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Dormant tumour cells, their niches and the influence of immunity

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Despite increased focus on the clinical relevance of dormant metastatic disease, our understanding of dormant niches, mechanisms underlying emergence from dormancy, and the immune system’s role in this phenomenon, remains in its infancy. Here, we discuss key work that has shaped our current understanding of these topics. Because tumour dormancy provides a unique therapeutic window to prevent metastatic disease, we discuss on-going clinical trials and weigh the potential for immunotherapy to eradicate dormant disease.

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Fig. 1: Proposed mechanisms of quiescence and immune evasion in dormancy.
Fig. 2: Clinical trial design for the specific targeting of dormant disease.

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S.R.R. is funded in part by the NIH/NCI (R01 CA114536). C.M.G. is funded by the National Breast Cancer Coalition’s Artemis Project, an Era of Hope Award from the United States Department of Defence Breast Cancer Research Program (W841XWH-15-1-0201), the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (IIDRP-17-001), the W.M. Keck Foundation and the NIH/NCI (U54CA193461-01).

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Goddard, E.T., Bozic, I., Riddell, S.R. et al. Dormant tumour cells, their niches and the influence of immunity. Nat Cell Biol 20, 1240–1249 (2018).

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