
Recent proteomic studies identified a group of novel multicomponent complexes named striatin (STRN)-interacting phosphatase and kinase (STRIPAK).1, 2, 3 STRIPAK complexes are evolutionarily conserved from fungi to human, and are involved in a variety of critical cellular process.4 Loss of function or dysregulation of STRIPAK components has been increasingly linked to many human diseases including cancer. In mammalian STRIPAK complexes, the STRN family proteins as B‴ regulatory subunits of serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) recruit PP2A catalytic subunit (C subunit, PP2Ac) via PP2A scaffold subunit (A subunit, PP2Aa) on the one hand, and members of germinal center kinase (GCK) family via adaptor molecules including cerebral cavernous malformations 3 (CCM3, also named PDCD10 and TFAR15) on the other hand (Figure 1a). Other major components of STRIPAK complexes include STRN-interacting protein 1/2 (STRIP1/2, also named FAM40A/B), sarcolemmal membrane-associated protein (SLMAP), tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 3 (TRAF3)-interacting protein 3 (TRAF3IP3, also known as T3JAM), suppressor of IKBKE 1 (SIKE1), fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1) oncogene partner 2 (FGFR1OP2), cortactin-binding protein 2 (CTTNBP2), CTTNBP2 N-terminal-like protein (CTTNBP2NL) and MOB4 (also known as phocein, MOB3 and MOBKL3). SLMAP/TRAF3IP3−SIKE1/FGFR1OP2 and CTTNBP2/CTTNBP2NL may form mutually exclusive complexes with STRNs via STRIP1/2.2 In this review, we summarize major components of STRIPAK complexes, as well as the topology and assembly of these complexes, and then focus on frontier advances regarding their function and mechanism mainly in a context of cell signaling and cancer.

Figure 1
figure 1

(a) A proposed model for the architecture of STRIPAK complexes. STRN proteins as a center mediate the association of phosphatase PP2A and GCK kinases via a series of adaptor proteins. (b) Domain organization of STRIPAK components. Abbreviations: ANK, ankyrin repeats; CaM, calmodulin; CC, coiled coil; DD, dimerization domain; FAT, focal adhesion targeting.

Major components and architecture of STRIPAK complexes

STRNs and PP2A

The human STRN family of proteins includes STRN, STRN3 (also named SG2NA) and STRN4 (also named zinedin). STRN is enriched in the central nervous system and STRN4 is mostly abundant in the brain and lung, whereas STRN3 is ubiquitously expressed in almost all tissues.5, 6, 7, 8, 9 STRNs share a conserved caveolin (CAV)-binding region, a coiled-coil domain, a calmodulin-binding region, a CCM3-binding region and a C-terminal WD40-repeat domain (Figure 1b).5, 9, 10, 11, 12 The CAV-binding domain of STRNs can directly interact with the structural components of caveolae CAVs, which regulate signal transduction via binding to signaling molecules such as endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS).13, 14 STRNs might be recruited to membrane compartments by CAVs and engaged in the modulation of nuclear receptors (NRs).15 The calmodulin-binding region of STRNs can directly interact with calmodulin in a calcium-dependent manner.5, 16 Downregulation of STRN impairs the growth of dendrites in cultured motoneurons.17 As dendritic spines are abundant in calcium, it is likely that STRNs are involved in the regulation of dendritic calcium signaling and the development of neuron. The CCM3-binding region of STRNs can directly interact with CCM3, a binding partner of GCKIII kinases. The WD40-repeat domain of STRNs contain seven WD40 repeats, which mainly mediate protein–protein interactions.18 Potential binding partners for the WD40-repeat domain of STRNs include MOB4 and adenomatous polyposis coli protein.19, 20 STRN and adenomatous polyposis coli, a multifunctional protein governing cellular behavior and function,21 colocalized at cell–cell tight junctions in epithelial cells and their colocalization are dependent on each other.20

PP2A holoenzyme is a heterotrimeric complex composed of a catalytic subunit (PP2Ac), a scaffold subunit (PP2Aa) and a regulatory subunit.22 The PP2Aa subunit mediates the interaction between PP2Ac and various regulatory subunits that determine substrate specificity. The regulatory subunits can be divided into four families: B (also known as B55 or PR55), B′ (also known as B56 or PR61), B″ (including PR48/PR72/PR130/G5PR) and B‴ (also known as PR93/PR110). STRNs were identified as B‴ subunits of PP2A, which could activate PP2Aa/c to dephosphorylate histone H1.23 The coiled-coil domain of STRNs forms an asymmetric homodimer that directly binds to two PP2Aa subunits in a side-by-side manner.12, 19, 24 Thus, STRNs can form a PP2A holoenzyme with PP2Aa and PP2Ac, with a stoichiometry of 2:2:2 (PP2Aa:PP2Ac:STRNs).

GCKII kinases and RASSFs

The GCKII kinases are key components of the Hippo pathway and have important roles in development and tissue homeostasis.25 Mammalian GCKII subfamily contains two kinases: MST1 (also named STK4) and MST2 (also named STK3). Both MST1 and MST2 contain a highly conserved N-terminal kinase domain and a C-terminal SARAH (Sav/Rassf/Hpo) domain that is also shared by salvador homolog 1 (SAV1, also known as WW45) and Ras association domain-containing protein (RASSF) 1–6 (Figure 1b). The SARAH domain mediates homo- or heterodimerization of MST1/2, SAV1 and RASSFs.26 SAV1 can bind to MST1/2 to facilitate the activation of Hippo signaling.

The RASSF family contains 10 members, namely RASSF1–10, all of which have a conserved Ras association domain.27 Unlike RASSF1–6, RASSF7–10 are named N-terminal RASSF proteins because of the lack of a SARAH domain.28 Most RASSFs function as tumor suppressors that inhibit cell growth and promote apoptosis. In multiple tumors, methylation of the promoter regions were observed for RASSFs with their expression decreased. RASSF1, RASSF5 and RASSF6 suppress MST1 autophosphorylation and RASSF5 may recruit MST1 to the plasma membrane during Ras-induced apoptosis.29, 30, 31 Meanwhile, RASSF1A may stabilize MST1/2 and enhance their activities to promote Fas ligation-induced apoptosis or regulate mitosis.32, 33, 34 RASSF2 is also reported to stabilize and activate MST2.35, 36 Therefore, the influence of RASSFs on MST1/2 function may be spatiotemporally regulated depending on specific cellular context.

GCKIII kinases and CCM3

GCKIII kinases include MST3 (also named STK24), MST4 (also named STK26 and MASK) and sterile 20/oxidant stress-response kinase 1 (YSK1, also named STK25 and SOK1). GCKIII kinases share conserved N-terminal kinase domain and C-terminal dimerization domain with a linker region in between. GCKIII kinases have been implicated in multiple biological processes including cell growth, proliferation, migration, polarity, apoptosis and cell cycle progression.37 For example, an epidermal growth factor receptor agonist EGF can activate MST4 in prostate tumor cell lines.38 Knockdown of Drosophila GckIII or Cka (homolog of STRNs in Drosophila) partially suppressed ectopic wing veins caused by the epidermal growth factor receptor gain-of-function, suggesting that the GCKIII kinases are involved in epidermal growth factor receptor signaling.39, 40 The liver kinase B1 (LKB1) activator MO25 (also called CAB39) can markedly enhance the activity of GCKIII kinases, whereas phosphatases in the STRIPAK complex such as PP2A may negatively regulate their activities.19, 41, 42

CCM3 was firstly identified as a cell death-related gene.43 Further studies found that similar to CCM1 and CCM2, loss-of-function mutations in CCM3 are also associated with CCMs, which are vascular lesions histologically characterized by abnormally enlarged capillary cavities without intervening brain parenchyma.44 CCM3 is composed of an N-terminal dimerization domain similar to that of GCKIII and a C-terminal focal adhesion targeting homology domain.45 Thus CCM3 can form a homodimer or heterodimer with GCKIII kinases.46, 47 STRNs, CCM2 or paxillin can directly interact with the focal adhesion targeting homology domain of CCM3 via a conserved binding mode, suggesting that CCM1–CCM2–CCM3- and CCM3-containing STRIPAK complexes are mutually exclusive.12 A primary function of CCM3 in STRIPAK complexes is to act as a molecular bridge recruiting GCKIII kinases to STRNs. Meanwhile, the GCKIII family member MST4 has been shown to localize preferentially to Golgi apparatus in CCM3-depleted HeLa cells, but mainly retain in the cytosol when STRNs are depleted, suggesting that CCM3 and STRNs have different effects on the subcellular localization of GCKIII kinases.12 We and others have found that MST4 acts together with MO25 to promote apoptosis of HEK293T cells,42 but cooperates with CCM3 to enhance proliferation of HeLa cells,48 suggesting the differential functions of GCKIII kinases dependent on a specific partner and cellular context.


MOB4 belongs to MOB family of proteins but shows lower sequence similarity with other members of the family. MOB4 was identified as a STRN/PP2Ac-binding protein and was highly expressed in the adrenal gland and central nervous system.49, 50 Similar to STRN, MOB4 is also enriched in dendritic spines where it associates with nucleoside diphosphate kinase, epidermal growth factor receptor substrate 15 and dynamin-1, all of which are involved in endocytosis and vesicular trafficking.51, 52, 53, 54

MOB4 undergoes phosphorylation under physiological condition, which can be enhanced by treatment of cells using PP2A inhibitor okadaic acid. Owing to the presence of GCK kinases in STRIPAK complexes, MOB4, as well as STRNs, could be phosphorylated by GCK kinases. Yet, at this point, it remains to be further investigated whether MOB4 is a physiological substrate of GCKIII kinases, and if so what is the functional consequence. Other MOB proteins such as MOB1 can be phosphorylated by upstream kinases and then activate downstream nuclear DBF2-related kinase/large tumor suppressor (LATS) family kinases in signaling transduction.55 Nuclear DBF2-related kinase 1/2 kinases have been identified as substrates of MST3, which may regulate cell cycle progression.56, 57 Moreover, Drosophila Mob4 is involved in spindle focusing.58 Therefore, MOB4 perhaps also uses similar manner as does MOB1 to recruit and activate nuclear DBF2-related kinase or nuclear DBF2-related kinase-like kinases.


STRIP1 and STRIP2 were identified as regulators of cell morphology and cytoskeletal organization.59 STRIP1/2 proteins contain two conserved domains, N1221 and DUF3402. The biological function of both domains is yet to be defined. Depletion of STRIP1 in PC3 prostate carcinoma cells led to flatter phenotype with an increase in F-actin-rich lamellae around the cell periphery and broad lamellipodium, whereas loss of STRIP2 caused an elongated phenotype with very long thin protrusions containing microtubules. In contrast to STRIP2-depleted PC3 cells, HeLa cells depleted of STRIP2 did not display elongated phenotype, but had reduced cell–cell adhesions. Therefore, STRIP1/2 may function in a cellular context-dependent manner. Either knockdown or overexpression of STRIP1 reduced PC3 cell area, indicating that STRIP1 levels are critical for cell spreading. However, knockdown of STRIP1 or STRIP2 did not significantly influence migration of PC3 cells into scratch wounds. Knockdown of STRIP2 in differentiating mouse embryoid bodies caused increased transcription of pluripotency factors and epigenetic factors.60 STRIP2-depleted mouse embryonic stem cells lost the ability of differentiation into functional cardiomyocytes. The indispensable role of STRIP2 for lineage commitment of mouse embryonic stem cells is mechanistically related to pluripotency and epigenetic networks as well as to cytoskeleton dynamics.

In Drosophila, Strip regulates neural development together with dynein regulator Glued (Gl) and Sprint (Spri), a guanine nucleotide exchange factor of small GTPase Rab5.61 In this process, Strip and Gl are involved in clustering of early endosome organization, whereas Strip and Spri regulate fusion via activating Rab5. Strip-depleted neuroblast was defective in neuronal guidance and targeting, whereas Strip-deficient projection neurons were defective in axon elongation and dendrite branching. Knockdown of Strip1 or Rab5 in mouse cerebral cortex at E14 also caused defect in neuron migration.


SLMAP is a tail-anchored membrane protein possessing one of two alternative-splicing-generated mutually exclusive transmembrane domains (TM1/2 or TA1/2), which target it to different membrane compartments including endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondrion and nuclear membrane.62, 63, 64, 65 Besides the TM domain, SLMAP contains an N-terminal forkhead-associated (FHA) domain, which is classically known to recognize phosphopeptide present in many regulatory proteins. Between the TM and FHA domains, there are multiple regions of coiled coil, which could mediate homodimerization of SLMAP. The FHA domain of SLMAP is required for its centrosomal localization.66 Overexpression of SLMAP with a truncation of the FHA domain suppressed cell proliferation, leading to increased number of cells at the G2/M phase of cell cycle.

There are multiple isoforms of SLMAP because of alternative splicing.62 The expression and distribution of SLMAP isoforms are highly regulated in distinct biological processes of development. For example, the ~90 kDa isoform of SLMAP was detected in both proliferating myoblasts and differentiated myotubes with a relatively constant level, whereas the ~80 kDa isoform was expressed only during myoblast differentiation.67 Alteration of the expression level or mutations of SLMAP has been associated with diseases that occurred in the heart and muscle. For instance, the expression of SLMAP was increased in group I leiomyosarcoma, a malignant smooth muscle tumor, and identified as an immunohistochemistry marker.68, 69 Two mutations of SLMAP V269I and E710A were found in patients with Brugada syndrome, a cardiac channelopathy.70


TRAF3IP3 was initially identified as a TRAF3-interacting protein.71 TRAF3IP3 is a paralog of SLMAP, which also contains several coiled-coil regions and a C-terminal TM domain. Instead of an FHA domain observed for SLMAP, the N terminus of TRAF3IP3 is a region with uncharacterized structure and function. TRAF3IP3 can associate with autophagy-related protein 16-1 via its potential autophagy-related protein 16-1-binding motif (318-WRSQYEALKEDWRTL-332) and the WD domain of autophagy-related protein 16-1.72 TRAF3IP3 is abundant in the bone marrow, spleen and thymus.71 Recently, TRAF3IP3 has been reported to have a critical role in the development of T and B cells through the regulation of autophagy and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) kinase (MEK) signaling.73, 74


SIKE1 contains three-coiled-coil domains, and is widely expressed in many human tissues, mostly abundant in the brain, heart, kidney and placenta.75 Upon poly(I:C) and vesicular stomatitis virus stimulation, SIKE1 associates with kinases inhibitor of nuclear factor-κB kinase subunit ɛ and TANK-binding kinase 1 via their coiled coils. SIKE1 also functions as a substrate of nuclear factor-κB kinase subunit epsilon and TANK-binding kinase 1 to suppress the phosphorylation of transcription factor interferon regulatory factor 3, thus negatively regulating Toll-like receptor 3 and retinoic acid-inducible gene I signaling.75, 76 Expression of SIKE1 was elevated in chronic hepatitis C cells, indicating that hepatitis C virus may use SIKE1 to inhibit anti-viral response and escape host defense.77 SIKE1, together with CXCL12 and miR-146a-5p, has been implicated in the regulation of mesenchymal stem cell proliferation and migration.78


FGFR1OP2 is a paralog of SIKE1, which also includes three-coiled-coil domains. It was initially found that the expression of FGFR1OP2 is robustly enhanced in oral mucosa undergoing tooth extraction wound healing.79 FGFR1OP2 is indispensible for collagen gel contraction of oral wound fibroblasts and oral wound closure.80, 81 Several SNPs of FGFR1OP2 were detected in patients with long-term atrophy of edentulous mandible.82, 83 Lately, FGFR1OP2 has been identified as a potential oncogene in non-small-cell lung cancer.84 A fusion protein FGFR1OP2-FGFR1 was found in patients with 8p11 myeloproliferative syndrome, an aggressive hematological malignancy.85 It is most likely that FGFR1OP2 can form homodimer via its coiled-coil domains. Thus, similar to other FGFR1 fusion partners such as zinc-finger protein 198 (also known as ZMYM2), the fusion of FGFR1OP2 to FGFR, may lead to forced dimerization and ligand-independent spontaneous activation of FGFR1, which is a major trigger of 8p11 myeloproliferative syndrome.86, 87, 88


The N-terminal region of CTTNBP2 contains a coiled-coil region and a cortactin-binding proline-rich region, both of which are conserved in CTTNBP2NL. There are six ankyrin repeats in the middle region of CTTNBP2, while the C-terminal region is largely uncharacterized. CTTNBP2NL, as the name suggests, lacks the middle and C-terminal parts observed for CTTNBP2. As a cortactin-binding protein, CTTNBP2 can interact with cortactin via its proline-rich region and the SH3 domain of cortactin.89 CTTNBP2 is expressed in the brain, kidney and pancreas, whereas CTTNBP2NL is expressed in the skin, lung and spleen.89, 90, 91 CTTNBP2 is methylated in prostate cancer cell line LNCaP, but not in primary prostate cells PrEC, suggesting that the expression of CTTNBP2 is altered in prostate cancer.92 Deletion of CTTNBP2NL gene was also detected in oral squamous cell carcinoma by array-based comparative genomic hybridization, but its association with oral squamous cell carcinoma should be further investigated.93

STRIPAK complexes and Hippo pathway

The highly conserved Hippo pathway has a key role in organ size control and tissue homeostasis.25, 26, 94, 95 Dysregulation of the Hippo pathway may result in developmental defect and cancer. The core of Hippo pathway is a kinase cascade. GCKII kinases MST1/2 (Hippo or Hpo in Drosopila) phosphorylate MOB1 (Mats or Mob1 in Drosophila) – LATS1/2 (Warts or Wts in Drosopila) complex together with SAV1 (salvador or Sav in Drosopila) (Figure 2). Activated LATS1/2 or Wts further phosphorylates transcriptional coactivator Yes-associated protein (YAP)/transcriptional coactivator with PDZ-binding motif (TAZ) or Yorkie (Yki) to promote their cytoplasmic retention and degradation. When Hippo signaling is absent, YAP/TAZ or Yki translocate into the nucleus, where it binds TEA domain family member 1–4 or scalloped to form a hybrid transcriptional factor and regulate target gene transcription. Therefore, the Hippo kinase cascade functions as a tumor suppressor to control the oncogenic activity of YAP/TAZ. Elevated expression and nuclear localization of YAP are closely associated with tumorigenesis. Meanwhile, YAP/TAZ is also important for self-renewal and expansion of stem cell and progenitor cell, which have pivotal roles in tissue repair and regeneration. Recently, we and others have revealed nuclear regulation of Hippo pathway by identification of VGLL4 as a natural YAP antagonist.96, 97, 98, 99

Figure 2
figure 2

STRIPAK complexes and Hippo signaling. STRIPAK complexes negatively regulate Hippo signaling via decreasing the phosphorylation of MST1/2 or Hpo, causing the activation of YAP/TAZ–TEA domain family members (TEADs) or Yki–scalloped (Sd) and promoting cell proliferation.

MST1/2 kinases are not only the central kinase of Hippo pathway but also are the critical components of certain types of STRIPAK complexes.3, 100, 101 Thus, it is conceivable that STRIPAK complex would directly regulate Hippo signaling. On the one hand, the phosphatase component of the STRIPAK complex may negatively regulate the kinase activity of MST1/2 in the Hippo pathway.102 On the other hand, components other than phosphatase in the STRIPAK complex may also have a role in tuning the activity of Hippo signaling. Indeed, in a small interfering RNA screen study in HEK293T cells, knockdown of TRAF3IP3, a component of the STRIPAK complex, significantly enhanced the levels of YAP protein and phosphorylated YAP, as well as YAP reporter activity.103

In Drosophila, Hpo and dRassf associate with Drosphila STRIPAK components Cka, Mts (homolog of PP2Ac in Drosophila), Fgfr1op2 and Mob4.3 dRassf may mediate the interaction between Hpo and STRIPAK complex. dRassf, Cka and Mts can inhibit Hpo activation and therefore promote Yki phosphorylation. Mechanistically, dRassf antagonizes Hpo function possibly by competing with Sav for binding Hpo.104 Loss of several STRIPAK components including Cka, Mob4, Fgfr1op2, Ccm3, Strip and Slmap suppressed the Hpo-depletion-induced overgrowth phenotype in Drosophila wing. In human STRIPAK complex, SLMAP and RASSF3 might link MST1/2 kinases to the scaffold STRNs.100, 101 It is reported that SLMAP associates with MST1/2 in a phosphorylation-dependent manner. Further biochemical and structural studies are required to define the precise mechanism of MST1/2 recruitment and the assembly of the MST1/2-SLMAP subcomplex.

Recently, the tumor suppressor LKB1 has been linked with Hippo-YAP signaling cascade.103 As LKB1 is also known able to act together with MST4, a GCKIII kinase and a component of the STRIPAK complex, in the control of intestinal cell polarity and brush border formation,105, 106 thus it would be intriguing to speculate that LKB1 may cooperate with different kinase components of STRIPAK complexes to form a signaling network during its cross-talk with Hippo pathway. Given that the LKB1 substrate 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase can directly phosphorylate YAP and regulate its activity in parallel with MST1/2–LATS1/2 (Hpo–Wts) kinase cascade,107, 108 it is also possible that STRIPAK complexes could have a role in the differential control of such signaling network.

STRIPAK complexes and MAPK pathway

MAPK signaling regulates a variety of cellular processes in response to distinct stimuli including hormones, growth factors, cytokines, other G-protein-coupled receptors ligands, pathogen-associated molecular patterns, danger-associated molecular patterns and environmental stresses.109, 110 The three-tiered ‘core signaling module’ of MAPK pathway is composed of MAPK kinase kinases (MAPKKKs), MAPK kinases and MAPKs.109 Activated MAPKKKs by stimulus phosphorylates MAPK kinase, which in turn phosphorylates and activates MAPKs. MAPK can be divided into three major groups, ERK, c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and p38. ERK is activated by Ras-dependent manner in response to insulin and mitogen, and also by Ras-independent manner in response to proinflammatory stimuli, pathogen-associated molecular patterns and danger-associated molecular patterns. JNK and p38 can be activated by environmental stresses, proinflammatory cytokines, pathogen-associated molecular patterns and danger-associated molecular patterns. JNK is also activated by growth factors.

Multiple evidences support the notion that STRIPAK complexes participate in the regulation of MAPK signaling (Figure 3). GCK family members are the kinases of MAPKKKs and are so-called MAP4Ks.111 Therefore, GCKs might directly activate MAPKKKs. For example, the STRIPAK kinase MST4 together with its adaptor CCM3 can enhance MEK1-dependent ERK activation to promote cell growth and transformation.48, 112 In this regard, MST4 that is highly expressed in multiple cancer cell lines and tumors can promote prostate cancer cell growth in vitro and in vivo.38, 113, 114 MST4 also accelerates hepatocellular carcinoma proliferation, invasion and epithelial–mesenchymal transition in vitro.113 Recently, a novel microRNA, miR-4728-3p found within an intron of the ERBB2 gene, directly targets MST4 and thus modulates ERK activation to inhibit tumor growth in vitro and in a xenograft model.115 Under hypoxia, MST4 protects pituitary cell from death and enhances proliferation and colony formation of pituitary gonadotrope cells through activating p38 and RAC-alpha serine/threonine-protein kinase (AKT).114 Under oxidative stress, MST3 inhibits JNK activation to promote cell death.116 In Drosophila, GckIII is required for wing development via activating ERK.39

Figure 3
figure 3

STRIPAK complexes and MAPK and nongenomic NR signaling. GCK kinases as MAP4K activate MAPK pathway. STRNs and CAV recruit ER, Gαi and eNOS to forming a signaling complex, mediating nongenomic effects. Abbreviation: PI3K, phosphoinositide-3-kinase.

In addition to GCKs, other STRIPAK components have also been implicated in MAPK signaling. Cka activates Drosophila JNK pathway to function in embryonic dorsal closure and apoptosis in wing imaginal disk.117 Knockdown of Cka lead to decreased MAPK activity and expression of Ras–MAPK target genes, resulting in defective eye development.40, 118 Consistently, depletion of STRN or STRN3 reduced ERK phosphorylation in human HEK293T cells. Depletion of other STRIPAK components such as Strip, Slmap, Fgfr1op2 and Mob4 also led to compromised MAPK activation.118 Besides its effects on the development of T and B cells via regulating MEK signaling, TRAF3IP3 also promotes growth of HEK293T cells by enhancing JNK-dependent Elk-1 activation possibly through binding TRAF3.71, 73, 74, 119

STRIPAK complexes and nongenomic NR pathway

NRs translocate from the cytosol into the nucleus to regulate gene expression when sensing steroid and thyroid hormones, which is called genomic NR signaling. This genomic response occurs several hours and even days after hormones’ entry into cells. Meanwhile, NRs also function in a rapid-and-nongenomic manner even seconds after sensing hormones, a process not involving the transcriptional activity of NRs.120

In vascular endothelial cells, estradiol activates ERK/MAPK and phosphoinositide-3-kinase–AKT pathways and ultimately leads to the phosphorylation of eNOS. Estrogen receptors (ERs) and Gαi also participate in this process, during which they form a signaling complex with eNOS in the caveolae (Figure 3).15 STRN acts as a scaffolding to interact with ER, Gαi and eNOS, which is important for the assembly of this signaling complex. Disrupting the association between STRN and ER impairs estradiol-induced activation of MAPK and AKT, as well as phosphorylation of eNOS in vitro and in vivo. Studies on a transgenic mouse model overexpressing the peptide that blocks the ER–STRN association suggested that STRN-related nongenomic ER signaling is required for the protective effects of estrogen against vascular injury.121 Moreover, the estradiol-induced eNOS phosphorylation is further augmented by aldosterone, which promotes STRN expression.122, 123 Aldosterone also stimulates rapid phosphorylation of ERK through mineralocorticoid receptor in endothelial cells in an STRN-dependent manner. Caveolae component CAV1 mediates mineralocorticoid receptor binding to STRN, indicating that STRN and CAV have important roles in assembling the nongenomic NR signaling complex. Given that both STRNs and GCKIII kinases are involved in the regulation of MAPK and AKT, it is also possible that the STRIPAK complex as a whole may participate in nongenomic NR signaling.

STRIPAK complexes and cytoskeleton remodeling

Cytoskeleton exists as a delicate and dynamic network, which not only controls cell shape, architecture and motility but also mediates communication of the cell with external environment.124 Actin filaments, microtubules and intermediate filaments are three major types of cytoskeletal building blocks. Actin filaments support filopodial protrusions and the leading edge of motile cells to generate force required for cell shape change. Microtubules are essential for cell migration, mitotic spindle formation and generation of cilia and flagella. STRIPAK components STRN and CTTNBP2 are associated with microtubule dynamics. Knockdown of STRN leads to depolymerization of microtubules and inhibition of cell proliferation.125 CTTNBP2 associates with distinct cytoskeleton molecules and colocalizes with microtubule and F-actin, respectively, in premature and mature hippocampal neurons.126, 127 CTTNBP2 associates with microtubule to increase microtubule stability. Loss of CTTNBP2 reduces the density and width of dendritic spines and attenuates the electrophysiological response of neurons in hippocampal neurons. Disruption of the interaction between CTTNBP2 and cortactin, a protein involved in tumor invasion and metastasis,128 also decreases the density of dendritic spines.

In addition to STRN and CTTNBP2, multiple kinases of STRIPAK complexes have been implicated in cytoskeleton remodeling often through phosphorylation of ERM (Ezrin, Radixin and Moesin) proteins (Figure 4). As key players in development, ERM proteins can regulate many signaling pathways such as RhoA and Hedgehog.129 Ezrin is an actin-binding protein that links actin cytoskeleton to the plasma membrane. Intestinal brush border is the actin-supported microvilli-covered apical surface of polarized epithelial cells.130 During brush border formation, LKB1 is activated by the pseudokinase STRAD and the scaffold protein MO25, resulting in translocation of MST4 to apical domain, where it phosphorylates and activates Ezrin.106 CCM3 mediates the phosphorylation of ERM proteins by MST4 to protect cells from oxidative stress-induced apoptosis.131 In addition, STRIPAK kinases MST3 and YSK1 can phosphorylate Moesin, and together with CCM3, these kinases can inhibit RhoA activity and actin stress fiber formation to regulate endothelial cell junctions.132 Considering their membrane localization,133 other STRIPAK components might also participate in these processes by modulating the recruitment of GCKIIIs to membrane compartment.

Figure 4
figure 4

STRIPAK complexes and cytoskeleton remodeling. GCKIII kinases are recruited by CCM3 to sites of actomyosin contraction and promote the colocalization of contractile actomyosin machinery (phosphorylated myosin regulatory light chain 2 (MLC2)) and actin-plasma linkage (phosphorylated ERM) by phosphorylating PPP1R14A–D and inhibiting protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) activity, promoting tumor cell migration and metastasis. STRNs and STRIP1 suppress activity of MST3 and MST4 to regulate negatively this process, which is antagonized by STRIP2 isoform 2. Abbreviations: MLCK, myosin light chain kinase; ROCK, Rho-associated protein kinase.

Cell migration is a central process for the development and physiology of multicellular organisms and is tightly associated with the dynamics of actin cytoskeleton.134, 135 Membrane blebs are one of several ways for cell migration. The actomyosin contractility enhances hydrostatic pressure, resulting in weakened association of actin cortex and plasma membrane, which generates membrane blebs and pushes membrane forward.136 Phosphorylation of myosin regulatory light chain 2 (also named MYL9) by many kinases including myosin light chain kinase and Rho-associated protein kinase induces actomyosin contractility (Figure 4).137 Protein phosphatase 1 dephosphorylates myosin regulatory light chain 2 and negatively regulates actomyosin contractility. STRIPAK kinases MST3 and MST4 can be recruited by CCM3 to sites of actomyosin contraction and promote the colocalization of contractile actomyosin machinery and actin-plasma linkage by phosphorylating protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 14A–D (PPP1R14A–D), the inhibitors of protein phosphatase 1-β catalytic subunit.138 This colocalization benefits cancer cell migration in confined environment, promoting cancer metastasis. In contrast, other STRIPAK components including STRNs and STRIP1 appear to suppress the activity of MST3/4 kinases to regulate negatively this process. Moreover, STRIP2 has two isoforms that have different roles in cell migration. The isoform 1 of STRIP2 can bind PP2Ac like STRIP1, whereas the isoform 2 lacks a C-terminal region present in isoform 1 and does not bind PP2Ac. It was suggested that the isoform 2 of STRIP2 promotes three-dimensional cell migration and cancer metastasis likely through antagonizing the function of STRIP1 and the isoform 1 of STRIP2. Consistent with its role in cancer cell migration, STRIP2 undergoes more amplification and mutation in multiple tumor samples when compared with STRIP1. Meanwhile, the expression of MST3, MST4 and CCM3 is elevated in more aggressive breast cancer subtypes and their overexpression correlates with poor prognosis.138


STRIPAK complexes have critical roles in tumorigenesis and metastasis, whereas new functions of these complexes are increasingly uncovered during past several years. Growing evidence indicate that in addition to GCKII and GCKIII kinases, the GCKIV members misshapen-like kinase 1, TRAF2 and NCK-interacting protein kinase and MAP4K4 may also associate with STRN4 of STRIPAK complexes.139 Meanwhile, other STRIPAK components such as STRIP1/2 and SLMAP are also identified as misshapen-like kinase 1-associating proteins. Misshapen-like kinase 1 and STRN4 together regulate cytokinesis after mitosis, in which STRN4 may negatively regulate misshapen-like kinase 1 activity. Similar to yeast STRIPAK complex, the mammalian STRIPAK complexes are implicated in cell cycle regulation.133 The dysregulation of mitosis is tightly associated with tumorigenesis. STRNs and STRIP1/2, as well as GCKIIIs,140 localize at the Golgi. SLMAP exists in the outer nuclear envelope during interphase but concentrates on centrosome during mitosis. Knockdown of STRIPAK component such as STRN3, STRIP1, SLMAP or MOB4 results in mitosis failure. Thus, STRIPAK complexes may link nuclear envelope, centrosome and Golgi during mitosis, which is required for proper cell cycle progression.

It appears that the biological roles of STRIPAK complexes are even more diversified than initially expected. For example, a recent study revealed that STRIPAK complexes may control the phosphorylation and transcriptional activity of circadian locomotor output cycles protein kaput in the Drosophila circadian clock.141 In Caenorhabditis elegans, STRIPAK may regulate tube extension involving cell division control protein 42 signaling.142 Meanwhile, dysregulation or mutation of STRIPAK components has been frequently linked to various diseases. Therefore, the activity of STRIPAK components and the related protein–protein interaction could be promising targets for drug development. For instance, targeting MST3 and MST4 kinase activity or their association with the activator MO25 would suppress cancer cell migration and metastasis. Several groups have screened chemical compounds directly inhibiting MST3 or MST4 activity, but their specificity and physiological activity need to be further examined.143, 144 Owing to the inhibitory role of STRIPAK in Hippo signaling, therapeutic targeting of STRIPAK complexes might also benefit cancer patients.

Despite considerable recent progresses on the understanding of STRIPAK complexes, there are still a great deal of questions and puzzles to be addressed. Currently, the overall architecture and assembly of STRIPAK complexes remain largely unknown. It is not clear which types of STRIPAK complexes or subcomplexes are involved in a specific biological process and how these complexes are regulated. Particularly, the molecular mechanism through which STRIPAK complexes regulate distinct cellular signaling pathways is poorly defined, which impedes rational targeting of STRIPAK for disease treatment. Apparently, further studies are required to define in-depth their regulatory machineries in certain physiological and/or pathological settings. Finally, the biological functions of the STRIPAK complexes studied to date are mostly based on the functions of their individual components. Future efforts should be directed towards understanding the role of STRIPAK complexes as a whole in various signaling.