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Eukaryotic ribosome assembly, transport and quality control

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Eukaryotic ribosome synthesis is a complex, energy-consuming process that takes place across the nucleolus, nucleoplasm and cytoplasm and requires more than 200 conserved assembly factors. Here, we discuss mechanisms by which the ribosome assembly and nucleocytoplasmic transport machineries collaborate to produce functional ribosomes. We also highlight recent cryo-EM studies that provided unprecedented snapshots of ribosomes during assembly and quality control.

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Figure 1: Pre-rRNA processing pathway.
Figure 2: Targeting r proteins to assembling preribosomes.
Figure 3: 90S pre-ribosome assembly.
Figure 4: Nuclear pre-60S assembly.
Figure 5: Cytoplasmic quality control of the pre-60S subunit.
Figure 6: Cytoplasmic quality control of the pre-40S subunit.

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We apologize to those authors whose work has not been cited due to space limitations. We thank S. Gerhardy and P. Nerurkar for help with figure preparation. V.G.P. is supported by grants from the Swiss National Science Foundation, NCCR RNA & Disease, Novartis Foundation, and Olga Mayenfisch Stiftung and a Starting Grant Award from the European Research Council (EURIBIO260676). E.H. is supported by grants from the German Research Council (DFG; HU363/15-1, HU363/12-1).

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Peña, C., Hurt, E. & Panse, V. Eukaryotic ribosome assembly, transport and quality control. Nat Struct Mol Biol 24, 689–699 (2017).

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