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Generation of meiomaps of genome-wide recombination and chromosome segregation in human oocytes

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We have developed a protocol for the generation of genome-wide maps (meiomaps) of recombination and chromosome segregation for the three products of human female meiosis: the first and second polar bodies (PB1 and PB2) and the corresponding oocyte. PB1 is biopsied and the oocyte is artificially activated by exposure to calcium ionophore, after which PB2 is biopsied and collected with the corresponding oocyte. The whole genomes of the polar bodies and oocytes are amplified by multiple displacement amplification and, together with maternal genomic DNA, genotyped for ∼300,000 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) genome-wide by microarray. Informative maternal heterozygous SNPs are phased using a haploid PB2 or oocyte as a reference. A simple algorithm is then used to identify the maternal haplotypes for each chromosome, in all of the products of meiosis for each oocyte. This allows mapping of crossovers and analysis of chromosome segregation patterns. The protocol takes a minimum of 3–5 d and requires a clinical embryologist with micromanipulation experience and a molecular biologist with basic bioinformatic skills. It has several advantages over previous methods; importantly, the use of artificial oocyte activation avoids the creation of embryos for research purposes. In addition, compared with next-generation sequencing, targeted SNP genotyping is cost-effective and it simplifies the bioinformatic analysis, as only one haploid reference sample is required to establish phase for maternal haplotyping. Finally, meiomapping is more informative than copy-number analysis alone for analysis of chromosome segregation patterns. Using this protocol, we have provided new insights that may lead to improvements in assisted reproduction for the treatment of infertility.

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Figure 1: Schematic showing an adult oocyte completing the first and second meiotic divisions.
Figure 2: Images showing oocyte activation and sequential biopsy of first and second polar bodies.
Figure 3: A representation of phasing of maternal SNPs in oocyte–PB trios and an illustration of some of the technical limitations that accompany SNP genotyping.
Figure 4: Screenshot of SNP patterns in a meiomap showing a region of a single chromosome across an oocyte–PB trio.
Figure 5: Informative SNPs are phased using a reference chromatid to reveal positions of haplotype switches (crossovers).
Figure 6: Anticipated results of meiomapping.

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C.S.O., A.C., D.C., L.R. and F.M.U. were responsible for donor consent, oocyte collection and oocyte activation. L.R., F.M.U. and A.H.H. oversaw ethical and legal regulations in Italy and the UK. A.C., C.S.O., S.A.N. and D.C. carried out amplification, SNP array and array CGH experiments. A.H.H., L.N. and C.S.O. analyzed the SNP data. A.H.H., C.S.O. and L.N. generated the figures. A.H.H., L.N. and C.S.O. wrote the manuscript. A.H.H., E.R.H. and L.N. edited the manuscript. All authors proofread and accepted the manuscript. A.H.H. developed the meiomapping algorithm.

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Correspondence to Alan H Handyside.

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Ottolini, C., Capalbo, A., Newnham, L. et al. Generation of meiomaps of genome-wide recombination and chromosome segregation in human oocytes. Nat Protoc 11, 1229–1243 (2016).

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