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Diffraction and microscopy with attosecond electron pulse trains

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Attosecond spectroscopy1,2,3,4,5,6,7 can resolve electronic processes directly in time, but a movie-like space–time recording is impeded by the too long wavelength (~100 times larger than atomic distances) or the source–sample entanglement in re-collision techniques8,9,10,11. Here we advance attosecond metrology to picometre wavelength and sub-atomic resolution by using free-space electrons instead of higher-harmonic photons1,2,3,4,5,6,7 or re-colliding wavepackets8,9,10,11. A beam of 70-keV electrons at 4.5-pm de Broglie wavelength is modulated by the electric field of laser cycles into a sequence of electron pulses with sub-optical-cycle duration. Time-resolved diffraction from crystalline silicon reveals a < 10-as delay of Bragg emission and demonstrates the possibility of analytic attosecond–ångström diffraction. Real-space electron microscopy visualizes with sub-light-cycle resolution how an optical wave propagates in space and time. This unification of attosecond science with electron microscopy and diffraction enables space–time imaging of light-driven processes in the entire range of sample morphologies that electron microscopy can access.

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Fig. 1: Concept and experiment.
Fig. 2: Attosecond electron pulses.
Fig. 3: Atomic diffraction with attosecond electron pulses.
Fig. 4: Attosecond electron microscopy of electromagnetic waveform propagation.

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This work was supported by the European Research Council (grant DIVI) and the Munich-Centre for Advanced Photonics. Y.M. acknowledges support from a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research Abroad. We thank B.-H. Chen and A. Ryabov for help with the laser, S. Stork for help with the foils and F. Krausz for awesome support and inspiring discussions.

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Y.M. and P.B. conceived the experiment, Y.M. measured the data, Y.M. and P.B. evaluated the data and Y.M. and P.B. wrote the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Peter Baum.

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Supplementary Figure 1

Supplementary Video 1

Attosecond electron microscopy of a traveling wave. The left panel shows the raw microscopic image of the silicon window in time. The right panel shows the change of the images with respect to the excitation delay. The scale bars represent 100 µm

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Morimoto, Y., Baum, P. Diffraction and microscopy with attosecond electron pulse trains. Nature Phys 14, 252–256 (2018).

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