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Critical roles of non-histone protein lysine methylation in human tumorigenesis

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From Nature Reviews Cancer

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Key Points

  • Lysine methylation is widely recognized as a fundamental post-translational modification.

  • Most protein lysine methyltransferases (PKMTs) contain the SET domain, but several non-SET proteins such as DOT1-like histone H3 lysine 79 methyltransferase (DOT1L), methyltransferase-like 10 (METTL10) and METTL21A are also known to have lysine N-methyltransferase activity.

  • Protein lysine demethylases (PKDMs) consist of the lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1) family, which are flavin-dependent monoamine oxidases, and the Jumonji C (JmjC) domain-containing proteins, which are α-ketoglutarate-dependent Fe(ii) dioxygenases.

  • The biological importance of protein lysine methylation in cancer can be categorized into five different functions: effect on other protein modifications; protein–protein interactions; protein stability; subcellular localization; and promoter binding.

  • Although the most widely recognized function of PKMTs and PKDMs in cancer is their effects on histones and epigenetic regulation, nearly 20 non-histone proteins related to human cancer, including p53 and RB1, have also been discovered to be methylated at lysine residues.

  • Somatic mutations of PKMTs and PKDMs are frequently found in human cancer, and it is possible that they may affect the methylation of non-histone substrates.

  • Inhibitors targeting PKMTs and PKDMs are considered to be promising agents for anticancer therapy, and it is important that a thorough understanding of all of the substrates of these enzymes is made to discern the precise mechanism of action of these inhibitors.


Several protein lysine methyltransferases and demethylases have been identified to have critical roles in histone modification. A large body of evidence has indicated that their dysregulation is involved in the development and progression of various diseases, including cancer, and these enzymes are now considered to be potential therapeutic targets. Although most studies have focused on histone methylation, many reports have revealed that these enzymes also regulate the methylation dynamics of non-histone proteins such as p53, RB1 and STAT3 (signal transducer and activator of transcription 3), which have important roles in human tumorigenesis. In this Review, we summarize the molecular functions of protein lysine methylation and its involvement in human cancer, with a particular focus on lysine methylation of non-histone proteins.

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Figure 1: The chemical mechanism of protein lysine methylation.
Figure 2: Molecular functions of lysine methylation in human tumorigenesis.
Figure 3: Effects of lysine methylation on the pathways of p53, RB1 and protein kinases.
Figure 4: Effects of lysine methylation on transcription factors and nuclear proteins.

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The authors express great gratitude to the past and present members of Y.N.'s laboratory.

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Correspondence to Ryuji Hamamoto.

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Y.N. is a stock holder and a scientific adviser of Oncotherapy Science. Y.N. has also received research grants from Oncotherapy Science. No potential competing interests were disclosed by R.H. and V.S.

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Supplementary information S1 (table) | Somatic mutations of PKMTs and PKDMs frequently found in human cancer (PDF 3573 kb)



(AdoMet). A molecule synthesized from methionine and ATP by methionine adenosyltransferase. The methylation group attached to the methionine sulphur atom in AdoMet is chemically reactive. This allows donation of this group to an acceptor substrate in transmethylation reactions.

Monoamine oxidase

A family of enzymes that catalyse the oxidation of monoamines. They belong to the protein family of flavin-containing amine oxidoreductases.


An enzyme of the oxidoreductase class that catalyses the incorporation of both atoms of molecular oxygen into the substrate.

Tudor domains

Protein domains originally identified as a region of 50 amino acids found in the Drosophila melanogaster Tudor protein. The structurally characterized Tudor domain in human proteins recognizes symmetrically dimethylated arginine. This domain is also reported as a methyl lysine-binding protein module.


Nitrosylation, specifically S-nitrosylation, involves the covalent incorporation of a nitric oxide moiety into thiol groups, to form S-nitrosothiol. S-nitrosylation is a physiologically important post-translational modification that affects a variety of proteins involved in a number of cellular processes.

Okazaki fragments

Short, newly synthesized DNA fragments that are formed on the lagging template strand during DNA replication. The fragments are produced because of the need for DNA polymerase to always synthesize in a 5′-to-3′ direction and are subsequently ligated together to form a continuous strand.

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Hamamoto, R., Saloura, V. & Nakamura, Y. Critical roles of non-histone protein lysine methylation in human tumorigenesis. Nat Rev Cancer 15, 110–124 (2015).

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