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Updating osteoimmunology: regulation of bone cells by innate and adaptive immunity

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From Nature Reviews Rheumatology

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Key Points

  • Multiple elements of the adaptive immune system, including B cells and T cells, contribute to autoimmunity-associated bone pathology

  • Commensal microbiota can affect bone through involvement in immune responses at sites proximal and distal to bone

  • Various innate immune triggers such as nucleotides can lead to pathologic bone loss

  • Bone cells actively regulate immune cell maintenance and acute immune responses

  • Tissue-specific receptor activator of nuclear factor-κB ligand (RANKL) exerts unique effects on bone and the immune system


Osteoimmunology encompasses all aspects of the cross-regulation of bone and the immune system, including various cell types, signalling pathways, cytokines and chemokines, under both homeostatic and pathogenic conditions. A number of key areas are of increasing interest and relevance to osteoimmunology researchers. Although rheumatoid arthritis has long been recognized as one of the most common autoimmune diseases to affect bone integrity, researchers have focused increased attention on understanding how molecular triggers and innate signalling pathways (such as Toll-like receptors and purinergic signalling pathways) related to pathogenic and/or commensal microbiota are relevant to bone biology and rheumatic diseases. Additionally, although most discussions relating to osteoimmune regulation of homeostasis and disease have focused on the effects of adaptive immune responses on bone, evidence exists of the regulation of immune cells by bone cells, a concept that is consistent with the established role of the bone marrow in the development and homeostasis of the immune system. The active regulation of immune cells by bone cells is an interesting emerging component of investigations that seek to understand how to control immune-associated diseases of the bone and joints.

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Figure 1: Immune regulation of bone destruction in rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
Figure 2: Microbiota and osteoimmunology.
Figure 3: Purinergic signalling regulates bone cells and inflammation.
Figure 4: Interaction between immune cells and bone cells in homeostasis and sepsis.
Figure 5: The effects of tissue-specific RANKL on bone and the immune system.

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The work of the authors was supported in part by NIH grants AR069546, AR067726, AI64909, and AI125284 awarded to Y.C.

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Correspondence to Yongwon Choi.

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Walsh, M., Takegahara, N., Kim, H. et al. Updating osteoimmunology: regulation of bone cells by innate and adaptive immunity. Nat Rev Rheumatol 14, 146–156 (2018).

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