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Immunometabolic crosstalk during bacterial infection

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Following detection of bacteria, macrophages switch their metabolism from oxidative respiration through the tricarboxylic acid cycle to high-rate aerobic glycolysis. This immunometabolic shift enables pro-inflammatory and antimicrobial responses and is facilitated by the accumulation of fatty acids, tricarboxylic acid-derived metabolites and catabolism of amino acids. Recent studies have shown that these immunometabolites are co-opted by pathogens as environmental cues for expression of virulence genes. We review mechanisms by which host immunometabolites regulate bacterial pathogenicity and discuss opportunities for the development of therapeutics targeting metabolic host–pathogen crosstalk.

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Fig. 1: Immunometabolic changes fuel the antimicrobial response of macrophages.
Fig. 2: Immunometabolites drive adaptive changes in respiratory pathogens.
Fig. 3: Immunometabolites as precursors for carbon metabolism of intracellular pathogens.
Fig. 4: Immunometabolites as signalling cues that induce bacterial virulence.

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Rosenberg, G., Riquelme, S., Prince, A. et al. Immunometabolic crosstalk during bacterial infection. Nat Microbiol 7, 497–507 (2022).

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