme Trust for financial support through Research Project Grant RPG-2012-758.

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Laing, S., Jamieson, L., Faulds, K. et al. Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for in vivo biosensing. Nat Rev Chem 1, 0060 (2017).

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