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Deep mutational scanning and machine learning for the analysis of antimicrobial-peptide features driving membrane selectivity

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Many antimicrobial peptides directly disrupt bacterial membranes yet can also damage mammalian membranes. It is therefore central to their therapeutic use that rules governing the membrane selectivity of antimicrobial peptides be deciphered. However, this is difficult even for short peptides owing to the large combinatorial space of amino acid sequences. Here we describe a method for measuring the loss or maintenance of antimicrobial-peptide activity for thousands of peptide-sequence variants simultaneously, and its application to Protegrin-1, a potent yet toxic antimicrobial peptide, to determine the positional importance and flexibility of residues across its sequence while identifying variants with changes in membrane selectivity. More bacterially selective variants maintained a membrane-bound secondary structure while avoiding aromatic residues and cysteine pairs. A machine-learning model trained with our datasets accurately predicted membrane-specific activities for over 5.7 million Protegrin-1 variants, and identified one variant that showed substantially reduced toxicity and retention of activity in a mouse model of intraperitoneal infection. The high-throughput methodology may help elucidate sequence–structure–function relationships in antimicrobial peptides and inform the design of peptide-based synthetic drugs.

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Fig. 1: Protegrin-1 deep mutational SLAY predicts residue importance and flexibility.
Fig. 2: Changes in secondary structure correlate with Protegrin-1 lytic activity.
Fig. 3: Membrane selectivity is influenced by aromatics and loss of cysteine pairs.
Fig. 4: Protegrin-1 variants demonstrate strong specificity for bacterial membranes.
Fig. 5: Machine learning identifies mutational profiles promoting membrane specificity.
Fig. 6: Analysis of machine learning performance.

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Data availability

Raw sequencing data from dmSLAY are available from the SRA database under accession number PRJNA1022479. The raw and analysed datasets generated during the study are available for research purposes from the corresponding author on reasonable request. Source data for the figures are provided with this paper.

Code availability

Coding materials for sequence analysis and machine learning are available on GitHub at ref. 40 and ref. 41.


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We thank the Targeted Therapeutic Drug Discovery and Development Program at the University of Texas for access to circular dichroism training and equipment. The authors disclose support for the research described in this study from the National Institutes of Health (grant numbers AI125337, AI148419 and AI159203), the Welch Foundation (grant number F-2137), the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (grant number ADTRA1-17-C0008) and Tito’s Handmade Vodka.

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J.R.R., L.C.V., B.W.D. and C.O.W. conceptualized this work. J.R.R. and L.C.V. were responsible for methodology, investigation and data visualization. B.W.D. and C.O.W. supervised the work and acquired funding. J.R.R. wrote the original draft and L.C.V., B.W.D. and C.O.W. helped with editing.

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Correspondence to Bryan W. Davies.

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Nature Biomedical Engineering thanks Jian Ji and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work. Peer reviewer reports are available.

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Extended data

Extended Data Fig. 1 Protegin-1 dmSLAY library diversity and sequencing analysis.

a, an alanine scan performed on the native Protegrin-1 (PG-1.0) amino acid sequence showing antibacterial activity (MIC) in µg/ml. Reported MIC is the median of triplicate reactions. b, Chart of the sequence variance found within the Protegrin-1 dmSLAY library. The native Protegrin-1 sequence is shown at the top with mutations observed at each location within the library below. Amino acids are color coded by side chain similarity. Brackets represent where disulfide bonds are present. c, Principal Component Analysis of the overall induced and uninduced triplicate sample variance. d, ROC curve with different MIC cut offs for active and inactivity for log2-fold change cut off across a range of log2-fold change scores (L2FC).

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Extended Data Fig. 2 Selectivity of serine and histidine containing PG-1 variants.

a, Scatter plot of the log2-fold change in MIC versus %Hemolysis for dmSLAY active PG-1 variants from Fig. 3. Dotted line represents PG-1.0 selectivity score. b, Table showing the biochemical characteristics of serine and histidine containing Protegrin-1 variants from dmSLAY. MIC is the median of triplicate assays and %Hemolysis is the mean of triplicate assays. c, Bar chart showing the selectivity score of serine and histidine containing variants on a log2 scale. Residue changes are shown below. Brackets show where disulfide bonds are formed in the native structure.

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Extended Data Fig. 3 Comparing Protegrin-1 variant activity in mixed cultures.

a-d, Graphs of PG-1 (top left), PG-1.1 (bottom left), PG-1.20 (top right), and PG1-37 (bottom right) percentage of bacterial killing (green) and % hemolysis (purple) with 1 × 109 red blood cells (RBC), 1 × 106 E. coli W3110 cells (Bacteria) or both at various concentrations shown on a log2 scale. Each data point is the mean of triplicate reactions and error bars are one standard deviation.

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Extended Data Fig. 4 Training of machine learning models and specific attribute mutational profiles.

a, Precision and recall of for predicting PG-1 variants with an MIC > or < 8 µg/ml. b, predicted versus true hemolysis for trained and test data c, or predicted versus true log10-selectivity score. All models were trained on 80% of data and validated with 20%. Bottom panels: Mutational profiles of variants from 5.7 million candidates with a predicted MIC ≤ 8 µg/ml (a) % hemolysis ≤ 2 (b) or log10-Selectivity score ≤ 0.5 (c).

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Peer Review File


Machine-learning-identified Protegin-1 variants.

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Randall, J.R., Vieira, L.C., Wilke, C.O. et al. Deep mutational scanning and machine learning for the analysis of antimicrobial-peptide features driving membrane selectivity. Nat. Biomed. Eng 8, 842–853 (2024).

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