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Joint, distributed and hierarchically organized encoding of linguistic features in the human auditory cortex

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The precise role of the human auditory cortex in representing speech sounds and transforming them to meaning is not yet fully understood. Here we used intracranial recordings from the auditory cortex of neurosurgical patients as they listened to natural speech. We found an explicit, temporally ordered and anatomically distributed neural encoding of multiple linguistic features, including phonetic, prelexical phonotactics, word frequency, and lexical–phonological and lexical–semantic information. Grouping neural sites on the basis of their encoded linguistic features revealed a hierarchical pattern, with distinct representations of prelexical and postlexical features distributed across various auditory areas. While sites with longer response latencies and greater distance from the primary auditory cortex encoded higher-level linguistic features, the encoding of lower-level features was preserved and not discarded. Our study reveals a cumulative mapping of sound to meaning and provides empirical evidence for validating neurolinguistic and psycholinguistic models of spoken word recognition that preserve the acoustic variations in speech.

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Fig. 1: Coverage and paradigm.
Fig. 2: Diversity in linguistic feature encoding.
Fig. 3: Temporal profile of linguistic feature encoding.
Fig. 4: Spatial profile of linguistic feature encoding.

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Data availability

Linguistic features were extracted from the SUBTLEX-US word frequency dataset59 and the English Lexicon Project website ( The data that support the findings of this study are available upon request from the corresponding author (N.M.). The data are shared upon request due to the sensitive nature of human patient data.


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This work was funded by National Institutes of Health grant no. R01DC018805 (N.M.) and National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders grant no. R01DC014279 (N.M.). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript.

Author information

Authors and Affiliations



M.K. and N.M. designed the experiment. M.K., S.A., J.H., S.B., A.D.M. and N.M. recorded the neural data. M.K. and N.M. analysed the data and wrote the manuscript. All authors commented on the manuscript.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Nima Mesgarani.

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Nature Human Behaviour thanks Frederic Theunissen and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work. Peer reviewer reports are available.

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Extended data

Extended Data Fig. 1 Electrode locations.

Electrodes are distributed across fifteen subjects and are either depth or subdural grids Cand/or strips. Shape indicates electrode type, where circles represent depth electrodes, and triangles represent subdural contacts. Shape colour indicates which of the fifteen subjects an electrode belongs to.

Extended Data Fig. 2 Speech-responsiveness.

Circles represent electrodes in the immediate vicinity of the auditory cortex, based on their 3D coordinates in the ‘fsaverage’ space. Filled circles indicate speech-responsiveness, meaning the electrode site responds significantly differently to speech compared to silence (see ‘Electrode selection’ in Methods). Non-responsiveness could mean the electrode is not sound-responsive, is sound-responsive but not speech-responsive, or has insufficient signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The non-responsive electrodes were excluded from all analyses.

Extended Data Fig. 3 Phonetic features.

Each phoneme is represented by 22 binary features based on its voicing, place, and manner of articulation features.

Extended Data Fig. 4 Selecting stimulus window length for prediction.

A window size of 510 ms was chosen to maximize linear model performance with the minimal number of parameters. We fit multiple models, each with a different number of time-lags (window size), from 60 ms to 760 ms. Each model was trained with the full list of predictors shown in Fig. 1c on all electrodes selected by the selection criteria described in Methods (n = 242), and only differed from the other models in the number of lags. Error bars indicate standard error (SE) over electrodes. To compare two different sizes, we perform a paired-sample one-tailed t-test on the cross-validated out-of-sample prediction r-values to determine whether the larger model improves upon the smaller one. The 510 ms model (dashed line) showed a significant improvement over all smaller models (60 ms – 410 ms, p < 0.001; 460 ms, p = 0.023). No larger model showed significant improvement over the 510 ms model (p > 0.5).

Extended Data Fig. 5 Correlations among features.

The linguistic features defined in this study are themselves correlated with each other. This plot shows the absolute value of the Pearson correlation coefficient for all pairs of 1-dimensional linguistic features (22-dimensional phonetic features excluded from figure; L1: lexical entropy, L2: lexical surprisal). The correlations are computed on the same 30-minute dataset used for all other analyses. All correlations are statistically significant (p < 0.001).

Extended Data Fig. 6 Explained variance of TRF diversity.

The bootstrapped (n = 1000) PCA analysis in Fig. 3 generates multiple eigenvectors at each bootstrap sample. We use the eigenvector that captures the most variance for computing the time courses (3a) and peak latencies (3b). This plot shows the mean and standard deviation of the explained variance for each of the top-10 principal components, computed using the same bootstrap procedure. In all cases, the first principal component captures roughly half of the total variance across all electrodes.

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Keshishian, M., Akkol, S., Herrero, J. et al. Joint, distributed and hierarchically organized encoding of linguistic features in the human auditory cortex. Nat Hum Behav 7, 740–753 (2023).

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