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Reference standards for next-generation sequencing

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Key Points

  • The analysis of next-generation sequencing (NGS) data is complex, owing to the breadth of sequences tested and the range of internal biases and errors. In a clinical context, this can lead to false positives and false negatives, and the potential for misdiagnosis.

  • These errors and biases can be mitigated through the use of reference standards — materials with known characteristics that are crucial for test development, quality control and proficiency testing.

  • Various reference standards have been developed for NGS, including well-characterized biological samples, synthetic controls and in silico data sets. Each approach has its own strengths and limitations.

  • Despite recent progress in developing reference standards, several important challenges remain, including the need to establish the commutability of standards with patient samples.

  • We consider an informed use of reference standards, along with associated statistical principles, to be essential for the rigorous analysis of NGS data. Furthermore, reference standards will have a key role in developing the next generation of sequencing technologies.


Next-generation sequencing (NGS) provides a broad investigation of the genome, and it is being readily applied for the diagnosis of disease-associated genetic features. However, the interpretation of NGS data remains challenging owing to the size and complexity of the genome and the technical errors that are introduced during sample preparation, sequencing and analysis. These errors can be understood and mitigated through the use of reference standards — well-characterized genetic materials or synthetic spike-in controls that help to calibrate NGS measurements and to evaluate diagnostic performance. The informed use of reference standards, and associated statistical principles, ensures rigorous analysis of NGS data and is essential for its future clinical use.

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Figure 1: Schematic overview of a next-generation sequencing workflow showing the use of reference standards.

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The authors thank the following funding sources: Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Australia Fellowship 1062470 (to T.R.M.). S.A.H. and I.W.D. are supported by Australian Postgraduate Award scholarships. The contents of the published material are solely the responsibility of the administering institution, a participating institution or individual authors and do not reflect the views of NHMRC. The authors also thank L. Burnett (Kinghorn Centre for Clinical Genomics, Australia) for helpful suggestions during manuscript preparation.

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Correspondence to Tim R. Mercer.

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Competing interests

T.R.M. is inventor on an international patent application covering aspects of next-generation sequencing (NGS) controls (PCT/AU2015/050797). S.A.H. and I.W.D. declare no competing interests.

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Reference standards

Control materials with known characteristics (for example, a known genotype) against which test performance can be measured.


The ability of a reference standard to perform comparably to actual patient samples when measured using more than one measurement procedure.

Matrix effects

Effects caused by any sample component other than the analyte of interest that can lead to the non-commutability of reference standards.

Variant allele frequencies

The fraction of alleles in a given sample (for example, a tumour biopsy sample) that correspond to a variant of interest.


(Also known as positive predictive value). The fraction of positive predictions made by a test that are true.


(Also known as recall). The fraction of known positives that are correctly predicted by a test.

Systematic sequencing errors

Nonrandom errors in sequence determination due to sample preparation and sequencing processes.


The well-characterized genome from a healthy female individual that is commonly used to benchmark genome analysis.

Long-read sequencing

Sequencing approach that uses reads in excess of several kilobases, enabling the resolution of large structural genomic features.


The process of determining the chromosome from which a particular DNA variant is derived.

Mock microbial communities

A reference standard generated by combining the genome DNA (or cells) from multiple individually cultured microorganisms at known concentrations.

Spike-in controls

DNA or RNA molecules of known length, sequence composition and abundance that are directly added to samples to act as qualitative and quantitative internal controls.

Limit of detection

The lowest concentration of an analyte that can be detected by an assay.


The adjustment of technical bias between multiple samples to facilitate accurate comparisons.

Reportable range

The genomic region or regions in which sequencing data of an acceptable quality can be derived by a next-generation sequencing test.

Reference interval

The spectrum of sequence variants that occur in an unaffected population from which the patient specimen has been derived.

Proficiency testing

The provision of reference samples to participating laboratories for testing, with results reported to an independent organization for evaluation (often known as external quality assessment in Europe).

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Hardwick, S., Deveson, I. & Mercer, T. Reference standards for next-generation sequencing. Nat Rev Genet 18, 473–484 (2017).

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