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Retention of water in subducted slabs under core–mantle boundary conditions

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The hydrated SiO2 phase is a main carrier of water in subducting slabs in the lower mantle. Assuming its dehydration at high temperatures above the core–mantle boundary, it has been speculated that seismic anomalies observed in this enigmatic region and the uppermost core might be attributable to water released from slabs. Here we report melting experiments on a hydrous basalt up to conditions of the core–mantle boundary region at 25–144 GPa and 2,900–4,100 K. Secondary-ion mass spectrometry measurements with high-resolution imaging techniques reveal that the SiO2 phase and SiO2–AlOOH solid solution contain 0.5–3.6 wt% and ~3.5 wt% H2O, respectively, coexisting with melts holding 0.9–2.6 wt% H2O. The high solubility into SiO2 and high SiO2/melt partition coefficient of water at the high temperatures of the core–mantle boundary region suggest that practically water does not escape from subducted slabs at the base of the mantle. Even if the core–mantle boundary temperature were high enough to melt subducted crustal materials, most of the H2O would remain in the solid residue rather than entering a partial melt. Previously proposed consequences of slab dehydration are therefore unlikely to be responsible for chemical heterogeneities in the lowermost mantle and the topmost core.

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Fig. 1: Experimental pressure–temperature conditions and lower-mantle geotherms.
Fig. 2: Cross sections of partially molten samples.
Fig. 3: Variations in hydrated SiO2.

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All data supporting this study are available via Zenodo at (ref. 72).


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We acknowledge K. Yonemitsu for assisting in focused ion beam and EPMA analyses, and G. Helffrich for discussion. Comments by W. Panero on an earlier version of the paper were helpful. Synchrotron XRD measurements were carried out at BL10XU, SPring-8 (proposals 2020A0072, 2020A0066, 2021A0072 and 2021A1481). This work was supported by grants from JSPS Kakenhi to K.H. and H.Y. and by the ‘Imaging Platform’ programme of MEXT.

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The project was designed by K.H. and led by Y.T. SIMS analyses were performed by N.S., H.Y., S.T. and Y.T. XRD data were collected by Y.T. and Y.O. Y.T., K.H. and K.U. wrote the paper, and all authors commented on it.

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Correspondence to Yutaro Tsutsumi or Kei Hirose.

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Nature Geoscience thanks Michael Walter and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work. Primary Handling Editor: Alison Hunt, in collaboration with the Nature Geoscience team.

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Extended data

Extended Data Fig. 1 XRD pattern for a solid part around a melt pocket obtained after quenching temperature in run #9.

SC, hydrated CaCl2-type SiO2; MP, bridgmanite; CP, CaSiO3 perovskite; Al, SiO2-AlOOH ss. Peak separations of SC121/211 and SC011/101 indicate the orthorhombic distortion of the CaCl2-type structure. This pattern includes a couple of unknown peaks, which did not show grain growth in a two-dimensional raw XRD image unlike other peaks and thus should have not derived from a heated sample.

Extended Data Fig. 2 SCAPS images of secondary ions.

Samples were heated to (a) 3,250 K at 58 GPa (run #9) and (b) 3,450 K at 121 GPa and (run #13). Same images as those in Fig. 2 for 1H+ and 28Si+. R. I., relative intensity normalized to that from a starting material. Scale bars; 10 µm.

Extended Data Fig. 3 Unit-cell volumes of Al-bearing hydrous SiO2 phases measured at 300 K.

The volumes of CaCl2-type (closed symbols) and α-PbO2-type phases (open symbols, the half unit-cell volumes are plotted for comparison) measured in this study are larger than those of dry Al-bearing SiO2 phases, likely because of the incorporation of water. Blue curve73, CaCl2-type SiO2 with 3.0 wt% Al2O3 (Alsti-06); green curve74, α-PbO2-type SiO2 with 6.0 wt% Al2O3. Pressure uncertainties are ±10%61. The volume data are presented as mean values +/- SD.

Extended Data Table 1 Lattice constants and unit-cell volumes of the SiO2 phases

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Tsutsumi, Y., Sakamoto, N., Hirose, K. et al. Retention of water in subducted slabs under core–mantle boundary conditions. Nat. Geosci. 17, 697–704 (2024).

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