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Quantitative tests revealing hydrogen-enhanced dislocation motion in α-iron

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Hydrogen embrittlement jeopardizes the use of high-strength steels in critical load-bearing applications. However, uncertainty regarding how hydrogen affects dislocation motion, owing to the lack of quantitative experimental evidence, hinders our understanding of hydrogen embrittlement. Here, by studying the well-controlled, cyclic, bow-out motions of individual screw dislocations in α-iron, we find that the critical stress for initiating dislocation motion in a 2 Pa electron-beam-excited H2 atmosphere is 27–43% lower than that in a vacuum environment, proving that hydrogen enhances screw dislocation motion. Moreover, we find that aside from vacuum degassing, cyclic loading and unloading facilitates the de-trapping of hydrogen, allowing the dislocation to regain its hydrogen-free behaviour. These findings at the individual dislocation level can inform hydrogen embrittlement modelling and guide the design of hydrogen-resistant steels.

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Fig. 1: Schematic of the experimental set-up for revealing the effect of hydrogen on dislocation motion.
Fig. 2: Effect of hydrogenation on the bow-out motion of a screw dislocation.
Fig. 3: Effect of hydrogen degassing on dislocation behaviour.
Fig. 4: Atomistic mechanism of hydrogen-enhanced screw dislocation glide.

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The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding authors upon reasonable request.


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We acknowledge support from the Natural Science Foundation of China (51971169 and 52031011) and Shaanxi Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2017JQ5110). D.C. acknowledges support from Shanghai Pujiang Program (21PJ1404800). We thank Y. Qin, D. Zhang, P. Zhang, C. Guo and Q. Fu for assistance in sample preparation and guidance for doing transmission electron microscope experiments. We thank Z. Wang (Xi’an Jiaotong University), S. Ogata (Osaka University), C. Zhou and L. Zhang (Zhejiang University of Technology), and L. Qiao and Y. Su (University of Science and Technology Beijing) for useful discussions.

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Z.S. and D.X. designed and supervised the project. L.H. and D.X. conducted the experiments and analysed the experimental data. D.C. performed the simulations under the guidance of T.Z. and Y.Z.; L.H., D.X. and D.C. wrote the paper with input from S.L., Z.S., E.M., J.L., T.Z. and D.R. All authors contributed to discussions of the results and the revision of the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Degang Xie or Zhiwei Shan.

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Supplementary Information

Legends for Supplementary Videos 1–6, Figs. 1–8, Table 1, Notes 1–6 and refs. 1–12.

Supplementary Video 1

Motion of dislocation 1 in vacuum.

Supplementary Video 2

Motion of dislocation 1 in 2 Pa H2 atmosphere.

Supplementary Video 3

Motion of dislocation 3 in vacuum.

Supplementary Video 4

Motion of dislocation 3 in 2 Pa H2 atmosphere.

Supplementary Video 5

Motion of dislocation 2 in 2 Pa H2 atmosphere.

Supplementary Video 6

Motion of dislocation 2 in vacuum after the sample had been degassed in vacuum for ~3 h.

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Huang, L., Chen, D., Xie, D. et al. Quantitative tests revealing hydrogen-enhanced dislocation motion in α-iron. Nat. Mater. 22, 710–716 (2023).

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