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A single-cell atlas of chromatin accessibility in mouse organogenesis

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Organogenesis is a highly complex and precisely regulated process. Here we profiled the chromatin accessibility in >350,000 cells derived from 13 mouse embryos at four developmental stages from embryonic day (E) 10.5 to E13.5 by SPATAC-seq in a single experiment. The resulting atlas revealed the status of 830,873 candidate cis-regulatory elements in 43 major cell types. By integrating the chromatin accessibility atlas with the previous transcriptomic dataset, we characterized cis-regulatory sequences and transcription factors associated with cell fate commitment, such as Nr5a2 in the development of gastrointestinal tract, which was preliminarily supported by the in vivo experiment in zebrafish. Finally, we integrated this atlas with the previous single-cell chromatin accessibility dataset from 13 adult mouse tissues to delineate the developmental stage-specific gene regulatory programmes within and across different cell types and identify potential molecular switches throughout lineage development. This comprehensive dataset provides a foundation for exploring transcriptional regulation in organogenesis.

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Fig. 1: The chromatin accessibility landscape of mouse organogenesis.
Fig. 2: Identification and characterization of candidate CREs in mouse organogenesis.
Fig. 3: Lineage-specific transcriptional regulators in mouse organogenesis.
Fig. 4: Molecular signatures of epithelial cells.
Fig. 5: Gene regulatory dynamics during myogenesis.
Fig. 6: Integrative analysis of adult and foetal single-cell chromatin accessibility atlases.
Fig. 7: Differential chromatin accessibility landscapes in adult and foetal mouse cell types.

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Data availability

All raw single-cell sequencing data and processed data, generated in this study, are available through the Gene Expression Omnibus under accession (GSE216371). There are no restrictions on data availability or use. The imaging figure in Fig. 4e,f and Extended Data Fig. 5, detailed cell annotation, metadata of MOPA cCREs, metadata of merged cCREs across foetal and adult stages and the results of motif enrichment analysis in cis-regulatory modules of Fig. 2j are available at FigShare ( The gene expression datasets of MOCA were downloaded from The gene expression datasets of MOCA with deeper sequencing (TOME) were downloaded from The scATAC-seq datasets of adult mice were downloaded from, and their coordinates were mapped using LiftOver ( to mm10 with default parameters. The reference in the file for LiftOver was downloaded from the UCSC genome browser ( The scATAC-seq datasets of early mouse organogenesis at E8.25 were downloaded from scRNA-seq datasets of the mouse cell atlas were downloaded via scRNA-seq datasets of Mus musculus were downloaded from Tabula Muris via scRNA-seq datasets of early mouse organogenesis at E8.25 were downloaded from ArrayExpress (Accession number: E-MTAB-6153). The Mouse Organogenesis Spatiotemporal Transcriptomic Atlas (MOSTA) datasets were downloaded from Source data are provided with this paper.

Code availability

The code used for the analysis is available in the GitHub repository (


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We thank C. Liu from the School of Medicine of Tsinghua University for helpful discussions and feedback. We thank Y. Dong from the School of Medicine of Tsinghua University for her kind assistance with embryo dissection. We thank R. Xu from the School of Medicine of Tsinghua University for his kind assistance in uploading Biwig files into UCSC’s genome browser. This work was supported by grants (grant no. 81972680 to X. Lan) from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, grants (grant no. 61020100119 to X. Lan) from Tsinghua University-Peking University Jointed Center for Life Science, a start-up fund for X. Lan from Tsinghua University-Peking University Joined Center for Life Science, and grants for K.S. from Awarded Center for Life Sciences ‘Excellent Grade Post-Doctoral Fellowship’ Tsinghua University.

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K.S. and X. Lan designed the experiments. K.S. and X. Liu performed the experiments. K.S. analysed the data. K.S. and X. Lan wrote the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Xun Lan.

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Extended data

Extended Data Fig. 1 Data quality of MOPA.

a-b, Sequencing fragment distributions across TSSs (a) and fragment size frequencies (b) of hepatocytes and definitive erythroid cells. c, Dot plot illustrating the TSS enrichment score vs unique nuclear fragments per cell in hepatocytes and definitive erythroid cells. Nuclei that TSS enrichment > 4 and > 1,000 fragments were selected for further analysis. The dot color represents the density in arbitrary units of points in the plot. d, Uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) visualization of single-nucleus chromatin accessibility of mouse organogenesis colored by doublet enrichment (estimated by demuxlet61), FRIP, number of unique fragments, and TSS enrichment score. e, UMAP showing the distribution of nuclei in each embryo of four developmental stages. f, Aggregate chromatin accessibility profiles for 43 main cell types at s Hba locus (left) and Hbb locus (right). g, Barplot showing the cell ratio of each cell type at each time point. h. Heatmaps of mean gene expression (left) or gene activity score (right) for the top 500 differentially expressed genes (selected from scRNA-seq) across 43 main cell types. Gene expression matrix derived from TOME dataset8. Each row represents a gene. Source numerical data are provided as source data.

Source data

Extended Data Fig. 2 The comparison between pseudo-cell and single-cell of MOCA as the reference of label transfer.

a, UMAP visualization of MOCA pseudo-cell data of 43 main cell types showing improved cell-type clustering (n = 400 pseudo-cells in each cell type), colored by cell-type assignment. Random sampling 5 cells in the same cell type from the MOCA dataset were aggregated to make one pseudo-cell (See Method). b, Uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) visualization of integrated results of subsampling cells from scATAC-seq (this study) and pseudocells from scRNA-seq (TOME) for the 43 major cell types (see Methods), colored by omics (right) and cell-type assignment (left). c, Violin plot showing the number of genes and unique molecular identifiers (UMIs) in raw single cells and pseudo-cells. d, Confusion matrix comparing the annotation of scATAC cells using marker genes in Fig. 1c and transferred labels of scATAC cells with the nearest scRNA-seq cell following the integration of the scATAC and raw MOCA single-cell dataset (up) or and pseudocell scRNA-seq dataset (bottom). Coloring indicates the proportion of cells mapping for a given pair. e, Density plot showing the distribution of predicted scores of each cell calculated by the label transfer algorithm in Seurat packages. Red and cyan dotted lines indicate the median predicted scores of pseudocell and single cell as a reference, respectively. Source numerical data are provided as source data.

Source data

Extended Data Fig. 3 The subtype annotations of epithelial cells by label transfer.

a, UMAP visualization of integrated results of cells from scATAC-seq (this study) and pseudocells from MOCA epithelial cells, colored by omics (left) and cell-type assignment (right). b, Aggregate chromatin accessibility profiles for 22 epithelial subtypes at several marker gene loci. c, Violin plot showing the expression of epithelial marker genes across 22 epithelial subtypes using an integrated gene expression matrix. d, Heatmap showing Pearson’s correlation coefficients between average gene activity scores and gene expression of the top 500 differentially expressed genes (selected from scRNA-seq) across 22 epithelial subtypes. Each row represents a cell type in scATAC-seq data, and each column represents a cell type in scRNA-seq data. e, Heatmaps of mean gene expression (left) or gene activity score (right) for the top 500 differentially expressed genes (selected from scRNA-seq) across 22 epithelial subtypes. Each row represents a gene. Source numerical data are provided as source data.

Source data

Extended Data Fig. 4 The subtype annotations of epithelial and endothelial cells by label transfer.

a, UMAP visualization of integrated results of cells from scATAC-seq (this study) and pseudocells from MOCA of endothelial cells, colored by omics (left) and cell-type assignment (right). b, UMAP visualization showing the enrichment of marker genes of several endothelial cell types. c, Heatmap showing Pearson’s correlation coefficients between average gene activity scores and gene expression of the top 500 differentially expressed genes (selected from scRNA-seq) across 10 subtypes of endothelial cells. Each row represents a cell type in scRNA-seq data and each column represents a cell type in scATAC-seq data. d, Heatmaps of mean gene expression (left) or gene activity score (right) for the top 500 differentially expressed genes (selected from scRNA-seq) across 10 subtypes of endothelial cells. Each row represents a gene. Source numerical data are provided as source data.

Source data

Extended Data Fig. 5 The enhancer activity validation of 14 accessible chromatin regions.

a, Genome browser tracks of aggregate chromatin accessibility profiles for 43 cell types at the Ryr2 locus. The red box represents the genomic position of the selected putative Ryr2 enhancer (ACR14). b, The mouse enhancer activity of 14 candidate ACRs in mid-gestation (E11.5) mouse embryos. Numbers of embryos with LacZ activity in the corresponding tissue over the total number of transgenic embryos screened are indicated. Source numerical data are provided as source data.

Source data

Extended Data Fig. 6 Supplemental analyses of lineage-specific transcriptional regulators in mouse organogenesis.

a, Hierarchical clustering of transcription factor (TF) motif based on Pearson correlation coefficients in average motif activity across 43 major cell types. b, TF footprints of several lineages or cell-type specific TF motifs in the 43 main cell types. The Tn5 insertion bias track is shown below. c, DNA binding-site motif of Klf family TFs from the CIS-BP database27. d, Violin plot showing the expression of Klf family genes across 43 main cell types using the scRNA-seq dataset of TOME9. e, UMAP showing the motif deviation scores of Klf family motifs. f, Violin plot showing the cognate gene expression of selected TF motifs in Fig. 3c across 43 major cell types in the TOME scRNA-seq dataset9. g, Spatial visualization of the expression of several lineages or cell-type specific genes from E10.5 to E13.5. Source numerical data are provided as source data.

Source data

Extended Data Fig. 7 Identification of key cCREs and TFs for distinct epithelial subtype.

a, UMAP visualization showing the motif deviation scores (first row) and integrated gene expression (second row) of several cell-type or lineage-specific TF motifs in epithelial cells. b, TF footprints of Trp63 and Grhl1 motifs across 22 subtypes of epithelial cells. The Tn5 insertion bias track is shown below. c, X–Y plots showing the RNA expression levels (x-axis) and the transcription factor (TF) motif enrichment Z-scores (mean values) (y-axis) for several cell-type specific TFs. d, Heatmap summary of cCRE-to-gene links (n = 73,104) at 50 kb resolution where chromatin accessibility is highly correlated with target gene expression. Shown on the left are Z scores for scATAC-seq peak accessibility and on the right are Z scores for scRNA-seq expression. e, Bar plot of enriched gene ontology (GO) terms using genes whose number of linked cCREs was greater than 5 in epithelial cells. The y-axis indicates the GO terms; the x-axis indicates the adjusted P-value (one-sided hypergeometric distribution test). f, HOMER motif analysis of the top transcription factor motif enriched in stomach epithelium linked cCREs (n = 913), endocrine epithelium-linked cCREs (n = 706) and intestinal epithelium-linked cCREs (n = 808), detected using HOMER enrichment analysis with the one-sided hypergeometric distribution test with no adjustment for multiple-hypothesis testing. Source numerical data are provided as source data.

Source data

Extended Data Fig. 8 The activity of Nr5a2 in zebrafish intestinal cells.

a-b, t-SNE projection of cells at 24 hours post fertilization (hpf; a) and 72 hpf (b) in zebrafish, colored by cell type annotation. LLP, Lateral line primordium; DN, Differentiating neurons; RPE, Retina pigmented epithelium; FP, Floor plate; Dien, Diencephalon; Telen, Telencephalon; P. arch, Pharyngeal arch; Epi, Epidermal; YSL, yolk syncytial layer; LP, Lateral plate. c, t-SNE projection of cells at 24 hpf (a) and 72 hpf (b) in zebrafish, colored by the gene activity scores or the motif activity score of Nr5a2. The cells in the green circles were zebrafish intestinal cells. d, DNA binding-site motif of mouse Nr5a2 from the CIS-BP database27 (left) and zebrafish nr5a2 from Baranasic, et al.58.

Extended Data Fig. 9 The definition of the trajectories of myogenesis.

a, UMAP visualization showing the enrichment of 14 myogenesis-related gene modules. A full list of genes in the module is from Cao, et al.8. b, Pseudotime representation of four potentially differential paths of myocytes. The line represents a double-spline fitted trajectory across pseudotime. c, Luciferase activities of 18 tested ACRs in C2C12 myoblast and C2C12 induced myotubes. The y-axis represents the fold change of normalized luciferase activity (Firefly/Renilla) over control. Each column represents the mean ± SD of three independent experiments (Paired two-sided Student’s t-test). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01. The exact P values of basic vector and ACR1-ACR18 are 1.00, 0.00965, 0.00895, 0.0116, 0.195, 0.0155, 0.0504, 0.221, 0.0181, 0.0839, 0.868, 0.0105, 0.100, 0.0106, 0.983, 0.298, 0.0602, 0.00600, 0.00749. Source numerical data are provided as source data.

Extended Data Fig. 10 Clustering analysis of sci-ATAC-seq data from 13 adult mouse tissues and embryos at E8.25.

a, t-SNE visualization of the atlas of single-cell chromatin accessibility of adult mouse across 13 different tissues, colored by cell types defined in Cusanovich, et al.20. (left) and tissues (right). b, UMAP visualization of the atlas of single-cell chromatin accessibility of mouse embryos at E8.25, colored by cell types defined in Pijuan-Sala, et al.7. c, UMAP visualization of 43,3345 nuclei from fetal and adult stages, split by life stage and colored 30 adult cell types defined in Cusanovich, et al.20. (first row) and 43 main fetal cell types (second row).

Supplementary information

Supplementary Information

Supplementary Notes 1–5 and Figs. 1–6.

Reporting Summary

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Supplementary Tables 1–10

Supplementary Table 1. SPATAC primers and barcodes for each stage in mouse organogenesis. Supplementary Table 2. Enhancer validation of 14 putative ACRs. Supplementary Table 3. The average of TF-motif activity score and gene expression matrix across 43 major cell types. Supplementary Table 4. The correlation between TF motif activity and TF gene expression across 43 major cell types. Supplementary Table 5. TF-motif activity matrix across 22 subtypes of epithelial cells. Supplementary Table 6. The correlation between TF motif activity and TF gene expression in epithelial cells. Supplementary Table 7. The cCREs-to-gene links in epithelial cells. Supplementary Table 8. The Pearson correlation coefficient between gene activity score versus gene expression in epithelial cells. Supplementary Table 9. The top 500 differentially expressed genes in epithelial cells. Supplementary Table 10. Primers used for myocyte enhancer validation.

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Sun, K., Liu, X. & Lan, X. A single-cell atlas of chromatin accessibility in mouse organogenesis. Nat Cell Biol 26, 1200–1211 (2024).

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