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Stronger increases but greater variability in global mangrove productivity compared to that of adjacent terrestrial forests

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Mangrove forests are a highly productive ecosystem with important potential to offset anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Mangroves are expected to respond differently to climate change compared to terrestrial forests owing to their location in the tidal environment and unique ecophysiological characteristics, but the magnitude of difference remains uncertain at the global scale. Here we use satellite observations to examine mean trends and interannual variability in the productivity of global mangrove forests and nearby terrestrial evergreen broadleaf forests from 2001 to 2020. Although both types of ecosystem experienced significant recent increases in productivity, mangroves exhibited a stronger increasing trend and greater interannual variability in productivity than evergreen broadleaf forests on three-quarters of their co-occurring coasts. The difference in productivity trends is attributed to the stronger CO2 fertilization effect on mangrove photosynthesis, while the discrepancy in interannual variability is attributed to the higher sensitivities to variations in precipitation and sea level. Our results indicate that mangroves will have a faster increase in productivity than terrestrial forests in a CO2-rich future but may suffer more from deficits in water availability, highlighting a key difference between terrestrial and tidal ecosystems in their responses to climate change.

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Fig. 1: Changes in NIRv during 2001–2020 for mangroves and EBFs at the global scale.
Fig. 2: Comparisons in NIRv trends and IAV between mangroves and EBFs.
Fig. 3: Contribution of climatic factors and sea level to NIRv interannual variability.
Fig. 4: Contribution of climatic factors and sea level to NIRv trend.

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Data availability

All data used in this study are publicly available. The MODIS 250 m spectral reflectance data (MOD13Q1 and MYD13Q1) are available at and Gridded climate data used in this study are available in Supplementary Table 2. Forest cover data can be found at the following websites: Global Mangrove Watch v.3.0 (, MCD12Q1 land cover product ( and global forest change map ( ECOSTRESS evapotranspiration data can be accessed at Atmospheric CO2 concentration recorded by the Mauna Loa Observatory can be accessed at The GPP measurements in the three mangrove sites are available in Supplementary Table 1.

Code availability

The code used to analyse these data and generate the results presented in this study can be obtained from


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Yangfan Li is the main corresponding author of the study. Yangfan Li and Z.Z. acknowledge support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 42276232), the Internal Program of State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (Grant No. MELRI2205) and the China Scholarship Council (Grant No. 202106310079). X.L. acknowledges support from the Singapore Ministry of Education (Grant No. A-0003625-00-00) and the Singapore Energy Center core project (Grant No. A-8000179-00-00). D.A.F. thanks Michael and Mathilda Cochran for endowing the Cochran Family Professorship in Earth and Environmental Sciences at Tulane University. We thank N. Xu at Hohai University for his feedback on an earlier version of this work.

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Z.Z. conceptualized the study. Z.Z., X.L. and Yangfan Li designed the research. Z.Z. performed the analysis and drafted the initial manuscript. X.L. substantially revised the paper. D.A.F., S.W., Yi Li and Yangfan Li contributed to result interpretation and made substantial contributions to manuscript refinement.

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Correspondence to Xiangzhong Luo or Yangfan Li.

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Extended data

Extended Data Fig. 1 The correlation between NIRv and GPP at three mangrove flux sites.

The red lines give the fitted mean linear relationship between NIRv and GPP. Shading indicates the 95% confidence intervals estimated by bootstrapping (n = 1000). P values were determined through two-sided Pearson’s correlation significance test.

Extended Data Fig. 2 Temporal variations in NIRv of mangroves and EBFs and environmental factors in coastal grids.

a-e, Time variations in annual NIRv for mangroves and EBFs over the globe, America, Africa, Asia, and Oceania, respectively. NIRv are normalized by the long-term average. The dashed lines give the overall linear trend. The trend rates in the legend were computed from the Theil-Sen slope estimator. P values were determined through two-sided Mann-Kendall trend test. Shading indicates the 95% confidence intervals estimated by bootstrapping (n = 1000). f-j, Interannual fluctuances in annual detrended NIRv for mangroves and EBFs over the globe, America, Africa, Asia, and Oceania, respectively. The numbers in the legend indicate the coefficient of variation of each NIRv time series to reflect the interannual variability. k-o, Time variations in annual temperature, precipitation and sea-level anomaly for the coastal grids over the globe, America, Africa, Asia, and Oceania, respectively.

Extended Data Fig. 3 Time series of annual NIRv (a) and environmental factors (air temperature, precipitation, and sea-level anomaly) (b) in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia.

Temperature, precipitation and sea-level anomaly is from MERRA2, GPCP, and CMEMS datasets, respectively. Shaded areas show ±1 standard deviation of the mean.

Extended Data Fig. 4 The comparisons between mangroves and EBFs in their ecohydrological properties.

Differences in marginal biological water use fraction (∂Tc/∂P) (a) and marginal water use efficiency (MWUE) (b). All comparisons were performed under controlled geographical conditions using the two-sided paired t-test to eliminate spatial mismatch. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals estimated by bootstrapping (n = 1000), and the dots represent the average values.

Extended Data Fig. 5 eCO2-induced NIRv trends calculated using factorial simulation.

The right panels depict the latitudinal pattern of trends averaged per 1° latitude band.

Extended Data Fig. 6 Simulated NIRv trends for mangroves and EBFs, respectively.

a, Temperature-contributed NIRv trends. b, VPD-contributed NIRv trends. The right panels depict the latitudinal pattern of trends averaged per 1° latitude band.

Extended Data Fig. 7 Model performance in simulating observed difference in NIRv IAV and trend between mangroves and EBFs.

a,c, Comparison of ΔIAV between observed and simulated from climate forcing data 1 (a) and climate forcing data 2 (c). b,d, Comparison of Δtrend between observed and simulated from climate forcing data 1 (b) and climate forcing data 2 (d). Climate forcing data 1 represents factors from MERRA2, GPCP, and NOAA CarbonTracker CT2022 datasets. Climate forcing data 2 represents factors from ERA5, CHIRPS, TerraClimate and Mauna Loa observatory. Scatter refers to each paired coastal grid cell (n = 1475). The red shaded areas show 95% confidence intervals for the regression fits. P values were determined through one-sided F-test.

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Zhang, Z., Luo, X., Friess, D.A. et al. Stronger increases but greater variability in global mangrove productivity compared to that of adjacent terrestrial forests. Nat Ecol Evol 8, 239–250 (2024).

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