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Global increase in biomass carbon stock dominated by growth of northern young forests over past decade

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Changes in terrestrial carbon storage under environmental and land-use changes remain a critical source of uncertainty in regional and global carbon budgets. We generated global maps of annual live vegetation biomass using L-band microwave vegetation optical depth. Globally, biomass carbon stocks increased from 2010 to 2019 at a rate of 0.50 ± 0.20 PgC yr−1 with a year-to-year variability, closely mirroring the observations of the global atmospheric CO2 growth rate. The main contributors to the global carbon sink are boreal and temperate forests, while wet tropical forests are small carbon sources, from deforestation and agriculture-related disturbances. We found that the tropical deforested and degraded old-growth forests (>140 yr) are nearly carbon neutral whereas temperate and boreal young (< 50 yr) and middle-aged (50–140 yr) forests are the largest sinks. By contrast, dynamic global vegetation models show that all old-growth forests are large sinks and largely ignore the impacts of deforestation and degradation on tropical biomass. Our findings highlight the importance of forest demography when predicting dynamics of future carbon sink under changing climate.

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Fig. 1: Spatial patterns of changes in total biomass carbon density and forest area fraction during 2010–2019.
Fig. 2: Changes in live biomass carbon density for global and five climatic biomes.
Fig. 3: Relationship between ∆TB and forest age, canopy height.
Fig. 4: Comparison of the IAV in global carbon fluxes and global atmospheric CGR.

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Data availability

The L-VOD data from this study can be accessed freely through the SMOS-IC website ( The global forest change product can be accessed from The forest disturbance classification map is freely available from The forest age datasets are freely available at The simulations from TRENDY DGVMs are available at

Code availability

All computer codes for the analysis of the data are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.


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This research has been funded by the European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative (ESA-CCI) Biomass project (ESA ESRIN/ 4000123662) and RECCAP2 project 1190 (ESA ESRIN/ 4000123002/18/I-NB). H.Y. was supported by the CCI Biomass project of the Climate Change Initiative (ESA ESRIN/ 4000123662) funded by ESA and the Project Office BIOMASS (grant number 50EE1904) funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology. J.-P.W. acknowledges support from the CNES (Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales) TOSCA programme. L.F. acknowledges support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 42171339).

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Authors and Affiliations



P.C., J-P.W. and H.Y. designed the research. H.Y. performed all of the analyses. F.F., X.L. and J-P.W. prepared the raw SMOS-IC L-VOD data. S. Besnard prepared the forest age product. Z.D. prepared the national inventory data. H.Y., J.-P.W., P.C., M.B., R.F., S.S., L.F. and S. Bowring interpreted the results and provided comments on the discussion. The manuscript was drafted by H.Y., J.-P.W, and P.C. with contributions by all co-authors.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Hui Yang.

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Nature Geoscience thanks David Chaparro and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work. Primary Handling Editor: Xujia Jiang, in collaboration with the Nature Geoscience team.

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Extended data

Extended Data Fig. 1 Comparison with the results of an Amazon inversion study.

(a) The right-hand side panel shows the air samples collected at the four sites influenced by the regions (light blue lines). The left-hand side panel is a comparison of the average of total carbon flux for four sites from Gatti et al. (ref. 20) and the average of total biomass changes from L-VOD for the influence regions of four sites. Error-bars of carbon flux are uncertainties related to the background and travel time trajectories for each sample used to compose first the monthly mean and later the annual means, while error-bars of ∆TB are the standard deviation of total biomass changes from L-VOD for the influence regions. (b) L-VOD derived mean annual changes in total live biomass carbon density over 2010-2019. (c) Mean annual changes in total live biomass carbon density over 2010-2019 (data from ref. 6). (d) Total forest gross loss fraction over 2010-2019 using the Landsat-based Global Forest Change Data. Panel a reproduced with permission from ref. 20, Springer Nature Limited.

Extended Data Fig. 2 The fraction of zero/minor loss, deforestation, agriculture, forestry, wildfire, and urbanization.

The fraction of zero/minor loss (a), deforestation (b), agriculture (c), forestry (d), wildfire (e), and urbanization (f) with a spatial resolution of 25 ×25 km, aggregated from the forest disturbance map by Curtis et al. (ref. 59).

Extended Data Fig. 3 Changes in forest fraction from 2010 to 2018 from the TRENDY model ensembles.

The fraction of forest for each year was calculated using plant functional type fractions from each DGVM.

Extended Data Fig. 4 Changes in ∆TB density from L-VOD and from TRENDY DGVMs partitioned to different classes of canopy height (2 m intervals).

The averaged changes in total live biomass (∆TB) density from L-VOD (a) and from TRENDY DGVMs (b) during 2010-2019 partitioned to different classes of forest ages (20-year intervals). The width of colored bars represents the forest area of different forest classes. The total ∆TB density of intact forests is shown as white bars (the width of white bars represents the area of intact forests) in panel a.

Extended Data Fig. 5 Relationship between total live biomass changes from each TRENDY DGVM and forest age.

The averaged changes in total live biomass (∆TB) density during 2010-2019 partitioned to different classes of forest ages (20-year intervals). Total ∆TB density in each class area TRENDY DGVMs. The width of colored bars represents the forest area of different forest classes.

Extended Data Fig. 6 Global patterns of carbon fluxes for the year of 2012 and 2015.

The carbon fluxes, which are the loss or gains in total live biomass within one year, are calculated using the difference in L-VOD derived live biomass between year n and year n + 1.

Extended Data Fig. 7 Interannual variability of regional carbon fluxes from L-VOD without and with coarse woody debris (CWD) buffering over 2012 – 2019.

The regional carbon fluxes were calculated for five biomes, that is, wet tropics, dry tropics, arid, temperate and boreal. Panel a displays the interannual variability without CWD buffering, while panel b presents the interannual variability with CWD buffering.

Extended Data Fig. 8 Mean annual changes in above-ground biomass carbon density over 2010-2019.

(a) The annual values of live biomass were calculated as the averages of November, December, January and February (that is, Jan 1-centered averages). (b) The annual values of live biomass were calculated as the averages of May, June, July, and August (that is, July 1-centered averages). (c) Difference in AGB change between Jan 1-centered averages and July 1-centered averages.

Extended Data Fig. 9 Mean net biome productivity for global and five climatic biomes.

Mean values of annual net biome productivity (NBP) are estimated using two inversion models (SURF, and GOSAT), and pink bars presents the adjusted NBP estimates using the river-to-estuary carbon flux and crop & wood carbon productions from Deng et al. (2021) (ref. 12 see Supplementary Table S3). NBP were calculated for global (a), and five climatic biomes: wet tropics (b), dry tropics (c), arid (d), temperate (e), and boreal (f). The error-bars denote the standard deviation of annual NBP over the periods (2010-2018 for SURF and 2010-2015 for GOSAT).

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Supplementary Figs. 1–11, Tables 1–3 and Texts 1–4.

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Yang, H., Ciais, P., Frappart, F. et al. Global increase in biomass carbon stock dominated by growth of northern young forests over past decade. Nat. Geosci. 16, 886–892 (2023).

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