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Self-sensing in Bacillus subtilis quorum-sensing systems

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Bacterial cell–cell signalling, or quorum sensing, is characterized by the secretion and groupwide detection of small diffusible signal molecules called autoinducers. This mechanism allows cells to coordinate their behaviour in a density-dependent manner. A quorum-sensing cell may directly respond to the autoinducers it produces in a cell-autonomous and quorum-independent manner, but the strength of this self-sensing effect and its impact on bacterial physiology are unclear. Here, we explore the existence and impact of self-sensing in the Bacillus subtilis ComQXP and Rap-Phr quorum-sensing systems. By comparing the quorum-sensing response of autoinducer-secreting and non-secreting cells in co-culture, we find that secreting cells consistently show a stronger response than non-secreting cells. Combining genetic and quantitative analyses, we demonstrate this effect to be a direct result of self-sensing and rule out an indirect regulatory effect of the autoinducer production genes on response sensitivity. In addition, self-sensing in the ComQXP system affects persistence to antibiotic treatment. Together, these findings indicate the existence of self-sensing in the two most common designs of quorum-sensing systems of Gram-positive bacteria.

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Fig. 1: In co-culture, ComX-secreting cells have a stronger quorum-sensing response than non-secreting cells.
Fig. 2: The cell autonomous effect of ComX-secretion fits a self-sensing model with no over-reception.
Fig. 3: Self-sensing contributes to antibiotic persistence.
Fig. 4: Self-sensing in also apparent in the Rap-Phr system.

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This work was supported by European Research Council grants 281301 and 724805. The authors thank R.D. Oshri and N. Antonovsky for comments and N. Sigal for help with qPCR.

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T.B., S.P. and A.E. designed the experiments. T.B. performed the experiments. T.B., S.P. and A.E. analysed the data and wrote the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Avigdor Eldar.

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Bareia, T., Pollak, S. & Eldar, A. Self-sensing in Bacillus subtilis quorum-sensing systems. Nat Microbiol 3, 83–89 (2018).

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