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Targeting iron metabolism in drug discovery and delivery

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From Nature Reviews Drug Discovery

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Key Points

  • Iron metabolism is a tightly regulated physiological process that has relatively low redundancy, and its deregulation often leads to iron deficiency or iron overload.

  • Iron deficiency and iron overload are historically associated with erythroid disorders; however, deregulated iron metabolism is also implicated in numerous ageing-related, non-haematological disorders, including neurodegenerative disorders, atherosclerosis and cancer.

  • Intracellular iron is directly involved in the formation of reactive oxygen species, which can cause cellular oxidative damage. Reactive oxygen species are also important for ferroptosis, a form of non-apoptotic cell death.

  • The internalization of iron by macrophages can modulate macrophage activity towards a pro-inflammatory phenotype, which may also depend on the pathway of iron intake.

  • Agents that interfere with key regulators of iron metabolism and cellular iron trafficking represent a promising new class of therapeutic agents for various diseases because these agents exploit pathological pathways that are complementary to those targeted by existing treatments.

  • Targeting therapeutics to diseased tissues that express high levels of transferrin receptor is a strategy that is used by several agents currently in clinical development, and extending this strategy towards other iron metabolism-associated cellular transporters may be advantageous.


Iron fulfils a central role in many essential biochemical processes in human physiology; thus, proper processing of iron is crucial. Although iron metabolism is subject to relatively strict physiological control, numerous disorders, such as cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, have recently been linked to deregulated iron homeostasis. Consequently, iron metabolism constitutes a promising and largely unexploited therapeutic target for the development of new pharmacological treatments for these diseases. Several iron metabolism-targeted therapies are already under clinical evaluation for haematological disorders, and these and newly developed therapeutic agents are likely to have substantial benefit in the clinical management of iron metabolism-associated diseases, for which few efficacious treatments are currently available.

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Figure 1: Systemic iron metabolism.
Figure 2: Regulation of hepcidin expression in hepatocytes.
Figure 3: Cellular iron trafficking pathways.
Figure 4: Up- and downregulation of several key players in non-haematological pathologies.
Figure 5: Proposed mechanisms for targeted drug delivery exploiting iron metabolism-associated cellular targets.

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The authors express their gratitude to K. Römhild for her assistance in the literature review. The authors' work is supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska–Curie grant agreement No 707229 (ADHERE) to B.J.C, the German Research Foundation (DFG: La2937/1-2 to T.L), the European Research Council (ERC: StG-309495, PoC-680882 to T.L), and the US National Institutes of Health grants R01 DK095112 and R01DK090554 to S.R.

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Correspondence to Bart J. Crielaard.

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Competing interests

S.R. has restricted stocks in, is a consultant for and a member of the scientific advisory board of Merganser Biotech. S.R. is also a consultant for Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Bayer Healthcare, and Keryx Biopharmaceuticals, and is a member of the scientific advisory board of Ionis Pharmaceuticals. T.L. is a member of the scientific advisory board of Cristal Therapeutics. B.J.C. declares no competing interests.

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Microcytic, hypochromic anaemia

Low systemic haemoglobin levels associated with a reduced haemoglobin concentration inside each red blood cell, making them small (microcytic) and pale (hypochromic). This condition is most commonly caused by iron deficiency, but is also found in patients with red blood cell disorders such as thalassaemia.


A family of hereditary diseases that are characterized by genetic mutations affecting an iron metabolism-regulating protein and resulting in excessive iron absorption. As there is no physiological mechanism for iron excretion, iron overload will eventually occur.


Technology developed by Pieris Pharmaceuticals that modifies lipocalins, which are natural extracellular proteins that bind to and transport a variety of ligands, to make therapeutics that target a specific molecule.


Technology developed by NOXXON Pharma that uses L-RNA aptamers as therapeutic agents that bind a specific molecule. L-RNA, the stereoisomeric form of physiological d-RNA, is not sensitive to nuclease activity and therefore has improved biological stability.

Kunitz domain

Or Kunitz-type protease inhibitor domain, is the active domain of various protease inhibitors. Their relatively short peptide sequence of ~60 amino acids makes them an interesting lead for the development new biopharmaceutical protease inhibitors.

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Crielaard, B., Lammers, T. & Rivella, S. Targeting iron metabolism in drug discovery and delivery. Nat Rev Drug Discov 16, 400–423 (2017).

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