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Neuronal cell-type classification: challenges, opportunities and the path forward

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Key Points

  • Classification of neurons into types enables their reproducible identification across times, laboratories and conditions.

  • Classification also facilitates genetic access for functional studies, as well as analyses of development, evolution and disease.

  • Neuronal cell types must be defined by multiple criteria related to their morphological, physiological, molecular and connectional properties.

  • Past efforts at neuronal classification were hindered by severe biases and under-sampling, but newly developed high-throughput techniques allow this limitation to be circumvented.

  • For some regions of the central nervous system, particularly the retina and cerebral cortex, a complete cell census appears within reach.

  • Principles derived from the well-developed field of species taxonomy (systematics) provide common-sense guidelines for cell-type classification.


Neurons have diverse molecular, morphological, connectional and functional properties. We believe that the only realistic way to manage this complexity — and thereby pave the way for understanding the structure, function and development of brain circuits — is to group neurons into types, which can then be analysed systematically and reproducibly. However, neuronal classification has been challenging both technically and conceptually. New high-throughput methods have created opportunities to address the technical challenges associated with neuronal classification by collecting comprehensive information about individual cells. Nonetheless, conceptual difficulties persist. Borrowing from the field of species taxonomy, we propose principles to be followed in the cell-type classification effort, including the incorporation of multiple, quantitative features as criteria, the use of discontinuous variation to define types and the creation of a hierarchical system to represent relationships between cells. We review the progress of classifying cell types in the retina and cerebral cortex and propose a staged approach for moving forward with a systematic cell-type classification in the nervous system.

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Figure 1: Criteria by which neurons can be classified.
Figure 2: Imaging methods for profiling neuronal properties.
Figure 3: Molecular methods for profiling neuronal properties.
Figure 4: Classification of retinal bipolar cells.
Figure 5: Neuronal classes and types found in the cerebral cortex.
Figure 6: Hierarchical classification of neurons.

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We thank our colleagues K. Shekhar, L. Zipursky, E. Lein, C. Reid, M. Hawrylycz, B. Tasic, S. Sorensen, J. Berg and C. Koch for their valuable comments. This work was funded by National Institutes of Health grants R37NS029169 and U01MH105960 to J.R.S. and U01MH105982 to H.Z. H.Z. would like to thank the Allen Institute founder, Paul G. Allen, for his vision, encouragement and support.

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Correspondence to Hongkui Zeng or Joshua R. Sanes.

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Zeng, H., Sanes, J. Neuronal cell-type classification: challenges, opportunities and the path forward. Nat Rev Neurosci 18, 530–546 (2017).

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