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Submarine terraced deposits linked to periodic collapse of caldera-forming eruption columns

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Catastrophic, caldera-forming explosive eruptions generate hazardous ash fall, pyroclastic density currents and, in some cases, tsunamis, yet their dynamics are still poorly understood. Here we use scaled analogue experiments and spectral analysis of well-preserved concentric terracing of seafloor deposits built by submarine caldera-forming explosive eruptions to provide insights into the dynamics governing these eruptions and the resultant hazards. We show that powerful submarine eruption columns in collapsing regimes deliver material to the sea surface and seabed in periodic annular sedimentation waves. Depending on the period between successive waves, which becomes shorter with decreasing jet strength, their impact and spread at the sea surface and/or seabed can excite tsunamis, drive radial pyroclastic density currents and build concentric terraces with a wavelength that decreases with distance, or deposits that thin monotonically. Whereas the Sumisu (Izu–Bonin arc) caldera deposit architecture is explained by either a subaerial or deep-water model involving no interaction between sedimentation waves and the sea surface, those of the Macauley (Kermadec arc) and Santorini (Hellenic arc) calderas are consistent with a shallow-water model with extensive sedimentation wave–sea surface–seabed interactions. Our findings enable an explicit classification of submarine caldera-forming explosive eruption dynamics and quantitative estimates of eruption rates from their terraced deposits.

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Fig. 1: Terraced deposits surrounding calderas and analogue experiments.
Fig. 2: Radial profiles and power spectra of terraced deposits.
Fig. 3: Fountain-top height oscillations linked to water depth and SW dynamics.
Fig. 4: Deposit scour radius as a function of SW penetration depth.
Fig. 5: Fountain strength versus particle volume fraction regime diagram.
Fig. 6: Terrace formation by SWs.

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Data availability

Source parameter data for experiments conducted in this study are presented in Table 1. Data for Figs. 2, 3 and 4 are available at Santorini bathymetry data are available at and

Code availability

Code used for spectral analysis of fountain-top height oscillations and deposit profiles are available upon email request:


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This work benefited from thoughtful discussions with T. Druitt, O. Roche, B. Andrews, M. Manga, J. Dufek, E. Breard, C. Rowell, G. Valentine and R. Gallo. Sumisu bathymetry data were kindly provided by K. Tani. This project was funded through an NSERC Discovery grant to A.M.J. E.E.E.H. was supported by NSF-OCE grant 2023338.

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Authors and Affiliations



J.G. and A.M.J. conceived the study and carried out the data analysis. J.G. designed and carried out the experiments with input from A.M.J. J.G. and A.M.J. wrote the paper with careful comments and input from E.E.E.H. S.W. helped with the experiments and produced digital elevation models of resulting deposits. E.E.E.H. produced the digital elevation model for Santorini using the Generic Mapping Tool and the profiles for both the Santorini and Sumisu deposits.

Corresponding authors

Correspondence to Johan T. Gilchrist, A. Mark Jellinek, Emilie E. E. Hooft or Sean Wanket.

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Nature Geoscience thanks Gert Lube, Arran Murch and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work. Primary Handling Editor: Stefan Lachowycz, in collaboration with the Nature Geoscience team.

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Supplementary information

Supplementary Information

Supplementary Figs. 1–3, Table 1 and Discussion.

Supplementary Video 1

Front and top views of shallow-water experiment 1 synchronized in time. Shows sedimentation waves descending from oscillating fountain top, sedimentation wave spreading at the air–water interface and the generation of waves analogous to tsunamis.

Supplementary Video 2

Front and top views of shallow-water experiment 11 synchronized in time. Shows similar dynamics as Supplementary Video 1 as well as development of the ‘groovy instability’ in ground-hugging gravity currents that deposits spoke-like particle ridges in the deposit and scalloping of terraces (Fig. 4).

Supplementary Video 3

Front and top views of deep-water experiment 15 synchronized in time. The groovy instability is expressed as lobes and clefts in the spreading ground-hugging gravity current fronts.

Supplementary Video 4

Oblique and front views of deep-water experiment 10 synchronized in time. As the fountain mixture reaches the water surface, mass is partitioned into descending sedimentation waves and surges of clouds just below the water surface that form a spoke-like pattern (pink clouds in top-view frame). The spoke-like pattern of surging clouds is interpreted to be an expression of the groovy instability occurring in water surface-hugging gravity currents.

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Gilchrist, J.T., Jellinek, A.M., Hooft, E.E.E. et al. Submarine terraced deposits linked to periodic collapse of caldera-forming eruption columns. Nat. Geosci. 16, 446–453 (2023).

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