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The use of new CRISPR tools in cardiovascular research and medicine

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From Nature Reviews Cardiology

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Many novel CRISPR-based genome-editing tools, with a wide variety of applications, have been developed in the past few years. The original CRISPR–Cas9 system was developed as a tool to alter genomic sequences in living organisms in a simple way. However, the functions of new CRISPR tools are not limited to conventional genome editing mediated by non-homologous end-joining or homology-directed repair but expand into gene-expression control, epigenome editing, single-nucleotide editing, RNA editing and live-cell imaging. Furthermore, genetic perturbation screening by multiplexing guide RNAs is gaining popularity as a method to identify causative genes and pathways in an unbiased manner. New CRISPR tools can also be applied to ex vivo or in vivo therapeutic genome editing for the treatment of conditions such as hyperlipidaemia. In this Review, we first provide an overview of the diverse new CRISPR tools that have been developed to date. Second, we summarize how these new CRISPR tools are being used to study biological processes and disease mechanisms in cardiovascular research and medicine. Finally, we discuss the prospect of therapeutic genome editing by CRISPR tools to cure genetic cardiovascular diseases.

Key points

  • New CRISPR-based tools with various functions provide an increasing number of options to study disease mechanisms and cure genetic diseases.

  • CRISPR screens to identify causative genes are becoming more common and can be combined with new CRISPR tools.

  • New CRISPR tools, particularly base editors, have potential for therapeutic genome editing.

  • In cardiovascular medicine, the focus of therapeutic genome editing is on the liver to reduce blood LDL-cholesterol levels.

  • The high efficiency and specificity of new CRISPR tools could enable therapeutic genome editing of inherited cardiac and vascular diseases.

  • Therapeutic genome editing requires further investigation of in vivo off-target effects and improved delivery methods.

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Fig. 1: New CRISPR technologies.
Fig. 2: A wide variety of new CRISPR tools.
Fig. 3: New CRISPR technologies as research tools.
Fig. 4: Unbiased genetic screening with CRISPR tools.
Fig. 5: Therapeutic genome editing in cardiovascular disease.

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The authors are supported by the American Heart Association (AHA) 17MERIT33610009 (J.C.W.) and 19CDA34760019 (C.L.), Leducq Foundation 18CVD05 (J.C.W.), National Institutes of Health (NIH) R01 HL126527, R01 HL123968, R01 HL141371, R01 HL141851, R01 HL150693 (J.C.W.) and U01 DK127405 (L.S.Q.), National Science Foundation CAREER Award 2046650 (L.S.Q.), Li Ka Shing Foundation (L.S.Q.) and Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program (TRDRP) postdoctoral fellowship T31FT1758 (M.N.).

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Authors and Affiliations



M.N. and C.L. researched data for the article, and M.N., C.L. and J.C.W. discussed its content. M.N., C.L., L.S.Q. and J.C.W. wrote the manuscript, and all the authors reviewed and edited the manuscript before submission.

Corresponding authors

Correspondence to Masataka Nishiga or Joseph C. Wu.

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Competing interest

L.S.Q. is a co-founder of Epicrispr Biotechnologies and Refuge Biotechnologies, and J.C.W. is a co-founder of Greenstone Biosciences. The work presented here is completely independent of these companies. The other authors declare no competing interests.

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Nature Reviews Cardiology thanks Joseph Miano and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Supplementary information


Non-homologous end-joining

(NHEJ). An endogenous cellular mechanism to repair double-strand breaks (DSBs), in which the ends at a cut site are directly ligated to each other.

Microhomology-mediated end-joining

(MMEJ). An endogenous cellular mechanism to repair DSBs, in which microhomologous sequences at both ends of a cut site are used to align the ends, resulting in the removal of the flanking region.

Homology-directed repair

(HDR). An endogenous cellular mechanism to repair DSBs, in which the sequence at a cut site is replaced by a sequence specified in a donor template, typically via homologous recombination.

Protospacer adjacent motif

(PAM). A short, specific DNA sequence (2–6 nucleotides) that follows the DNA sequence targeted by a CRISPR system and is required for a Cas nuclease to bind to the target region.

Induced pluripotent stem cell

(iPSC). A type of stem cell that can be generated directly from somatic cells, such as fibroblasts or blood cells, by introducing specific sets of genes.

Adeno-associated virus

(AAV). A small, non-pathogenic virus that can infect many types of human cell and is often used as a vector for the delivery of gene therapy.


A chemotherapy drug that is effective for many different types of cancer, including breast cancer and leukaemias, with a well-known adverse effect of cardiac toxicity.

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Nishiga, M., Liu, C., Qi, L.S. et al. The use of new CRISPR tools in cardiovascular research and medicine. Nat Rev Cardiol 19, 505–521 (2022).

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